314 19

Do you support Trump?

I completely believe that the US government needs to be completely revamped and revised before we can actually do any good for this country. But - taking that out of the equation, for now, I'd really love to hear people's (honest, respectful and mature) reasons why they do or do not support Trump. (or is unsure). Please, no disrespect or rudeness. He is our president and deserves at least the respect that position affords him (that does not mean we agree with him, but we shouldn't be slinging insults and such)

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smilnjan 6 Oct 6

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Some of the commentators seem upset that most of the posts are anti Trump. Do any of you really expect to find a bunch of Right Wingers on an Agnostic site?

To label everyone who supports Trump as Right Winged Religious loons is seriously ignorant

@Bairsdad that's ignorant and ridiculous...I could say the same about people voting for Killary

I am..

"I just go right up and kiss them"
"I just grab them by the pussy"

Using an active "this is what i do" verb structure, and "them" plural, lol. Don seems like a great guy (sarcasm) and it makes total sense that a woman or any thinking person would support that (not)

It was illuminating the day that our 8 year old came home to us, not only saying that he hated him, after seeing how the trumpie kids act at school, but also saying that he should be "grabbed by the pussy". Hmm. He sets a fine example of what not to do.

@Ravenwolfcasey i label them as complicit

@Countrycuz666 Has anyone around you said"you have psychological problems, please go see a doctor" to you? Really sir, you seem articulate, excpt for this odious political nonsense, and this stuff about "Satan', god emperors, bill clinton having a son, and other crackpot delusions that you may be hearing from a broken AM radio with no cord.

@rafferty Your the one with the mental problems. You should get check out right away!

@Bairsdad I think anyone who voted for Obama or Hillary is a left wing nut job.

@rafferty don’t forget calling Mexicans “rapists” and “animals” and mocking a disabled man with the gesture for “retard” that even 8-year-olds will tell you is cruel and childish.

@Ravenwolfcasey I didn't say religious loons, but it might be close to what they are. The Evangelicals gave him big support, and they are not a fringe group. They have large numbers and are well financed.

@Trajan61 wait, buddy, so Don DIDNT say that stuff, right. He's all "I DONT WAIT" lol. Whos he "not waiting" with? Lol. If he can just casually bump his gums about breaking the law like that, its no stretch that he'd blab whatever to your buddy Putin, lol

@Trajan61 thats clearly because you are an Idiot.

@dellik Your the one whose an idiot!! @Lancer

@Trajan61 I'd say that although Trump has said some "outrageous" things I have to say, almost all men have said something similar when their mum, girlfriend or wife wasn't around. This type of behavior is perfectly normal. Girls will do the same thing to guys by talking about how they're good or bad in bed. Everyone does it so it's not a big deal. The left might think that saying pussy is bad but I'd say rioting, killing cops, shitting on the street and attacking people for their political affiliations or calling them Nazi's because you can't compose a counter argument, are worse.

Trump is what's best for the US for the time being. Hillary would have done what every other career politician has done for decades and sold America to the Arabs or Chinese.

Also Nigel Farage couldn't have said it better when he said "The problem with career politicians is that they've never held a real job"

@Lancer You're the poster child for why conservatives (or other like-minded folk) suffer from 'head-in-dark-places' syndrome. It's not just what he says, it's what HE'S DONE!! But saying this type of behavior is "perfectly normal" is gross stupidity and simply paints you out to be just what's wrong with our country: another dumb, idiot male who still hasn't figured out the importance of language and how words reflect the 'nature' of who you are, and NOT in a good way. It's your 'choice' to continue to act and think like other 'low-lifes' who can't think beyond their nose.

Your lunacy is outed by the rest of your a**hole comments. And, NO, by far and away, NOT everyone does it. You're a pretty disconnected dimwit who provides no support for the 'crap' you've pitched. There's plenty of counter-argument re cops who kill and those who do act like 'Nazis' (alt-right idiots) to fill a library.

And, like other Trump supporters, you're completely clueless about the damage he's already done to our country. The list is too long to mention but you can find most points already mentioned on this site, if you look. Hillary would have done fine though I've never liked her 'centrist leanings', she wouldn't have 'screwed the pooch' with the hiring of dimwit sycophants to cabinet positions like Capt Orange. It's Trump who's selling America down the drain and the Chinese are thanking him for it.

Your last comment is a half-truth as there have been amazing 'politicians' who've had professional careers in the private sector and did great work. Dude, you're just seriously stupid and ignorant...yugely...

Chill mate. I get it, you don’t like Trump. But he’s given hope to so many downtrodden people. They wants him, they voted for him. Even with all the alleged sexism, racism, etc. He was the one Americans voted for. Hey want Trump and support what he said he was going to do.

A big problem is that most people are conservatives. They just hide themselves because leftists will verbally or physically abuse us for speaking about issues in a way that they disapprove with.

Conservatives are the majority. The left are gaining ground but it won’t last. As the saying goes “if you’re not a liberal by the age of 20 then you have no heart. But if you’re not a conservative by the age of 30 hen you have no brain”

@Lancer I still amazed that any Agnostic would make common cause with the Religious Right, I.E. Evangelicals. Maybe you're a Theist and just trolling.

Lancer is one of the few sensible ones here in the main forum. A lot of the liberals are just totally Luney when it comes to Trump. Hell he’s already done a lot good just by undoing a lot of the stupid crap Obama did.

@Lancer Obviously, I don't like Trump and many are waking up to the BS. And I also 'get' that he's given hope to the downtrodden, BUT he's already betrayed them, YUGELY!! His decisions on trade tariffs among other decisions have already cost jobs and more layoffs are ahead. Sorry, he's just not a 'smart' person.

