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Back due to popular demand, but please stick to subject of dating photos. Thank you 😉
One for the ladies really: I’m on a dating site and there are so many photos of men looking sad, with shades on, with a beer in front of their faces. It’s kind of hilarious and makes my job as a person looking for someone lovely to spend their life with a lot easier... but here’s the question; what the hell are those guys thinking? I don’t care how handsome you are; if you can’t crack a smile I’m not going to want to date you! Does anyone go for these guys?

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girlwithsmiles 8 Nov 1

Enjoy being online again!

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64 comments (51 - 64)

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My fav is the over-60 guy wearing a ball cap backwards! Clicking on That guy, yessiree!

C'mon Annne, hes just a with it, hip, happening kind of guy who's got the 4-1-1.

@RonWilliam53 can't help noticing you ain't wearing silly headgear..........

@AnneWimsey You missed me at the Rocky Horror shadow-cast I was in... But no, I like to keep my way-cool persona under wraps.Except when its time to do the Time Warp.

@RonWilliam53 I sing "Sweet Transvestite" at karaoke all the time, complete with English accent, and gusto, confusing the Heck out of those who do not know me!

@AnneWimsey I carried all the songs as earworms for a good two weeks after and during the entire rehearsal period. Every so often, one crawls out of the pits of my brain and explodes in my ears-right now it's in just seven days...


I think this goes both ways. I’ve noticed a lot women don’t have a photo with them smiling. Some have a smiling photo, but with a filter. Some look like they are making faces. Maybe it is all selfies, but I wonder if they are afraid to post nice photo.

CS60 Level 7 Nov 2, 2019

Or, it could be that women (from the time they're little girls) learn that if they want something, all they have to do is smile.While males typically only smile when they are laughing at, or with someone. Also, some people have over-bites, and are incapable of 'toothy' smiles.

They don't call it Asbergers in the US any more. It's ASD (easier to type, btw). I have it too.


Some people feel uncomfortable smiling for a picture. My younger daughter is this way. Someone may not smile in their pictures; but, in person, can actually have a very nice smile--when its natural--not forced.

@K9Kohle789 AGREED.


I am really terrible at selfies. Bad lighting, reflections off my glasses and never sure how to hold the phone for a good angle. Even as a kid I hated having my picture taken. In everyday life I am smiling and laughing far more than serious face.

Hey, Barnie. A good way to take a self-shot is to use your camera's (or phone's) timer feature. Put it on a tripod, or a shelf, set it for 5 or 10 seconds, then move in front of it to capture your charm. 🙂


The weird thing is, when you join those sites, you have no idea what your competition is! You only see the pics of your intended partners. For all I know, every dude on the site looks like Jason Momoa.

It’s not a competition really, there are so many variables. Not many people go for purely looks...well not many women 😉

@girlwithsmiles (whiny 2 year old voice) But I want to wiiiiiinnnn!

@MrBeelzeebubbles well good luck...😉


Beyond this one, which I don't even really count, I don't do dating sites. My guess is that they want to appear cool? Or maybe "edgy?" Beats me. Living in a very small rural community in the Bible Belt, being an over 60 atheist, I figure the margin of men who are not crazy or annoying is so narrow that I don't even bother trying to sift through what's left anymore. Being single can be nice.

Deb57 Level 8 Nov 2, 2019

Change your statement to over 50 and you just wrote what I was thinking.


LoL I can't believe some of the pictures that women (I'm sure it's true for men too) put up on dating sights in hopes of getting a man to respond. Some have glamor shots that are years old, some look sour, or angry, or no makeup & hair's unwashed or unkempt... Yeah, um, no thanks. 🙂

@NoPlanetB no wonder I can't get a date... rarely brush my mop and do not own make up.... 🤣

How would you know if they were not wearing makeup though? Some of us wear light makeup that is undetectable, especially via photos... for example I wear concealer and eyebrow filler but you wouldn't guess that from a pic... and would wrongfully assume I am not wearing any... interesting thing how some straight/bi men are better makeup experts than women! 😮


I'm a guy and I might look sad in photos but if you are around me and we talk you will see that is not true.


I've bin drinkin' again,
And thnkin' of when,
You left me
But that was so long ago.

I've been havin' a few,
And whishin' that you,
Were here right by my side,
Oh yeah, oh yeah - I'm drinkin' again.


Photos aren't everything.

I've looked at so many photos since I arrived here - because of scammer hunting - almost everything I can now excuse as someone trying to look like themselves. As long as they aren't scammers.

Better than trying to look like someone else or stealing a whole bunch of photos from a politician in another country - or a porn actress. Both of those happen a lot btw....

However men over 50 posing shirts off? No.

Anyone using a filter to look 20 years younger.... ugh. It's like you've met the crypt keeper when they remove it.

Finding a date on a photo that means it's at least a decade old... oops!

And the ones catching a fish or killing any animal are going to piss off the vegans... so just avoid it unless hunting is your favorite activity and you can't live without it. (But ever since a vegan explained their view on fishing to me - I can't look at those either).

Pictures of you and your pet? YES! It makes for a relaxed picture. And we'll love you for it.

But I've been told photos of me stroking my black pussy are too confrontational...

@MrBeelzeebubbles Depends on how you do it....


Wots wrong wiv ma profile pic!!??

Pretty hot if bellybuttons are your thing 🤣😂


Maybe my autism makes me a bit weird, because I read the words someone writes before I check any photos. Still relatively new here, and have decided to follow both men and women who write with clarity and thoughtfulness (and use the shift key).

I've done the meat-market-meetup sites, to no avail. Ageism is rampant, and the guy's fantasies seem to always get in the way.

I like this site--the intelligence and generalized acceptance is profoundly refreshing.

Agreed. And when you run into an exception, there's always the "block" button on the offending person's profile.


Awful photos are a non-gender-specific problem.

Perhaps, but what makes a photo awful doesn’t seem to be. Some men seem to be referring to weight, whilst I don’t think any women have.

@girlwithsmiles I'd rather not play the "which gender is better at what" game.

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