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Do you give money to the red kettle bell ringers outside every store?
Secretguy comments on Dec 8, 2022:
Mostly what I see here is a bunch of cheap dickwads using bullshit arguments to justify their selfishness.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 8, 2022:
It's not clear to me who you are referring to.
I can't speak to all religions and religious beliefs but in my experience I think what keeps many in...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 6, 2022:
Yes, science is always changing, but in s way it also stays the same. Robust, well-supported, grand unifying theories like plate tectonics and Darwinian evolution my be modified around the edges, but they don't fundamentally change. Einstein's theory of relativity hasn't changed; it's still true ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 6, 2022:
@rainmanjr Our failure to stop burning fossil fuels is exhibit A in the case against our collective wisdom.
Commentary from Jeff Childers - 'Coffee & Covid' on an WSJ op-ed.
MyTVC15 comments on Dec 5, 2022:
I am 60. I have diabetes, COPD and hypertension. I AM afraid of dying and I work with children. So, I have had all together 5 covid vaccines. I also continue to wear a mask and avoid crowds. I have not tested positive for covid once and niether has my 72 year old husband. My brother, who was ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 6, 2022:
@BDair The standard for dissemination of information regarding the safety and efficacy of vaccines is publication of peer-reviewed articles in reputable scientific journals. Your video does not meet that standard.
Commentary from Jeff Childers - 'Coffee & Covid' on an WSJ op-ed.
MyTVC15 comments on Dec 5, 2022:
I am 60. I have diabetes, COPD and hypertension. I AM afraid of dying and I work with children. So, I have had all together 5 covid vaccines. I also continue to wear a mask and avoid crowds. I have not tested positive for covid once and niether has my 72 year old husband. My brother, who was ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 6, 2022:
@BDair 😂😂😂 No. 😐
I can't speak to all religions and religious beliefs but in my experience I think what keeps many in...
Fernapple comments on Dec 6, 2022:
That is very true. But of course religions and religious texts are also usually contradictory, vague and nebulous, so they can be and are interpreted however you want. Which means that you can still have the changes you want, but can reject the rest, and still pretend to yourself and everyone else, ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 6, 2022:
@FvckY0u One could argue that religion is highly changeable. How else does Christianity splinter into 40,000 distinct sects?
I can't speak to all religions and religious beliefs but in my experience I think what keeps many in...
Normanbites comments on Dec 6, 2022:
I think this is also the drive behind "Nostalgia" sentiment ..... never mind that smoking kills people, seat belts save lives, regulation keeps poisons out of our food and water and that we drank wine from the skulls of our enemies.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 6, 2022:
In the days of wooden sailing ships, a few sailors died on every voyage. Yet we romanticize that era of the industry.
Commentary from Jeff Childers - 'Coffee & Covid' on an WSJ op-ed.
MyTVC15 comments on Dec 5, 2022:
I am 60. I have diabetes, COPD and hypertension. I AM afraid of dying and I work with children. So, I have had all together 5 covid vaccines. I also continue to wear a mask and avoid crowds. I have not tested positive for covid once and niether has my 72 year old husband. My brother, who was ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 6, 2022:
@BDair That's right: the vaccines don't prevent infection or transmission. They DO prevent serious illness and death.
Commentary from Jeff Childers - 'Coffee & Covid' on an WSJ op-ed.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 5, 2022:
Over 200 million Americans have been vaccinated against COVID-19. The vaccines have worked so well at protecting people that they're already getting complacent.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 6, 2022:
@BDair Newsflash: an emotionally-charged political meme is not science.
If religion was ever to go away, then it would need to be replaced, by things that will fulfill our ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 5, 2022:
Joseph Campbell identified four functions of mythology. They are: "1. ...the first function of mythology [is] to evoke in the individual a sense of grateful, affirmative awe before the monstrous mystery that is existence 2. The second function of mythology is to present an image of the cosmos, ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 5, 2022:
@Fernapple I'm right with you on the the evolutionary biology. I get a powerful sense of connectedness knowing that I share kinship with every other living thing on the planet. And this sense is only deepened by knowing that all of the atoms in our bodies were forged inside stars that exploded billions of years ago. When it comes to awe, science delivers the goods! 😂
I'm going through my home and throwing stuff away.