BTW, besides losing the popular vote and Hillary running a 'terrible campaign', another reason she lost was due 'voter suppression': shutting down polls in precincts where people of color resided (leaving other polls open for 'white' populations), causing large lines and making it to vote; also 'interstate crosscheck' is a system devised to clean up voter rolls has been used literally to steam roll people off the rolls by a few million (it's now getting scorched in federal courts which has charged Kris Kobach with (currently running for Kansas state governor); interfering with voting machines (case in Detroit, MI, where 75000 votes were in but the space for voting for president wasn't marked; place that was about 80-85% democratic, Republican leaders acknowledged it but had no explanation???).

No, actually, just given the polls alone, most people are democratic and their poor showing at the polls has been evidence of it. Your perspective has no basis in fact. Oh, and when "leftists" speak on issues, conservative aren't bashful by any means in attacking them. And I agree that some on the left are too harsh, but as I"m saying, the problem you accuse the 'leftists' with is a problem which BOTH sides share.

You need to get better with your research. When you do, you'll discover that the it's the 'democrats/liberals/progressives' that are growing in numbers, not the 'conservatives.' Which is the Republican leadership has resorted to deceitful and corrupt means of rigging elections; certainly you can argue that the Dems have been guilty from such in the past and that's true, but at the level we're witnessing now. You're last sentence is an meme of BS that just became a popular saying for conservatives...that's as far as it goes.

If you think I"m wrong on these points, you're welcome to challenge. But I'd challenge you to put this out here as a question for challenge and also place your question and points on a forum called The results could be very enlightening...cheers

Trump is trying to bring industry back to the US. Manufacturing and agriculture are the lifeblood of all independent nations and Trump is bringing it home. That’s more than the UK air Australia can say they’re doing.

As for the “rigged” votes, this type of thing happens all the time. It is the reason why sadik Kahn is the mayor of London. No election will ever be 100% correct, that’s just life.

As for popularity polls, they’re worthless. So we can’t say that Hillary was the preferred candidate. There’s speculation that Facebook knew Trump was going to win way before the election. Not because of the polls which favourer Hillary but because so many people were talking about how they can relate to trump in their private messenger chatrooms. It’s not hard to see why when he is fighting for the freedom of Americans.

Also I tend to not go on public forums except for this one because so many times people just tell me I’m a dick or A-hole because I use logical reasoning and evidence against them. This has been true in person too. At school many people debated politics and I tried to avoid it since they would twist and contort what I said in order to stir up the students against me. I used to defend kids against bullies so the bullies targeted me. That’s all that sharing opinions ever got me, more trouble.

@Lancer I couldn’t have said it better myself. It just blows my mind that London with all the problems it’s had with muslims has a Muslim Mayor.

The reason for that is because during the election many areas with predominantly white, christian and jewish people were sent the wrong voting registers and consequently were not allowed to vote. The people were told it was an administration error and that if they wanted to vote they would have to go to the London town center. This happened in many areas and most people chose not to go and vote, but for some "reason" the migrant suburbs weren't affected by this administrative error.

I don't doubt that this kind of thing happens around the world but I just thought the UK was above this kind of illegal election rigging.

@Lancer Thanks for the information. I always wondered how London had a Muslim Mayor with all the problems they’ve had with them.

It wasn’t on the mainstream news but I read the article and watched a video of them interviewing people who were turned away from the polling booths.

@Trajan61 Man, there really are alot of mentally disturbed leftists on this site...


I joined this dating site in HOPES there were less conservatives here.

I have walked away from family and friends who support trump and will refuse to date anyone who does. Not being snobby but its more of a moral decision than a political one


Hello Ronjames438! I am brand new here. How are you?

I agree. I have a difficult time with people that defend him. And, quite frankly, I get literally sick when I see or hear him. And, yes, I cried like a frikkin baby when I woke up to find he won. How could we allow this to happen? All because people hated Obama so much simply because of 2 things - he is African American and a Democrat. No other basis. Sometimes I'm just ashamed to be an American, and more& more often ashamed to be Human.

I cried too. The world has just gone mad. All the racists crawling out of the woodwork feeling empowered by this monster ????

I hear you. I desire to get along with everyone but when they start to tell how they support a guy that is so screwed up it makes my skin crawl. I usually just let it go over my head and flee as soon as possible...LOL

For me it's not a moral decision to not date Trump supporters - it's that I wouldn't want to date someone that stupid.

I've lost a few friends because their racism started showing once trump got into office.

hi sunshine! when are you going to let me sweep you off of your feet and bring you over my threshold! lol got any new post lately?

I'm from Texas but no friggin way am I conservative and I don't live near Austin!!!

It really doesn't pay to be either/or. Both sides are all about the money.

There's a lot of Trump bashers out there and there are a few things that I don't like about him however I think he's a man that's looked at politics just like the rest of us and realised that nothing is being achieved, this is exactly the same in Britain, Our NHS is still in a mess but nothing happens, the amount of people that's living rough on our streets is growing but nothing happens, the divide between rich and poor is getting bigger but nothing happens and we are still being blown up by mad twisted Islamic terrorist and nothing changes, Trump has come into power with good intentions of changing things for his country, instead of using a feather duster to get things down he's decided to take a firmer hand and take stock of things, he is now realising that you can't just snap your fingers and do this because of congress, the Trumpy bashing media who are able to control the minds of the masses won't let him speak or move without attacking him, I am disappointed with his take on climate change however I think he's more concerned on other issues at the moment and maybe in time climate change will be addressed, he was voted in so I think everyone should allow him to run the show for the time being, sadly people seem happier with leaders that do nothing much !

Trump is a piece of shit, plain and simple.I have some goofy right wing "sheeple" in my family, but no way i'm gonna go along with their beliefs, i am 54, and this is about the most messed up Congress i have ever seen!

@delboy2kent I hope as time goes on it becomes clear to you that Trump has nothing but his own self interests in mind when he chose to run for president. He had no grand plan beyond feeding his ego and his bank balance. He's literally incapable of seeing beyond that. It's called narcism and he's a textbook case.

