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How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?

I live in America and am surrounded by Christians.
Whenever I talk about myself to religous people, I want to say ,"I am an atheist". Do you say that? Is there a better way?

Bingogwak 6 Sep 10

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I don't unless they can tell me why they want to know its extremely unimportant to me . I 'd rather they asked me my name first -


That's how I do it.


I don't. As far as I'm concerned that's my business. My family knows. I don't have any friends, just acquaintances and co-workers. It's not a subject that I feel compelled to discuss.


I don't , what good would it do them or me its my business and as unimportant to me as anything could possibly be - An absence of soemthing is hardly newsworthy. If you are trying to stop peopel talking to you about religious stuff just have an imaginary errand to urgently run plus - I'll get back to you on that !I have been practising getting away from awkward conversations forever - My partner is from N.I and people always want to know if hes protetan tor catholic he says "Now if I told oyu that you 'd know everything about me wouldnt you? And they do shut up .


I just don't say anything. Why do they need to know my business. But, if they bring it up I don't reinforce what they're saying and if they ask why or don't I believe in God then I have no choice and say "no, I believe in science"


I don't unless they ask me. I am an open book for the most part. Being an atheist is not some aspect for me to have to make known to define myself. What is important to me is that I treat people on principle, and how I relate to them with how they treat others. Atheism has near zero to do with how I interact with people, unless it is a topic of relevance to a particular type of relationship. For example, to love another I don't need atheism, I just feel that from interactions. The emotion are real things. Atheism has only one thing to do with me, that is the fact that I hold no beliefs in systems of otherworldly beings, spirits, etc, nothing more. 🙂


Unfortunately most times you don't say anything.


By saying "I am Atheist".


I get a pretty good response if I bring it up in the middle of a noncombative and/or interesting conversation. I kinda compare it to hitting a bump on the road. When religious stuff comes up I'll say something like, "I don't do religion" or "I'm not religious at all". The worst reaction I've gotten is a people walking off or changing the subject.


I wear a shirt that says Atheist. The conversation is over before it happens.


Honest, I try not to discuss religion with religious people. I don't back off if they instigate the conversation but many times I cut them off or change the subject. It is becassue to me it is irrational and not worth it to argue against irrational views. As long as they don't interfere with my freedoms let them have their faith, after all it isn't a perfect world and years of experience teaches you you aren't going to change them. If change comes it will be on their terms within them...or not.


I rarely have to say it outright. I'm openly tolerant of gay people, liberal, in my 20's and enjoy talking about topics that do not support a biblical world view (evolutionary biology, anthropology, psychology, religious history, normative ethics, ect). Pretty much everyone I've meet in the last few years have been able to figure it out themselves without a direct announcement.


It depends on if the subject comes up. I don't usually bring it up with someone until I know them quite well. Some of my best friends and my wife are religious. On the other had, I went to a class reunion and a classmates spouse started "witnessing" to me. He started to tell me about being "saved" and I interrupted him with "That's too bad."


I say - "I'm an atheist" Or I'll say I playing for the other team - that confuses people though. 🙂


Just tell them, if they judge you then they are a waste of your time anyways.


Personally, I only bring it up if the subject comes up. People make assumptions on all sorts of things, including religion. If it doesn't come up, what do I care if they think I'm religious. I've actually found sometimes that it works in my favor, in that they get to know me before knowing I'm atheist. I've actually had someone, upon finding out I was atheist after a couple of years of assumptions, say with surprise, "But you're so moral." It led to quite an interesting conversation about the roots of morality without spirituality.

Point being, IMHO, it doesn't need to be brought up unless it comes up and is relevant to the conversation at hand.


I've tended to avoid declaring it initially. Bad experience with judgmental prostelyzation. I do understand the inclination though. I figure I need them to know me a little typically before I divulge.


It's interesting how invasive religion is in American lives. No family I know ever says grace. Even the older generations. It just isn't part of the Australian way of life. Most Aussies are indifferent or atheist. The majority now claim no religion. So the issue of Atheism rarely comes up.

We are a secular nation tolerant (mostly) of all beliefs.


Regardless of how long I've known someone, my view of them goes down when I find out they have a faith based hamster on a wheel going on in their head.


I generally don't mention my atheism unless it's necessary.


Hi Polly - So what keeps you in a place you are not comfortable about showing who you really are?


Gently with a smile.

razz Level 3 Apr 25, 2018

I guess it all depends on how close that person is close to you. For the most part because I'm the one who seldom if ever bring up the topic. If they are people that I am meeting for the first time and they have no effect on my life, I just say that I'm a non-believer. If they persist I just tell them ,first politely, that I am not interested in their religious belief.

If they are aggressive in persisting to tell me their belief than I feel I can go on the offensive and tell them how ridiculous their belief are and I never feel guilty because they felt their belief is more important than mine to me and that's disrespectful.

As far as my family is concern they know that I'm not a believer.


If we are all identifying our religious identity, I tell them whatever flavor Im feeling most like that day (atheist, agnostic, secular humanist, etc.). If that hasnt come up, I don't tell them. If they make a comment like they assume that I agree with their religious view, and I dont, I may ask questions about their assumptions or make a comment asking them to reflect on why they think that way.

People I know well on a personal level, all know I'm an atheist.


I simply say that I am an Atheist.

There is not better way-why should there be!

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