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What is it that makes holy water holy.... is it the gestures or is there some incantation that we know nothing about that makes it blessed and makes it different from tap water.... am trying to find a difference here

James121 7 July 16

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It is Holy water because the priest, or his system, says it is. The sheep buy into it just as they buy into the sacramental wafer BEING Jesus' body! Having written that, I am sitting here almost slack-mouthed that they can accept this hogwash.


Can't the priest just save time and bless the oceans and atmosphere? The Holiness can spread like Ice 9.

Love the Kurt Vonnegut reference!


It's just tap water that the priest waves his hand over and mumbles a few nonsense words and all the stupid sheep believe that the sky fairy made it special. It's just H2O.

Yes would agree with that one


I'm not sure but I think it's just H2O that's been blessed by some child molester or something. Same with kosher food it's been blessed by some child molester or something. 😁


Just dump a crucifix in the sprinkler system it works on vampires.😜

I remember that. Can't remember which movie it is. grr

@bingst Was it maybe an episode of Supernaturals?

@bingst the movie was Constantine, Kramer was the one who stuck it in there before the devil killed his ass.😣

@oldFloyd Thanks!

@vertrauen Never seen it. 😛


Holy water = H2O + salt + prayers + Hocus pocus + germs


Maybe it's the high levels of fecal matter.
You know, since all religion is completely full of shit


It was pissed in, by a priest!


In the Catholic Church - holy water is holy because it is blessed by a priest (I believe). There was a study done at some point that tested the communal holy water bowls at churches (you dip your finger in and 'bless' yourself doing the sign of the cross using the holy water)..... and it found that a large majority of the holy water bowls were contaminated with EColi and other bacteria.... so much for 'holy'.

I bet! I had the unfortunate experience of taking Holy Communion during my brother's funeral. The priests actually put the wafer in my mouth which I thought was absolutely disgusting. I was pretty sure that it was going to give me explosive diarrhea for a couple days but it didn't.

@Kojaksmom Ah yes, the tasteless wafer. When I was a kid you could only receive holy communion by the priest putting the wafer directly on your tongue....later they changed the rules so you could receive the wafer into your hand. When they started giving wine, everyone sipped from the same cup, the priest would wipe the cup with a towel and rotate the cup after each sip.....makes my stomach turn thinking back on it all....

How the Flu spread though entire parishes - more news at 11....


One's imagination.


Near as I can tell, if you throw some on a vampire and it hurts him, you got some.

But of course, neither really exists 🤗


Those priests have amazing powers. They can also turn a wafer and some wine into the body and blood of Christ. Considering the tonnes of wafers and gallons of wine used over the years he must have been a big fella.


Shouldn't we have holy Air for the Believers as well?

Holy air is a Chinese hoax to force us to clean our environment and thus kill us with health.


Nothing. There is no difference

1of5 Level 8 July 17, 2019

You boil it. Boil the hell out of it

@MarkiusMahamius but then aren't you left with condensed hell, or if it boils off aren't you unleashing hell into the atmosphere?

Theology is so confusing.

@1of5 fuark if you havent just figured out how the catholic chirch kerps people beleiving in originsl sin. Theyre literally adding hell to the air. Im going to home depot right now, to buy a respirator.

@MarkiusMahamius you should pick up some tin foil, too. I think you need to make a new hat - the old one doesn't seem to be working anymore. 😉

@1of5 i think i need lead lined tin foil, but i don't know where to get it (without a special permit)

@MarkiusMahamius make sure you get the lead on the outside of the foil instead of the inside. That's very, very importaint. For some reason.

@1of5 from what I understand it makes the radiation bounce off sideways, instead of up and down, which keeps the inferocryptometers from being able to transmorgify your kidneys into uranium.

@MarkiusMahamius ok, now it makes sense. Can you have them make me 1 while your at it? Size 7 1/4

@1of5 I think it's like $500

@MarkiusMahamius a bargain even at twice the price!