xenoview comments on Dec 4, 2022:
You could have tried selling them to a bookstore.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 5, 2022:
@FvckY0u Put them on the compost pile. Eventually they can be trees again. 😂
Re Kanye (Ye),
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Dec 3, 2022:
Because I don't follow modern media, I thought Kanye was an athlete for quite some time.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 5, 2022:
@Gwendolyn2018 I don't see why you couldn't wear those shoes to all those places if you wanted to. 😂
Re Kanye (Ye),
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Dec 3, 2022:
Because I don't follow modern media, I thought Kanye was an athlete for quite some time.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 4, 2022:
@Gwendolyn2018 Aren't there any tango clubs in Springfield? 💃
Re Kanye (Ye),
Trajan61 comments on Dec 4, 2022:
I agree! So why were we suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story which turned out to be true just ahead of the 2020 election and likely swayed the presidential election to that crooked senile idiot Joe Biden? Intelligence officials who were involved in promoting the Russian disinformation lie about...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 4, 2022:
If it were up to me the Hunter laptop case would be fully investigated. I say let the chips fall where they may.
Re Kanye (Ye),
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Dec 3, 2022:
Because I don't follow modern media, I thought Kanye was an athlete for quite some time.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 4, 2022:
@Gwendolyn2018 They ARE gorgeous 😍 But I'm kind of attached to my toes 😂
Re Kanye (Ye),
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Dec 3, 2022:
Because I don't follow modern media, I thought Kanye was an athlete for quite some time.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 4, 2022:
@Gwendolyn2018 You got anything in a men's size 13? 😂
Hey, How's everyone been?
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 2, 2022:
Well, you live in the US, like me, where we have had uniparty rule, at least since the late 80s, ever since. The only real differences these days, at the fed level, for the major parties, is the identity politics and culture wars, otherwise, the policies and agendas are pretty much the same, serving...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 4, 2022:
@TomMcGiverin Right on.
Re Kanye (Ye),
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Dec 3, 2022:
Because I don't follow modern media, I thought Kanye was an athlete for quite some time.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 4, 2022:
@Gwendolyn2018 There's so much crap out there, it's hard not to step in it occasionally. Good excuse for new shoes 😂
Re Kanye (Ye),
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Dec 3, 2022:
Because I don't follow modern media, I thought Kanye was an athlete for quite some time.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 3, 2022:
@Gwendolyn2018 There's a series? I did not know! 😂
Re Kanye (Ye),
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Dec 3, 2022:
Because I don't follow modern media, I thought Kanye was an athlete for quite some time.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 3, 2022:
I think his main claim to fame is that he was married to someone whose main claim to fame is that she is famous. 😂
Hey, How's everyone been?
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 2, 2022:
Well, you live in the US, like me, where we have had uniparty rule, at least since the late 80s, ever since. The only real differences these days, at the fed level, for the major parties, is the identity politics and culture wars, otherwise, the policies and agendas are pretty much the same, serving...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 3, 2022:
@TomMcGiverin My friend, we have been here before. Reading your reply to the post, I knew it was you who had written it way before I got to the bottom and saw your thumbnail photo. And I know you did not need to read my reply to know the gist of what I would say. In fact, I have no illusion that I could ever lessen your pessimism. I only write for the benefit of others on this forum, so they may have some hope, and find the energy to fight the good fight. I truly think that fight is worthwhile. Nothing is written in stone. I don't think it is a lost cause. However, even if I did, I would rather go down fighting. I will never bend a knee to the likes of Trump and his mad MAGA minions, or the international criminal oligarchy who he whores for.
Hey, How's everyone been?
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 2, 2022:
Well, you live in the US, like me, where we have had uniparty rule, at least since the late 80s, ever since. The only real differences these days, at the fed level, for the major parties, is the identity politics and culture wars, otherwise, the policies and agendas are pretty much the same, serving...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 3, 2022:
Your 1st paragraph is a pretty good summary of the status quo. Your 2nd is a pretty gloomy prognostication which may or may not turn out to be the future. For my part, I see the possibility that the slide toward fascism can be halted and things could actually improve. I'm gratified by the return of guilty verdicts in the sedition trial of Elmer Rhodes, the naming of a special prosecutor to bird dog Done Cheato in the J6 and classified documents cases, and the rejection of so many extremist candidates by voters in the recent election. Patches of blue in an otherwise threatening sky. At least the sky is not falling.
antman comments on Nov 29, 2022:
I’d consider myself anti gun but also pro freedom. Why should I tell other people what they can buy and own? Because it can be used to kill? We all have things in our house we could use to kill others so where should the line be drawn to determine what we can and cannot own?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 1, 2022:
@Tejas You're quibbling.
antman comments on Nov 29, 2022:
I’d consider myself anti gun but also pro freedom. Why should I tell other people what they can buy and own? Because it can be used to kill? We all have things in our house we could use to kill others so where should the line be drawn to determine what we can and cannot own?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 1, 2022:
@Tejas Neither is issued to regular US soldiers.
