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I'm at a basic level with this. I've been married twice and my second ex (with whom I had my children) still loves me. But I'm spectrum and bi-polar and don't expect to ever find a woman who will be able to deal with me

OuroborosBoy 4 Dec 15
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I have not had any experience with people with this situation, but I guess if you are honest right from the start you might still enjoy the mingling, intimacy and everything a non-lasting relationship might bring...


If you keep the bipolar under good control, great things can happen. What I’ve observed in the friends, family, and ex-partners I’ve had with bipolar: the ones who meet it head on, take full responsibility for their mental health, and take their meds/do therapy/etc do well and have a healthy life, including love life. Those who are not vigilant with meds or treatment such as therapy, who go off the rails as a result and get into very dark places...don’t do well. They cause incredible damage to themselves and others. In my family I currently have two members who are exact opposites: my kids’ stepmom who has been married to my kids’ dad for 25 years, runs 3 miles three times a week, does yoga, etc; very balanced. Then I have a cousin age 31. She has once again gone off her meds, quit therapy, and is using drugs. Nobody knows where or how she’s living, her grandmother(my first cousin) has her 18-month old son—the FOURTH child she has abandoned. We worry for her, but if she chooses drugs, what can we do?

Bottom line, it’s your life, and it’s up to you. Don’t give up!

I totally agree. My dad was bipolar, and was great, when high, about knowing exactly what sort of changes other people should make in his life. he was never able to get there for himself. What the stepmom is doing in the positive example above is about as good as you can play it. Being on the spectrum, you should be up front about ways that you may be limited in relationship as you are getting close with someone.

Looking at other people's lives, the grass always seems greener. There is an old song by Simon and Garfunkel, "Richard Corrie", I believe, about a man who appears to have it all, but is miserable. Each of us has our burdens and obstacles to intimacy. Work on what you can, be a good man, and you will increase the chances that you can sustain a healthy relationship. Put the onus on what you can do rather than if you can be accepted.


There's no need to doom yourself to failure. Enjoy the thrill of the chase while it lasts.

Shawno1972 Level 7 Dec 18, 2019

Welcome and enjy and explore

RoyMillar Level 9 Dec 16, 2019


bobwjr Level 10 Dec 16, 2019

As long as you are taking steps to manage and deal with your bipolar and are not seeking a woman or partnership to fix what is "wrong" with you, ya should be fine.


I have several friends on the spectrum. A healthy relationship for you might not look like a typical relationship, but don't let that get in your way.

BitFlipper Level 8 Dec 16, 2019

Hard to say what waits around the corner.

Davekp Level 8 Dec 16, 2019

Keep looking. What you had wasn’t what you wanted. She’s out there looking for you. Spread yourself out further. Lots of people have bipolar and they take care of it. Don’t let that be a deterrent.


maybe there's one somewhere for you

TheDoubter Level 9 Dec 15, 2019

keep looking.

TheDoubter Level 9 Dec 15, 2019
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