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Atheist political party

What are the chances of an atheist winning a major election with a plank in the platform being the further separation of church and state.. no funding of separate school boards, cancel church tax breaks, etc.?

Davekp 8 Oct 5

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As for the tax breaks for all nonprofits and charities. They would have to be audited regularly and only allowed a reasonable overhead. No profit no huge pay scale


I'll let you know if I get elected in the municipal election where I am running for the deputy mayor spot.

Good luck!

All the best man

I hope you get beat as you are a liberal who was against Kavanaugh and Trump. You need to be more concerned with getting rid of that idiot Trudeau and not worry about US politics so much.

@Trajan61 Just as I don't have a vote in your American elections, you don't have a vote in my Canadian elections, moot point. Trudeau is a Canadian Liberal (you'd call him a democratic socialist on a good day, although I don't know how many of those you actually have) as for myself I would define myself as a Lefty Libertarian. I'm fiscally conservative and prefer less government and not more but I also recognize that corporate mentality has lead to a break in the social contract between business and society, so government has to step in to maintain civility. What you call conservative politics in the US is seen as fascism by the rest of the world, or more politely put a corporatocracy where democracy becomes a pale imitation of the liberty based government that made America an icon for freedom. Sadly you sold your soul for a song.

@Trajan61 You do realize that Trump is just a leftist who supported Democrats all his life but suddenly relabeled himself before running for office? He has divorced twice and have been fornicating outside his marriage, violates the 10 commandments frequently, goes to his Golf club on Sunday instead of Church. He's implementing policies that are putting the Government on a sure path to bankruptcy and enriching his wealthy friends while the poor part of the population will be stuck with the bill when the next recession comes around. He promised in his inaugural speech to be the president for all Americans but the country is more divided than ever in the same way a Libertarian would create confusion and misinformation to reduce stability.


One note in this regard: Seven states have laws that forbid Atheists from holding state offices. Arkansas, Article 19, Section 1: , Maryland, Article 37:, Mississippi, Article 14, Section 265:, North Carolina, Article 6, Section 8:, South Carolina, Article 17, Section 4:, Tennessee, Article 9, Section 2: Texas, Article 9, Section 2:. Don't you love it when Christians whine about being persecuted?

OCJoe Level 6 Oct 6, 2018

Yes 7 states do have laws on the books against atheist holding public office but they are unenforceable because the US constitution forbids it. []

That kind of crap needs to be challenged! These people may want to stay back in the dark ages but that doesn't mean we have to join them. I'm at a point in my life where I am not going to be quiet about their prejudices any longer. These so called christians have all the voice they need in this Country, with all the idiot politicians kissing their asses. It's time all the "other's" in this Country are heard as well.


Political issues are far broader than the religious ones. Religious issues are used to support the political ones, and it is only a subset, imho.

I wouldn't automatically vote for an atheist without knowing more about her/his political platform.


To be honest, I believe that we've had a few Atheists in office including Presidents.
They just couldn't admit it knowing that they would never get elected.


in canada? no clue. in the united states? at the moment, we still have seven states that wouldn't let an atheist run for office.


This is bound to change at some point. I mean if it were challenged legally I don't understand how any judge could possibly let a discriminatory law like that stand

But maybe not...crazy Orwellian days down here

@maxhyde as we have seen, some of the judges are nuts too.



It depends on how much money is backing the party and how great the leadership and communication is. I think it could start at this time and grow as the population becomes more enlightened. Surely traction will be different between regions.

Stig Level 5 Oct 10, 2018

In the USA for a major state-level or federal office? Zilch. You might be able to get some traction with that in a very few urban, highly educated districts for a city council position, but that's it.


I don't believe humans are evolved enough to have an atheist win a major election in this Country. To many still have a need to be told how to live, how to pray, how to hate, how to love, and who to love. I have not met many people, especially here in the South, who are open minded enough about people who choose not to believe in any god. Hell I got shit for posting Happy Winter's Solstice on the Nextdoor site for my neighborhood! To many "believers" still think you are a Satan lover if you don't believe in their god.