I choose to stay on Twitter.
jlynn37 comments on Nov 30, 2022:
You do you, I do me and in doing so let's strive to love one another and do or cause no harm.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 30, 2022:
@jlynn37 What he (@barjoe) said 🤣
I was informed about this very interesting, zoom-able website about our Population growth from ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 28, 2022:
Dig the population counter clicking along 😳
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 30, 2022:
@laidback1 The plain fact is that new, large-scale wind and solar farms are being installed all over the world. This development is occurring, and is only possible, because it makes economic sense. Green energy is actually cheaper than fossil fuels, even before accounting for the fossil fuel-driven costs of climate disasters, oil spills, habitat destruction, etc. I hate to pull rank on you pal, but you obviously are not sufficiently educated in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, and math) to adequately assess this subject. The internet is chock full of misinformation and disinformation. Conspiracy theories abound. My advice to you is to take what you find on Facebook with a grain of salt. And study science! The key to developing good critical thinking skills is to start with a solid knowledge base. So dig into biology, chemistry, physics, and Earth science. Then let's talk. I respectfully offer this advice in the spirit of friendship and our shared stake in the state of the natural environment.
I was informed about this very interesting, zoom-able website about our Population growth from ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 28, 2022:
Dig the population counter clicking along 😳
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 30, 2022:
@Robecology Don't worry, it will. As climate disasters continue to increase in intensity, economic costs, and deaths, the people will demand action. The handwriting is on the wall.
I was informed about this very interesting, zoom-able website about our Population growth from ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 28, 2022:
Dig the population counter clicking along 😳
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 30, 2022:
@laidback1 First, you are dead wrong about the energy cost of making wind turbines and solar panels verses the energy they generate over their useful life. Second, once you have enough green power generating capacity, you don't use ANY fossil fuels at all. Not for industrial or domestic purposes.
I choose to stay on Twitter.
jlynn37 comments on Nov 30, 2022:
You do you, I do me and in doing so let's strive to love one another and do or cause no harm.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 30, 2022:
@Jolanta I want to do harm to Vladimir Putin. Is that wrong?
Cheato's new Mini Me
DenoPenno comments on Nov 30, 2022:
The game plan is simple. If you did not win it means the election was stolen from you.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 30, 2022:
...if you did not win AND you are a MAGA Republican....
FrayedBear comments on Nov 29, 2022:
Can you get #stupid people with ego problems to wake up?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 30, 2022:
@FrayedBear You're funny 🤣
BD66 comments on Nov 29, 2022:
As the murder rate continues to decline:
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 30, 2022:
@FrayedBear Correct. And in Russia the preferred weapon among the proletariat is the axe. Vladimir Putin, however, displays a preference for poisoning, especially with radioactive elements.
Got your shots?
Julie808 comments on Nov 30, 2022:
Yes, I am glad I had all my shots last month. I'm currently visiting family in Washington State and everyone in the house is sick sick sick, and I'm the only healthy person in the house at the moment. I fly back home tomorrow, so I figure it will be a miracle of science if I don't end up sick ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 30, 2022:
Good luck! Fingers crossed 🤞.
FrayedBear comments on Nov 29, 2022:
Can you get #stupid people with ego problems to wake up?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 30, 2022:
It's worth a try.
Got your shots?
BDair comments on Nov 29, 2022:
I don't often do shots, but perhaps for some holiday cheer I will.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 30, 2022:
Hey, to each his own.
BD66 comments on Nov 29, 2022:
As the murder rate continues to decline:
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 30, 2022:
@ BD66 I would not call it a decline. We have been bumping off 5 to 10 people per 100,000 for going on a century. And that rate is WAY higher than what they have in Germany, France, Japan, Netherlands,... So you're happy with the way things are going? 600 mass shootings so far this year? Dozens of children shot?