I'll take 2, a kangol and a fedora, please.

@1of5 Fedoras are cool!

@RavenCT especially if they keep your kidneys from changing into uranium. I bet that's how kidney stones form. I need to alert the AMA, but 1st need to invest in aluminum since we now know its part of the cure!

Gonna be rich!


It's magic.


Spiritual homeopathy? In this case, adding a tiny amount of nothing to a large quantity of water.


It's water that has been blessed by clergy. And we all know how fuckin' holy that makes it !

Woman, where the hell you been?
Hope you're well.

@KKGator you talkin' to me ?

@evergreen Yes!!! How the hell are ya?

@KKGator I haven't "been" anywhere - but doin' ok in any event ... ?

@evergreen Just don't recall having seen you posting much.
Glad you're well.

@KKGator I do every now and again. Trying to back off on internet - too much downer stuff ...


Why is wine a dead zombie god's blood, and why are crackers his flesh, and why are we eating it again? Just asking.

It's called Ritualistic Cannibalism.

@xyz123 I actually got in an argument in youtube comments once with a Catholic who claimed the blood or crackers actually changed (I can't remember which we were talking about). When I pointed out this could be tested and confirmed very easily if true, she came back and said that the "substance" changes, but it doesn't change in any way that is detectable. (Transubstantiation.)

She thought this would be a satisfying answer to me, lol. I was astonished it was a satisfying answer to her (especially after she clearly thought it DID change in some detectable way). Her deeply held (mistaken) belief changed on a dime (to another deeply held mistaken belief).

I once had a Muslim online do the same thing. She claimed Muslims believed Jesus died, resurrected, etc., just not that he was the son of god. I told her Muslims certainly DON'T believe Jesus resurrected. She argued with me for some time, until I quoted the Koran, "but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not."

Then she immediately said she was wrong and no longer believed Jesus resurrected.

Hitchens once talked about a deep well of credulity. I see what he was talking about.

@xyz123 that's right if it represents Christ's body and blood why would I want to consume it?

I've read that many early Christians drank actual blood, and chewed actual bits of bone, to celebrate the Last Supper. I can't confirm how factual that is.


It becomes holy when the priest (or whatever) mumbles some magic words and waves his hands over it in a magical way. Makes perfect sense.


Hindus dip in the waters of the Holy Ganges in India to wash sins and cleanse their souls. You can see on YouTube what happens even today in this day and age. It has been proven that the filthy water of the Ganges is filled with germs, bacteria, feces, urine, cow dung and other animal waste and often floating dead bodies much of what you can see with open eyes. In the old days, it was believed that if you went to Varanasi, the holiest (and the filthiest) place of Hinduism and died there, you would go to heaven. Therefore, the sick and old would head out there from near and far hoping to take their last breath there. That is how the last rites, priest and cremation industry in Varanasi prospered for centuries.

Why am I telling you this? It is because, brain washing is a powerful thing. It beats all logic and reason and we continue to do things that are not good for us. Voluntary bad things continue because there is a sucker born every minute.

The memes below say... "God, your Ganges got dirty washing sins of the politicians."


Maybe the priest gets loaded on sacramental wine and relieves himself into the wrong bowl.


Holy water is a scam, part of the bigger scam that is religion itself. The blessing of water is just hocus pocus, mumbo jumbo, argle-bargle, gibberish, balderdash, claptrap, nonsense, twaddle, rubbish, gobbledygook, etc.

You can drink "holy water" or wash your ass with it. It would be no different from any other water. Just don't do it where Catholics can see you, because they might attack you for it.


Why, exactly, are you worrying about this? Life's perfect otherwise?


Holy water is holy because the holy person says holy water is holy. You can also anoint a sick person with olive oil and pray for them. If this does not work do dinner.


It's all still just plain old water.
It doesn't matter which words are said or hand gestures performed.


From what studies have shown 90% toilet water.....

Simon1 Level 7 July 17, 2019
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