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Is it OK to be racist against white people?

Using the Merriam-Webster definition of racism,

1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

You CAN be racist against white people but is it OK?
Is it OK to tell an entire race they need to atone for the actions of their ancestors?
Is it OK to tell an entire race they are racist simply because of their race?
Is it OK to blame an entire race on the actions of 2 people?
Is it OK to purposely tell your kids to not trust an entire race?

Sadly I doubt I'll get many honest answers because it's not PC to you think racism is OK as long as those your racist against are white. But hope springs eternal.

  • 13 votes
  • 186 votes
MamaMOB 5 Apr 30

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There is a recurrent theme in this conversation and I am grateful to MamaMOB for raising the question.
IF white folks are agreeing that they have done nothing to warrant dislike, disdain or are not to be held accountable, PLEASE explain what millions of BLACK AND INDIGENOUS PEOPLE that lived and are now living in North America did to WARRANT their treatment.....

Nothing. But your question holds a logical fallacy. I just can’t remember what it’s called. But saying, well you did it first is nothing t really a reason to hate people you don’t know.

@JAEMPRESS Nope not me. Don’t disagree with any of that. Just pointing out that the particular argument here did not follow logic. Your facts are undeniable.

@NotConvinced if you are not responsible and no other person is responsible who will fix this?? Is it the burden of the great , great , great grandchildren of slaves to fix this dumpster fire that threatens to consume their very souls?

@NotConvinced, @Jenmcjen what should the logic be...break it down and clarify.. please

@JAEMPRESS Okay I looked it up. It’s the “tu quoque” fallacy, or the “you too” fallacy. I don’t know how to put a link here from my phone but if you google it you’ll see what I mean. Also my intention may have been lost by sounding critical because tone cannot be read. Because my point was only this: the history of racism and the way POC have to live today is deplorable, and when people explain that I would rather they do so in an unassailable way. Therefore if your logic is fallacious, I would like to point that out so your truth can be presented in—fuck I sound like a total ass. All I mean is, make the right argument so nobody can argue with you.

@JAEMPRESS No one living is responsible, that is simply fact. But it's everyones job, mine, your, his, hers, to make it better. However no one ever takes abuse and continues to help, and alienating the majority will never serve your interests. I apologize if this seems dismissive, I don't mean it that way, im just pragmatic. All turning the racism around does is begin a exponentially increasing backlash reverberation.

@MagRat All 'white privilege' is is majority privilege. The majority always have a easier existence then the minority., it's that way in every group, from the highschool clique to a nation.

@MagRat I don't have the time, nor the inclination to watch some rando podcast because you demand it. Thats now how this works. You have already discredited yourself as anyone with anything of value to add to this conversation. Tagging me multiple times in a sad attempt at attention and recognition is frankly, annoying.

@Jenmcjen that is not my job! It is very clear to me. White people study for years and are lettered in all manner of fucking subjects. They can figure this out!!!!


I'm sick and tired of hearing about privilege. I don't have privilege. I have worked for everything I have while helping others along the way. I'm also sick and tired of others expecting me to apologize for being white , which I refuse to do and because I refuse to do it I've been verbally attacked and called racist.

You want to talk racism? Let's talk about Affirmative Action. Let's talk about white women being skipped over for a job, even though they are more qualified, because they are white . How about when white children are suspended for using a racial slur, which in no way shape or form do I agree with, but the black child can call a white child wonder bread, afflack and white rat and no one bats an eye?'s accepted.

I look at people as people. Now when you want to act a certain way then I will judge the shit out of you. If you don't want to be treated in a negative manner, no matter what color your skin is? Be respectful, kind and considerate and by all means do not disrespect law enforcement. Comply.

It's easy to be sick and tired. Ask people of color who have been anti oppression activists since the Abolition.. imagine how tired we are


@NotConvinced RACISM is not a problem. It is a scourge on humanity!

Affirmative action is not giving jobs to unqualified minorities, it's OPENING THE POOL OF CANDIDATES TO INCLUDE QUALIFIED PEOPLE OF COLOR AND WOMEN. I am told by companies in various industries in Boston that they are unable to find qualified candidatesof color for highly skilled positions. I can refer a dozen Astro physicists and twenty cardio thoracic surgeon in a week.How committed are you to inclusion, who are your networks and where are you sourcing?

Everyone at some point has been, will be, or is oppressed. No one is exempt from racism or prejudice. Stop acting like you're special because you're not. Lose the victim mentality, stop pointing fingers at everyone and pull yourself out of the hole you put yourself into.

@JAEMPRESS excellent video by Candice Owns

I was about to watch the video you posted but I realize it was from Alex Jones channel. I stopped it immediately. Don't have time for garbage.

@MagRat I'm a female not a male and how the hell do you figure? Blacks and other ities get picked for opportunities before a white male. They are really the ones who are oppressed these days.

@MagRat well, thats the dumbest shit Ill read all week. I thought you were simply a misinformed good intentioned person, now I see you are just a ignorant sexist moron.


Latest DNA research proves there are no races, just varying colors of one race, human. So stop with the labeling!

You are correct in your statement, race is a social construct.

@SallyMc nope, MacTavish is it! Only 1 race, human, sort of like varieties of lettuce, or corn.

@SallyMc Prove race by DNA. You may get what color their skin is but not race, race is much more than skin color although society tries to make it out to be less.

@MacTavish you cannot/will not get skin color from DNA! You will get "area of origin" (your ancestors lived here only!