... fox news is media, unfortunately breitbart is also considered media, the kiss his ass more than the other mainstream media “bashes” him... it’s just mainstream listens to Main Street America. So far as his good intentions.... bwaah... he has none. He is a shill for Koch brothers and the wealthiest 10% of America. He’s literally destroying America... he’s an embarrassment. @delboy2kent

@SunnySmiles your "I Cried. . . " reminds me of the day after Trump was elected. I teach at en elementary school with predominantly Native American students. The day after trump was elected. Several students also said they they cried after Trump was elected. I told them I was similarly affected by the nightmarish outcome. Some students (with what I remember as fear in their eyes) said they were afraid to come to school that day because Trump was elected. We have several hard core theists teachers and they were joyous about president Trump. Two continues to valiantly support trump.

Spot on. I don't understand how anyone who has the intelligence to renounce religion can support such an excuse for a human being . It beggars belief. This is a man who supports division, racism, greed, and who has been given power by people who deny evolution,global warming and believe that we lived alongside dinosaurs.

@delboy2kent Our situation is nothing like America. Yes we have the greedy self serving tories, but they are nothing compared to the parasitical Republicans. Our NHS is being destroyed by the Tories. As for Trump giving a shit about his own people, with his track record he cares nothing for anyone but himself. The Republicans monopoly of power (even when they are not the government) has to be diluted, and this dangerous child has to be impeached asap.

I've had to do the same with my family as well, plus some are super christiansand extremely delusional.

@delboy2kent Great are going to be belted for your comments.

Sometimes, I think people are ten times worse than the politicians they attack / criticize. Yes, if their party didn't win they lower their arms and senselessly wiggle their tongues during four years....when the truth is they should join their efforts to build a better country.

"Is not what the country can do for you but what you can do for the country." JFK

I'm with you! Trump is the worst thing about our country since slavery. We will not be safe as Americans until he is GONE!

Damn right! If you're a trumpbilly (not you sunnysmiles) you are a rock short of a bag full. Are there actually dumpster-fire-atheists?

@pennyc14 For me it would be a toss up as to which would be worse.
A devote Christian would be a little less harrowing, but only slightly.


I like The Trumpster!
As far as I can tell, the "party in power", the individuals in office at the national level, neither have ever really affected my personal life or standard of living. I'm always more concerned about who's in office at the local level.
NOTE: I voted for Trump as a "not Hillary" voter. And, as an added bonus, my pick has provided more entertainment than I could have imagined. Go Trump!!

This is serious, bud. It's about the future of our country, the world, our kids. It's not entertainment.

I believe in our system of government. The pendulum will swing back the other way in 2020.
Meanwhile, I'll get some more popcorn and tune in Fox.

If nothing else, he's shaking the hell out of the professional politicans. Go Trump!

@bigpawbullets Nawww, he's one of them in his own right and following the 'game plan' laid out by the oligarchs to whom the professional politicians (mostly Republicans) pay homage to. He's a semi-intelligent shill who will change his mind in a NY second when someone whispers hosannas in his ear...a complete narcissist

Well, I'm a practicing sociopath. We all have our quirks.

@bigpawbullets Oh yeah...I remember those days...still have those occasional moments of fancy..

@Countrycuz666 underestimation of the outcast who could give a fuck. And they did act like snowflakes in a most pathetic way that has been their style for many elections now. Oh yes, I invented electricity

@bigpawbullets Government institutions - most importantly the State Dept. - have already been hollowed out, and expertise and experienced deliberately and vindictively pushed aside. A wedge has been driven between the US and its traditional allies of long standing allies. Trade agreements and political treaties have been shredded at the whim of The Donald. There is no long-term goal, much less strategy, other than disruption for the sake of itself and the repurposing of the presidency for personal gain... oh, we're doing really well.

(And how long do you think it's going to take to repair all this damage and deliberately inflicted chaos?)

Well, I don't think everything he's done needs to be "fixed". But, to answer your question, 4 to 8 years after he leaves office should suffice to "change course".

@bigpawbullets You really think so?

He's wreaking the kind of damage to governmental institutions and democratic norms - the leaked memo to Robert Mueller, for example, indicates that he clearly believes himself to be above the law, something long the lines of George III or, more accurately, Louis XIV and "l'etat c'est moi (what next, the claim to the divine right?) - that will take a generation to repair, if at all. The rifts he's created worth traditional allies and long-term trading partners, almost on a whim, may be unrepairable. And, to top it all, rather than"drain the swamp" (a rallying , by the way, that originated with Mussolini), he's filled his Cabinet with self-serving corporate mandarins whose chief contributions seem to be sucking up to the boss, bilking the taxpayer, and trampling ("job killing" - read profit-reducing) regulations put in place to protect the public.

I think we're "caught in the moment". Everything looks worse, or better, than it really is.

@bigpawbullets Wish I could agree - look further and you'll see that, behind the scenes, this White House is laying whole tracts of government to waste and trashing accepted constitutional norms.

@Countrycuz666 No, actually I smelled a 'Repub shit-sandwich' coming and knew the Hillary had badly run campaign. Also, knew about 'voter-suppression' was having a very positive impact for the Repubs: interstate-crosscheck; shutting down polls in precincts where dominant voters were people of color and restricting hours of access; literal chance of votes tallied, cutting out the presidential vote on ballots and it happened in Michigan to the tune of around 75,000 ballots. What's it like to be part of one of the anti-democratic Republican parties ever??

@Countrycuz666 The points I made are events that occurred in just the 'red' states, and primarily in MI, IN,Ohio, Wisc, and the south. This info is verifiable. Can you back up your own declaration that nothing 'happened' in your state??? Doubt it...

