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Do not wish death upon anyone anytime anywhere for any circumstance.

TheMiddleWay 8 Oct 2

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It's a great sentiment. I have no reason to so I don't.

Wishing someone dead implies a deep hatred and probably a need for vengence or revenge. I try to steer clear of those feelings purely so I can selfishly maintain my own sanity. It is my preferred way to walk through this world.

That said.. I see many instances in this bizarre thing called modern life that would make even the most seasoned stoic's toes curl with delight at the thought of devastating Karma befalling an enemy.

Remains to be seen what I would feel meeting that kind of hate inducing event.


Says who??!! I may very well wish anything I want. And if there is an individual that for personal political self-promoting reasons is responsible for thousands of deaths, where does anyone gets the nerve to say that I cannot wish his death? I say: go preach somewhere else and let life unfold as it may.


My wish (and by wish, I mean hope) is that justice prevails...however that may happen.

Have you considered being a diplomat?


It could not have happened to a nicer man.

Daammn Right!! Lol


I hope he makes a speedy recovery, then to be absolutely destroyed by voters on 3Nov...we NEED this referendum...

I agree, let him live to see his own downfall . . . .


I don't think that the vast majority of people wish Donald Trump a speedy recovery. There may be those who are not unkind but nonetheless wish him a happy death...

Personally, I do not wish for anyone to die, however, if he were to get sich as hell and almost die, perhaps he would learn something. Perhaps I am just wasting my time writing this.

@dalefvictor There are those who recover from a serious illness and acquire a new perspective on life.

@ASTRALMAX I know three years ago I almost bled to death without knowing about it. I had a bloody nose for a long time that would not stop, after several tries at the emergency room that did not stop it a doctor sat me down to take a look and found a sign, some petechiae on my stomach region that I did not notice. After a scene from ER, I got to go to Portland, 90 miles away to a larger hospital. Platelet level of 2. It should be over 140 to be low ok normal. A bruise could have killed me.

@dalefvictor Recently, after three visits to the ER a good friend of mine was admitted to hospital to be treated for an incessant nose bleed and has since been discharged with a temporary fix. He has been scheduled for surgery in the very near future.

@ASTRALMAX @dalefvictor
WOW What a coincidence!. Two people with incessant nose bleeds. First one being @dalefvictor and other one friend of ASTRALMAX


The world is full of people who are a direct threat to others. Im fine with wishing death on them. And as previously mentioned, hoping their death is extra public and timely, is good too, since everyone dies eventually.

My feeling are completely irrelevant to your existance, so whyndo you care?


Is there a question here?
It seems more like someone's command. To that, the question is, who says so? Are you suggesting karma or reincarnation? GROG

GROG Level 6 Oct 2, 2020

If this is about Trump, I certainly don't want him to come out of this unscathed. I don't say that out of any animosity, but because it's clear that if he does not suffer exponentially from the virus, the odds are high that he will use his experience to continue minimizing the gravity of this situation and will encourage others to minimize it as well, causing thousands more deaths. If he has to die to prevent those deaths, I am fine with that happening.

Deb57 Level 8 Oct 4, 2020

Exactly! He's receiving immediate care, and the best care, for his $750.00 contribution; so if he has a mild case he will definitely continue on with his "herd mentality" plan.

I want him to survive to face the consequences of his criminal behavior. But, he needs to do some hard physical suffering if there is to be the slightest, most miniscule, chance that he will actually learn and grow from the experience.

My guess, however, is that even if he gets horrible symptoms, and gets anywhere near death, he will come out of this the same horrible person he has always been--just physically weaker.

It might cause his dementia to progress more rapidly, though.


for many ppl death is the only end to their suffering.

Or the end to other peoples suffering.


When my grandmother was a total mess, and in a lot of pain from cancer. I did wish she would pass. No more suffering. I do not feel bad for that either. And we were very close.
I don't think that's what you meant here. But you did say "any circumstance".


WInd the clock back to say, 1938, and be given the chance to kill Hitler. Would you? Why not?

@TheMiddleWay Fair point and of course, true. The consequences could also be better. In some cases, I think the chance is worth taking.

1938 was pre-Holocaust when there were concentration camps, however by 1943, was when transports were going from Warsaw and other parts of occupied Europe to the now Death camps of Treblinka and Auschwitz. In a police state dominated by terror and spying, that is the only way to depose of a evil tyrant, or whatever else you would prefer to call them.


