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Let's be very clear about what we are dealing with here.
Seriousreason comments on Mar 30, 2024:
Its truly amazing to read the comments , regarding the initial post . To deny the intended meaning of his " bloodbath " comment is just self delusion. Worse even still is the sheer projection on display . Age has little to do with Bidens incompetence. Hes been incompetent for his ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 30, 2024:
To deny the very real and numerous accomplishments of the Biden administration is sheer willful blindness. Biden is adroit and effective. Trump is so incompetent, he literally couldn't do anything right. He couldn't kill Obamacare, he couldn't pass an infrastructure bill, he didn't build the wall he promised, he badly fumbled COVID-19 and caused some 200,000 excess deaths, he tried to extort a personal political favor from a a foreign country by withholding military aid that Congress had already funded, tried to overturn a fair election that he lost, falsified his business records in furtherance of a scheme to hide the fact of a sexual encounter with a porn actress while his wife was home with their newborn son, tried to overturn an election that he lost fair and square by inciting a mob to attack the Capitol in order to disrupt the counting of electoral college votes in a joint session of Congress. Then he stole reams of classified documents and left them unguarded in his beach club where any number of foreign agents could have photographed or stolen them. Then he lied, subborned perjury, and obstructed justice when the government came asking for its documents. All Trump did was give a big, fat tax break to the wealthiest Americans and corporations, while stripping away environmental protections and ignoring the climate crisis. What a loser! We don't even need to get into the facts that Trump is an adjudicated rapist, and that his company has been found liable for systematic fraud over many years, and the self-styled billionaire cant come up with the cash to pay the fines levied against him. What a loser! 😂😂😂 Meanwhile Joe Biden has quietly taken care of business. He got the biggest infrastructure bill in history passed, lowered prescription drug prices through Medicare, got American manufacturing humming, including strategically important semiconductor chips, rebuilt our relationships with our allies, shepherded the country through the pandemic, reduced inflation more than any other developed country, got the stock market hitting all-time highs, added millions of jobs, and provided the economy a soft landing coming out of the pandemic. He would sign a bipartisan bill that would immediately help solve the immigration problem but Trump and his MAGA minions wont let the bill come up for a vote because they would rather bitch about the border and fix it.
[] My brain can't handle any more of this st.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Mar 28, 2024:
Q: If he's so concerned about immigration, then why doesn't he support the bipartisan Senate immigration bill? A: Because he doesn't really want to solve the problem; he would rather have it to bitch about.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 29, 2024:
@yvilletom If you call acknowledging the benefits of immigration (providing essential workers, cultural enrichment) and the humanitarian obligation (to genuine seekers of asylum) bitching, then yes, on our side too.
Liar, liar, platform on 🔥
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 28, 2024:
I hope it fries him!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 28, 2024:
The stock price will probably never be higher than it was on the day of the IPO.
He was just getting warmed up.
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 28, 2024:
He wouldn't know the truth if it bit him in the A$$
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 28, 2024:
If you look up "pathological liar" you should find a picture of him.
THE BIGGEST LOSER While he was alive, Fred Trump repeatedly bailed his son Donald Trump out from ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 27, 2024:
We need to focus on the idea that Trump has failed business and others dropped because they did not make a profit, somewhere along this route the conman made personal profit.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 27, 2024:
Thank you! That is exactly what this post is for: to give people a handy pocket reference guide to the BIGGEST LOSER's losses. 😂
THE BIGGEST LOSER While he was alive, Fred Trump repeatedly bailed his son Donald Trump out from ...
yvilletom comments on Mar 27, 2024:
In other major nations, would someone using Trump’s methods rise to political power and retain it more successfully? He has not yet killed anyone, but he has tried to motivate others to kill.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 27, 2024:
Trump often employs the tactics of fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. He quotes Adolf Hitler verbatim. So I would have to say yes, others who used his tactics have risen to power. Did they retain that power for long? No, but removing them cost millions of lives.
THE BIGGEST LOSER While he was alive, Fred Trump repeatedly bailed his son Donald Trump out from ...
Switchcraft comments on Mar 27, 2024:
Scarily, he came very close to retaining the presidency last time.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 27, 2024:
...but for the actions of a few good people...We dodged a bullet.
In the first place god made idiots ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Mar 26, 2024:
The 18th century had Johnathan Swift; the 19th century had Mark Twain; the 20th century had Will Rogers, George Carlin, and Dave Allen; the 21st has Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Meyers, Stephen Colbert, John Oliver, Jimmy Fallon, John Stewart, Al Franken, al. We're doing alright. 😂
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 27, 2024:
@snytiger6 Oh shit! I'll fix that right away! 😂
Use the graph below to find out what the climate was like on Earth when each of its five mass ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 26, 2024:
Five mass extinctions is probably not enough data to base patterns on, any appearance of pattern in a set that small is most likely due to mere random chance, and the human failing of being too ready to see patterns. It used to be thought that a pattern could be found, if you included all the twenty...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 27, 2024:
@Fernapple Good point! The Triassic-Jurassic extinction may be an analogue to the Anthropocene extinction. Of course, habitat destruction caused by humans was not a factor 210 million years ago.
Use the graph below to find out what the climate was like on Earth when each of its five mass ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 26, 2024:
Five mass extinctions is probably not enough data to base patterns on, any appearance of pattern in a set that small is most likely due to mere random chance, and the human failing of being too ready to see patterns. It used to be thought that a pattern could be found, if you included all the twenty...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 26, 2024:
@Fernapple, @Polemicist Although it is not reflected on this graph as a big temperature spike, (from Wikipedia) "...the most well-supported and widely-held theory for the cause of the Tr-J extinction places the blame on the start of volcanic eruptions in the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP), which was responsible for outputting a high amount of carbon dioxide into Earth's atmosphere, inducing profound global warming, along with ocean acidification." I don't know what accounts for the disparity between the "widely-held theory" and the graph that I posted. Any insight into this would be appreciated. I realize that it may be asking too much to infer a pattern from the given data sets. My goal here is to get people thinking about what has occurred in the past, let that inform our understanding of what is happening today, and hopefully see what the future might bring if we keep on with business as usual. Thanks for your input. I am thinking about ways to improve this post.
He sold us out.
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 26, 2024:
And some bastards will still vote for him
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 26, 2024:
@LenHazell53 Who would fardels bear,...?
He sold us out.
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 26, 2024:
And some bastards will still vote for him
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 26, 2024:
@LenHazell53 Ah, you know the Bard...😍
He sold us out.
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 26, 2024:
And some bastards will still vote for him
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 26, 2024:
There's the rub.
He sold us out.