I was informed about this very interesting, zoom-able website about our Population growth from ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 28, 2022:
Dig the population counter clicking along 😳
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 30, 2022:
@Robecology, @laidback1 Europe is making big investments in wind and solar, so their electricity is getting greener all the time. And it takes lot less energy to run a 50 lb e-bike than a 5,000 lb car.
I was informed about this very interesting, zoom-able website about our Population growth from ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 28, 2022:
Dig the population counter clicking along 😳
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 30, 2022:
@Robecology I think we will see that (subsidies for junking fossil fuel burners and replacing them with e-bikes) happening here, in time.
antman comments on Nov 29, 2022:
I’d consider myself anti gun but also pro freedom. Why should I tell other people what they can buy and own? Because it can be used to kill? We all have things in our house we could use to kill others so where should the line be drawn to determine what we can and cannot own?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 30, 2022:
@Tejas No, a snub nose .38 is not typical battlefield hardware. Nor is a double-barrelled shotgun, or a .22 gallery rifle, or a compound bow, or a wrist rocket, or a roofer's hatchet/hammer (all deadly as hell when wielded with homicidal intent).
antman comments on Nov 29, 2022:
I’d consider myself anti gun but also pro freedom. Why should I tell other people what they can buy and own? Because it can be used to kill? We all have things in our house we could use to kill others so where should the line be drawn to determine what we can and cannot own?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 29, 2022:
Well, for starters, if it was designed specifically for use on a battlefield, it doesn't belong in our homes or on our streets.
What are the odds that Done Cheato is lying about not knowing who Nick Fuentes is, and what he ...
davknight comments on Nov 29, 2022:
Zero. He has Secret Service protection. They are more than aware of who comes and goes at Mara Lago.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 29, 2022:
I think you may have misread the question. 🤔 (FYI, I debated with myself over using the word "not" only once. 😂)
What are the odds that Done Cheato is lying about not knowing who Nick Fuentes is, and what he ...
LovinLarge comments on Nov 28, 2022:
He's done this many times before.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 28, 2022:
Yes, he has! It's his MO 😂
What if we are wrong?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 28, 2022:
We may be the only example of a part of the universe knowing itself (and seeking to know more), but I doubt it. It's a big, old universe. I bet intelligent life has evolved on other planets as well. As for the existence of a master Creator, there is no evidence of that. In fact, everywhere we look, ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 28, 2022:
@skado Oh hell yeah!
I was informed about this very interesting, zoom-able website about our Population growth from ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 28, 2022:
Dig the population counter clicking along 😳
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 28, 2022:
@Robecology The only good news i see there: bicycle production is outpacing car production. (Probably not by enough though.)
Obnoxious T-shirts. Here's a contender.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 26, 2022:
Funny thing is, the morons are not really for freedom when it comes to sexual orientation, or religions other than Christianity, or voting rights, or clean air & water, or natural habitats, or access to healthcare, or quality education, or job security, or a dignified retirement,...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 27, 2022:
@Mitch07102 Tru dat!
Wart hogs fill an important ecological niche. War dogs leave your economy tits up in a ditch.
DharmaBum50 comments on Nov 26, 2022:
Following up on Lorajay and HippieChick58's comments, the late historian Chalmers Johnson outlined the effects of the American version of imperialism -- our military bases around the world -- in a trilogy of books called *The Blowback Series*. In the final volume, *Nemesis*, he makes this uncannily...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 26, 2022:
@TomMcGiverin I won't say your pessimism isn't well-founded, but the worst case scenario is not a fait acompli. Not yet anyway. There is a slim chance that we can turn things around.
Wart hogs fill an important ecological niche. War dogs leave your economy tits up in a ditch.
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 26, 2022:
We need to get over being the world's policeman. There is no need to have our troops stationed on foreign soil, no any need for a bloated military budget. Granted, I loved being in Germany, and enjoyed Japan, we don't have any Japanese or German bases in the US.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 26, 2022:
We have something like 700 bases around the world.
Wart hogs fill an important ecological niche. War dogs leave your economy tits up in a ditch.