@SallyMc you Cannot agree or disagree with FACTS....YOU CAN FOOLISHLY DENY THEM.......oh, unless you live in in drumpland, or that book, "1984".

@SallyMc wow...not only do you ignore Facts (just Google it!) You cannot read/comprehend either.....i am "feeding the OP"......when I have been in total opposition with every post. Wow.

@AnneWimsey @MacTavish you cannot/will not get skin color from DNA! You will get "area of origin" (your ancestors lived here only!

July 1, 2009
November 1, 2014
October 17, 2017
It is possible to determine skin coloration from DNA as I thought.
SallyMc, your documentation ma'am.


It's something I call 'minority privilege.' You see it in the LGBT community a lot. The trouble generally being that these people become accustomed to being able to get off scott free with attacking the oppressive majority, but they become equally nasty about other minorities. So a gay man might (justifiably, in some people's eyes) attack straight people. But he gets used to that privilege and attacks anyone lesbian or transgender, too. A cis hetero white male is used to not being able to attack anyone without being called a bigot. Someone with minority privilege is shocked to find themselves on the wrong side of the argument when they attack and even more oppressed minority than themselves.

I'm a great believer in equality all round. I don't let the colour of someone's skin affect the way I treat them. What I'm sick of is white people self-flagellating over the way our race historically treated theirs, and in some areas (where white folks tend to marry their sisters and daughters) still do.

The trans movement went through a phase a while back where it wasn't sufficient to be trans. If you were white and trans, you didn't matter. I actually watched white trans women apologise for assuming that they did. Only 'trans women of color' were of any interest. The disparity no more evident in the different way that the community treats Caitlyn Jenner and Laverne Cox. Cait can do no right (okay, she's a Trump supporter - feel free to hold that against her.) Laverne can do no wrong (even appearing in Rocky Horror, a play that's done more to harm public perceptions of trans women than anything else in history.) Thankfully, we seem to have come out the other side. Everyone loves Sophie Labelle. She's white, and yet her trans story seems to matter.

What we need is actual equality. We need being black to stop being a social disadvantage. We need it to stop being something police officers can use as an excuse to shoot first and ask questions later. But let's be honest, we also need to address the prevalent gangster adulation in black culture that's leading to people assuming that a black person is going to be armed and dangerous. Equality isn't achieved by allowing people to fight fire with fire. Argue all you like whether racism can be directed by a disadvantaged minority at a privileged majority, judging someone on (and hating them for) the colour of their skin is prejudice (literally pre-judice.)

I dated a Hindu once. Her mistrust and loathing of Muslims was legendary. Comparable with the hostility between Catholics and Protestants in Northern and Southern Ireland at the height of the troubles. Proper 'cross the street to avoid them' kind of prejudice. Minority races (and faiths) can certainly be prejudiced towards each other. Saying they can't be prejudiced against white folks is just more of that good old white self-flagellation. We can't complain because we deserve this? Well I personally haven't done anything to warrant any skin colour prejudice towards me.

And what have BLACK AND BROWN PEOPLE DONE TO WARRANT their treatment. If you are inclined to answer, please begin with treatment of Native Americans

The moment I saw " these people" it invalidated any reasonable position you might have taken.

Where were you when white America was enamored with gangs of KKK burning, shooting, looting and cutting black babies from the bellies of their mommies. Or is it that violence and the adulation of violence simply a " black" thing.

Being against a particular religion is not racist.

@SallyMc Billionaires are a minority 🙂

@CrassBrauer it's isn't homophobia, either. It's still prejudice, typically leading to animosity and discrimination.

@JAEMPRESS I'm not going to take personal responsibility for what someone did several generations ago on a different continent. If I'm going to beat myself up over history, I'll do it over the way the English treated the Irish during the potato famine or my country's involvement in the slave trade.

The "these people" I was referring to were LGBT people. I happen to be one of them. I am being critical of people like me, there.

@NicoleCadmium and you're not taking responsibility for how you perpetuate either. Neither stance is a winner

@JAEMPRESS What exactly am I (personally) perpetuating, and how do you expect me to take responsibility?


White Irish and English villagers were kidnapped by pirates in the 15th and 16th centuries and sold into slavery in the Middle East. White Irish men and boys were sold to work on farms in the south. Chinese men and boys were sold into slavery in California and in the west to work on the Railroads in the 19th century. Which white people should we be racist against? Some called it indentured servitude, too, but all knew what it really was. I guess I don't get the point. Racism in any form is wrong.

@icolan It could be argued that serfdom and indentured servitude are forms of slavery since both were designed to have cheap labor and usually so that it was near impossible to raise your self out of being a serf or to buy your way out of indentured servitude.

Not always, in both cases (there are some counter examples) but far too often. As in charging for everything an indentured servant needed: food, lodging, clothing, etc. Doing so at rates such that to survive, you racked up more debt than you earned thus ensuring you would never be free.

Serfs... look at Russian history. The ruling class actually tried (and this was fairly honest efforts) to raise up the serfs but just were stupid about their economies and how they went about doing it and... the serfs were bound to the land (again).

@icolan Thank you for that!

@icolan excellent point! Wasn't my intent to water down true slavery. Just to NOT water down how bad serfdom or indentured servitude were.

How about different sides to a coin? One a bit mussed but generally in good condition, the other side damaged beyond any form of redemption.

