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What is your response when people threaten you with religious punishments? (i.e. Hell/Jahannam)

Admin 9 June 19

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Well, if it is a serious, respectful conversation, I try to inform them that the concept of Hell was implemented as a control feature, and try to point out the obvious contradictions between a loving God and a God that sends frail, fallible primates to an eternal deep fryer.


On the rare occasions when that has happened, I push the question back to them and ask if they think that I deserve to go to hell. They will often try to avoid the question by saying that it is not their decision and "only god can make that decision". I then ask if they agree that their god would send me to hell for using the 'free will' I have been given to not believe. Watching the cognitive dissonance and grappling for nonsensical excuses is entertainment of the highest order.

That's pretty good because it then means that if you go to hell for any mistakes it is actually good mistake for giving you free will. As god is perfect it their eyes then it causes a paradox.


...uh, ok. If that's what you believe, that is what you will experience. I feel sorry for those people.


Laugh heartily.


I can't really comment, as I don't think I've ever been thus threatened. But I'm amazed, from the comments, at how many people have been.


I tend to laugh in their faces. Some consider that rude, but it's usually just a normal reflex. It's impossible to fear what you don't believe in.




What the hell is jahannam? Oh hell, duh, it’s hell.


All I hear is "Bippity Bobbity Boo."


I just tell them to blow it out their asses


I laugh

KO3AK Level 4 Dec 18, 2017



I try not to laugh, as I don’t feel the need to be disrespectful, so I try to smile and say something in line of ‘We shall see’, or ‘That is not your concern’.


I tell them I'm Satan and I'm fireproof. Then I ask, is your mouth getting dry and your vision blurred?
Works every time.


Laugh ,ignore them,show them that my field of f@#?s is empty and barren.


Ha I suppose you could say to them that if god is perfect and he gave us free will then any mistakes or choices you make in life is on god.if god sends you to hell then it is admitting it's mistake and is not perfect.if god puts you in heaven then you can say there is no justice for evil in the next life so why pray to a god like that. There is also the beneficent and willful god argument other Jesus died for our sins argument. Infact there are so many get out of hell free clauses that you never need fear god's wrath again.


I tell them to go to Hell lol


I smile & walk away.


When I get told I am "going to hell" I smile and simper "meet you down there". Another good response is "your heaven would be my hell".

SKH78 Level 8 Dec 19, 2017

I've laughed a few times when they really get frothy at the mouth. I try my best not to argue though, as they are viewing the world through their own experiences, and I really don't know all they've gone through to come to their current situation.


Have you asked yourself, what if you’re wrong and there is a heaven and a hell?


Where the Hell is Jahannam?

godef Level 7 Dec 20, 2017

I usually turn my back and/or walk away. I'm just not interested in their gods rules, regulations or punishments.


I tell them that according to them god makes that decision not them so why even bring up something they do not control?


My question is, what's the punishment? If it's hell, my answer is, I hope so, because I want to be far, far away from where you'll end up in the afterlife.

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