@Countrycuz666 Diebold is a Republican Company. Republicans ? VOTER intimidation in black districts, you should try your cornpone bullshit on some that didnt read lee atwaters campaign strategy book. Conservatives are incompetent backstabbers that infight all the time, get nothing done, and have policies that no one wants and that don't work. You should try Abstinence Only with talking, goofball. Youll just end up sounding like a racist and take your soccer ball back to Moscow. American stuff like that, lol.

Interesting observation & comment sir.

Assuming there's no 'Creator' is an idea, a preposition, so to speak. Still the question, what makes you you?? Which begs the question about 'creation' and what it comprises. So, seems to me to be inherent, an integral part of our inner nature when 'awakened'. A way of saying we are loving by nature, and desire the company of others....but 'early learning' can sway such feelings...all behavioral driven

Yes, the 'oligarchs' have played this game for many decades and it's how the Dems became so centrist. Now there's a progressive movement to make a separation, away from the, I'm hopeful


Hell yes I support Trump. He’s a damn sight better than that idiot Obama or crooked Hillary would have been!!

@SArpey Your the one who’s a dimwit. Where I live the successful bussiness men are all Trump supporters. The only ones who support the idiotic democrats are those looking for a government check.

Obama an Idiot? You are showing your ignorance with that comment. Care to back up your biased and incredibly silly accusation with some facts?

@mickeyrom Obama did a lot of bad things. Here are just a few. 1.He gave 400 billion to Iran which has been directly responsible for the deaths of a lot of US servicemen and has done everything in its power to undermine the US in the Middle East. He also backed Mohammand Morsi in Egypt, a radical Islamist who wanted to impose Sharia law. 2.He was a regulation nut who passed many regulations which cost this country billions for very little gain. It was completely idiotic when he stopped the Dakota access and Keystone XL Pipeline’s. 3. He was obcessed with gun control and did everything in his power to undermine the 2nd amendment even pulling stunts like “fast and furious” which got law enforcement killed. 4.Refused to enforce border security and allowed millions to come here. 5.Was responsible for the black lives matter movement which resulted in numerous law enforcement loosing their lives. Need I say more? @Gater, @Countrycuz666:

@Trajan61 haha. Business guys always support the big tax breaks because they don't care about anything but money. Meanwhile, I'm a fairly liberal, well educated guy with a good job who pays his own way, like all the other educated liberals I know. Your education obviously comes fro Faux news or you'd know that most welfare dollars go to unintelligent, uneducated, inbred white trash trailer park people in the bible know, Trump supporters.

@Trajan61 and that's *you're not your. Typical for guys like you to use bad grammar and spelling to insult someone who's ass you're(= you+are) not qualified to wipe...

@SArpey You are obviously a left wing brainwashed liberal idiot!

@SArpey You are completely full of crap!

@Trajan61 you're funny.. Like I said, I'm fairly liberal. I'm a registered Independent and vote issues not party line. Meanwhile you trailer park folk vote the same way you root for a sports team. You don't know anything and can barely communicate in your own language while I speak, read and write 4 of them. I'm brainwashed? That's funny...where I come from we call it educated. While you're gawking at Ivanka on reruns of the apprentice wishing you could have that instead of those chunky girls with cold sores in the trailer park, I'm working with beautiful women all day at my job as a nurse and all night at my part time job doing security at a big night club, where I spend most of my time getting creepy uneducated hillbillies(Trump supporters) to leave the hot girls alone. Then I go home and read books(those are pages of paper with words on them). Go ahead and spout your ignorant drivel. You just don't matter to me.

@Trajan61 do you have a business making child sized cages, maybe? Heres hoping that one the economy crashes, youre eating out of a dumpster, redhat goober

@Trajan61, @Countrycuz666 is he using Amon Bundy free range skeleton federal land cattle for trump steaks? Is that orange chinchilla on his head considered a hat?

Again, its hilarious, as Conservorepublitroids of course LOVE anyone that doesnt LOVE Jesus, or way out endtimer Bible days prophecy stuff about beasts, so you atheist republicans may as well be gay black jewish transexual republicans, lol. Oh, sorry, i mean Atheist Trump supporters. They fit right in and are beloved and welcome, hahaha!

@Trajan61 The money that Iran got back was theirs, not ours. Obama was inaugurated when the country was in a deep recession, which his policies brought us out of. The rest of you reasons for hating Obama are based on pure fiction, and I suspect,

your simple bigotry.

@mickeyrom Mickey, I agree with you. Trajan's rage is entirely fomulgated out of racism. He has a case of the "Uppity Nigger Syndrome". He is part of a segment of society that believe that people of color can't possiby be intelligent and/or articulate. When they encounter a person of color that are both of these, they resort to saying that that person has risen above his station, thus the "uppity nigger" association. It's a throw back to the Nineteenth Century and a sad and dispicable attitude. He would never accept a person of color(or a women for thst matter ) in a leadership position. His opinions are based solely on anecdotal (non-evidence), over-simplified fake claims. So don't bother wasting your time arguing with him, you'll just end up ruining your day.

@t1nick You are so full of crap!


"Obummer started the black lives matter movement from kenya!"

"Lol, no, thats just pure racist teabagger silliness"

"Yew are so full of crap!, snowflake!"

"Hey cmon bro, lets all be civil. Cmon and eat at my restaurant. I made you a Boston Creme Pie. Its not shit, i promise."

@Trajan61 All you've said here is sad, empty headed tripe that has no basis in reality. Just because you can 'sling it', doesn't make it true. EVERY POINT you've made has been EASILY DEBUNKED. But, like most conservatives, you have an aversion to facts and it'd be a waste of time to offer them to you. The only way you people will learn is that you'll have to dig it up on your own while you watch 'Rome burn' and wonder why. LIke Forrest Gump says, "Stupid is as stupid does."

@peaceman1948 You only see the world through your liberal glasses. You haven’t presented a single fact that makes sense.

@Trajan61 looks like both Kennedy and Pruitt are both on the take, lol. I looked over the top of my Liberal Glasses and saw it, Pardner!