Mooolah comments on Mar 26, 2024:
And deport Murdoch
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 26, 2024:
And burn Fox "News" to the ground.
He sold us out.
Barnie2years comments on Mar 26, 2024:
Of course he did! All the charges now against him are only the tip of the iceberg.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 26, 2024:
Oh yeah! What you can prove beyond a reasonable doubt is just a tiny slice of the crimes that were actually committed.
Use the graph below to find out what the climate was like on Earth when each of its five mass ...
Polemicist comments on Mar 26, 2024:
The data may not belong to a particular parametric probability distribution. One cooling, one or more asteroids, and more than one volcanic episode does not a general pattern make but suggests a rule of thumb that massive environmental disturbance leads to extinction. Stay cool, watch the sky ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 26, 2024:
Please see @Fernapple's comment and my reply below.
Use the graph below to find out what the climate was like on Earth when each of its five mass ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 26, 2024:
Five mass extinctions is probably not enough data to base patterns on, any appearance of pattern in a set that small is most likely due to mere random chance, and the human failing of being too ready to see patterns. It used to be thought that a pattern could be found, if you included all the twenty...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 26, 2024:
Yes, but these are the 5 biggest, and, with the exception of the last one, which was caused by an asteroid impact, they all occurred when the average temperature spiked. And this is where we are headed now. Even though we are technically still living in an icehouse world, we have the atmospheric CO2 concentration of a hothouse world. We have pushed the CO2 concentration up so fast that the temperature can't keep up. But that won't last long. The ice is melting fast.
Done Cheato says if he's elected he'll be a dictator on "day one." []
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 25, 2024:
We can't let him anywhere near the White House again, ever!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 25, 2024:
No, not ever. 😐
Lest we forget, in 2022 Trump openly called for "termination" of the Constitution. []
racocn8 comments on Mar 25, 2024:
We already have a SCOTUS that will issues bogus rulings that disregard the Constitution. It's been shredded for a while now... (Citizens United, Dobbs, Section 14-3)
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 25, 2024:
And the recent Article 3, 14th Amendment decision in which the em effing textualists completely ignored the text. 😡
Done Cheato says if he's elected he'll be a dictator on "day one." []
yvilletom comments on Mar 25, 2024:
Who will his followers obey on Day Two?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 25, 2024:
Who will he be on day two? Musolini? Hitler? Franco? Stalin? Pinochet? Amin? Putin?
He sold us out.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2024:
Yes he did.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 25, 2024:
Lock him up!
Done Cheato says if he's elected he'll be a dictator on "day one." []
RichCC comments on Mar 25, 2024:
I heard a new (to me) mafia-based nickname for tRump today: 'Don Poorleone'. I can only hope it works out that way -- I can't think of a more deserving person.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 25, 2024:
I love it! It's going into general use immediately! 🤣
China blocks use of Intel and AMD chips in government computers, FT reports --
Flyingsaucesir comments on Mar 24, 2024:
China already has stolen gobs, reams, mountains of proprietary information from US companies. They didn't invent industrial espionage, but they have certainly taken it to a whole new level. The don't need Intel's chips (at least not the older ones); they have already cloned them. With this ban ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 24, 2024:
@racocn8 I don't know how they are treating Taiwan vis-a-vis advanced chips. We know their long-term thinking about Taiwan (that the island nation's claim of sovereignty is bollocks). But in the short term it's probably just garden variety economic protectionism.
I hope the Democrats and progressives will come out in rage after the overturning of Roe v Wade and ...
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 22, 2024:
All embryos start off female at 2 months old they become androgynous and then environmental and genetic factors kick in and determine what the eventual biological sex will be by chemically accelerating either estrogen or testosterone production .
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 24, 2024:
@LenHazell53 Mmmmm, no, the chromosomal makeup is set at conception. The lucky sperm cell either has one X or one Y chromosome, and the zygote has either two Xs or an X and a Y (except in anomalies, in which case all bets are off). Trust me on this friend. I taught biology for 20 years.
World’s population to fall for first time since the Black Death
273kelvin comments on Mar 23, 2024:
The real problem with falling birthrates is that it signifies a move towards 1st world status. Which carries with it a move towards greater consumerism, pollution, carbon footprint etc. It is the great irony of demographics that poorer 3rd world nations with high birth rates consume far less than ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 24, 2024:
@273kelvin It's cheaper to generate electricity with windmills or solar panels than it is to burn coal. And it won't be long now before only electric cars will be manufactured. (By not long I mean the next 20-odd years.) As global warming has now become become undeniable, its negative effects will become much worse and this will help focus our attention. Don't get me wrong; I'm not being pollyannish. Things are going to get worse before they get better. Hell, they might get a ot worse. We might even pass the tipping point into runaway greenhouse territory and full-blown climate catastrophe. (Nobody knows where exactly that point lies. It could be at 420 ppm CO2; or we may have already crossed the Rubicon. Check out this graph. Each line is the daily average surface ocean temperature for one year, going back to 1979. Sorry for the bad angle.)
World’s population to fall for first time since the Black Death
273kelvin comments on Mar 23, 2024:
The real problem with falling birthrates is that it signifies a move towards 1st world status. Which carries with it a move towards greater consumerism, pollution, carbon footprint etc. It is the great irony of demographics that poorer 3rd world nations with high birth rates consume far less than ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 24, 2024:
Parts of the 3rd world have leapfrogged land phone lines and centralized electricity generation and are instead embracing cell phones and small solar panel arrays. Hopefully this trend will continue and become the standard everywhere. 🤞
Is dead again? None of the newer posts come up...
michelle666gar comments on Mar 23, 2024:
I can't post anything!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 23, 2024:
My cell phone service (T-mobile) sucks too. Just went more than an hour with no internet access. Is this what they mean by "unlimited data?"
I hope the Democrats and progressives will come out in rage after the overturning of Roe v Wade and ...
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 22, 2024:
All embryos start off female at 2 months old they become androgynous and then environmental and genetic factors kick in and determine what the eventual biological sex will be by chemically accelerating either estrogen or testosterone production .
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 23, 2024:
Yes they're all morphologically female or androgynous for a while, but except in anomalies, they either have two X chromosomes and are female, or they have one X and one Y, and they're male. But these terms are woefully inadequate to describe the full spectrum of gender identity in the human race.
What have we done....
Flyingsaucesir comments on Mar 22, 2024:
I have to admit, I'm enjoying the spectacle of his downfall, seeing it play out in real time. I only hope Democrats win big up and down the ballot, and then go to work fixing the structural problems in our government. First, do away with the filibuster. Then expand the Supreme Court. Then make ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 22, 2024:
@St-Sinner Yes, this fight ain't over. Far from it. But I think he's going down. It's just going to take a while longer.