Lorajay comments on Nov 26, 2022:
This is a perfect example of the American economy for the last 75 years. We are the gun runners of the world and the world is not better for it. I'm stealing this for Facebook by the way.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 26, 2022:
Be my guest! 😂
Goon squad
DenoPenno comments on Nov 25, 2022:
All this bullshit and Hunter held no governmental office.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 25, 2022:
@rainmanjr It has already proven pathetic, but the WWF crowd eats that shit up. 😂
Last night, I had a dream that my deceased sister called me on the phone.
Jolanta comments on Nov 24, 2022:
I sometimes dream about things happening. When I wake up and check it is always as in my dreams.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 25, 2022:
@Gwendolyn2018 I occasionally have the school dream: I haven't attended a class all semester, and now I'm running all over campus trying to find the classroom, which I never do.
Goon squad
DenoPenno comments on Nov 25, 2022:
All this bullshit and Hunter held no governmental office.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 25, 2022:
Exactly. But I say let them investigate all they want. And when they come up with zilch (as did both John Durham and Ken Star) then the Repugnants can explain to the nation the waste of taxpayer dollars.
Beanie Babies, hands down.
Garban comments on Nov 25, 2022:
At least beanie babies are tangible.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 25, 2022:
The term of art is "fungible." 🤣
Last night, I had a dream that my deceased sister called me on the phone.
Paddypereira comments on Nov 24, 2022:
After my father hung himself I dreamed that he had survived and apologised to me when he got home. I don't know if it was him contacting me from the Beyond or just my mind trying to appease my trauma.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 25, 2022:
@Paddypereira Most likely the latter.
Last night, I had a dream that my deceased sister called me on the phone.
Jolanta comments on Nov 24, 2022:
I sometimes dream about things happening. When I wake up and check it is always as in my dreams.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 24, 2022:
It is thought that dreams function to help prepare us for situations that are likely to confront us.
'Hero' Army vet who tackled Club Q mass shooter says he acted on instinct | News |
BufftonBeotch comments on Nov 23, 2022:
And another mass shooting at a Walmart last night.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 24, 2022:
@BufftonBeotch Ouch.
FYI, There is a new member, going by the handle @purePBA, who appears to be here solely for the ...
ChestRockfield comments on Nov 24, 2022:
Is it bowling balls?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 24, 2022:
I should have taken a screenshot. Next time....
FYI, There is a new member, going by the handle @purePBA, who appears to be here solely for the ...
Petter comments on Nov 24, 2022:
He should be ignominuousy defenestrated.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 24, 2022:
@anglophone Then I have a defenestrated computer 😂
Herschel Walker took out his checkbook. 🏈
CourtJester comments on Nov 15, 2022:
The one on the left is supporting and being paid from salve labor though.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 24, 2022:
@CourtJester By your own standard, you should be pushing up daisies. 🌼🌼🌼
FYI, There is a new member, going by the handle @purePBA, who appears to be here solely for the ...
ChestRockfield comments on Nov 24, 2022:
Is it bowling balls?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 24, 2022:
Some kind of salicylic powder.
Australia begins to reap what it has sown.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 24, 2022:
Look out folks, here comes another wave of BDair...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 24, 2022:
@Kurtn It sure didn't take long to find out who John Ioannidis is. 🤣 PS: if you're going to cite this guy as an authority, at least learn to spell his name: IOANNIDIS 😂
'Hero' Army vet who tackled Club Q mass shooter says he acted on instinct | News |
BufftonBeotch comments on Nov 23, 2022:
And another mass shooting at a Walmart last night.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 24, 2022:
@snytiger6 Is it five now? It was four...
Australia begins to reap what it has sown.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 24, 2022:
Look out folks, here comes another wave of BDair...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 24, 2022:
@Kurtn Well in this case the Lancet was touted as the source by some faceless web site who supposedly got their info from another faceless web site....You see the problem? If you're going to cite a reference you have to tell people how to find it: name 9f journal, title of paper, author, issue, volume, date. Let the people read it for themselves. Anything less is just spurious noise. By the way, who is John Ionnodedis, and why should I give a fuck what he says? Science is a human institution, and therefore subject to corrupting influences. However, it is highly unlikely that the entire scientific community is going to go down the same rabbit hole. If the Lancet were to come out with a very surprising and devastating paper, I would start looking for confirmation from other journals. Until then, I'm going with Dr. Faucci, the CDC, the California Department of Health, the San Diego County Health Department, and my own doctor. They ALL AGREE, by the way. What does that tell you?