@icolan I see some redeeming value in the original thought(s) behind indentured servitude. Basically, "you are in debt, here is a way to work your way out of debt and possibly learn a living" as some would be apprenticed (men) and some would be given jobs as maids or house servants (women, usually, which they might not have had before).

The problem is that, almost universally (leastwise, I have only read rare accounts of this working the way it seems to have been intended) the 'jobs' were set up so that it was virtually impossible to earn your way out of debt, through any of a number of nefarious mechanisms.

So, it's less the idea that I think is twisted about and evil, it's the way people used that idea for personal profit and gain at the expense of others.

In fact, we still do the basic idea, I've had kids borrow money with no way of paying off their debt so, I employed them to help me with a project to cover for said debt. It -can- be done honestly and well.

@icolan I view it a lot like Communism, Democracy and a number of other institutions that are wonderful on paper but crash and burn when they meet the human ability to twist things to their own ends.


A moderate level of racism could be useful, a bit like stereotypes are at times.

Oh really now ....define moderate racism?..How is any racism useful? ..who is it useful to?
Just so you know stereotypes and racism are two different things.

@jamrock876, no they're not different things. Racism is a form of stereotype based on the features of the average individual in any taken race.
Racism is useful to racists but only if they're willing to make exceptions. They have to be careful and always remember that every individual can differ from the average of the race they belong to.

@Algernon seriously? Man, I hope you give this a little more thought. racism is just hate. webster dic def: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior

@crazycurlz. I've been giving this some 30 years of thinking and arrived at this conclusion. Some races are superior to others based on the average individual and on the best individuals it can generate. Some races are superior to others in some traits and inferior to others for some other traits. I invite you instead to have a little more thought instead of dismissing racism as just hate, prejudice and so on.

@Algernon I see what you think you're saying.

@crazycurlz Yeah, he's saying he can't be bothered to look beyond media stereotypes and the limited number of minorities he can be bothered to interact with. He's had 30 years to build up, shore up, and justify his "useful" racism and we're never going to get him to think about the ethical aspects of that decision. So let's move along to look for someone whose head isn't mired in 1968.

@citronella sadly, you got that right, girlfriend.

@citronella no, I can't check all the refugees and the economic migrants that are coming to the West so I have to think in stereotypes based on the average individual. Stereotypes are rooted in reality though. All you need to know is what civilisation the other races have been able to produce. Also average IQs and GI (general intelligence). Also physical traits. Also inclination to commit crimes. Also way of thinking, namely the ability to look forward into the future and to be creative. And the list could go on and on.

@citronella Moreover I have had many experiences with minorities and actually if I had to base my judgement on those individuals I met my racism wouldn't be as moderate as it is now.

@Algernon I believe the evolutionary process made people adapt to the lands they lived in. Shorter people are from countries that had less nutricious food. People from other countries had to run fast from some very dangerous animals. This is just adaption


I'd like to point out that in the poll only 4 people said yes and 35 people said no and yet most of the comments here are saying yes. What didn't you want to vote? Didn't want to put down that yes tick to make it look like it's okay to be racist against white people when you then turn around and say it's okay to be racist against white people? Not at all surprised.

Racism is a learned behaviour and no matter what color its just not ok. Peace ?

@Kaitaki It is more an evolutionary behaviour that kept us alive for millions of years. We had to make snap judgements whether someone was of our clan. Did they look like us or were they a threat. Today we no er have to make those snap judgments so if a racist thought or fear pops in our mind, we can reject it because it is no er relevant today

@Kaitaki and OPPRESSION is institutionalized. As a black woman your hating me would not be of any import. What concerns me are denial of equal opportunity, substandard schools, racial profiling , the unjustified killing of blacks, as well as bias in application of laws on the books!

@MsDemeanour false equivalency

@JAEMPRESS the fact is the most woke white person in the world will never truly comprehend the frustration of being black in the US.

@JAEMPRESS My scientific explanation for how racism (or wariness of difference) came about IS totally inadequate for today's prejudice, you're right. As a woman having experienced sexism, I can only glimpse what black people go through on a daily basis. Our Australian Aboriginals have the same deal where they are over represented in jails, lack education, increased health issues and have a life expectancy ten yrs less than white people. It's an appalling situation. I believe racism is a choice today, regardless of how you were brought up, people, all people should make a stand for injustice and it starts with every individual. People need to question their values.

You're making a sweeping generalization. There's no way that ALL minorities are racist against all whites. There's no way that ALL whites are, or are not, racist tward all minorities. What is the evidence that you have to support your contention? You start with an extreme view and then seem to think people are lying when they say they don't agree with it. I hope you are not persuading your child that this level of prejudice is acceptable. Even if you don't want to, he will have to succeed in a diverse world, and having an "all minorities are racists" world view is not going to help in that.

what responses were YOU looking at? everyone said it's NOT okay to be racist, usually altogether, whether against white people, black people or green people. as for voting, i won't vote because i find your question racist. i can't speak for everyone else who didn't vote.



This is the second time I have had to write this response.

It is DISINGENUOUS at best to use your hand picked definition of RACISM and follow up with this question.
BLACK people may be prejudiced or discriminatory but NEVER RACIST!
RACE and RACISM are social constructs ROOTED in SUPREMACY and BOLSTERED by RULES and LAWS made specifically to EMPOWER WHITE PEOPLE.
Before any of us can have an educated discussion we should read the extensive body of work on what exactly is RACISM, the history of SLAVERY and the VESTIGES of slavery. More important for discussion is an UNDERSTANDING of JIM CROW and reading Michelle ALEXANDER'S book THE NEW JIM CROW...then and only then is this discussion worthy or valuable.