"More than 360,000 students have experienced gun violence at school since Columbine" -- ...
Tejas comments on Mar 21, 2024:
What a ridiculous article. It states there have been 364 mass shootings in schools since 1999. But says the number of children effected are in the hundreds of thousands. So every kid enrolled in the school is somehow effected? About 1k students per school. Disingenuous at best. I also think it's ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 21, 2024:
@Tejas "A well-regulated militia...." And they had muzzle-loading muskets in mind, not semi-automatic weapons with high capacity magazines. 18-year-olds in the military receive extensive training, and are under strict supervision. Unless they are in or transiting to or from a combat zone, their weapons are stored in an armory, locked up and guarded 24/7. You should know this. The 2nd Amendment does say John Q. Citizen can or should be allowed to have an assault rifle. BTW, a semi-automatic AR-15 is definitely an assault rifle, just as a bolt-action Enfield is, and an M1 Garand is. It doesn't have to be fully automatic to be an assault rifle You should know this. You are still faced with the fact that red states with their lax gun laws have many more gun deaths per capita than blue states. And the USA has way more gun violence per capita than any other developed nation. And the vaccination rates in red states are way lower than in blue states. And the COVID-19 death rates are way higher in red states than in blue states And these things are all related. People in red states apparently tend to buy into conspiracy theories, and the fear and hated sold by the NRA, the gun lobby, and the Republican Party. We would have already made common sense legislation universal, but for the disproportionately large representation red states have in government. A tiny state like North Dakota has two senators, same as a massive state like California. And the House is way overdue for expansion. California should have many more representatives in Congress than we do at present. And the Supreme Court is supposed to have one justice for each Circuit Court of Appeals. Right now there are only 9 justices, but there are 13 Circuit Courts. Change is a comin'! 😂😂😂 I'm speaking as a lifelong gun owner/operator, btw. You are on very shaky ground if all you can do is parrot the tired dogmas of the likes of embezzler Wayne "hand-in-the-till" LaPierre, a self-dealing slimeball if there ever was one.
"More than 360,000 students have experienced gun violence at school since Columbine" -- ...
Tejas comments on Mar 21, 2024:
What a ridiculous article. It states there have been 364 mass shootings in schools since 1999. But says the number of children effected are in the hundreds of thousands. So every kid enrolled in the school is somehow effected? About 1k students per school. Disingenuous at best. I also think it's ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 21, 2024:
@Tejas I guess the lessons from Uvalde and many, many other incidents really are lost on you. The fact is, the idea that a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun is simply a red herring, completely without merit. The bad guy almost always shoots one or more people before he is stopped. Higher powered weapons kill more effectively. Higher capacity magazines facilitate more shots, more killing. If an 18-year-old is not mature enough to buy or imbibe alcohol, what makes you think they are mature enough to buy or wield weapons of mass murder? Since when does anybody need a military-style assault rifle for personal protection? They don't unless they live in eastern Ukraine. Why should there be gun show loopholes in the existing laws? There is no good reason. Why shouldn't someone guilty of domestic violence have their guns confiscated? It makes perfect sense. Why shouldn't everyone who wants to buy a gun be subjected to an extensive background check and a reasonable waiting period? They should! Why should people other than sworn officers of the law be allowed to openly carry guns in public places? If you want to live like they do in Mogadishu, you should move there. Let's be clear about what we mean by reasonable gun laws: No open carry No assault rifles No high capacity magazines No gun show loopholes No gun sales to people under age 21 No guns for violent felons No guns for domestic abusers No guns for mentally impaired Universal background checks Concealed carry with permit only These measures still leave a lot of room for responsible people to own guns for personal protection and/or sport.
"More than 360,000 students have experienced gun violence at school since Columbine" -- ...
Tejas comments on Mar 21, 2024:
What a ridiculous article. It states there have been 364 mass shootings in schools since 1999. But says the number of children effected are in the hundreds of thousands. So every kid enrolled in the school is somehow effected? About 1k students per school. Disingenuous at best. I also think it's ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 21, 2024:
@Tejas A. I guess the whole Uvalde* fiasco escaped your attention B. "...we [in red states] have more guns in these states so common sense we would have more deaths." It's not just that you have more guns; it's that your laws regulating them are very lax. * You can substitute any of the following for Uvalde: Sandyhook Elementary massacre Tops supermarket massacre Las Vegas concert massacre Pulse nightclub massacre a parade in Penn massacre El Paso supermarket massacre If you want to really stack up bodies, an AR-15 assault rifle is the right "tool" for the job.
"More than 360,000 students have experienced gun violence at school since Columbine" -- ...
Tejas comments on Mar 21, 2024:
What a ridiculous article. It states there have been 364 mass shootings in schools since 1999. But says the number of children effected are in the hundreds of thousands. So every kid enrolled in the school is somehow effected? About 1k students per school. Disingenuous at best. I also think it's ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 21, 2024:
@Tejas Here are stats from 2020, 2021, and 2023. Notice how the gap between red and blue states widened AFTER vaccines became available. This is not about income level; the vaccines are equally available in all states. It's about buy-in to conspiracy theories (greater in red states), or faith in science and public health protocols (greater in blue states). These are choices that everyone is free to make.
"More than 360,000 students have experienced gun violence at school since Columbine" -- ...
Tejas comments on Mar 21, 2024:
What a ridiculous article. It states there have been 364 mass shootings in schools since 1999. But says the number of children effected are in the hundreds of thousands. So every kid enrolled in the school is somehow effected? About 1k students per school. Disingenuous at best. I also think it's ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 21, 2024:
@Tejas The states with the highest gun death rates: Montana, Wyoming, Texas, Alaska, Mississippi, Louisiana, New Mexico, and Alabama: all RED states.
"More than 360,000 students have experienced gun violence at school since Columbine" -- ...
Tejas comments on Mar 21, 2024:
What a ridiculous article. It states there have been 364 mass shootings in schools since 1999. But says the number of children effected are in the hundreds of thousands. So every kid enrolled in the school is somehow effected? About 1k students per school. Disingenuous at best. I also think it's ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 21, 2024:
@Tejas Read 'em and weep:,)%20and%20Wyoming%20(26.1).
Give 'em enough rope...
Switchcraft comments on Mar 21, 2024:
With rumours of everyone going for V.P., heard today that if Marco Rubio is chosen, and since tramp is a Florida resident also, Florida's electoral college votes would be forfeited should tramp win Florida.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 21, 2024:
@Switchcraft OK, I confirmed with other sources. It's true: electoral college votes are forfeit if the candidates for president and vice president are from the same state. 😎👍
"More than 360,000 students have experienced gun violence at school since Columbine" -- ...
