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What moral code do you follow now that you are non-religious?

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I personally follow logical thinking, moral correctness, and my personal political standards, no hippocrates.


i believe being a Moral person has Nothing to do with religion. It has more to do with Common sense. We all know what is right and wrong ...unless you are sociopath, who may lack a conscience to guide them..


You don't need religion to know what is right and what is wrong. Respect and treat others as you want to be treated. We are all here to help each other. Show your love and understanding to everyone. Be kind!


The moral code I learned as a child from ethical parents.


Common sense, reason, and respect for others. ...don't do anything to someone that you wouldn't want them to do to you, and that includes respecting what makes them who they are. There are factors that were ingrained into my growth and development as a child growing up in a Catholic/Christian family that are common sense concepts, like not stealing or killing people, but they follow common sense. What religion does Not teach is how to accept that others are just fine without faith or that it's ok to let them believe whatever they choose to believe (or not believe), because everyone has the right to find inner peace in whatever way they can find it. Think things through and spread love and help each other. (Now if only the Catholic Church spawned guilt complex they pushed on me would go away!)


Dont be an asshole...That's about it


The golden rule and universal taboos pretty much sum it up for me


do as you would be done by


The moral code that I have lived by for most of my life - do not hurt others - and do unto others as you would have them do unto you - and Socretes said it first! I have always known right from wrong - and churches are actually not the best place to learn moral lessons. If fact, churches give people a "way out" of being moral - and almost encourage doing the wrong thing by saying that people are born evil and will do no good without God. Thus, churches encourage "repenting" which supposedly wipes your slate clean - and everything is "forgiven" no matter what the bad deed was that you've done. It seems as if many religious people do not care if they do bad things to others because they know if they ask an invisible man in the sky to forgive them - he will - and they go on their Merry way. A non-religious person does not have that benefit. They have no "forgiveness" and must justify what they did not only with themselves, but others - and others are usually not all that forgiving. Also, one's morals are usually taught by parents, professionals in schools, and society norms. And these teachings are all we need in society to successfully live. We do not need to be told that if we believe in a sky daddy, trust in him, and ask forgiveness - then all is well. And to believe that every human is born sinful and stays sinful without knowing Jesus is a horrible thing to say to anyone. No wonder there are so many people with severe mental health issues today.


This sounds like a question someone who was religious would ask. Surely atheists and agnostics recognize that morality and religion are clearly not connected. Most of the worst atrocities in history were perpetrated in the name of "religion"...there was certainly no morality there.


Do not do to others what you would not have done to yourself! Do not do to others unless specifically invited!


Treat people like how i want to be treated.


Simple, The Golden Rule. Treat others the way you would like to be treated 🙂


This is a weird question - it assumes that religious people follow a "moral code" from whichever "holy" book they follow - but in fact they cherry-pick the bits they want to follow (no killing, stealing, etc) and ignore the bits they know are wrong (kill your children if they're rude to you, go to hell for wearing mixed fibres or eating shellfish).
So as an atheist I use the same innate moral code they do - I use my reasoning to know what is right or wrong - and don't pretend a magic person in the sky had to tell me what to do.

I like you! Your position is powerful.


I follow the same moral code that most people follow. I think morality comes from a sense of empathy and the understanding that cooperation with our fellows simply works better than striving against them. The so called golden rule is a good way to live. Of course, that was around centuries before the alleged Jesus was born (IF he was born). I have observed that religious people, with their biblical "moral compass," don't seem to be any more moral than atheists, and rather less so in all too many cases.


"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Except when they're trying to kill you, perhaps.


We would have to assume that religion is the highest moral code. Myself i grew up in a bad family. So a moral code wasnt taught. But i learned alot through my studies of jesus that gave me awesome moral ways to model. Although i don't study anymore, i still use alot of what i learned.


I see whats good and bad as in relation to human suffering. an act can be considered good it if alleviates human suffering and how good that act is can be gauged by how directly and how much human suffering it does alleviate. an act is bad if it creates human suffering and can be gauged by how directly and how much human suffering it creates. it's good to give a homeless guy a sammach. it's better to give him a job. it's bad to steal someones wallet. it's worse to burn someones house down. sure there are times when you have to create some suffering to alleviate others, which is where it gets tricky measuring how much good you're doing vs h ow much harm you're doing, but then we're just talking about the trolley problem.


My morals haven't changed except that they have grown and evolved. 'Love everyone' has evolved to 'respect everyone and everything'.


doesn't really apply to me, I've always been non-religious. and in my opinion morals have very little to do with religion anyways. my philosophy is basically don't hurt others and try to get through life doing as much good and as little harm as possible.


I am a druid of the Asatru traditioin

Harri Level 1 Oct 27, 2017

I use the laws of the land and the same innate moral code that others use. I use my reasoning to decide and know what is right from wrong. To imply that we need a 'moral code' like a doctrine is to turn us into the sheep of religion.


What do you mean “now that” I’m not religious? I was born non-religious — as was everyone, including the Pope. I was never indoctrinated into any religion and never bought into any of it.

Loren Level 2 Oct 28, 2017
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