Unfortunately due to misuses of the term, the definition doe now include the option for looking down on Whites based on race. Historically speaking you are absolutely correct. Racism is the use of power against another race due to prejudice and since minorities do not have the power to prevent Whites from holding jobs or arrest them for being White than racism does not exist. Racism is not meant to be about hating a race but about suppressing a race and without that power it is prejudice not racist. In my opinion it really sucks that the dictionaries adjust to use instead of making people use the term properly. Words do change meaning though and racism has had it's meaning altered, therefor making racism towards Whites ONE of the possible definitions. #1 (any race can believe theirs is superior to another)

Definition of racism
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 a : a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles
b : a political or social system founded on racism
3 : racial prejudice or discrimination

Please consider making a post about this subject and Michelle Alexander’s position.

So I think what you call racism is what I would call institutional opression motivated by racist beliefs. I can understand why someone would just call that racist because well it’s much shorter. It also offers me some insight to why some people make the claim “white people are all racist” and why some define racism as “power + prejudice”. Thank you for your post.

@ArturoS I shall

@antitheism and i would suggest to you again that in the absence of power to institute regulations and laws to bolster supremacy racism cannot exist. Black people are powerless to institute laws, to redline districts, to sllow extra judicial killings, to rig elections, to underfund schools, to overfund prisions

doesnt matter how many times you say it, you are wrong, you don't get to cherry pick definitions to make you feel/look better. Learn the difference between systemic racism, and good old fashioned racism. Until you do so, you just seem ignorant.


It may not be racist, but I can understand why a black American would not trust white people. I have no idea what being black in America would be like. I am so awash in white privilege I can't even detect it.

Yeah. I was reading this interview of a hospice doctor, and she mentioned that African Americans are much less open to discussing hospice care with her, and she couldn’t understand why. I was like, really? You can’t think of any historical reason why black folks might be mistrustful of white folks suggestin unknown medical ideas? Cough cough. Tuskegee. To name one of many.

@Jenmcjen black children in the ER are less likely to be given medication for pain because our children are thought to have a higher threshold for pain. Physicians don't believe black women having c sections !

@JAEMPRESS O. M. G. That’s fucked up.

hmmm... your statement is a total generalization. There's plenty of really wonderful white people and I see no reason why black people can't learn to trust white people. I see friendship and trust all the time across race, religion non believing and color lines. My son is considered white although I'm not N European stock. Standing up for him at his wedding will be three young men all nonbelievers, one white, one Chilean, one African American and my son's Jewish uncle. The African American man's family simply adore my son. There's plenty of room for growth and change on both all sides.

@JAEMPRESS no question bias plays in decisions made in all arenas: medically, legally, in education, politics, you name it. Pain medication is in flux lately though anyway, for everyone, because of the the narcotics epidemic. Have you run into this particular situation: untreated pain at ER for your children? I ask out of concern as a nurse.

@MagRat don't need one more article, wanted a response from Jaempress. Thanks, though

@MagRat Not disputing the content of your article. Like I said, I wanted to engage with our fellow member.


Not possible. There is no racism against white people, period. That's my opinion.

Factually incorrect.

If that is truly how you feel why don't you go spend some significant time in a low income minority neighborhood. Please tell me how it goes.

@GregGasiorowski I will not engage in discourse regarding this, and don't care about what you think the facts are.

You may have to look a little further afield than your own backyard but I can assure you that there is plenty of racism against people, racism has no colour limitations.

@Surfpirate I understand the subject perfectly, and have lived all over the world. This poll is so out of touch, it sickens me. I made my statement, and am not going to discuss it further.

@MollyBell No worries, everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

lmfao. You take a stance, and refuse to defend, or discuss it? then why did you even open your mouth, since your following silence makes your statement worthless.


I'm with you on this one, it's never acceptable to be racist against anyone else, even caucasians.

On an individual interaction I agree with you. On public policies hence with individuals you don't personally know I disagree with you.

@Algernon Well that's nice and all, but I wasn't referring to public policies/politics, and in a case like that it wouldn't be prejudice just simply disagreeing with someone else.

@Algernon you can't be American, right? Please tell me you aren't American? There's nothing in our Constitution, the LAW OF THE LAND, that allows for racism. Racism is introduced through interpretation, through skewed thinking like, well, yours...

@SpikeTalon ok then, maybe we're saying the same things.

@SpikeTalon, @crazycurlz no, I'm not American as most of Americans nowadays are not Americans but rather Mexicans or from whatever else they came from.
We have two very opposite points of view about race but I'm not insulting you while you're saying that my thinking is skewed while dismissing wholesale my reasoning. Well, you may know that more and more true Americans, those who have made allegiance to the country they live in, are coming to think the way I think. But you're not interested in debating my point but only in calling names. I'm surprised that you haven't called me Fascist or a member of the KKK yet.

@crazycurlz following your reasoning then the first Immigration Act, the one which clearly mentioned that the US was welcoming only white immigrants of good character, was against the Constitution.

@Algernon I'm walking away. I've lost interest in this. Have a good rest of your weekend.