Tejas comments on Mar 21, 2024:
What a ridiculous article. It states there have been 364 mass shootings in schools since 1999. But says the number of children effected are in the hundreds of thousands. So every kid enrolled in the school is somehow effected? About 1k students per school. Disingenuous at best. I also think it's ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 21, 2024:
@Tejas It's "red" states that have the most lax gun laws, the highes gun death rates, the lowest vaccination rates, and the highest COVID death rates. Coincidence? I think not.😂😂😂
"More than 360,000 students have experienced gun violence at school since Columbine" -- ...
Tejas comments on Mar 21, 2024:
What a ridiculous article. It states there have been 364 mass shootings in schools since 1999. But says the number of children effected are in the hundreds of thousands. So every kid enrolled in the school is somehow effected? About 1k students per school. Disingenuous at best. I also think it's ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 21, 2024:
@Tejas Obviously the gun lobby has gotten into your head.
Give 'em enough rope...
Switchcraft comments on Mar 21, 2024:
With rumours of everyone going for V.P., heard today that if Marco Rubio is chosen, and since tramp is a Florida resident also, Florida's electoral college votes would be forfeited should tramp win Florida.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 21, 2024:
Is that so? Can you cite a source please?
"More than 360,000 students have experienced gun violence at school since Columbine" -- ...
Tejas comments on Mar 21, 2024:
What a ridiculous article. It states there have been 364 mass shootings in schools since 1999. But says the number of children effected are in the hundreds of thousands. So every kid enrolled in the school is somehow effected? About 1k students per school. Disingenuous at best. I also think it's ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 21, 2024:
That's 364 mass shootings IN SCHOOLS. Not every kid enrolled has been affected. Just every one who was present on the day THEIR SCHOOL had a mass shooting. About 1,000 students per school, on average. Elementary schools are smaller; they bring the average down. High schools are much bigger. They bring the average up. So yeah, about three hundred sixty thousand students have been affected by mass shootings IN THEIR OWN SCHOOLS since the Columbine High School shooting. I think we are meant to understand the word "affected" to mean any or all of the following: * being scared shitless in a place that is supposed to be a safe space * forced to hunker down in classrooms * need to barricade doors * be absolutely silent while a killer stalks you * hear gunfire on school grounds * witness fellow students being shot * witness teachers being shot * being shot and surviving * being shot and dying * being evacuated while holding up hands * having to return to school * attending memorials for murdered schoolmates * nightmares, PTSD * needing counseling * watching helplessly while the Republican Party blocks any and all meaningful gun legislation * realizing that that kowtowing to the gun lobby is more important than students' physical and mental well being * etc. Obviously a student or teacher who is shot and killed is not evacuated with their hands in the air. And the dead don't get PTSD.
One the Chanel 4 news last night the Israeli minister Boaz Bismuth of the Likud Party was being ...
Mooolah comments on Mar 19, 2024:
Yes. BB & his ilk =Cult45=Putin & his ilk. BB is reviled in Israel but his coalition puts him in power. I just think he squandered the empathy card & Biden was too early in embracing him in that literal hug. Biden could not hug Israel so he hugged the symbol. I loathe what BB is doing in the name ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 20, 2024:
@Redheadedgammy I think what you described fits the definition of "using one another." The fact of all-out war between the two parties does not, to my mind, indicate their being "in league."
Judge Juan Merchan ruled that District Attorney Alvin Bragg can discuss the Access Hollywood tape in...
EricJones comments on Mar 20, 2024:
The courts have to stop his stall tactics and get his trials moving quickly. It's way past time he's exposed for the fraud he is and held accountable for his crimes. And if they empty his pockets along the way-all the better.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 20, 2024:
We may see the Manhattan criminal fraud case come to a conclusion before summer, but I'm not making any bets. The DC J6 case could go well into the fall, if it happens at all. The Georgia RICO trial may not wind up until next year. And we'll probably need to see judge Canon yanked by the 11th Circuit if we are ever to have the Florida documents case get rolling. So, unfortunately, the voters are going to have to go to the polls with pretty much the information they have now. Not that it isn't a lot; it is. But there is also a large deficit in critical thinking skills in a large minority of the population.
Another cheap grifter's facade crumbles.
Barnie2years comments on Mar 20, 2024:
He may yet live to regret being elected President. It put a GIANT magnifying glass on his lifetime of cheating, screwing around and weaknesses. His cult doesn’t care, but it can’t swing a national election without serious cheating. And it is shrinking outside the die hard MAGA nuts.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 20, 2024:
I bet he already regrets it.
MAGA CRIMINALITY ON FULL DISPLAY: Trump's 2016 campaign manager Paul Manafort was convicted of ...
Barnie2years comments on Mar 20, 2024:
The Republicans want a Soviet style “democracy” so bad, they would sell their mother if it helped Putin’s little bitch win.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 20, 2024:
Truth is stranger than fiction.
Missing from the left-hand column: climate change.
Barnie2years comments on Mar 20, 2024:
Yep, missing a few things on both sides.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 20, 2024:
Do tell.
One the Chanel 4 news last night the Israeli minister Boaz Bismuth of the Likud Party was being ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 20, 2024:
Not all statements made by political and religious leaders, are made to persuade and convince everyone, even when they are openly making statements to the whole world, on a public platform. Often they are only interested in using a platform, when they are given one, to confirm the prejudices and ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 20, 2024:
Preaching to the choir is pretty much what Trump does every day.
One the Chanel 4 news last night the Israeli minister Boaz Bismuth of the Likud Party was being ...
Mooolah comments on Mar 19, 2024:
Yes. BB & his ilk =Cult45=Putin & his ilk. BB is reviled in Israel but his coalition puts him in power. I just think he squandered the empathy card & Biden was too early in embracing him in that literal hug. Biden could not hug Israel so he hugged the symbol. I loathe what BB is doing in the name ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 20, 2024:
@Redheadedgammy Does accepting money from someone necessarily mean the recipient is "in league" with the donor? Might the two parties just be using one another? Isn't that more likely in this case?
Ain't selective memory grand?
Switchcraft comments on Mar 20, 2024:
talk about impaired cognitive functioning.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 20, 2024:
They seem to think we're idiots, but that's all projection.
Poor Donald, he can't seem to come up with the ½ billion he owes New York...
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 19, 2024:
Donnie is going to have to adjust his standard of living.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 19, 2024:
While his convictions are pending appeal, he can rent a room at the Motel 6 down hy the railroad tracks, between the interstate and the auto wrecking yard, next to the landfill. 🤣
One the Chanel 4 news last night the Israeli minister Boaz Bismuth of the Likud Party was being ...
