27 20

Oh shit, I should've it would too good to be true.
Just had the neighbourhood Evangeloon shouting his lungs out, in his front yard no less, that " God has sent this Corona virus to cleanse the Earth of ALL the Atheists, Agnostics, Heathens, Pagans and Heretics so that the true believers may inherit the Earth as they should."
Makes me kind of wonder how much 'collateral' damage, many Xrstians), this Sky Daddy is willing to incur and how many of these 'True' believers have already died from this 'cleansing.'

Triphid 9 Apr 9

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Er, sorry for the 'typo' in my initial comment, kind of hard to use a keyboard when my eyes are filled with tears of laughter.
It should read, " should have known it would be too good be true."


Well, I'm still here. God seems to really be doing a half-assed job.

I'm still here as well and since when has Sky Daddy actualy done ANYTHING at all...LOL.

@Triphid Well, he hasn't been himself since him and Satan broke up.


Please film it the next time.

I most definitely would IF I could but I only have a basic digital camera, no mobile phone, ipad or whatever.

@Triphid Sounds like me 🙂

@freeofgod Yep, I dislike those bloody annoying mobile phones, etc, had one ONCE and you can't even have a quiet shit without the bloody things ringing.
As for those fancy, do aything and everything cameras, well let's not go there please.


You'd really rather have this guy...


Well you must admit, they do have their entertainment qualities. Especially if you cannot leave the house.


I wish you would have videotaped it.

Geez, IF I videod everyone of his manic, crazy outbursts , etc, etc, I'd probably end up with enough material to make and air the longest series of " The crazy things People do."
But unfortunately I don't have the facilities to video tape.


Have fun, couple of glasses of wine and then shout back: "Ezekiel 23:20–21: There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses! Oh GLORY! Praise the LORD, genitals like donkeys - oh I love Jesus!!!" And stuff like that 🙂 What are the cops going to do, arrest you for yelling Bible verses? That would be fun in the papers!

Nah, then he'd think I'd suddenly converted.
Tommorrow I'll just play music while I work in the front gardens, especialy the Soundtrack of Jesus Christ Superstar, the very same that he loudly proclaims to be Heresy, a "vile work of the Devil, ' "an insult to God and Jesus" and outright Blasphemy.
And then, I put in my DVD of " Life of Brian" though I won't be actually watching it but my speaker system under the shelter of the front veranda will pump it out nicely and very audibly as well.

@Triphid Yeah, and quoting Bible porn might just turn him on!


God just tweeted: "Don't blame me, it was the Devil! "

"And God sayeth unto Satan, for thee shalt wear upon thy shoulders yet again the blame and curses for that which I have wrought upon these filthy creations of mine, sucked in again Satan." LOL.


They are the virus.


Typical of the deep and unconditional love that the Xstian god and his followers display when things get stressful and they drop the mask. I've seen sweet little old ladies say the nastiest things to me when they found out I was an Atheist, these are not nice people, no matter what some of the apologist atheist and agnostics like to say about them.
The sack of Béziers. 2.1 "Kill them all, God will know His own".


Welp, there goes your property's value in addition to all the economic fuckery this virus has caused.

dkp93 Level 8 Apr 9, 2020

Don't really care about the Property value that much.

I think what he means that as we age, we're not gonna fucking move.
And as land values go down, so do our taxes.

@PondartIncbendog Only around here the Land Values keep going up and so do the local Council Rates and Taxes.

@Triphid Bummer. We have a senior and disabled program where the USA pays the taxes until you're gone, then they take the unpaid out.


These people are nuts

You're telling ME?....LOL.


Mental illness

Oh most definitel a 100% self inflicted mental illnes.


It is much more likely to be the opposite. This is going to wipe out a bunch of believers; but these types are just too hate-filled, fear-driven, and blind to see that.


Statistically impossible, but when do facts matter to morons?


It's a wonder that said Evangeloon forgot to mention gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgenders, Muslims, Jews, Rastafarians, Pastafarians, Satanists, Druids, Shinto and Dreamtimers. Perhaps he is nothing but an ignorant tw@t. Or perhaps is waiting to be raptured (or ruptured).


EVILVANGELICALS is a word I made up and it is a good one! These religious nutbags use religion as a hate weapon and that is all! Without religion, these crazy nutbags would be in a mental hospital! Wait, the republicans shut the mental hospitals down!!!