@Algernon I don't recall calling anyone on this post names, not sure why you tagged me in that comment? I'm not interested in calling anyone names on here or arguing, I wish I had the spare time to debate, but life has a way of keeping me busy. I do see the point you are trying to make though, and I think the keywords you are looking for would be natural selection. Either way, for the most part I'm done with this post, I need to focus more attention on the groups I'm in as opposed to public threads, take care all.


Loved that! Thanks for posting!

Yessss this..ALL OF THIS!!!

this comment is for no one in particular: black and brown people have also invaded, persecuted, raped and pillaged and enslaved others not to mention their own people. It's in the DNA of the Human Species.

@crazycurlz true, just no particular group was so successful at enacting it en masse that we still live in systems largely built by their practice of oppression quite like England France Spain Portugal n Italy.

@Wurlitzer I don't know how this is measured. many tribal groups (arab, african, native american) and I think if you look back in history...the Spartans, Islamic tribes, the hittites, whoever they were, ghanges khan. I just think it's dangerous to attribute negative 'war-like' qualities to the recent predominant white, N European culture when in truth all human species have been and are capable of demonic behavior. I also think the level of white hate is congruous to their relative wealth and power. It's all speculative but my belief is that the species AS A WHOLE needs some heavy self-reflection.

@crazycurlz it’s measured by the fact that the US is still running shit all over the World and a great deal of the earth was colonized by us or the euro powers that created us. The other groups you point to did their damage largely amongst themselves and their immediate neighbors, not all over the world and continuing to this day. Genghis khan is the only one who had a reach even close. White people arent inherently more evil than anyone else, we just spread our evil out the most broadly and recently over space n time. As a result, that’s what we are left to deal with predominately. The other most oppressive cultures left in the world currently like Islamic states and North Korea were largely radicalized by us. So... there’s also that.

@Wurlitzer I don't disagree that's where we're currently. BUT totally disagree that the Islamic states and N Korea were largely radicalized by us. I think that's naive. The Islamic state can claim adherents numbers grow when we go in but we aren't the root cause and I think that's dangerous thinking.


This is lacking in diversity training. Some minorities are just as racist and hateful against white people as they claim white people are to them. To be perfectly honest, it's one of the reasons why I don't date outside my race/ethnicity.

So you have decided that because a minority group member MIGHT be racist, that you will write off an entire ethnic group? That's as racist as the racism you are offended by.

@citronella I've only dated about three Hispanic men. had the same problems with all of them. Now it's just a personal thing, after a few bad experiences with them I'm just not interested in dating them anymore. If they're not racist their mother, father, family or their friends probably are. it's just too many problems/ risky for me. If an African American man said that it was too complicated to date a white woman and that he prefers to date black people I would not call that racist.

@Kojaksmom finally someone who can see the naked king!

@Kojaksmom -- And I've only married one Hispanic woman and have never regretted it. I suggest that a bit of objective introspection is in order.

@evidentialist it is different for women.

@Kojaksmom -- Not really, though there is that possibility, particularly for those who have been raised in the US. I lived in Mexico for several years and have traveled extensively in Central and South America. There is a thing called 'machismo' that does set a tone generally in relationships between men and women, but it varies greatly in different locales, even in any given country. I can see this as a definite negative in relationships for American born and raised women. It is also a part of Latino culture that is thankfully dying pretty fast in most areas. However, understand that this is a cultural issue and has nothing to do with that nonexistent race idea.

My wife is fully capable in the self sufficiency department, independent, intelligent, strong, opinionated, and certainly not the stereotypical Mexican woman from her generation. She likes to joke about finding a tolerant gringo who was able to accept her as she was, otherwise she would have flown solo.


It's not "OK" to be racist towards anyone.
Although, as a white person, I can see why many others would be racist toward
white people. There are STILL many, who are white, who believe they are superior
to all other races. Their behavior has always shown that they are not.
White people have historically treated everyone who isn't them like shit.
Lots of them still do.
I can appreciate other races believing turnabout would be fair play.
That would be typical of human nature.

You have described the basis of white racism nicely.

@jlynn37 Thanks. I take no pleasure in it.
It hurts my heart that white people have behaved as we have, and still do.

@KKGator I totally agree. After learning of the atrocities and inhumanities throughout history that whites have perpetrated on others simply because of skin color, perceived class, perceived inferiority and I am sure there are other factors, I sometimes feel that we whites are nonredeemable.

@jlynn37 Agreed. It's not even self-loathing, as so many conservatives like to call it. It's just the sheer disgust at behavior so abhorrent, so vile, that the only reasonable reaction is to be ashamed. What makes it so much worse is that it's STILL happening. White people STILL demonize blacks, and others.
Institutional, and systemic racism, is STILL alive and well, and those who help to perpetuate it insist it's the fault of those being discriminated against.
It's like the ultimate case of gas-lighting.

@saganian I'm not a liberal, and I don't have "guilt". I just accept the facts of history, and acknowledge the truth of what white people have done throughout history.
If you want to live in denial, knock yourself out.
Don't fucking tell me what to do, or how to feel, about anything.


first of all, there is no such thing as pc. it's just a phrase concocted by people who can't understand why other people would be nice to still other people without some ulterior motive... as if everyone would casually use the "n" word unless someone was around to tell them not to. it's a little bit like being good because there's a god. or to put it more succinctly, fuck pc.

second of all, not everything you mentioned is racist. let's go through that list.

You CAN be racist against white people but is it OK?

racism is not okay.