Mooolah comments on Mar 19, 2024:
Yes. BB & his ilk =Cult45=Putin & his ilk. BB is reviled in Israel but his coalition puts him in power. I just think he squandered the empathy card & Biden was too early in embracing him in that literal hug. Biden could not hug Israel so he hugged the symbol. I loathe what BB is doing in the name ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 19, 2024:
@Redheadedgammy Apparently Netanyahu funded Hamas, yes. To what degree? I don't know. But I think it's fair to say Hamas is, at least in part, a creature of the Israeli government. However, as far as I can tell, the membership and leadership of Hamas is Palestinian. Isn't that right?
And so USA is a country built on democratic rules proclaiming all equal. Oh yes?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Mar 17, 2024:
America is an imperfect country, but one with great potential. And we keep stumbling forward, toward a better version of ourselves. This in spite of our own oligarchs, Christian nationalists, white supremacists, and general malcontents, as well as meddling from outsiders in third-rate kleptocracies ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 18, 2024:
@LenHazell53 If I recall correctly, Inherit the Wind was about the Scopes trial, right? I think the authors were trying to thread a needle with that creation quote, if indeed it didn't come straight from the court transcript. There is voluminous evidence that the second part, about man creating gods, is true. But there is no evidence at all to support the other assertion. But it makes for entertaining dialogue. Do you remember who said it? William Jennings Bryant or Clarence Darrow? It sounds more like Darrow...
A fat orange pig has got his snout in the trough 🐽
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 18, 2024:
And he has his children's snouts in there as well.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 18, 2024:
Oh yeah, the grifting is multigenerational in that hog family.
So weird.
racocn8 comments on Mar 18, 2024:
Not weird at all. It's straight-up corruption in both cases (corrupt fishing expedition in the case of Willis)
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 18, 2024:
Hmmm...have you read the indictment?
Then what, Jesus?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Mar 11, 2024:
Yup, that is probably what Jesus would say if he could see how Evangelical "Christians" and "Christian" Nationalists have twisted and distorted his message to suit their own political agenda. Of course, he can't, because, if he ever really existed, he was just a man, and he's been dead for 2,000 ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 18, 2024:
@foolmeonce Holy hand grenade.... wasn't that Monty Python?
And so USA is a country built on democratic rules proclaiming all equal. Oh yes?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Mar 17, 2024:
America is an imperfect country, but one with great potential. And we keep stumbling forward, toward a better version of ourselves. This in spite of our own oligarchs, Christian nationalists, white supremacists, and general malcontents, as well as meddling from outsiders in third-rate kleptocracies ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 18, 2024:
@LenHazell53 An elderly gentleman, a friend of the family since before I was born, who had a distinguished career in the US foreign service as a high ranking diplomat (he served as consul general in a number of countries), who speaks several languages, is also a die-hard Trump supporter. He apparently believes the nonsense that Trump daily vomits forth. Incredibly, he drank the Kool-aide, and is now in the thrall of a personality cult. It's hard to fathom, but there it is. The guy may be an idiot, but he's not stupid. He watches Fox "News" religiously, and is apparently unaware the they had to pay Dominion Voting Systems $780 million for defamation (lying that there was rampant fraud in the 2020 election). If you or I were to try to tell him, he would simply dismiss us as crackpots. I think it's more than willful ignorance. It's something more akin to mass hypnosis.
So weird.
TheoryNumber3 comments on Mar 18, 2024:
So typical. Remember the acronym "IOKIYAR"? (It's ok... if you're a republican)
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 18, 2024:
Thanks, I had not heard that one before. 😂
Apparently Trump's thing is Adderall.
Organist1 comments on Mar 17, 2024:
That would explain the sniffling and the rants. I've heard about his Adderal use. It's surprising that he hasn't had a heart attack or stroke by now.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 17, 2024:
Perhaps he could be encouraged to increase the dosage.
Following in the footsteps...
Redheadedgammy comments on Mar 16, 2024:
Chilling picture.....
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 16, 2024:
Yeah, this no warm-and-fuzzy fairy tale. It's a deadly dangerous reality.
Lying Christian nationalists would have you believe otherwise.
Mooolah comments on Mar 16, 2024:
And several were not christian.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 16, 2024:
They were Deists.
Ray Bradbury (author of "Fahrenheit 451") is another one who saw MAGA/Trump coming.
Mooolah comments on Mar 16, 2024:
Ayn Rand
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 16, 2024:
@Mooolah Capitalism is a good economic model but it requires robust regulation. Without regulation it devolves into monopoly and rampant corruption. Republicans want to do away with all regulation,...
Lying Christian nationalists would have you believe otherwise.
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 16, 2024:
They were wise and didn't want that stuff in the new land. We're fighting that war all over again.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 16, 2024:
This tells me the educational system has failed in certain respects...
Ray Bradbury (author of "Fahrenheit 451") is another one who saw MAGA/Trump coming.
Mooolah comments on Mar 16, 2024:
Ayn Rand
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 16, 2024:
@Mooolah Dog-eat-dog
Ray Bradbury (author of "Fahrenheit 451") is another one who saw MAGA/Trump coming.
Mooolah comments on Mar 16, 2024:
Ayn Rand
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 16, 2024:
Rand was a proponent of unregulated, laissez-faire capitalism; arguably the money behind MAGA.
Following in the footsteps...
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 16, 2024:
Those are his heroes, his guides. He disgusts me.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 16, 2024:
Me too sistah!
Looks like it's up to us (democracy-loving voters) now.
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 12, 2024:
It has always been up to us.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 12, 2024:
There were a couple of moments when Senate Republicans had opportunities to effectively keep Trump out of government forever, but they blew it. And the Supreme Court didn't have to delay Trump's DC J6 trial for so long that it has little chance of occurring before the election. Thay are likewise blowing it. So it's down to us, the voters. In hindsight it may look like all this was fore ordained, but I don't subscribe to notions of destiny. I believe, when it comes to voting, we all, including Senators and Supreme Court justices, have free will.
Overwhelming support in America for Israel, 82%, according to this official Israeli mouthpiece.
