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How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?

I live in America and am surrounded by Christians.
Whenever I talk about myself to religous people, I want to say ,"I am an atheist". Do you say that? Is there a better way?

Bingogwak 6 Sep 10

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I don't. I guess mainly because I don't see myself as an atheist because I never went to church. I say stuff like "I'm a retired physician." or "I'm a mandolin player". Because those things are real to me, whereas their religion is real to them.

jafbm Level 5 Oct 12, 2018

I personally wouldn’t bring it up unless prompted, and even then, I’m careful to read the situation before spilling the beans.


Agnostic can be a easier way as most religious people understand what agnostic is. Atheist is moor taboo and also misunderstood more so with out the chance to explain your beliefs they could presume some stupid idea about what that really means. I say Atheist whenever possible. Mainly to draw out any misconceptions but this can be riskier as could leave someone ignorant believing very incorrect info about you.

Echo7 Level 3 Oct 13, 2018

I don't feel the need to volunteer the information, unless someone steers the conversation to religion and then starts digging or demanding approbation or agreement. Then the gloves come off.

Deb57 Level 8 Oct 15, 2018

Maybe just mentioning that ' it is not my thing, ' would suffice?


I'm in the same boat so to speak, I live in a very religious neighborhood of Christians and Muslims, there's no tension between the two groups but they both get hostile or upset when I mention that I'm not religious. So I just keep quiet about it, if you don't want to be harassed I would recommend just staying quiet about it and just have close family and friends know about it. Try to find a group or small community to be your complete self in.


I say, I am a rational evolutionist period or sometimes just evolutionist.


If & When the subject comes up, I just say, "i am not religious At All" and move on.


If not ask no problem,if asked then yes


Respond only when asked...


I generally don’t offer information about things I am not unless specifically asked. I wouldn’t tell someone I don’t believe in chiropractic practices just because they said they use one.


I would not say i'm an athiest. I believe in a "creator".....I just don't believe in the biblical god.....and Jesus and all that bullshit....."the lake of fire" satan......the list goes on and on....I do believe in reincarnation too. Stevenson did some great studies on that.


I don’t. I live my life an an example of a good and decent human being. When asked, I tell them the truth and most are a bit shocked. I point out examples of human misery and demise throughout history and ask them, “why”.


If they ask what denomination I am, I say "Oh, I'm not religious." If they press, I tell them that my parents are not religious and neither were my grandparents. I never set foot into a church until I attended a concert in one when I was a teenager. Most people leave it at that, some "judge" me with commentary. One of my students calls me a "heathen" tongue in cheek, I know he cares for me 🙂


I don't.
I may discuss my views with them if they ask, but I'm not going out of my way to label myself for anyone.


I tend to be blunt about it, if they wish me to except there faith, then they must except the fact that I don't have any


“Yo! I’m an atheist! Any questions?”


It is a .......well.........cross.........we have to bear. In my many years of being antitheist I have had to tell many people I am atheist. Usually, I just say I am atheist. What are you afraid of? You do not have the burden of defense. If you are lucky they will ask you questions and you will answer them cordially. If telling them has no benefit to you or it irrelevant then don't bother.


I live in the Philippines and as we know, this is a very devout catholic country because of the huge influenced by the Spaniards during their colonization here from 1565-1898. I am an agnostic, previously atheist well, if there is a better way to tell the religious people, I think we must explain to them clearly about our personal beliefs using the majesty of science. In other words, a very passionate rationalistic views.


I generally keep my mouth shut as I have a lot of religous friends.


I don't tell anyone, just keep it to myself.don't see any point letting everyone know. I am more if a closet atheist.


I believe spiritualy that there is something out there. Some form us energy that guides us in this life. To me death meens freedom.


I'm a spiritual person


When religious try to talk it to me...I ask, " How are things in the world of fantasy ?" Sorry, to me life is either reality or religion, absolutely cannot be both...


If the question comes up or when approached by <choose religion> door knockers.

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