@mickeyrom Iran should have forfeited that money for the siezure of the US embassy and taking the occupants hostage. Iran is very hostile to the US and didn’t deserve a penny of that money!

@mickeyrom, @rafferty Pruit is from my home state Oklahoma and is a damn sight better than that idiot Obama had running the EPA, Gina Mcarthy. He done a lot to undo a lot if the idiotic regulations put in place by Mcarthy and Obama.

@Trajan61 lol, 1500 bucks for "tactical pants" on the taxpayer dime, taking tax funded trips back to OK, yknow, to hang out on the weekends. Robber scumbag! 3000 bucks on pens!

idk, traj, you can spin it how you want, but you got a bunch of crooks taking a free ride. Pruitt will still end up in a cell, lol

@Trajan61 You sir are very uninformed. Obama deported over 11 million people. He never gave Iran any money that wasn't theirs. As someone else commented, facts don't seem to matter to you just like most trump supporters. If you look at the results of the poll you will see that you are in a minority. This is because the majority of people on this site and on this planet are repulsed by his hideous personality devoid of a moral compass.

@RDaneel The money Obama gave to Iran should have been forfeited because they seized the US embassy and held Americans hostage for over 400 days. Not to mention Iran is directly responsible for the death of many US service men in Afaganistan and the Middle East.


I think we all support him as taxpayers ...beyond that he has not earned respect but instead been a tool to divide the country and start the process of undoing democracy.

Why would you support him as a taxpayer?? His latest tax cut benefited the wealthy which is gutting our tax revenues for needed projects: education, infrastructure, and so on. This tax cut is "undoing democracy", allowing the wealthy more financial control...don't think that is what you really want

again, it was obama who started the divide

@peaceman1948 I did not mean that I support him. I meant American's taxes support the White house and Trump
So other than paying taxes I do not support him
I think Republicans don't even like him but knew they would get tax cuts for the rich hanging on to his bazare popularity. I think he is an embarrassment, a buffoon, with either narcissistic
Personality disorder or antisocial personality disorder. And he is getting closer and closer to threatening our democracy...and I have been cynical for a long time about our electoral system and our democracy.

@blueskies Obama "started a divide" in the sense that white racist people felt offended that black Obama was in the WH. His birth color and actual policies had nothing to do with it.

@DenoPenno if that is what you wish to believe there will be no changing you, however the facts are out there if one wishes to know the truth about that jackass who hated our country.

@DenoPenno Obama was a racist, arrogant idiot who did this country a lot of harm which we will probably never completely recover from! @Gater

@blueskies Nope...McConnell and the core of party leadership conspired on Obama's inauguration to block any and all legislation that would make him look good. They wanted to make him a one-term president. They started division from the 'get-go' and made a crisis out of everything he attempted to do. Then McConnell blocked EVERY judicial Obama attempted to pass through; first time during a presidency that has ever happened...that is as close as you get to being treasonous...

@blueskies Which divide?

@DenoPenno I agree. It was all about race. It brought the racists out from under their rock. It is so disturbing.

@Countrycuz666 That is BS from the get-go as countless people who businesses have countered that 'regulation' didn't have a significant impact. The analysis is public and you have NO idea what you're talking you listen to conservative media??

@Countrycuz666 You're implying the 'small businessman' has little power in dealing with govt and the regulations they impose. There is some truth to what you're saying but it's far from universal. The system is indeed imbalanced and needs serious correction, but you won't see that kind of positive change with the current administration

@Countrycuz666 you seem extremely guillotineable, just sayin. Youre a small business owner, but you of course talk about "the poor" that float your bullshit lifestyle, or any business for that matter, like you are lord of the manor.

It is sad that you and many conservative lapdogs like yourself don't realize that its one fall off a ladder, a bad car wreck, or maybe a little touch of cancer, and you are right there on the ground with the other mortals. It usually works out

@Countrycuz666 hallooooo!

@Countrycuz666 No, he didn't stop Obamacare, but he tried with something that was deceptive and poorly put you know, it flopped.


Why is the impeachment taking so long?

Because it’s never going to happen. Trump’s going to be here 8 years so you might as well get used to it!

@Countrycuz666 And as a fellow conservative which seem to be few and far between on this website you have mine as well.

You Trump cultists REALLY SHOULD turn OFF the propaganda & escape the echo chamber.
There has NEVER been a bigger liar, a more destructive, ignorant, incompetent person near the White House than Trump.

@Trajan61 I'll give him to the end of the year - it won't be the Mueller investigation that brings him down (because the Senate majority needed probably won't be in place, even after the midterms) but the sinkhole of gangsterism and financial corruption that's about to be revealed by the Stormy Daniels fallout and the contents of the tapes/papers/reconstructed shredded files that the FBI swoop on Michael Cohen is about to reveal... or, quite possibly, the perjury he'll commit shouldn he ever agree to sit down for interview with the special counsel (and you know he's just itching to do that).

@moNOtheist You might as well get used to it because he’s Going to be around for 8 years! The Mueller investigation is nothing more than a democrat witch hunt.

@Trajan61 That's because conservatism is a product of ignorance in the same way religion is. Educated people tend to be much more liberal and less religious. Because facts matter to the educated mind.

@Countrycuz666 You sir have my respect as you are one of the very few on this very liberal left wing Trump bashing, Obama loving, gun grabbing website who makes any sense

@WmMeredith keep watching CNN ....BRAINWASHED YOU ARE

@Trajan61 he'll have a psych meltdown or die long before then. Col. Sanders will get his fat ass. Its the DoD running him anyway. He makes George Bush look like Albert Einstein, lol.

@Trajan61, @Ravenwolfcasey oh yeah, you always got liberals saying this kind of stuff. Conservatives must be super paranoid that Atheists are out git em, hehe!

@Countrycuz666 ive never seen "patriot" type people happier about an invalid election since Bush 2, lol. Theyre all "Hooray for Putin!" and out buying cheap ass tokarevs and russian mail order brides. Just like "Daddy" lol.