Jolanta comments on Feb 29, 2024:
It is a complete disgrace. They are doing to the Palestinians what was done to them. Shame on them all.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 10, 2024:
@Jolanta I would not plant bombs on buses or subway trains, or kidnap and murder teenagers, or stab passerby on the street, or hijack civilian planes, or shoot Olympic athletes, or abduct grandmothers and grandfathers, young women, kids, and babies, or murder concert goers, or grenade farmers, or toss a guy in a wheelchair off a cruise ship. No way. All that is completely off the table. I also would not behead journalists and post the video online. I would not throw "infidels" off cliffs (and post those videos online). I would not fly planes into tall buildings. I would not machine gun people in a nightclub in Bali or anywhere else. I would not massacre journalists for daring to publish cartoons depicting the "prophet" Mohammed. You may think that the second set of atrocities I listed above have nothing to do with Palestine, but they do. Through their acts, Palestinians helped create the permission structure allowing all radical Islamists to commit their crimes on a global scale. I ask you again to think about how things might be different if, instead of rejecting partition and denying Israel's right to exist, the Palestinians had agreed to work within the system. By digging in their heels, the extremist Islamists have played right into the hands of the extremist Zionists. I have no affinity for either group. A pox on both their houses. And the same goes for the extremists in the USA: the Christian nationalists and Maga Republicans, who have tacitly or explicitly approved the continued expansion of Zionist settlements in the West Bank, and the movement of the US embassy to Jerusalem. That is just pouring gasoline on the fire, and they know it. It's disgusting. These so-called "Christians," these so-called "patriots," they are trying to get a race war started here. They are trying to institute a fascist dictatorship in the USA. And to do that they have to discredit Joe Biden. So they loudly blame him for not instantly fixing the problem they purposely exacerbated. Never mind that Israel is a sovereign nation, and no US president has ever had control over what it does. But we do have an obligation to demonstrate unwavering support for Israel's right to exist and to defend herself. So to all those American Muslims who wave the Palestinian flag and symbolically withhold their votes for Biden in the primary election, I say get over yourselves. Where were you in 1948? Instead of embracing a path that could have led to two states living side by side in peace, your people opted for a never-ending civil war, which you apparently endorse. And you dare to blame Joe Biden? Ha!
We all know someone who is a boorish slob, who doesn't know how to act.
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 10, 2024:
It's like no one ever civilized her.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 10, 2024:
Well, not as much, anyway.
The old man hit a home run with his State of the Union speech on Thursday.
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 10, 2024:
I love how there is actually 2 years difference in age between him and drump, and drump is barely coherent at the best of times, especially lately, plus in Terrible physical shape to anyone's eyes, but Biden is "the old man".......... WTF??????
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 10, 2024:
Amazing how a little hair dye and spray-on tan can change people's perceptions.
We all know someone who is a boorish slob, who doesn't know how to act.
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 10, 2024:
It's like no one ever civilized her.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 10, 2024:
People like her have always been around, but they didn't used to get elected to Congress.
Dude, better go home with the girl who brought you.
racocn8 comments on Mar 9, 2024:
Latent homofascism...?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 10, 2024:
@racocn8 I think you might find that virus in some whales...
Dude, better go home with the girl who brought you.
racocn8 comments on Mar 9, 2024:
Latent homofascism...?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 9, 2024:
You might be onto something there 😂😂😂
Il Duce and Don douche 🤮
Barnie2years comments on Mar 9, 2024:
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 9, 2024:
Shitty role model and stinky, amphetamine-freak emulator.
Il Duce and Don douche 🤮
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 9, 2024:
That attitude :(
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 9, 2024:
It's the fascist way.
Dig the license plate 😂
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 9, 2024:
They are trash.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 9, 2024:
Ginny is a coup-plotting Q Anon queen and right wing nut, and Clarence is a lying sexual harasser and corrupt, bribe-taking judge with a lifetime appointment to a court with no meaningful ethical code. What could go wrong?
The old gavel-in-the-gearbox trick
Druvius comments on Mar 7, 2024:
Did anyone really think Trump was going to face justice? Really? Now that the most predictable outcome on Earth has happened, what's plan B? Vote for Biden because he's not Trump? The outcome of that is pretty predictable at this point. On the plus side, we're seeing a major political party morph ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 8, 2024:
@annewimsey500 I was thinking more along the lines of lone-shooter attacks, maybe attempts on judges or prosecutors.
The old gavel-in-the-gearbox trick
Druvius comments on Mar 7, 2024:
Did anyone really think Trump was going to face justice? Really? Now that the most predictable outcome on Earth has happened, what's plan B? Vote for Biden because he's not Trump? The outcome of that is pretty predictable at this point. On the plus side, we're seeing a major political party morph ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 8, 2024:
They're historic times, I'll give you that. Well at least Trump is going on trial in Manhattan for 31 felony counts this month. And the Georgia rico trial will probably happen before the election too. So I wouldn't say he's not facing justice. Is it the full monty that we all desire? No, but it might be enough. Did you see Biden's speech? He hit it out if the park. Totally laid to rest any rumors that he isn't with it or has lost a step. I think Biden beats Trump again in November, and then Done Cheato goes directly to jail, does not pass go, does not collect 200 dollars. There will probably be some fireworks along the way. Stochastic terrorism of the kind we have been seeing. In spite of which we're still going to fund Ukraine.
Can God creat stone so big that couldnl't take it up by himself?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Mar 6, 2024:
No. God cannot create anything. God does not exist.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 7, 2024:
@siamak Like a joke? No, it IS a joke! 🤣
Overwhelming support in America for Israel, 82%, according to this official Israeli mouthpiece.
Jolanta comments on Feb 29, 2024:
It is a complete disgrace. They are doing to the Palestinians what was done to them. Shame on them all.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 7, 2024:
@Jolanta What does "persevere" mean in this context? It means fight the Jews.
Overwhelming support in America for Israel, 82%, according to this official Israeli mouthpiece.
Jolanta comments on Feb 29, 2024:
It is a complete disgrace. They are doing to the Palestinians what was done to them. Shame on them all.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 7, 2024:
@Jolanta While we're at it, let's not forget the Evangelical Christians 🤣 I see no reason to trust your number over mine, since you don't even cite a source. But let's say yours is accurate. So what? It's still almost double what it is in the USA. All Abrahamic religious scriptures are based on the Hebrew Bible, and they all say "be fruitful and multiply." It's a credo that goes all the way back to Moses, who was, like Mohammed after him, was a general as well as a prophet. Filling the ranks with soldiers has always been a prime motivation for a high birth rate. And Moses, according to the Old Testament, at one point instructed his soldiers to kill every man, woman, and child of the opposing tribe. Do you think for one minute that the Palestinians would not try to do that to the Israelis if they got the chance? Both parties are guilty as hell. A pox on both their houses.