I call them Funnymentalists!🤣


Hasn't gotten me yet.

BD66 Level 8 Apr 9, 2020

Maybe he’s warming up for ‘easter’ … where they may further cleanse their flock? ..keep yur pistol near, he may be as dangerous as crazy 😕

Varn Level 8 Apr 9, 2020

Nah, guns are too noisy and messy, I'd prefer my 52" Mongolian Recurve Bow and my 3 edged hunting arrows IF he ever summons up enough guts to get 'aggressive.'
He's shown that, as my Dad would say, " he's like a Barber's cat, all wind and piss."

@Triphi Much quieter and accurate. I just bought a recurve after ten years. I had open heart surgery so I'm going to see if I can pull a 30 pound accurately.

@Triphid You need a recurve set up to shoot a toilet plunger.

@PondartIncbendog Hey, it IS only approx. 15 feet from my house to his front door and I can hit and kill a kangaroo with my recurve at a range of over 30 yards.

@Triphid Uh, lets see, sixty pound pull, fifteen feet,,,,,,,,,,,I'd say you need at least a two inch wooden dowel.

@Triphid Have you ever bow hunted for fish?

@Triphid Oh yea. How much does this guy weigh?

@PondartIncbendog At rough guess, about 5' 11" in height, about 10stone in weight.
About the same as an average sized Red Kangaroo buck but nowhere near as fast or ferocious as one though.

@Triphid Ten stone, ok, to the rest of the civilized world that would be how many pounds or kgs?

@PondartIncbendog Use imported Mongolian arrows, specially made for me and the bow.

@PondartIncbendog Yeah, tried it a few years back WHEN we actually had water running in the river about 100 kilometres from where I live. European Carp were my mine targets though, did get a few Silver perch and a Murray Cod as well though.

@Triphid So, what kind of warrior doesn't have a trebouche? Got any spare bowling balls?

@PondartIncbendog 10 stone, approx. 140 pounds at a guess.

@Triphid Perch are nice for a fight with light gear. We catch perch off the breakwater in the range of fifteen inches. I have torn up three reels before I bought a nice one.

@Triphid So, what pull is your bow? About three stone?

@PondartIncbendog About an 80 pound pull strain if I remember correctly.

@Triphid Ok, then what happened to your "stones"?

@PondartIncbendog Well, stones is the old system of weights, etc, we now use Metric over here but I do slip back to the old ways from time to time.

  1. Oy vey! 2. You had me at "Evangeloon."

'Evangeloon' - term referring to a rampant, rabid, Gospel spouting, know it all, know nothing, arse-wipe of a self-appointed preacher, etc, of ANY bullshit belief, especially Xrstianity.


Is it really OK that we should all mind our own business and that they go on about their lunatic ways?

Imho, no they SHOULD NOT be allowed or permitted to go about spreading their lunacies.


Might look good up on youtube 😄


Sounds like he's suffering from cabin fever, he might have to go to a mental hospital soon! Lol

I'd reckon even the worst Mental Institutions would reject him out of hand.

@Triphid LMAO!!! I feel bad for you, having to listen to his bullshit!

@MichelleGar1 Yeah but at least it is, sometimes a change from the rubbish we get on television....LOL.

@Triphid True! At least you're entertained by the humor spewing out of him! Lol


Reply ..... MISSED ME!


I think the Evangeloons ignore the real facts and cherry pick the bible and world events. Very often they are trying to line them up together and view world events as current history.

Is a pink moon a blood moon, and is there really going to be a "falling away" caused by some world political leader who has supernatural powers? If you have to have "a mark" in order to buy and sell is that mark your social security number? Is the Devil really Jesus' brother like a Mormon told me? Did we all come from planet Kolob?

In my mind the "falling away" came from critical thinking skills and not someone who deceived us. Deceit came through religion.


Now, that is a very ignorant Evangeloon.

And you're not kidding, I've had him as a neighbour for over 5 years now.

@Triphid you be a tough, patient man....a billion and seventeen kudos

@HankSherman Thanks for the kudos, but I stick by my guns because, mainly, I was living in my house well before he arrived in his and I'm not moving out unless they take me away feet first out the door in a body-bag.

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