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Do you think it is necessary to try to change people’s perspective about their beliefs or just get on with you own life and respond from your own position when you engage with other people

Geoffrey51 8 Sep 30

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I've always felt that people who proselytize for any reason are uniformly annoying. I don't do that. The best any of us can do is provide a strong and positive example. It's up to everyone else to follow the example, or continue to live in a superstitious fog. It's really not your problem to solve.


well, that would depend on the circumstances, my mood, how much of the other person's stance involved interfering with MY life, the venue and possibly the weather!



Trying to change people's beliefs is bound to be a thankless task. Better to give them the tools and information to make better choices on their own.


I feel that to each their own. I leave them believe what they want, but if they start on me, I let loose. Defensive yes, but when confronted with factual questions, most will walk away.


Proselytizing and trying to convert is the least of the issues I have with theists as it is just an annoyance and can be stopped fairly easily. However, the day to day force feeding of religion in the lives of others via governmental rules and laws is another issue and must be resisted at all costs.
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Live and let live.


If religious people can't change our minds, then we shouldn't expect to change theirs. It's annoying when a religious person gets all up in my business. I wouldn't want to do that to others.


I don't offer one bowel movement for what others believe or don't. Live and let live.


Planting seeds works wonders.
So does emperical evidence.
Rather that trying to tell some one that they are wrong and stupid for thinking so, it is IMHO and experience that I will tell them What I understand to be true, and back it up with some published notations, or papers, or many other ways.
Then let them decide for themselves. sometimes just the right seed can grow a giant tree.

Attacking them only makes you the same as they are, and where then is the progress in that?


don't try too change other people's beliefs--it won't work and it will only antagonize them and stress you out


It depends on the topic.


I don't go out to try to change the beliefs of anyone UNLESS they deem it to be their Inalienable right/duty to try to impose their beliefs upon me either privately or publicly.


It’s a great thing to express your opinions but you can’t change another person’s mind—only they can do that. In a truly open interchange all parties are trying to learn, and are amenable to change.


When they come up to me that is when I state my case


I say really you believe that really? If they go on so tell them prove it ad why is it only in your book and no one elses?


I’m rarely interested in changing someone’s mind about anything.


Live and let live, unless they start their b.s. with me


The later, only engage when the other person expresses an interest.


For a while I thought it was important to engage, under the belief that if people don't hear an alternative viewpoint then they will start to assume their viewpoint is the valid one because everyone else agrees with them.. after one to many online arguments I finally realized it usually changed nothing, and was a waste of my time.


It is unavoidable that confrontation will happen, just in social media for example, where people who know you, friends AND family, still, not sure if willingly or otherwise, send you religious crap and BS that is as abundant as ridiculous, so I must make my point across forcefully and devastatingly with facts that religious morons always ignore. Talk about blind faith.


I pretty much don’t try and change people's minds about their religious beliefs. You can only lead a horse to water. Also, I’m very non confrontational


Beliefs? About what? The shape of the Earth? That the United States was founded as a 'Christian nation?' The 'risks' of vaccinating children? The 'benefits' of corporal punishment? The 'harm' of GMOs? The existence of a left-wing conspiracy to manipulate data on Global Warming to destroy capitalism?

Beliefs have consequences, but the importance one places on any effort to change a belief necessarily depends on the impact of such a belief.


A few words about reality will be pushed aside meaning nothing, the support group for delusion is an organized attack on a fragile mind.


To try to change peoples beliefs?
Let me know how that works out for you.


It depends on how twisted they are and how receptive they are to alternate perspectives.

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