Australia begins to reap what it has sown.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 24, 2022:
Look out folks, here comes another wave of BDair...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 24, 2022:
@Kurtn Where I come from, "on the nose" means spot on, correct. What do you mean by "on the nose?"
Australia begins to reap what it has sown.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 24, 2022:
Look out folks, here comes another wave of BDair...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 24, 2022:
@BDair If wasn't published in a reputable scientific journal, its...
Nihilism and a philosophical approach to life after death (what about life before life).[]
DenoPenno comments on Nov 22, 2022:
Interesting.I say this and do not believe in a soul. There is no "you" left when you are gone.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 23, 2022:
@yvilletom Yeah yeah, until they die or get dementia or simply forget.
Massachusetts Death Certificates Show Excess Mortality Could Be Linked to COVID Vaccines After ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 23, 2022:
I've had 4 mRNA covid shots so far. I had fevers that lasted a day from the 3rd and 4th shots. If I have ever contracted the virus, I have not had any symptoms. My experience is typical for just about everyone I know. I have one anti-vax acquaintance so I can't say EVERYONE I know has gotten ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 23, 2022:
@BDair If you're going to cite The Lancet, cite it. You need to give us the publication date, issue, name of the author(s). Instead you give us, which cites The Blaze, Substack, and someone from Wall Street...none of these is a reputable scientific journal. It's all about sources.
'Hero' Army vet who tackled Club Q mass shooter says he acted on instinct | News |
BufftonBeotch comments on Nov 23, 2022:
And another mass shooting at a Walmart last night.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 23, 2022:
Pompeo says head of teacher’s union is the ‘most dangerous person in the world’ | The Hill
Alienbeing comments on Nov 22, 2022:
While Pompeo may or may not be good or bad, Weingarten is bad. Period.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 23, 2022:
@Alienbeing There you go again, spouting nonsense. You put forth a proposition without a shred of evidence to back it up. Not even an argument. Then you ask others to do your homework for you. Pathetic.
Nihilism and a philosophical approach to life after death (what about life before life).[]
DenoPenno comments on Nov 22, 2022:
Interesting.I say this and do not believe in a soul. There is no "you" left when you are gone.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 23, 2022:
@yvilletom Memories are not the thing itself. They're just fugitive images produced in the mind, the result of collections of neurons recapitulating, imperfectly, a pattern of neural communication that was first engendered by a sight, a sound, a thought, a touch, or asome combination of these. When the brain ceases to function, these patterns can no longer be replayed. Memory dies with the body.
Nihilism and a philosophical approach to life after death (what about life before life).[]
xenoview comments on Nov 22, 2022:
Your born to live and you live to die. The only time we will know there is an afterlife is when we die.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 23, 2022:
@xenoview It is not possible to prove the non-existence of anything. We van only use our critical thinking faculty to assess the probability of such existence. And in the case of God, or a soul, or eternal life, that probability is vanishingly small.
Nihilism and a philosophical approach to life after death (what about life before life).[]
xenoview comments on Nov 22, 2022:
Your born to live and you live to die. The only time we will know there is an afterlife is when we die.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 23, 2022:
@xenoview Nope, you won't know anything. You'll be dead.
Oozing from the wreckage...
Garban comments on Nov 23, 2022:
3 candidates in 2024? I can only hope.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 23, 2022:
The Republican primary is likely to be a packed field. As for the general, I'm sure it will feature the usual suspects: one Green, one Libertarian, one Independent, one Democrat, one Repugnican,... At this point, I think Trumpty Dumpty is the Repugnant favorite. But that could change. Let's see what effect 2 or 3 criminal indictments have.
Governor Evers is sitting on a 5 million$ surplus that he wanted to use for a tax cut for us ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 22, 2022:
It goes to show: Republicans don't really have any solid policy preferences. They're only interested in holding on to power.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 23, 2022:
@CuddyCruiser Yeah, and they want to cut Medicare and Social Security. But I think the candidacy and campaign of Herschel Walker proves they don't really care about abortion.