It's possible DT stays 8 years unless the D's come up with a grounded candidate and a better message (they're working on it). Even Bernie could defeat him and the way things are going I feel that's likely the case. And the D's will most likely take the House this fall; they may win the Senate (not likely this fall) in 2020 which would reverse the damage done by the current administration. My preference for Bernie (or a 'Bernie-type'😉 is strong because he'd do a much better job of draining the swamp as Trump has become entrenched with it and both Hillary and Obama were knee deep. I'm optimistic so we'll see what's cooking pretty soon....cheers

@peaceman1948 If you are for Bernie over Trump you are a socialist. Who do you think is going to pay for all those social programs? If you’d study your history you’d realize socialism just doesn’t work.

No, I'm a socialist-democrat and there's a world of difference. You're conflating that with a totalitarian country like the old Soviet Union and other similar regimes who were NEVER actually 'socialist'; you can't be socialist when you're repressing the citizens with tyrants like Kim Jung Un. So, the history you refer to does show failed regimes who were socialist in NAME ONLY. I'm suggesting you do a little research on the concept as to what it really means. Just like Marxism, which has been grossly misapplied to other totalitarian regimes in ways he never intended.

So, how I define my "socialism" is that it is being part of a 'democratic republic with a healthy safety net. Back in the 40's through the 80's, we did have relatively free education and all was working just fine. Also medical care was very low cost until the early 70's when it was taken over by HMO's and changed into profit center. Thereafter, having to answer to shareholders completely changed healthcare's focus and diluted care.

The truth is we have a 'military' where it's budget is way over funded (admitted to by much of their leadership) and in dire need of cleaning up it's waste. We have the to support decent healthcare as 'single-payer' can provide, decent programs getting people back on their feet to be contributors in the economy (can be done through infrastructure spending as just one of many examples), and support university education. This is a great investment as a more educated public you have, you create a more lucid, aware citizenry to be responsive to the country's needs, with more innovation and success.

The current 'tax reform package' that just passed is a great example of what not to do. It goes counter to our forefather's intention in having a more balanced society. They left Great Britain because of financial suppression from corporations, the church and the crown. They knew that excessive wealth would be a huge problem so as the 'tax structure' evolved into 1930's and the 1% had nearly destroyed our country, controls were placed to reign in their greed, and we thrived as a country until the 80's when the Reagan era began and they started to repeal those controls which brought us: S&L bank failure (closed 700, jailed over 130), allowed equity firms to exist who robbed companies (like Bain Capital (Romney and friends) and allowing stock buybacks which inflated stock prices and enriched executive and shareholder wealth, nothing for labor. I could talk about Iran-Contra which speaks to our problems with immigration but I'll save that for another day.


Stupid people hate Trump!

gater Level 7 June 28, 2018

@maturin1919 No, smart people see the big picture.

@maturin1919 No because Trump is making America great and the World safer.

@maturin1919 You can laugh, but its true.

My, what a deep, message of free thought thar, tater. "Durrrr, stoopit peeple hateses Tromp! Moon made of cheeze! Yall caint see bigger picture, jus' filled wit white folks!" Lol

No, Gater, smart people see Trump for what he is and a gathering storm of 'blue' is heading your way this fall. This BS 'Trump-train' is already beginning to unravel and will be off the rails over the next year. But, in a way, it's a good thing that 'Trumpettes' can't see it coming

@gater WHAT??!!?? He's tryng to hand over America to PUTIN!!! That Ain't Great!

I do not hate him. I do hate quite a lot of what he says and does and stands for yes. Just like there was somethings I hated that Obama did. But Obama had empathy and compassion and class. Trump has none of those things.

@peaceman1948 Obama was an idiot who made a lot of stupid deals like the Iran deal and the Paris climate deal. Also stopping the Keystone and Dakota pipelines was just plain idiotic.

@peaceman1948 I saw that so called blue wave your talking about.

@Trajan61 such a funny guy...Obama had an over-connected relationship with Wall St and a hand in perpetuating the CIA's wars in the ME, and should have prosecuted the Bush administration for 'war crimes' and prosecuted Wall St. It's been quite clear that the Iran Deal was fine, just not politically appetizing for the R's just as the Paris Climate Accord (data coming out now has more than ever vindicated their existence as due to the coming dangers of severe weather. So, time for you to remove your head from that dark cavernous space of yours. Keystone & Dakota pipelines are known recipes for environmental disasters given the dirty oil and several conservative states are not happy about the 'risks' they're now facing.

Oh, yeah...cute pic. Is that object in it you??

@peaceman1948 Without oil the world economies would come to a screeching halt. So what in the hell are you talking about?

@Trajan61 seriously, the world is NOT dependent on these particular pipelines by a long shot. Facts are that more emphasis on alternative resources beyond oil are viable and working. It's the politics that makes you say things that are not accurate, it just makes you an oil-bot. Get a clue; the world economies have been manipulated around oil for many decades even though other alternatives have been available...POLITICS and the current power structure don't give 2 shits about the planet

@peaceman1948 I’ve yet to see a semi truck running on anything but diesel. Also most train locomotives run on diesel as well. The only way Solar and wind energy is viable is with a heavy government subsidy. So once again what in the hell are you talking about?

@Trajan61 He don't know himself what the hell he is talking about, which is why I blocked his leftist arse...

@Trajan61 Haven't been on the site in awhile and saw your post. Of course you know what I'm talking about. The obvious 'elephant in the room' is the issue of the oil industry and how they've repressed the markets through political power when newer technologies are available that, over time, are showing higher efficiencies, cleaner tech, non-pollutive dynamics which will vastly improve in time. That would mean eventual replacement of diesel fuels, etc.