All joking aside I have to agree with this. But if, as a side effect, countless other lives around the world were consequently spared I wouldnt necessarily be too upset about it either.

Salo Level 7 Oct 2, 2020

He's the one who said the elderly should die for the economy


Well... unless they are trying to end their life due to being at the end of a terminal illness. Anyway, I agree for the most part.


Let me say emphatically, I would not wish the corona virus on anyone, I have read enough about it to know that it is sheer hell, it may not kill you, but it does permanent damage. The only good thing about Trump being infected is that some of the rabble-rousers who have been poo - pooing it will start to take it more seriously. And that includes the religious people who seem to think they are protected by "god" . . . that putative entity is useless as a screen door on a submarine when it comes to the cold, hard, unadulterated facts of science, and maybe now they will stop all their inane machinations to the contrary. The science wins, whether you want to believe in it, or whether you like it or not.

When you ask for it. He probably won’t die. But it’s his own fault if he does. I won’t cry.

@TheMiddleWay ...cheat views are my own...

"I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." Clarence Darrow


Yeah, what is this about? Everybody dies. Is this about Trump and his recent COVID-19 test? That's what this is about isn't it?

I assume so. Or maybe an attempt to claim moral high ground. But if someone was killing me directly or indirectly I think quid-pro-quo applies. For example if the OP were George Floyd being killed by a person kneeling on their neck would they maintain that position?

The thing is, the OP has never experienced terrible suffering at the hands of someone. Can you imagine how fckd up his statement would be to someone that was kidnapped and sex trafficked?? Like those girls in texas that were kept in a basement for a decade? If they happened to wish death on their captors and torturers, he'd show up out of the woodworks shaming them for it?! FOH with that privileged life sanctimonious advice,


Ok fine, as an atheist we need to rise above certain groups. But we can be indifferent sometimes right?


I agree with you.


What about taxes? Lots of taxes?


as a matter of self preservation and that of family and friends it is quite warranted in this case....were it not for the orange fool we wouldn't have twohundredfifteen thousand people dead....

@TheMiddleWay replacing him in the position that he is in with a responsible person would most certainly save lives...common sense

@TheMiddleWay pence?...hardly

@TheMiddleWay pence is toast...the bulk of trumps base don't care for him..

@TheMiddleWay It is a tough one for me because I hold Trump and his son-in-law personally responsible for my mother's death from covid. It infuriates me that Jared withheld PPE from "blue" states like Massachusetts where my mother died. It infuriates me that Trump put pressure on states and businesses to open up too soon It infuriates me that that Trump discouraged people in general and specifically those around him not to wear masks. As a teacher, it infuriates me that some schools in many red zone states have been forced to open in person. I'm not above wishing and hoping for some "eye for an eye" justice. Ordinarily, I would never wish harm or death on anyone. This person's disregard for the health, lives and livelihoods of others has turned around and affected him and I think a that is a very, very good thing.

@TheMiddleWay I just want to say that I certainly did not expect my mother to live forever. But she was a stroke survivor who could not speak. She also could not see well. The nursing home where she was living shut down three months before she died. So she did not have any visitors for three months before her death. We had weekly "zooms" with her, but it was hard to tell through the screen of the tiny tablet that was being held at a distance in front of her if she even understand what was going on. She looked pretty confused and scared to me. I saw her through a window as she laid unconscious the day before she died. That is wrong and it was unnecessary. When I got out and see people without masks on I am again infuriated.


Trump isn't going to die from the corvid virus, because he doesn't have it. This is more than likely another one of his PR stunts.


Wrong. If someone WANTS to die, wish them a quick and painless death.
None of us asked to be brought into this world. The least we can do is honor someone's wish to leave it.


I wonder if your question has anything to do with our president contracting a potentially lethal virus. He is in several categories which make his survival less than assured.

I have always resisted the urge of celebrating anyone's death even if I felt the world was better off when they weren't around. I feel our current president is such an individual, and his death would appear to place several current issues in a different and likely more favorable light. Wishing for his death is still problematic.


I concur, that's the humane route to take.

Only exception maybe being when it comes to terminal illness. Who am I to question a terminally ill individual who wishes to just die and get it over with.

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