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For you, what is the difference between "like" and "love"?

DoDapper 8 Nov 12
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"like" is logical
"Love" is illogical

Mooolah Level 8 Dec 21, 2018

Liking is a Mind may changes oftentimes,LOVE is Eternal and from Innerself ❤️

elements5 Level 1 Nov 13, 2018

I like a veggie burger because they taste good. In my liking, I invest no emotion or care.

I love my family and I love my dogs. In my loving, I will protect them with my life and give them whatever I can to help them. Although I have an emotional investment, I realize that not all investments yield a dividend. I can live with that because the onus is on me. I can only be sure of whom I love; I cannot be sure of whom loves me. All is subjective.

Arachne Level 6 Nov 12, 2018

Are we talking perennials or annuals?

BlackDove Level 7 Nov 12, 2018

Like is a completely "internal" experience. When you like someone you have a feeling of comfort or happiness when you are near or interacting with that person. You may feel joy when doing something it thinking about this person. All of these feelings are personal and relate directly to you.

Love has "external" components to the experience. When you love someone and they are not present you feel that a portion of yourself is missing. Sometimes this is expressed as "heart ache" or a feeling of emptiness. When you love someone feelings of protection tend to extend to them, external to your own physical body. When they hurt feelings of empathy are much more intense because you have virtually extended a portion of yourself externally to them.

When you like someone and they hurt empathy allows you to understand that pain and be supportive. When you love someone empathy allows you to understand that pain and love make it feel as if you were experiencing that pain yourself. Of course love also amplifies the feelings of joy and happiness in the same way.

Nukdookum Level 8 Nov 12, 2018

Empathy, ay, there's the rub. I'm empathy handicapped, a conscientious sociopath.


I can like a person without loving them, and I have loved someone who I didn't like. I prefer the former to the latter.

Deb57 Level 8 Nov 12, 2018

Understood and in full agreement.

yes, I can totally relate to that.


That’s easy! They have different emojis (❤️, ?).

The-Krzyz Level 8 Nov 12, 2018

Haha. Excellent.


That is already a great way to differentiate between the two, but it doesn’t convey the emotional difference we feel when we “love”or, merely “like” something. Unless you have experienced love it is hard to explain that overwhelming feeling of need, to have, or be near to the object of your passion.


It's funny love, for me is more of an abstract feeling. I have found that genuinely liking and being liked by someone is much more rewarding. (Big plus if love is also involved)

I can see that. Love, like a concept like "perfection", has no determinate end point, which makes it possible to be unsatisfied.


Love is a feeling inside, difficult to explain. Kind of like a dull pain or tugging feeling. Like is appreciation and respect without any feeling


Something to think about.

Rose2U Level 7 Nov 12, 2018

I agree with cutiebeauty it is a lovely quote

Nardi Level 7 Nov 12, 2018

That's a very lovely quote....


There was a drought so had to cut it so I could treasure it for life before it died all on it's own. ?

Xanadutoo Level 7 Nov 12, 2018
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