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Would you date someone ten years younger than you? There’s a guy at work that likes me and he seems like a nice guy but I don’t know if I can get over the age difference.

LisaL81 7 May 1
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Yes I am currently with my bf who is 10 years younger than me and I met him on this site! It's been awesome! I'm crazy about him! If you both have chemistry and get along, go for it!

@Paulla There's plenty to meet! Good luck!


Sounds great. But the deal breaker is - How will it be to be on the job together if the attempted relationship doesn't work out? On the other hand, if it does work out - working together may not be the best situation. Check out all the significant options - then either go for it or not!

mkeaman Level 7 May 1, 2019

The things the two of you share (likes, dislikes) -- which speaks directly to compatibility end up being much more important than any age difference.
The fact that the two of you work together - is of much greater concern. 😟

Lavergne Level 8 May 2, 2019

Oh, absolutely! See where it goes. Think of Tina Turner, Jane Fonda, Jennifer Lopez, etc. I actually dated a guy 20 years younger than me for three years. Age is just a number. Compatability and mutual respect are much more important.

Elaine57 Level 6 May 1, 2019

I would date someone ten to fifteen years younger and ten fifteen years older. I would not let age deter me from someone that I feel could be for me.

Unity Level 8 May 1, 2019

Oh please..... Just do it if you like him. Fer chrissake.... It aint rocket science


I would not date someone I work with. But the person I am seeing now is 12 years older than me and it is just fine.

GreatNani Level 8 May 1, 2019

I'd say the difference to consider is what percentage of your age either way is the measure to consider. If you were 26, 16 might be too young. If you were 60, 50 is fine. But the bottom line should be, how do you get along?

BTW, my wife is 12 years younger and has done amazing things for my life.


The love of my life , is 14 years my junior . Of all the people I know , if I had it all to do over again , you can bet , I'd still want him in my life .

Cast1es Level 9 May 1, 2019

10 years between adults is no big deal, or shouldn't be. Chemistry and connection are far more important.

Dew25 Level 7 May 1, 2019

I believe most men would have no problem with a ten year gap or even more, and it is quite common. As for the women I have no clue how they feel about it. If you are not comfortable with it, I suggest you think it over. If your concern is what other people might think, don't let that enter into your reasoning. It is your life and people will think whatever they think and it generally is not what you think they are thinking. Most people are too wrapped up in their own world to pay attention anyway. IMO Good luck with this.

Sticks48 Level 9 May 1, 2019

If you have reservations, I'd say no...


I’m seeing someone 16 years younger right now. It’s def not a forever arrangement. But, it’s been fun.


Life is too short for regrets.

Age is just a number.

Try it! You may like it.

Etc. 😎


Sure, why not? But at my age, it's not an issue; it was more one when I was younger, because 10 years was a bigger gap. But as I've gotten older the gap seems to have gotten smaller. Even so, I always consider someone's emotional age more than their physical age.

bleurowz Level 8 May 2, 2019

10+/- years younger or older. I don't check ID.


Go for it!

zesty Level 7 May 1, 2019

I would definitely date someone 10 years younger than me if we were into each other and there was chemistry.

Nukdookum Level 8 May 1, 2019

I agree. I am 64 but I play bass guitar with bands so I am quite an active person


My girlfriend is 9 years older , we get each other and have had very candid conversation about our perception of what that looks like; the conditioned thoughts that come with that. If he was Ten years older it would probably wouldn’t be a issue . Don’t be afraid to leap , it will work or won’t .


It is uncommon for women to date younger men, and in most cases, it doesn't work out. The more the gap, the less likely. Expecting your situation to be different is pushing against the odds.


I would give it a try and at least you rack up to experince,,i you do not try ,it will always leave you wondering what If. plus a guy 10 years younger does have it beneits

RoyMillar Level 9 May 1, 2019

Ten years is little. what is importance is whether the two get along.


I would.

Lol of course!



Tooreen Level 7 May 1, 2019

Why not?

DarwinGal Level 5 May 1, 2019
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