Massachusetts Death Certificates Show Excess Mortality Could Be Linked to COVID Vaccines After ...
rainmanjr comments on Nov 22, 2022:
It was never mandated to take the vaccine, only highly suggested, and people who did take it had a Right to want those unvaccinated to not pose a threat to them. That Right is the Right To Life and is specifically mentioned in some document that used to be important. If that affected your life will,...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 22, 2022:
@BDair They are a very small group. The vast majority of police, fire, military, and healthcare personnel voluntarily got their shots.
Russians are indiscriminately bombing civilians as we speak. 😡
Druvius comments on Nov 21, 2022:
There's no evidence Russia is deliberately targeting civilians, that would be a mind numbingly stupid thing to do. The war continues because the US and NATO want it to continue, they don't care how many people are dying.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 21, 2022:
@Druvius Diplomacy was used but unable to Keep Putin from invading. Putin does not even recognize Ukraine as a state. That kind of obviates any diplomatic overtures. Russia is firing missiles into population centers, destroying a multitude of homes and small businesses. The civilians that are killed are just collateral damage. And then there is the mult-level, multi-sourced documentation of the Russian Army massacring civilians in Bucha and elsewhere in Ukraine. Where all of this is happening. Not a single shot has been fired inside Russia. Russia crossed the line. And now Putin is getting his ass handed to him. All people who love freedom are rooting for Ukraine. 😀
If you're sick of toxic right wing atheists, try meeting caring thoughtful rational secular ...
Ryo1 comments on Nov 21, 2022:
What is the definition of 'toxic' right wing atheist? What do they do or say to be 'toxic'? I guess you are talking about American right-wingers.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 21, 2022:
What do they say? It's not worth repeating. It's bombast, it's calumny, it's conspiracy theory,... it's boring as hell.
If you're sick of toxic right wing atheists, try meeting caring thoughtful rational secular ...
xenoview comments on Nov 21, 2022:
What is a right wing atheist? Are they the same as a right wing christian?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 21, 2022:
On this site, see @CourtJester
Russians are indiscriminately bombing civilians as we speak. 😡
Druvius comments on Nov 21, 2022:
There's no evidence Russia is deliberately targeting civilians, that would be a mind numbingly stupid thing to do. The war continues because the US and NATO want it to continue, they don't care how many people are dying.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 21, 2022:
No evidence? Bwahahahahaha! 😂😂😂
Herschel Walker took out his checkbook. 🏈
CourtJester comments on Nov 15, 2022:
The one on the left is supporting and being paid from salve labor though.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 21, 2022:
@CourtJester You're already way overdue, aren't you?
Herschel Walker took out his checkbook. 🏈
CourtJester comments on Nov 15, 2022:
The one on the left is supporting and being paid from salve labor though.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 20, 2022:
@CourtJester Again you evade. I suspect you are not squeaky clean. So what would you prefer next time you spit on the sidewalk: firing squad, electric chair, or lethal injection?
Herschel Walker took out his checkbook. 🏈
CourtJester comments on Nov 15, 2022:
The one on the left is supporting and being paid from salve labor though.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 20, 2022:
@CourtJester You evaded my question. What crimes have you committed?
Herschel Walker took out his checkbook. 🏈
CourtJester comments on Nov 15, 2022:
The one on the left is supporting and being paid from salve labor though.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 20, 2022:
@CourtJester Nothing that carries a sentence of death. Much less death by torture.
Herschel Walker took out his checkbook. 🏈
CourtJester comments on Nov 15, 2022:
The one on the left is supporting and being paid from salve labor though.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 20, 2022:
@CourtJester Uh huh. And what misdemeanors have you committed lately? Or are we talking felonies?
Herschel Walker took out his checkbook. 🏈
CourtJester comments on Nov 15, 2022:
The one on the left is supporting and being paid from salve labor though.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 20, 2022:
@CourtJester Well you're either lying or just stupid. You can wear whichever shoe fits. I saw the video. The jury saw it too.
Herschel Walker took out his checkbook. 🏈
CourtJester comments on Nov 15, 2022:
The one on the left is supporting and being paid from salve labor though.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 20, 2022:
@CourtJester What's your point?Are these talking heads supposed to make me question what I saw with my own eyes? Or accept that the police can carry out summary executions whenever, wherever they deem it appropriate? News flash: passing a fake $20 bill is a misdemeanor; it does not carry death sentence. Drug addiction is a malady that we treat with meds and counseling, not strangulation.
You better run MFer!
