15 3

Extremes of they, and how do they, affect intimacy for you?

CarolinaGirl60 8 Apr 1
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Hi First post.
I have found that taller women will not even consider me. I put in a different profile and hight of 6.2 and the messages flooded in. (I dropped the profile the next day) I don't get it. thoughts?


How tall are you?

@CarolinaGirl60 5'8"

@scout123456 I’d think honesty is more important than height. Once you meet in person, the truth is revealed and that person realizes you weren’t honest in your profile. I’d be asking myself, if a guy/girl lies about something so easily caught out as their height...what else might they be hiding?
But that’s me. Truth is best.

@CarolinaGirl60 I believe his concept is , he never has the chance to so much as meet anyone , if he posts his true shorter height . His experiment showed , his height was truly an issue , when it came to mating . Once he received that data , he shut off that bio .

Deal with it.

I'm far shorter...5' 6"....have had plenty of relationships.

There's plenty of women who prefer shorter men...and it's more the #religulous ones who want a "daddy" figure - far bigger/taller than they accept your fate...quit complaining.

@Cast1es True that's exactly what I did never intended to mis represent or contact anyone under that experiment

@CarolinaGirl60 I am 5 8"


I'm right under 5'10". I understand why men like little women. But I don't want a guy drawfing me in size. I prefer those who are just a bit larger. I can look em in the eye when they act up! Smaller men make me feel HUGE! Lol...I don't like it.
Weight is an issue only when it's excessive. I'm much pickier about height.


I'm short 4' 11" and in aware thay many men prefer short women. I tend to be attracted to tall men, but in the end a man being tall is not a requirement for me.

Cabsmom Level 8 Apr 1, 2019

I can't explain why I have always been attracted to short woman. 4'11 is awesome!


Some of the toughest women I know are short. Like I always say: bigger is not better, better is better.

I’m little but I’m loud
I’m poor, but I’m proud
I’m countrified, and I don’t care who knows it
I’m just a Banty rooster in a big red rooster crowd
I’m puny, short, and little, but I’m LOUD

@CarolinaGirl60 I read something the other day that brought brought some fond memories. In the Smithsonian's article about famous women there was a quote: " get across ideas in a way they're not expecting. They think you are giving them a magnificent gift, and then they get a surprise. They don't realize it's a Trojan horse filled with artillery." Phyllis Diller
This perfectly described my late partner - all 5' 0", 100 lbs of her.


Ha !
I bet the larger words win out

I’d give her anything she wanted, lol. I’m not submissive in any way, but I like being physical.


Thumbs up for thinking outside the box.


I am also only 5' 2" and curvy my ex husband was 5'8" and after my divorce I dated a man that is 6'3". With the tall man we had to get creative in some sexual play, nothing that a pair of high heels or a adjustable massage table could not fix. The tall man also has broad shoulders, large hands and is very strong, laying in his arms was so different,I have never felt so small yet so safe all at the same time.



Physical size doesn't matter so much to me. I'm more about size of heart and mind.

bleurowz Level 8 Apr 1, 2019

That’s important too, of course.


I’m a short woman. 5’2”, just barely. And curvy. Short and curvy. I like tall men, and tall women. I feel like at least 6” of height is ideal for a sex partner. I can crawl all over them, or under them, lol, and it just...fits.
I get irritated when someone I might meet/date lies about height(or anything else). Do they think I won’t notice they are shorter than me in person?! I’ve been this height since age 10, so I’m pretty secure in it.
Slightly different topic, but I guess it applies to height too...I like being picked up, and/or moved around, by strong hands/arms. I like standing on tiptoe to kiss, with my arms up around their neck. It feels very safe and very intimate to me.

I like them tall too! My dad was 6'1 and both my brothers were 6'2 and 6/3 respectively. So I'm used to tall men. The only way I can overlook height is there has to be something really pretty about them. That's just the way it is.


Or just bend your knees and squat a little and look them in the eyes,,that is really appreciated by them

RoyMillar Level 9 Apr 1, 2019

Yes. Or I can stand one stair step higher. I like a partner tall enough that if I’m on the kitchen counter, for example, he’s my height or taller. My tallest ex was 6’3”, shortest maybe 5’8”.


Why does it have to redheads. So hot !!?

46_2 Level 5 Apr 1, 2019

Redheads are good. I had chestnut/red hair before getting old and gray lol. I come from a long line of beautiful redheads on my dad’s side.


I'm a "height-challenged" guy who's been labeled "Napoleonic" and felt like I've missed out on many relationships.

I know for a fact that short men are more "challenged" as teachers by agressive students (usuallly male) than most.

I know for a fact that taller people are better paid...

So it's an interesting topic.

If you think being a short man is challenging , try being a woman.

@Cast1es Shorter women are much more socially acceptable than shorter men. I won't research it now; but it definitely results (for men at least) In lower pay and less opportunities.


react key is still crap on my pc, but works great on my phone FML

nogod Level 7 Apr 1, 2019

LMAO funny

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 1, 2019

Good to see this for a change. Usually, there is always too much talk about men's sizes.

St-Sinner Level 9 Apr 1, 2019
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