He will go down as the biggest mistake in our country's history. He is a total incompetent idiot with no respect for our constitution or laws. A racist and Narcissist beyond compare. Each day I wonder if we have hit bottom with him and each day he proves that his presidency has even lower to go. I only hope our country can survive and then fix the damage he has done!

@Countrycuz666 you are just one little 'brilliant' toady-boy, who like other small, conservative minds, are unable to respond to points made with your fact-supported points, so, all you can do is lash out like a tantrum-driven child...never got past 5th grade??

sounds like you are speaking of obama

Obama’s the sorriest president we ever had. Trumps done a great job so far!

@Trajan61 And the evidence of that is...?

Trump is fixing the damage that idiot Obama did. What in the hell are you talking about? @gater, @bigpawbullets

@Trajan61 Who will fix the damage that Idiot Trump is doing?

@DenoPenno What damage are you referring to?

@Trajan61 It's like the house is burning and nobody can see the fire. They think the orange haired child with the matches is really their friend. Maybe when the house around them has burned they think there will still be a roof over their heads.

@DenoPenno You are very radical.

@Trajan61 I am radical? OK. I suppose that if we have 8 billion people in the world and 4 percent of them have all the money that the real problem is that person who is on food stamps.

Naaaaa that was bush

Well, then Mr. Toad it is!! With respect, of course


Sure I support Trump. He’s a damn sight better than that idiot Obama or that crook Hillary!!! I’m surprised at the number of idiots on this website who refuse to support him especially after 8 years of Obama who was probably the most hated president in American history and did a lot of damage to this country.

Man ,have you lived under a rock all your life and a bigot too.

@AndyMoreau: Your the one who’s been living under a rock. Hell people in my hometown were so disgusted with the Democrats after 8 years of Obama Trump carried 87% of the vote and he lost all 77 counties in my home state. @Lancer, @Gator

@Trajan61 @AndyMoreau
I'll say this. Trump MAY not have been the best candidate (I would say he was but I can't predict a future that never happened).

BUT he was leagues better than Hillary, I would never vote for a person who left their fellow countrymen and women to die, someone who abandoned them out of fear for their own life is no patriot and is not fit to lead.

I think we should let Trump's term finish before we jump to any rash conclusions. I think he's doing a good job putting America first, I wish my own prime minister or premiers or councilors would put my country and our people first. But alas, the liberal agenda and political correctness have produced sub-standard politicians.

Umm, you live in OKLAHOMA. Nuff said. I'd expat to Canada before I ever set foot there.

@hemingwaykitten There were some counties in Texas that were even stronger for Trump! You might as well get over it as Trump’s going to be here for 8 years. Hell Obama hurt the democrats bad as that lost over 1,000 seats at the state and national level!

@Lancer Facts are your friends and I suggest you review the public records on Benghazi. Hillary, in no way, left her fellow countrymen and women to die; that, if anything, is some BS diatribe from conservative media. Both the military and Congressional panel found HRC NOT guilty of neglect in any way. Why don't you ask the repub leadership why they wouldn't increase funds requested by that embassy when it was needed. Sorry, but your statement is completely idiotic and ignorant of the facts.

If you look honestly at Trump's list of actions taken during his first 1.5 years of office, you should be tired of his failure to live up to campaign promises. Really, how is he "doing a good job putting America first"??? Repealing EPA regs that protected riverways and lakes?? You want more pollution? Breaking down Dept of Education with an ignorant dufus, DeVos, who has no educational experience?? The constant parade of buffoons who've passed through the WH, making this admin the worst on record for outright corruption...look at what's happening with Pruitt. Stupid is as stupid does. Trumps failure to make good on his campaign promises is embarrassing, but for those who support him because he's leaving them at the wrong end of the stick. Pulling us out of the Paris Accord has been very damaging and there's so much more...let's not forget the tax cuts that primarily go to the 1%, Check out the CBO findings...not good. We'll have an extra $1T in debt. This is a disaster and nothing close to "jump(ing) to any rash conclusions". Liberal agenda, my ass. PC, are you kidding me?? The whole Republican leadership has praying at the altar of the 'swamp' with the likes of the Koch bros, Adelson and many more. Stop relying on just conservative media for your info

I don't trust the court rulings over Hillary's actions in Benghazi. I trust the people who worked and lived there. I know these people and they are much more trustworthy than an obviously corrupt presidential candidate. A fact is a fact and the truth is the truth, but sometimes the facts aren't the truth.

Also if we apply the idea that we need an educator to be in charge of the department of education (Which in principle I agree with). There may be a reason behind it which you just can't see at the moment. Because theory and practice can produce different results than those which are expected.

Also going through staff doesn't equate to corruption all the time. Sometimes it shows that those people were not suitable for the role they were in. Maybe the idea behind this was to remove the people who were not doing their jobs right. Because in the business world you either perform or you get laid off.

The Paris accords won't have a significant effect because people don't understand the real cause of human influenced climate change. If we had a logically planned civilized society we could decrease our environmental impacts by making small changes. Unfortunately we are human, thus we are inefficient by nature.

I'm not saying the American Republicans are right or wrong. Both parties have to accept their role in the degradation of the USA.

@Countrycuz666 That was a farce when they did that. I doubt the movie director is in prison as Trump would have turned him loose before now.

@Countrycuz666 am aware of the video but not sure how much impact it had. If it did, not as much as the overall situation dictated

HRC was cleared by a panel of military experts and other congressman. The facts simply didn't support the intense allegations. It was sad to lose 4 people in that tragedy, but during the Bush years, we lost about 65 people and no one fussed over it. The issue with the emails is similar in that Bush dumped about 22 million, far surpassing Clinton, yet nothing. And the issue of security is the same re high-level clearances; throughout Washington, how Clinton handled her emails is literally identical to what others (congressman/senators) have done and are doing now. A nothing-burger.

Clinton is corrupt but nothing showed. You say you trust "the people who worked and lived there" so what does that mean?? How did 'they' possibly know what Clinton did or didn't do?

