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How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?

I live in America and am surrounded by Christians.
Whenever I talk about myself to religous people, I want to say ,"I am an atheist". Do you say that? Is there a better way?

Bingogwak 6 Sep 10

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Flat out telling them your an atheist is the best way. You have the right to believe in whatever you like. If some people want to believe in fairy tales it's there right and rest of us who believe in non fairy tales that is our right to do so.


Just tell them there is no god and then when they start to argue, ask them to PROVE IT!!


I don't. They either accept me for the hairy weirdo that I am, or they can piss off. My beliefs are personal. Anyone I let into my life respects me, and I return the favor.


I ran into this problem recently with a couple of new friends who are Christians that asked me where I went to church. They had been around me enough to see me as a "good" person and just assumed that I was religious. I decided not to use the word atheist, but instead chose to say that I was an agnostic/freethinker and told them that I was involved in a community group for people of that mindset which was kind of like my version church. They seemed to take it OK, but we did not stay on the subject long. So far they have not said anything else to me about it, though they do talk about god, prayer, and church once in a while. I guess they value my friendship enough not worry about our differences in beliefs.

Thepro Level 2 June 10, 2018

I usually say "I'm not a believer." or "I don't believe that." I don't feel the need to label myself, and in the part of the fundamentalist Christian backwoods where I live, people expect atheists to have horns and walk around munching on babies.

Deb57 Level 8 June 13, 2018

Call yourself a pastafarian


Only when i was asked i told them that i am an atheist. i think you can say that too if you desire. there is no must . There is no a perfect saying too. i think it is alright to say that you are an atheist if asked.


Even though the word doesn't attract the same degree of prejudice over here in England, I still describe myself as 'non-religious' if the subject comes up. Don't know why... I think I've been following the American atheist scene for so long that I'm almost expecting the same grief as you folks get.

But although my atheism defines me, I never really feel any need to let people know. I think that comes from not feeling hemmed in. The majority of people that I know are atheists or agnostic theists; I think I've only met half a dozen proclaiming Christians in my entire life. Over there it must be very different.


Say it. You will find out who your friends are.


Depending on how obnoxious they've been, I sometimes tell them, "I'm not superstitious" or "I don't believe in mythology".


I am honest but don't offer information about myself if the other person never asked, or unless they give me some reason to speak on the subject. For those who ask my beliefs I am honest but typically start by telling them I was raised Pentacostal, studied scriptures sincerely and eventually came to realize every organized religion in existence touts ideas that are most certainly either wrong or at least unsupported by their own scriptures. I point out as example the endless splintering of Protestant denominations, each one claiming theirs is the accurate one. Then I point to the Bible itself saying "No humans can ever fully comprehend the mind of God" and point to the contradiction that human-led churches appear to claim to do just that. I typically don't tell them that I believe NONE of the notion of a sentient deity looking after my life, instead keeping it more vague and explaining why doubt in any specific faith system is a reasonable position to take. I may eventually use the term "agnostic" but only after I have explained why I no longer believe what I was raised to believe. I don't use the term "atheist" unless I want to piss them off for being strident about their own delusional beliefs. In actuality, I am both agnostic and atheist, because these terms overlap and just have somewhat different focus and emphasis.


People close to me who matter already know. The rare occasion where the subject may arise I don't offer explaination, or I may disclose being an atheist, but only to those I percieve as understanding the deffinition.


Among my friends and relatives here in VA, saying that I have doubts about the bible or think christianity is a crock of .... it would be certain trouble. I live my way, by the Golden , and avoid these discussions.

lcmdws Level 4 June 17, 2018

I personally use the term secular humanist, because there's more substance than just saying you're an atheist. Unfortunately I got utterly rejected just this Wednesday. Nothing tells me I'm back in America like being rejected over religious ideals (I lived in Japan for 3½ years and had no problem with me being an atheist)


I live in England, most people I know are atheists. You're extremely unlikely to be asked about religion, and the relatively few theists I do know aren't of the raving swivel eyed bible bashing kind, and we get on just famously agreeing to disagree.

Aubz Level 2 June 25, 2018

I tend to use the short "I'm not a believer" and leave it at that. If they press the issue beyond that, I follow the maxim of "if you don't want to deal with the answer, don't ask the question" and expose them to some reality.


Dude look what they've done to the world. Do they deserve your respect. Have they once ever made sure to not offend your opinion? I already know the answer to that I have dealt with these wackos all my life and it is coming to a truly crucial moment in our society.











. Will we continue with the ways of old or lay down the bondage that religion has put on us and by doing so rid the world of the Perpetual proletariat or the caste system or whatever you want to call it but this will bring about Global Communications and Global power distribution and Global Food Distribution and only at that point can we judge ourselves a successful species. As of now any scientists would look at the assemble data concerning our speeches and deem it a failure. We are simply running out of time to be polite. You should show Christians the same respect that you would show any form of life and that is your duty. And you should never be violent even when they turn to violence. But modify your speech to protect their feeble completely unsought about opinion? Hell no and pardon my odd adjectives


I say 'I'm atheist'. As long as they understand English, it works well.


It largely depends on context. If I'm at work or around strangers, I try to avoid politics and religion. But sometimes that doesn't work and I have to go through this gross line of question and answer about how no, just because I'm not Christian doesn't mean I'm a Devil worshipper OR a Satanist and yes there's a difference. Yes, I am open to the idea of some controlling force of the universe, but I am not so narcissistic as to try to name it, categorize it, and certainly not to assume to know its form or if it even has a gender. No my lack of religion does not mean I'm not a moral or ethical person. If pressed, I'll extend as far as calling myself an agnostic deist. I generally refer to it simply as 'the Universe.'


I don’t unless asked and the I proudly say I’m atheist.


I’m pretty sure they can tell.


I generally don't unless I am specifically asked. Just a few days ago I was at my father's funeral. My father was very catholic and was a VIP in both the church and in the Knights of Columbus. The funeral was at the church that I used to attend when I was still a minor and church attendance was not my choice. The KofC was very helpful with the funeral arrangements and even paid for some of it, so I am very grateful to them for the respect and love that they gave to him and his family. But when some suggested that I join the Knights, my response was simply, "I don't do Catholic anymore." Fortunately I was not pressed beyond that. I think a lot of the people there would be very disappointed to know just how not catholic I am.


I don't. If they're visiting, all they have to do is look at my bookshelf to figure it out. I did have a nurse, who watches my boys overnight, ask me if I was.


I don't. If they're visiting, all they have to do is look at my bookshelf to figure it out. I did have a nurse, who watches my boys overnight, ask me if I was.


Depends on the situation. If it's at work, I don't advertise because I don't need anyone to negatively impact my career based on faith/beliefs. Outside of that, I let people know and I may even be an anti-thiest in some situations.

dokala Level 7 July 20, 2018
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