In America? Don't hold your breath.


Never trust a pastor who tells you how to vote or a senator who tells you how to pray

NEVER trust a priest, pastor, minister of religion, etc, etc, at ALL.


An open atheist as president of America would be quickly called the anti-christ and get assassinated.

Nardi Level 7 Oct 5, 2018

True that!

The antichrist is currently president and still breathing.

@Kimberclimbs I assume you are referring to Tronald Dump, sorry Donald Trump.

An open atheist unfortunately could never be elected president.

@Kimberclimbs yeah, because he laughably pretends to be a Christian and the Christians are stupid enough to believe that he can fly even when you can CLEARLY see the wires.

The blind eye never ceases to astound me. Smh


Our political system is rigged! None of the minor parties have much of a chance. (But I belong to one anyway because they speak for me).

The best way for secularists to gain power is to vote for secularists in any party.


Well, all nations should have the political power separated from religion. Here in Europe already is like that for quite a few years.


A Humanist Party perhaps, but never an Atheist Party. Not in this country, in any case. Atheism is viewed as being 'against God,' when in reality it is merely the null set. And as such, it would seem an unlikely foundation on which to build a political party. That said, the planks you've highlighted were originally espoused by many of the Founding Fathers, and if we REALLY want to make America great again, a return to the Age of Enlightenment (version 2.0) might be a good beginning!


Unfortunately here in America almost zero.


Zero. However, I wouldn't have believed that the U.S. would have a black president in my lifetime. Especially before a female. That said, the increasing population of atheists and agnostics could bring it to bear sooner than later. With approximately 40% of the population currently being Arch conservatives, racists, or idiots, I think there'd be a civil war first. Pence wants to remove separation of church and state all together. Can you imagine taking In God We Trust off the quarter? Or off our currency!?!?! Blasphemy! But I love the idea.

lerlo Level 8 Oct 6, 2018

Hah!! Hadn't thought of trying to take the god phrase off the true divine entity.. $ Add that to my list of platform talking points 🙂

@Davekp Yeah I'm about to do some Supreme Court research on it myself. In June the 7th Circuit said it's ok because it's a historical motto...I need to check into the probably ridiculous reasoning on that

@WhereAtAtheist true, now it's bitcoin 🙂


Highly unlikely, pretty much every country has more religious people than athiests, and as much as they hate each other if there’s one thing that the major religions can agree on it’s that athiests are evil and here too take away their rights, even if an open athiest ran on a platform that had nothing too do with atheism or religion they’d still cry Antichrist and vote against them even if they’re opponent wanted to start the holocaust part 2 the re-holoing

JJay Level 2 Oct 6, 2018

Why is it in almost every facet of life - personal, business, etc. - people make decisions by weighing risk and reward with available information (science, data, etc), EXCEPT politicians in governmen where ideals win out? Perhaps it's because they care more about holding power than they do improving the nation. Which is another reason why rationalism and atheism will never win a seat.


A bloody excellent and wonderful idea, something EVERY Westernised Country truly should have.


An atheist with an anti-religion agenda would tank, and honestly, that's the way it should be. Focus on building up people within the context of their understanding and you will help people willingly open their eyes to the truth. Tell them they are wrong and try to force them to see it and they will fight to the last gasp and die a martyr for their cause.


Probably slim, but if one instead ran on the platform of following scientific fact and peer reviewed studies maybe slightly higher? There is a political party trying to do something similar but instead of someone running under their platform they simply support other politicians that base their ideas on science. It's called the Party of Reason and Progress. PORP for short. Check it out on Facebook! They put out some great ideas.


The law of averages demands that the USA has already had one, he just didn't care to mention it.


Vanishingly small chance, but still worth pursuing.


Yes,there should be an atheist political party. However, humanity has not evolved enough to get one elected to a major office like president of the USA. If one did get elected president, that would make things interesting.

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