Is it OK to tell an entire race they need to atone for the actions of their ancestors?

no, it wouldn't be, but it might be appropriate to tell the powers that be (and guess what race that mostly represents, right?) that something needs to be done to 1. stop the actions that are STILL CONTINUING even if in a slightly different form and 2. give some kind of compensation -- not atonement, but compensation -- for even the past actions, if they were dreadful and had long-lasting consequences. we are STILL feeling the consequences of the slavery of kidnapped africans. "well, i didn't personally do it, so fuck you" is not appropriate.

Is it OK to tell an entire race they are racist simply because of their race?

no, but who's doing that? if you think that's what protesting against racism is, then you don't understand the situation at all. asking that question implies that thought.

Is it OK to blame an entire race on the actions of 2 people?

which two people? i don't understand who would be doing this. this doesn't relate to any reality of which i am aware, and i DO pay close attention. asking this question implies that this is an actual issue.

Is it OK to purposely tell your kids to not trust an entire race?

no, but it IS okay to purposely tell your kids how to survive an untrustworthy system that is skewed toward an entire other race. it would not be okay NOT to do so because the kids might be harmed or killed otherwise. i have heard repeatedly from black parents that they had to sit their kids down and explain how not to be shot by white cops. should they have to do that? of course not! but they DO have to do that! so it's not just okay, it's necessary! and it's not the same thing as telling kids not to trust a whole race.


@genessa I applaud you.

@michaelinlivonia got sources for those suspicious-sounding stats?


@michaelinlivonia take advantage of free education? here are more questions about that. 1. did you know that black kids are more likely than white kids to be suspended from school even for the same reasons? if i were continually suspended from school i might drop out too. 2. do the stats mention WHY the kids drop out? that could make a difference. (sometimes the kids are needed at home.) 3. sometimes the "free" education doesn't include fees the family can't afford, uniforms, etc. sometimes the "free" education includes being bullied. 4. re single parents -- you do know that a good deal of that has to do with the unfairly skewed incarceration of black men? it's not because black people are more likely to divorce, for example. black men are incarcerated for crimes white men either get probation for, or get less time for. instant single mom family. there's more but it's nap time for me.


@michaelinlivonia black people are incarcerated as criminals whether they are criminals or not, and incarcerated for minor crimes that do not call for incarceration. your argument has big, big holes in it. your experience is valid... for you, but small samples don't count for much outside of biographical interest. i am not making excuses. i am bringing up legitimate issues. how about we stop considering black people who smoke marijuana dangerous criminals and giving white rapists a pass?



White privilege. I see this far too often and your questions are yet another example.

This is a non-sequitor, even if white privilege is a real thing which I highly doubt, does that somehow justify racism towards those of a lighter skin tone?

I’m definitely interested to hear your answer to this because from what I can tell from people who have dismissed questions such as these with a response like yours is that answer is yes.

Either that or they claim it’s it impossible to be racist towards white people since racism is defined as “prejudice + power” which is a terrible definition for racism since under that definition, groups like neo-nazis and the klu klux klan are not racist since they hold no institutional power.

I also realize that the typical identity politician will be quick to point out the fact that the positions of power in this country are held by white people, to which I say “yes, but are they kkk members or Nazis?” Who know maybe some indeed are but more than likely not the vast majority

What privilege do I have by simply asking this question? What privilege do I have at all? You're going to have to point out the actual privileges in my life for me to believe them. You know nothing about my life other than the fact that I'm white. You don't know if I was raised Rich or poor if I was raised by good parents or bad parents. But you assume that I'm privileged simply because of the color of my skin. That's what's called racism.

@Wavefunction show me where people of color hurt you. Were you ever denied a job based soley on your skin color? Housing? Do you tell your male children how to behave if they get pulled over by the police? Do have an a friend, relative that was shot to death at a routine traffic stop? Did your grandmother eat at a different table in a diner? Drink from a different water fountain? The list is endless. Not to have experienced any of these things..white privilege.
If one person in power is a racist, that's one too many.
Hitler was one man.

First of all, whether or not a person of color has ever hurt me is irrelevant to the discussion at hand. But since we are in the realm of personal anecdotes, I actually have been targeted because of my skin color: I was walking home one day only to be accosted by 6 thugs. Luckily I was much bigger than them (well bigger than most people) and it was easy enough to fight them off. Afterwards I told my friends about what happened they wanted to find these thugs and beat them up despite the fact I had successfully defended myself. These are the same friends who saved from the tribalistic mentality that “all people like this are criminals” you want to know why? Because my friends who came to my aid were black, my attackers were black. It was because of my awesome friends who I trust with my life, that I finally understood how someone could become racist , how to prevent it, and how to peel someone away from a belief system like that.

Now back to the discussion at hand, You still have yet to show how your response refutes OPs premise. Now if your claim is that “racism can’t be directed towards a member where they are the majority of population and hold most of the power; thus, the answer to OPs original question is no” , then I would ask is your definition of racism the use of institutional power wielded by individuals whose intent is to suppress people? If so fair enough as there are examples of this occuring (just look at the housing market and certain property value managing techniques).