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Nov 19, 2022:
If he runs, he'll have a heart attack.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 20, 2022:
@Gwendolyn2018 Wouldn't it be great if he ended up talking just like the disabled people he so publicly and rudely mocked?
Herschel Walker took out his checkbook. 🏈
CourtJester comments on Nov 15, 2022:
The one on the left is supporting and being paid from salve labor though.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 20, 2022:
@CourtJester We all saw the video of the cop with his knee on the neck of GF. It it was murder, plain and simple. So said a jury of 12 citizens who heard every detail of the case.
You better run MFer!
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Nov 19, 2022:
If he runs, he'll have a heart attack.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 20, 2022:
Or possibly a stroke.
Russians are indiscriminately bombing civilians as we speak. 😡
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 19, 2022:
I can't believe this is still dragging on, and makes me worried now that they have brushed up against the Poles. I have kids living in Europe now.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 19, 2022:
@HippieChick58 Tru dat 😐
You better run MFer!
of-the-mountain comments on Nov 19, 2022:
At this point it will be years in the making!!!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 19, 2022:
Better late than never.
Russians are indiscriminately bombing civilians as we speak. 😡
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 19, 2022:
I can't believe this is still dragging on, and makes me worried now that they have brushed up against the Poles. I have kids living in Europe now.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 19, 2022:
@HippieChick58 I believe she is safe where she is.
You better run MFer!
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 19, 2022:
We live in interesting times. I hope they nail his ass, and soon.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 19, 2022:
@jlynn37 That's wise; nothing is certain.
You better run MFer!
DenoPenno comments on Nov 19, 2022:
Trump appears to believe that if he is running for POTUS he is protected from indictments.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 19, 2022:
He is misinformed about a lot of things
You better run MFer!
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 19, 2022:
We live in interesting times. I hope they nail his ass, and soon.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 19, 2022:
I really think he's going down. 🤞
Russians are indiscriminately bombing civilians as we speak. 😡
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 19, 2022:
I can't believe this is still dragging on, and makes me worried now that they have brushed up against the Poles. I have kids living in Europe now.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 19, 2022:
It's probably going to keep going for at least another year, and probably will get worse before it gets better. 😐
With razor-thin House majorities she passed landmark bills on clean energy, healthcare, ...
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 19, 2022:
Nancy has bigger balls than most Republican males, or females for that matter.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 19, 2022:
We are so lucky to have her!
Oh god, It's my ex- ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 19, 2022:
On the Republican balance sheet Trumpty Dumpty is now listed in the column marked "liabilities."
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 19, 2022:
@MyTVC15 Trump IS a handicap! 😂
Oh god, It's my ex- ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 19, 2022:
On the Republican balance sheet Trumpty Dumpty is now listed in the column marked "liabilities."
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 19, 2022:
@MyTVC15 Of course! That's the whole point of announcing now (2 years ahead of the next election!). It won't do him much good though. He's in really deep shit.
Oh god, It's my ex- ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 19, 2022:
On the Republican balance sheet Trumpty Dumpty is now listed in the column marked "liabilities."
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 19, 2022:
@TomMcGiverin And yet they haven't really dumped him yet. The base still loves him. 😳
Letters From An American
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 12, 2022:
Fight neo fascism everywhere! Support Ukraine!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 19, 2022:
@laidback1 Tell me, what meds that you are supposed to be taking are you not taking?
Herschel Walker took out his checkbook. 🏈
CourtJester comments on Nov 15, 2022:
The one on the left is supporting and being paid from salve labor though.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Nov 19, 2022:
@CourtJester What happened to George Floyd was not an anomaly.


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Moonrise at sundown
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On the fly
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Mt. Laguna
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Unbeknownst to me, this 40-litre Florence flask had sat unused in storage for years. It had been donated to the school by County Sheriff, who had confiscated it from an illegal drug lab. The Science Dept. Chair was going to throw it in the trash. I rescued it, made a base for it, and used it as a classroom fish tank. 🙂
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Three Sisters Falls, San Diego Co., CA
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Hauled out for bottom paint.
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Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System is a concentrated solar thermal plant in the Mojave Desert. It is located at the base of Clark Mountain in California, across the state line from Primm, Nevada.
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San Diego, January, 2023.
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People collect the damnedest things.
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1960 Gibson LG-0; solid mahogany top, back, sides, and neck.
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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