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How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?

I live in America and am surrounded by Christians.
Whenever I talk about myself to religous people, I want to say ,"I am an atheist". Do you say that? Is there a better way?

Bingogwak 6 Sep 10

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806 comments (101 - 125)

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"Hey, im Agnostic". "Whats that?" "Basically it means I'm Atheist, but I admit I could be wrong"

That's why there is no dog you could be wrong about being Agnostic


I usually avoid religious discussions the way I avoid discussions about Harry Potter or any other work of fiction. If, however, I am dragged into a religious discussion, I inform them that the scriptures were written by a bunch of people with no Idea of how to store grain. This allowed hallucinatory fungus (ergot) to grow and make people see a lot of strange things like talking snakes, talking bushes that burn funny, haloes around heads, and angels. This usually gets them to change the subject

Love it 🙂


To their face. If they don't like it, they can go back to the Garden of Eden.

Hey xians, go back to Bethlehem where you belong


Sexual pecadillos between adults are are none of my business, nor IMO anyone else! The 2 women you mention, history I have Never heard that version before, and who was fired, exactly, for "ordering her to the motel "????!
Plus they seem to both have made aplenty of money both during and since then. And I say this as one who absolutely believed Anita Hill from the get-go.

Sexual predator William Jefferson Bleigh alias Clinton is my business. daughter is Monica Lewinsky age now 42 and no woman age 23 should be performing fellatio in the Oval Office nor suffer a cigar thrusting into her vagina by the President of the United States


yes! there isnt any simpler way!

believers need to get over themselves and we Atheists need to stop apologizing and equivocating ....we are scientists not delusionals.... we have tested for alleged gotts and found 100 % consistent zero results.... the gawd concept is useless and harmful


"I am an atheist."

Ditto I am an American Atheist leader


Telling a Christian your an atheist tends to kill the conversation in my experience

Yes, good point. That is why I address that question as detailed above.


Say it like you are saying "I ride a bike"

An Atheist without religion is like a fish without a bicycle


I don't feel compelled to tell most people anything unless it comes up. I'm open to discussing belief systems with anyone who seems to have a curious and open mind. Otherwise if they ask I tell them I'm a practicing equestrian. That often gets me a Blank Stare, but it's true that I have a horse, and most horses I know have better ethics and are better company overly religious people tend to be.

I sometimes tell people that I am a Pastafarian. For info, google "Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster" ... lol


From my experience religious people are so judgemental

I agree with you . Also they are old fashion and greedy.


At this time, I don't say anything about my personal beliefs. However, I'm making progress. How?
I no longer tell people "I'll pray for them" especially in situations where they're asked for. Instead, I tell family and friends and even strangers I'll be thinking of them or I'm sending positive thoughts and vibes their way. If point blank asked, I say that I don't believe there's some guy in a white robe up in the sky waving a magic staff deciding one person will get cancer and another will win the lottery. We all have control of our own lives. [BTW, I'm from Georgia (USA) so my actions are considered blasphemous.]

That's what I do too. I don't say that I pray for them. Ive since heard from a Budhist that prayer is having positive intentions for someone. We could say we pray and mean that. However, they will think that we mean it in the traditional sense. So, unless we define it for them, we would be promoting their views.


You don't tell them.... Let them believe you are one of them. One more bogus belief on their plate is not going to hurt them ?

I love it !!


Yes Lucy, I am discovering groups like this and am so glad to have fellow non believers! I do get the fisheye at work but there is no way I could be like them or want to stoop to their blind faith. Someone said to me the other day I am so nonjudgemental and I thought to myself, that's because I'm not religious. Lol...

That's an added side effect of (good though), can't not believe the stupid things and all the actually times, and worried that consumed my life, Not sure what really happened to flip the switch in my head, but I've never been this calm and happy and content in my life. Think it was many factors hitting at the same time, I use to endure life, now I enjoy life! Even though I have limited mobility I do not let it stop me now. Take care!


I find most people treat me like I have a flu or something when I tell them I don't believe in any God.

keep sneezing on them LOL


I don’t unless I’m (rarely) asked. If I am asked, I just tell them. If they’re religious, and want to rngage with me, I refuse. I just tell them there’s no point as we’ll never agree. If they persist, I literally walk away.
But I’m lucky. The UK is a very irreligious country, so on the very rare occasions that I am asked, I usually only get the merest hint of a raised eyebrow. Most Brits are alleged to believe in god, but the vast majority of those simply don’t care enough to be bothered about what they believe, let alone what anyone else believes.
I feel for American atheists. It must be very hard sometimes.

I worry how much American Politics is steeped in religion. its almost a Theocracy like Iran


I don't introduce myself as someone who doesn't collect stamps because it doesn't define who I am. If they ask me where I get my stamps, I'll tell them I don't collect.

Same thing with atheism. I don't define myself by non belief, but if they ask me about what religion I am I'll tell them.


I just say I'm not religious. Saves the confrontational judgment. In this culture, you're still judged as immoral if you don't believe in their myths. But, it is getting better. The younger generation seems to be more objective.

I've spoken with a lot of fervent believers in a God, who say they believe in god but are not "religious". To them, belief is belief and religion is all the trappings...I tend to agree with that, though I don't actively believe in anything myself,


I was born Jewish but I call myself a Free-thinker or an Agnostic. In other words a Don't Know!

But you have your suspicions...always a lovely way to end your two cents worth...


I tend to only say that I am an atheist if I am asked or if a religious person has started insulting atheists.

Good job pick your battles and don't let ILLIGITIMATI CARBORUNDUM fucking xians need to back off Atheists. ...we are neither "fools" nor "reprobates" as branded insulted in their King James bibles. ...they can go back to Bethlehem where they belong


My (non)beliefs are personal. I'll share them if asked or if someone's trying to force their beliefs on me. And I refer to myself as a non-theist, not an atheist. Purely a personal preference. I'm a deeply spiritual seeker ... I just don't believe in a being god.

When chatting with a theist, I often refer to myself as a seeker of truth who is on a journey, that every person is on a journey.


I say "I'm and Atheist"

BTW - I am Canadian, lots of us here!


I just say I'm a follower of Odin of the Norse beliefs, the beliefs of my ancestors.

i love your humor.


I prefer to tell them as soon as it's brought up. I tell them that I am not here to tell anyone they are wrong and I expect the same. I try to be open minded and thoughtful. I feel that being honest about my beliefs and my views saves headaches later on.

I heard a good quote today from Lawrence Krauss. He quoted someone in the WSJ who said, "I try and keep an open mind, but not so open that my brain falls out!" I think that's fun!

R. Allan Worrell


The first thing to ask yourself is would you have a problem if they told you they are Christian? Obviously, I assume not. As they have no problem stating they are Christian; you should have no problem stating you are an atheist. There is no right way to say something, If they have an issue of just a simple difference, then that's on them, and not you.

Your reasoning is near perfect only quit mis-labeling Atheists as adjectives. ...we are upper case Nouns. ...we Atheists free of the disease of theism. ...I, like you NEVER assume a stranger is a believer or an Atheist. xian often wear crosses shaped like an x. ...I often wear my American Atheists "orbit" carbon atom symbol


Around here, if you are antitheist, never let them know where you live. You'll have a flaming cross on your lawn!

Yes I was attacked by the KKK in Iowa when my DIAL AN Atheist 2 minutes msg went out and I took both live and recorded incoming calls 515 266 6133 the FBI refused to do a voice print analysis letting the perp xians run free across Amerikkka

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