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I’m missing someone so badly right now that doesn’t love me back. I did all the things I’m supposed to and removed him from all social media and deleted all his pictures.

I stupidly Googled him today and seeing his picture was like a punch in the stomach.

I’m trying to focus on the negative things about when we were together but all I can think about are the good. 💔

Edit: if you’re going to criticize me, please don’t reply. I’m beating myself up enough I don’t need others doing it too

Marcie1974 8 Aug 20
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29 comments (26 - 29)

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Don't cry over spilled milk. Mop up and look for another guy. When you're in a new relationship, the pain will ease. I know the feeling.

TheDoubter Level 9 Aug 20, 2019

Not to be an ass but obviously I’m trying to find another guy. For whatever reason, I’m not generating much interest. Which clearly does nothing to make me feel any better.

@Marcie1974 it may take time. if it's any consulation, a saying in spanish applies: better alone than in bad company


just walk away and don't look back.

lookinhard Level 7 Aug 20, 2019

Obviously I’m trying

@Marcie1974 sounds to me like you are looking decide if you are or not.Googled him? really

@lookinhard I’m good about 80% of the time but so many things remind me of him. As my post stated, I deleted all his social media and pictures.

I’m trying but I’m not perfect

@daylily thank you for that 🤗


I was like that at one time. Out of 12 years together we had several OK years and 5 really great years. However, she was alcoholic and relapsed and all hell broke loose. I have thought of the good times but realize that can't be as the disease is permanent. I have lost all touch with her for over 20 years which turns out to be a good thing. I know it is hard.

JackPedigo Level 9 Aug 21, 2019

What had you google him? Was there a show or song or something you saw or heard that reminded you of him and your times together? Or was it purely random? I ask because if there are things that trigger this behaviour you can find a way to deal with em. If it is purely random Idk then.

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