However given the same claim, if your definition of racism is the colloquial definition (I’m fairly certain that is the one OP gave but I’d have to check), then you’re response is a non-sequitor since the definition has nothing to do with exercise of power, but rather more to do with a set of beliefs that lead to behaviors on the part of an individual. I take the later definition since it includes nazis and the kkk (both of which no longer hold institutional power, but are most assuredly racist)

Also as a side note, my grandmother grew up during the Great Depression and from a family that was rather poor so I don’t imagine they did much dinning out. Everyone has problems... if that’s how we’re defining privilege, then we all have western privilege because we don’t have to worry about living in a war zone where some isis terrorist might kidnap us and set us on fire. We are also in the top 10 (or maybe even 1) of the world’s wealth... even the poorest of us are just by virtue of social programs that are often nonexistent in places like Syria due to civil war or Venezuela due to the failed ideology of socialism.

I am incredibly lucky to live in an amazing nation, sure we definitely have our problems, and I’m not going to sit here and pull the “if u don’t like murca, you can hit ooout”. I’m just saying this to let you know that I am very aware of how lucky I and my friends are despite our 1st world problems.


Simple, it is never OK to be racist. We are all the same race.

Gohan Level 7 May 4, 2018

haha, where are you from? The Wonderlands?

@Algernon If that's what you want to call the real world, sure.

@Gohan the real world is a world made of races among other things. The fact that you don't like humanity to be divided into races, among any other possible divisions you can think of, doesn't make races any less real.

@Algernon If you want to be racist, do it, just don't do it at the expense of anyone else's freedom or life. Cast away the old ways and embrace a world free of hate. Hate isn't needed. Division isn't needed.

@Gohan -- And should he continue along these lines, he isn't needed. I know, that was snarky, but I've been reading his input and the bile has been pooling.


My experience has been that racism is born mainly by fear....fear of culture....fear by indoctrination, fear of un-known.... and of course, anything feared, is resented.....fear is most damaging to those experiencing it, and most harmful to others when expressed toward them. A real sad shame that some cannot face such petty fears, and learn a real joy that the freedom of fear can be...good luck with your life.

I wouldn't dismiss fears so easily as you do. The right fear can save your life in extreme cases and more often it just make you do the safest thing at any given time.

@Algernon awareness is a substitute, fear is a mind killer. Try it, you'll like it.

@HankSherman the level of racism that there is today in the Western world is by no mean a fear and for all that matter not even a mild awareness. Antiracism reins and it has become a dogma based on good intention perhaps but still an agenda based on the lie that races are social constructs.

@Algernon what? I admit that my fifth grade education is a hinderance. Are you rationalizing or trying to justify racism?

@Algernon -- Race is a social construct. We are a single species displaying regional variations at this stage of our evolution.


Couldn't lodge a vote because there is no such thing as race. There are no such things as white people. Even albinos aren't white. Pale, yes. White, no. We are a species with variants. So, if one variant holds another variant in contempt, a word is needed to describe that. Race is not the word because there is no race. It appears that the problem the 'hater' has with another variant is an internal psychological malfunction so I suppose it would boil down to being a mental illness directed toward a human variant. My head hurts. You figure it out.

@zarathustra13 -- Merely stating a fact and pointing out that the perception of race and tribal thinking allows the idea of racism to continue. Complex issue, even though the underlying concept is simple.

@zarathustra13 -- Aha! From the wording in the original post, your intent was not particularly clear to me. This last comment made it obvious, and my answer would certainly be, no.


The true definition of racism is about privilege not skin color. I like this article from [] , it puts racism into proper perspective. It's lost it's meaning over time.

“Dear White People, Your “Dictionary Definition” of Racism is Wrong

Racism as an ideology originated from European scientists in the 17th Century during the Atlantic slave trade. They invented it in order to differentiate themselves from those with different skin colors and darker features, creating a racial hierarchy that continues to this day. It would simply be incorrect to deny that the history of racism has been (and continues to be) one of white supremacy as the label “white” has always been an indication of superiority.
However, many of us were taught when we were little that racism is simply disliking someone based on the color of their skin. We were taught that it is a two-way street and that it can happen to anyone. We were taught that racism is simply prejudice toward any race.
This is clearly evident in the defense tactic many people use when defending racism.
For many white people, the “definition of racism” offers them a safeguard so that they no longer feel the need to check their privilege. It acts as a last resort when backed into a corner by logic and reason. It is their final safety measure to ensure that they still win the conversation, even though this is not the type of conversation to be won.
It is for those white people that I have listed below some of the many reasons why the “definition of racism” is wrong.
Dictionaries provide a simplistic view of words.
While dictionaries are a great reference for people who have no prior knowledge on a word, concept or idea, they are not the best for conducting and controlling discussion. Racism is such a complex idea that it would be impossible to describe every aspect of it in a basic 101 way. Dictionaries should instead be used as a starting point for learning, leading to more thorough research and investigation, rather than being a final and definitive argument as to why white people can experience racism.
Dictionaries are written and edited by white men.
The majority of writers for popular and academic dictionaries have been white men. In the western world, as there are systems in place which privilege white people, it is not surprising to see that the definition of racism put forward by white men is inaccurate. They are socialized to believe that the racism people of color experience is in any way comparable to the “racism” white people experience (i.e. being called out for perpetrating and upholding white supremacy). There is simply no credibility in white people defining racism.
Racism is systemic.
If we look at the word, ‘racism’, we see that it is made up of ‘race’ and the suffix ‘-ism’. This suffix is used to denote a system which, at least in the western world, is a system of white supremacy.
This clearly differentiates racism from prejudice. Anyone can be prejudiced toward anyone else, regardless of their race. People of color can certainly be prejudiced toward white people. However it is not racism because there is no larger system in place which oppresses white people.
These are just some of the reasons why the “dictionary definition of racism” is invalid. If you or someone you know ever feels the need to screenshot the “definition of racism” and use it in an argument, just remember that the definition of ketchup says that it is spicy.”