Evoloution of God
Flyingsaucesir comments on Mar 6, 2024:
The believers in each successive iteration generally consider all the predecessor gods as false gods. Now all we need to do is make the current generation understand that their god is just like all the rest.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 7, 2024:
@MrDragon Yes, but AI is explicitly man-made. There is no mystery about its origin. While it is true that all gods are also human inventions, they are purported to have divine origin, or simply to have always been. The only gods that are explicitly man-made are the superheroes we see in comic books and movies. I don't see AI ever gaining that mystical status. It is always going to be linked to some kind of device, and subject to fees, breakdown, loss, and theft, none of which are characteristics of gods.
Evoloution of God
Flyingsaucesir comments on Mar 6, 2024:
The believers in each successive iteration generally consider all the predecessor gods as false gods. Now all we need to do is make the current generation understand that their god is just like all the rest.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 7, 2024:
@siamak That's a very different concept from all that has preceded it. AI is... * Obviously man-made technology * Accessible; can hold a conversation * Not omnipotent; it can't do everything * Not omnipresent; just turn off devices * Not omniscient; junk in, junk out
Evoloution of God
Flyingsaucesir comments on Mar 6, 2024:
The believers in each successive iteration generally consider all the predecessor gods as false gods. Now all we need to do is make the current generation understand that their god is just like all the rest.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 7, 2024:
@siamak Explain?
Overwhelming support in America for Israel, 82%, according to this official Israeli mouthpiece.
Jolanta comments on Feb 29, 2024:
It is a complete disgrace. They are doing to the Palestinians what was done to them. Shame on them all.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 7, 2024:
@Jolanta Of course raising fighters is not the ONLY reason they have kids, but it's an important one. The 24 combat battalions of Hamas fighters that existed on October 7 did not just fall out of the sky. "Palestinian women have one of the highest fertility rates in the world, averaging 4.38 births per woman." -- PubMed You have to admit, it's surprising behavior, given the perpetual hatred, animosity, and frequent violent confrontations up to and including all-out war. Is that the kind of environment where you would want to bring up kids? I bet not. I sure as hell wouldn't.
Overwhelming support in America for Israel, 82%, according to this official Israeli mouthpiece.
ChestRockfield comments on Mar 4, 2024:
Generally if FrayedBear is against something, I assume I should be for it to end up on the right side of history. This is probably another instance of that. 🤣
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 6, 2024:
I think you mistook puff for frayed bear, but that is an easy mistake to make, being as they're both on the Kremlin payroll.
Overwhelming support in America for Israel, 82%, according to this official Israeli mouthpiece.
Jolanta comments on Feb 29, 2024:
It is a complete disgrace. They are doing to the Palestinians what was done to them. Shame on them all.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 6, 2024:
@Jolanta When they are not fighting, the Palestinian people are not dying, they're having babies. Lots and lots of babies. And the purpose of all this procreation? To make new generations of fighters, and mothers of future fighters. It's not a new phenomenon, this frenetic breeding of warriors. It has been going on for millennia. And I have heard the logic articulated (through translators) in recent times, in South Sudan. It is a mentality that is entirely foreign to people like you and me, who have grown up in relative peace and prosperity. Personally, I would not have kids if I was not sure I could afford to keep them safe, fed, clothed, housed, and educated to the point that they would have a decent chance of living a full, comfortable life. But that is not the Palestinian way. They have children in order to throw them into a desperate fight with an implacable foe. An enemy that is also a blood relative, whose state is nakba, a catastrophe. You ask what other options apart from war do they have. Seriously? You don't think there is anything else they can do? The other day on NPR I heard an interview with a Palestinian guy who studied hard and became a doctor. Not everyone can do that, but Gaza also needs plumbers, artists, restauranteurs, musicians, teachers, electricians, mechanics, etc., etc. For some, migration is an option too. What should not be an option is creating generation after generation of cannon fodder just because you think a Jewish state is a catastrophe. It's madness.
There is supposed to be at least one Supreme Court justice to oversee each Federal Circuit Court.
zeuser comments on Mar 5, 2024:
FDR gave this a shot back in the 40's, but he couldn't pull it off. This was a guy who won 4 national elections, and even HE couldn't budge the big money. Joe needs big majorities in both houses to pull this off. Y'all shouldn't hold your breath.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 5, 2024:
Yeah, I know it's a long shot. If we can't add 4, can we at least impeach and convict Clarence Thomas? 😂
There is supposed to be at least one Supreme Court justice to oversee each Federal Circuit Court.
Shaggy2018 comments on Mar 5, 2024:
Because Biden doesn't have the balls to do it even if he wanted to, which he doesn't. And this congress wouldn't do it.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 5, 2024:
You're right about one thing: this Congress would never do it. It's hard to imagine it happening at all if it's not even a hot topic in the national conversation. There would need to be a big call for change, a groundswell of support. A Dem president with big Dem majorities in both the House and Senate. It's possible. I guess it would depend a lot on where Biden (or any president) wanted to spend his (or her) political capital. If he (or she) wanted to restore the Voting Rights Act and affirmative action, implement gun control, and re-empower the EPA, wouldn't that require a change in the Court? Admittedly, it would be a radical move. And Biden is a moderate down to the soles of his feet. Do we at least agree in principle that it should be done? Isn't that where this would have to start? With us?
Overwhelming support in America for Israel, 82%, according to this official Israeli mouthpiece.
Jolanta comments on Feb 29, 2024:
It is a complete disgrace. They are doing to the Palestinians what was done to them. Shame on them all.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 5, 2024:
@Jolanta If the Palestinian men, their own fathers, brothers, and sons who make up the ranks of Hamas care so little for the lives of Palestinian civilians, why should the Israelis care more? There's nothing preventing the Israelis from showing more compassion And I think it would better if they did. But let's make no mistake, what the Palestinians are doing is an impressive display of will. They know if they keep fighting they're going to get clobbered. There is no question in their minds that they and many civilians will die.. Hamas's strategy is to garner sympathy from the world by subjecting their own people to unbelievable carnage and destruction. But they apparently think it is worth it. They perpetuate the struggle into the next generation, and the next, because for them the formation of a Jewish state was nakba, literally a catastrophe. I wonder how the hatred between the two parties could ever reach such a level. Of course it all goes back to religious differences between two branches of one family, but I would like to find out more about the early days of the split. We might be going back 1200 years, to the time of Mohammed. He was, in addition to a prophet, also a general.
Latest CDC data show that 95% of people recently hospitalized with COVID did not get the updated ...
Switchcraft comments on Mar 3, 2024:
Covid has been the great test of who you can trust.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 4, 2024:
@Switchcraft Good point ☝️
Latest CDC data show that 95% of people recently hospitalized with COVID did not get the updated ...
annewimsey500 comments on Mar 3, 2024:
Natural Selection is a wonderful thing and now that we no longer have Dire Wolves and Saber-toothed tigers to help out, we sure need something!!!!!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 4, 2024:
Maybe we need to think bigger about the number of Darwin awards that can be given out every year. 🤔
Latest CDC data show that 95% of people recently hospitalized with COVID did not get the updated ...
Switchcraft comments on Mar 3, 2024:
Covid has been the great test of who you can trust.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 3, 2024:
It certainly has revealed who is likely to trust very dubious sources, who can't tell fact from fiction, who prefers simplistic answers (i.e. conspiracy theories) to complicated questions.
Latest CDC data show that 95% of people recently hospitalized with COVID did not get the updated ...
Communistbitch comments on Mar 2, 2024:
No vaccine never got sick. Fuckin propaganda
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 3, 2024:
@Communistbitch Wow that's cool! I never knew! 😂
Where's my machete
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 2, 2024:
American freedom The Freedom do do as your bloody well told!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 2, 2024:
The political right in America has always flirted with dictators, fallen in love with authoritarians. MAGA is not really a new phenomenon.
Latest CDC data show that 95% of people recently hospitalized with COVID did not get the updated ...
Communistbitch comments on Mar 2, 2024:
No vaccine never got sick. Fuckin propaganda
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 2, 2024:
The stats are what they are. Being vaccinated is a really good way to keep SARS CoV-2 from putting you in the hospital. If you have been lucky so far, that's great. I hope your luck does not run out.
Overwhelming support in America for Israel, 82%, according to this official Israeli mouthpiece.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Feb 29, 2024:
Just the other day @puff was arguing that Donald Trump should get a pass for his grifting in the state of New York. He thinks that the former president should be able to commit bank fraud, insurance fraud, and tax fraud with impunity. @puff says it's selective prosecution, and conveniently ignores ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 2, 2024:
@puff With Ukraine and Gaza you're comparing apples and oranges.
Overwhelming support in America for Israel, 82%, according to this official Israeli mouthpiece.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Feb 29, 2024:
Just the other day @puff was arguing that Donald Trump should get a pass for his grifting in the state of New York. He thinks that the former president should be able to commit bank fraud, insurance fraud, and tax fraud with impunity. @puff says it's selective prosecution, and conveniently ignores ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 2, 2024:
@puff We have already been over this. Johnson was never empowered to decide anything for Ukraine. Anyway Putin's word is not worth the paper it's written on. He doesn't want just a little slice; he wants the whole pie. Just listen to the way he talks about Ukraine, the boring false history lectures he gives. And look at the way he attacks civilians in every part of the country. He's a greedy little fuck. He wants it all, and is willing to spend millions of (other people's) lives to get it. But the Russian people are not with him. He has to threaten and coerce. Meanwhile their economy is going down the tube.
Can you guess which justices voted to delay Trump's trial until after the election?
Trajan61 comments on Mar 1, 2024:
All three of the Democrat appointed judges are nothing but left wing political hacks so that one is easy. That trial needed to be delayed until after the election.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 2, 2024:
@Trajan61 Oh there will be an election, don't worry about that. The only question is, will the voters know who they are voting for? If the charges are tested in a court of law first, then they'll know. Trump should be eager to have his day in court. Any innocent man would. It's the only way to clear his name. But he doesn't want that. He's pulling out all the stops to stay out of court. It's not a good look. 😂😂😂
Overwhelming support in America for Israel, 82%, according to this official Israeli mouthpiece.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Feb 29, 2024:
Just the other day @puff was arguing that Donald Trump should get a pass for his grifting in the state of New York. He thinks that the former president should be able to commit bank fraud, insurance fraud, and tax fraud with impunity. @puff says it's selective prosecution, and conveniently ignores ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 2, 2024:
@puff writes, "Democrats are going to be slaughtered if there is an election." IF there's an election? IF? Oh, there's going to be an election alright. And the stumbling zombie that used to be the Republican Party is going to lose decisively...again. Trump is more erratic every day, if that's even possible. He looks like he hasn't slept in months. He's going broke. His grift can't keep up with his legal fees, much less the judgements against him. The RNC is broke too. Trump keeps committing unforced errors. Like taking credit for the Dobbs decision. Suburban women are not pleased with him. And Biden is now beating Trump over the head with Trump's own signature issue, the border. Trump says terrorists, rapists, drug dealers, and murderers are pouring across the border, but don't let Biden sign a bill that would give the Border Patrol the resources they need to stop illegal crossings. Let them keep pouring across for another year...because it's good for Trumpty Dumpty, who didn't build a wall...😂😂😂
Can you guess which justices voted to delay Trump's trial until after the election?
TheoryNumber3 comments on Mar 2, 2024:
Remember when we had politicians and judges we could respect? Go back in time.... way back.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 2, 2024:
We still do, but the difference now is they're mostly to be found in only one Party. The transformation of the GOP into a fascist cult of personality is almost complete. But there are visible cracks in that facade, and they're getting bigger all the time. Trump is getting even more erratic, if that's possible, and he looks like he hasn't slept in a very long time. And he's broke. And his first criminal trial starts in 3 weeks. 😂😂😂
Overwhelming support in America for Israel, 82%, according to this official Israeli mouthpiece.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Feb 29, 2024:
Just the other day @puff was arguing that Donald Trump should get a pass for his grifting in the state of New York. He thinks that the former president should be able to commit bank fraud, insurance fraud, and tax fraud with impunity. @puff says it's selective prosecution, and conveniently ignores ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Mar 2, 2024:
@puff writes, " was obvious to me pretty well from the beginning that Russia was going to win..." All this proves is that you're a defeatist slob, and a poor judge of character. It ain't over yet; not by a long shot. Ukraine has already fought an enemy ten times its size to a standstill. Putin thought he would be in Kiev in 3 days. Two years later half his armour is destroyed, and he has to go begging ammunition from Iran and North Korea. Hundreds of thousands of military-aged men have fled the country. Europe is doing quite well without Russian fuel, the price of which is in the basement. And another wave of sanctions, this time hitting the countries and companies doing business with the Kremlin, are about to be rolled out. And Putin faces a lot of discontent at home. Witness the thousands who defied the threat of imprisonment or worse to protest the murder of Alexi Navalny and the war in Ukraine. The fact that Putin has to kill his political rivals and crush all dissent is a measure of his weakness, not his strength. Meanwhile, Ukraine is going to receive enough help in the short term to hold the line, Trump will lose the election, and Dems will take back the House. The USA will once again join the EU in supplying Ukraine, and many more Russian soldiers will die or defect. And now NATO is considerably larger than it was when Vlad the invader began his little adventure. Don't be too surprised if one day we hear that he has taken a chill in the night.
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