This article is wrong. There is no 'history year zero' in racism, it has existed in many forms since the dawn of time, when one clade of monkeys was in competition with another in a neighboring tree.. Racism is a base animal instinct and informs nationalism, patriotism, team supporting in football and all other forms of flag-waving. It is the grunt of the soldier and the cry of the oppressed. To combat racism and other forms of group-think requires rational thought and education.

@chazwin Where did you get this belief?

@Wildflower It's called REASON. I believe nothing. But it is informed by my studies in history and anthropology and archaeology.

I would couple the privileged perspective along with a more important angle...power.


The question you ask is a false dichotomy that misses the complexity of the issue. There is a difference between racist attitudes and systemic oppression. People of color are institutionally oppressed in the United States. This means that it is harder for minorities to get jobs than white people. It means minorities are more likely to be found guilty of crimes and are sentenced more harshly. It means that minorities are more likely to be denied housing in desirable areas and forced to live in areas with higher crime and fewer resources. It means that minority children are more likely to be suspended from school - even as young as preschool - further widening the gap in education quality between white and minority students, and fueling the preschool-to-prison pipeline. I could go on and on. Does this apply to every black/Latino/Middle Eastern/etc., person? Of course not. But data does not lie. People of color are statistically more likely to face these barriers and more. And and even the poorest, most marginalized white populations still hold a level of privilege over minorities.

It is absolutely not okay to be treated badly for something you have no control over. But I wonder if it's possible that what you are perceiving as racism against white people is actually frustration about the barriers listed above and anger at white people who accept the privilege that their skin color affords them without ever engaging in any type of reflection about how they are impacted by this, or who try to "whitesplain" why racism no longer exists rather than listening to the actual lived experiences of people of color.

If you are so inclined, I highly recommend reading some of Peggy McIntosh's work on the subject, and completing the Invisible Knapsack questionnaire for yourself. I'll include the link for you. Hope you are having a wonderful day. 🙂


A very big discussion indeed it is. It’s beyond the subject of this group, I think.

Really good stuff in your comment.

Love your reply.


I don't mind if someone is sky blue pink if they are okay with me - at the moment I ma sunburnt red been out in the garden too long
I think that with anyone new that i meet I may be a little frightened of what might be hidden .But colour tells me nothing not even where someone is from.

You are a fool if you don't take colour into some level of account when dealing with strangers.

@Algernon At least i'd be a kind fool! Thats all that matters to me.

@Algernon I don't understand your comment 'you are a fool if you don't take colour into some level of account when dealing with strangers" Maybe it's because I live in a multicultural country and work with people with diverse cultures. I feel all the richer for it. Why is it foolish to consider colour when dealing with strangers? Unless there is a language barrier I simply don't understand what you are getting at.

@MsDemeanour Did I say at any time thtyou were foolish? I don't remember being that harsh if I did say it I apologise but still I take people as I find them ok with me I am ok with them difference is useful if there were no difference we would not have new cuisine etc.


My opinion is that it's not ok to be racist towards any person or race. Sadly, since the white race perpetrated the most well-known racism on earth, they (we, I'm Caucasian) now seem to be fair game for reverse racism. The answers to all of your questions above is no, of course. The reality, however, is that American society is well-conditioned to attack any pro-white conversation. Personally, I feel that any time race is a factor at all, whether it is positive or negative in nature, it's racism. Affirmative Action and racial quotas is racism. The NAACP is a racist organization. Even when done with the best of intentions, it's racism. We celebrate Black History Month during February. Imagine the outcry if anyone suggested White History Month. I get it, but just making a point here. In schools and large businesses, there are often cultural/Ethnicity-based clubs. Again, imagine the outcry if Caucasian-based clubs were suggested. I wish we could celebrate cultural diversity without any taint of race.

@michaelinlivonia We're all entitled to our opinions. I can't believe you practically just called me a Nazi tho.

@michaelinlivonia I AM German, and no, you are twisting things here. You are applying inapplicable context to my comments. I answered the question in the spirit in which it was asked.


Dr King saved most White Americans from racism, for which we can be eternally grateful. Unfortunately no one has yet performed that task for most Black Americans. President Barack Obama should have done that job, but instead he fed the flames of racial animosity. Of course some Black Americans are among the very best of us (I'm thinking of Thomas Sowell), but I do perceive a lot of anti-White racism among a lot of Black Americans. Deep in my heart, I do believe, we shall overcome some day.

Dr King did what?? Barack Hussein Obama did what? Could you elaborate pleas

Dr King's speech at the Lincoln Memorial was the single most consequential public address in US history. He didn't convert racist bigots, but after that speech a majority of White Americans were on his side.
As for Obama, his presidency could have been a celebration of a post-racial America. Instead he spent his 8 years in office fanning the flames of racial antagonism. And today we live with the consequences of his actions.


IMO there's only one race - 'the human race'. Class was invented by man; just like GOD.

you constantly hear about racism but the class system is far more prevalent and widespread as is sexism

Races are not an opinion, they are scientific facts.

@Algernon lmao, scientific fact is there is only one race. Are you actively trying to be this dumb, or is it due to bad genetics?

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