DeVos has a 'severe' agenda with regard to pushing 'charter schools' as becoming, perhaps the primary educational source. The problems created this direction are legion and the disproportionate share of resources is highly problematic. Leaders in education have been incensed with her perverse lack of knowledge and arrogance. So, no, I do know what the reason is behind appointing her to this position; it fulfills an agenda that doesn't consider the greater good, and has little to do with "theory and practice." They KNOW the direction they wish to pursue.

In this case, regarding the WH's revolving door of cabinet members et al, it is exactly the case in being an issue of corruption. And it reflects the severe instability of Trump as his behavior is erratic and all over the map. You're commenting as if this is just another average, normal presidency and it just isn't. First off, the initial people hired, like those who followed in their footsteps, were not qualified for their positions. They've hired people who've never been in government and/or the extent of their experience was quite limited, with one person having only driven a truck. What Trump demanded was fealty, absolute loyalty no matter what, meaning "yes-men/women", such that his ego had to be assuaged on a daily basis to curry his favor. You're describing a conceptual view of how things would normally work in the business world when people don't perform to a level of competence, but that was not a requirement with Trump's cabinet; their job was to cannibalize their agencies with the intention of literally erasing Obama's impact and serve their mega-corp supporters. Money talks.

RE the Paris Accords you could not be more incorrect. Scientists have actually nailed down, extremely well, how humans have influenced climate change. The science is clear, solid and expanding on this topic continuously. It's not a question of whether or not it's real (that's a political BS meme, irresponsibly played with) but rather to the timing of certain changes that will affect us all. Regardless of how we're all human and subject to error, does not preclude the idea that there are many among us who are considerably smarter than most and have developed cognitively to such an extent as to be able to counter the challenges as they arise. And civilization is not 'logically planned' but is rather in a continuous process of evolving, dependent heavily upon the hope that enough people will wake up to push their leaders into making positive, proactive choices...Both parties are to blame for the mess we're in and the citizenry needs to wake up and learn about their country and democracy to a level that will promote the healing we need to thrive as a country.

@peaceman1948, @Countrycuz666 this video about Bill Clinton having a black son is probably the funniest Birther type crackpot Alex jones thing ive seen in a while, and i still can't see the Stormy Daniels Relevancy to what inthe Hope Hicks is going on with this and why the Don Jr. that this matters that Ivanka and Jared made 82 million dollars off of.. uh.. doing uh?.. but sure, im sure this Paula Alex jones stuff from WND is true

2013 Moscow Trump pee pee hooker tape.


I support Trump and consider myself very liberal on a lot of subject matters but that does not mean I agree with everything he does....but I would never disrespect him...he is the best President we've had in a long long time....

Want to give us a list of his ''best in a long time'' contributions to our reputation? To our general welfare? To endangered animals and lands? To the climate degradation? To the sick and the poor? How about as a good example of civility and respect?

Give us a list. I'll wait.

@LucyLoohoo you act like he orchestrated all bad policies that were already enacted by Bush....and Obama....

I meet lots of "liberals" like this on here. Oh yeah, this putting kids in cages and taking them right off the tit and saying they are getting a bath sounds super "liberal". Were always out at the Rainbow Gathering, doing bonghits and talking about which neighbor needs to be ratted out to ice and put in a cage as a toddler.

@Countrycuz666 of course, funny guy, youd be instigating a fight you wouldnt want to start. Im not a "play you kumbaya" sort of lefty, citizen.

@Countrycuz666 youd be the first to do that, snowflake, lol. "Ladies" first, tough guy, to use your vernacular.

Respect has to be earned.

You need to seek professional psychiatric help as soon as possible.

@Ravenwolfcasey Bush and Cheney didn’t put kids in cages. End of story. He didn’t “have” to do that - he did it as LEVERAGE to get his stupid f-ing wall.

@Ravenwolfcasey You're fooling yourself! He's enriched himself and his family without a single thought for anyone else/the nation. He's allowed himself to become Putin's sock-puppet. We now have TRILLIONS in national debt and he doesn't care, because his family is now rich enough to get by on their own. He's a swine.

@A2Jennifer your brainwashed by the media..and you bet your sweet ass kids were separated from their parents when Obama was in office

You must be joking, or out of your mind if you think he is the best president ever.

@Ravenwolfcasey Right you are about the kids getting separated under Obama.


I find it hard to believe (but not really) that a site that touts reason and logic can still have members who support one of the most insane, unreasonable, hateful and dangerous misanthropes of our time. Evidently emotion still reigns supreme in some peoples mind.
Do I support this person - I am not a violent person but people as Trump deserve the same end as il Duche (Mussolini - executed by firing squad, hung upside down along with his mistress and-with the Italian mode of emotional excess left in the street for people to, lets say, perform certain bodily functions upon). I guess I am being emotional in this regard.

Thankfully there are very few here. I can overlook them if you can. They’ll find they’re unwelcome eventually & go away.

@Tampatomgirl I live in a very rural county (composed of >150 islands) of which is surrounded by more rural counties. They are all strongly Democratic. It depends on what county and, more importantly, what state.

Being a business person I could never have voted for Trump. Anyone who doesn't pay people they hire to do work for them and file bankruptcy not one not twice but 4 times and who has been sued as many times as Trump has should be banned from ever owning a business. Many small business owners were put out of business due to his non payment for work they had already done. No wonder there weren't a bunch of his fellow NY business owners standing up and endorsing him.

@Countrycuz666 Trump does dislike humankind and is a cynic simply by observation of his actions, does define as such...remember, he doesn't trust anyone, he's a classic narcissist


He is a closed minded richman that has no clue to deal problems of this country. His views on race, sexuality are hateful. I wsh Hilary won instead of him. I think we would be alot better off today.

I disagree regarding Hillary. I am tired of the Status Quo and both her and Trump are just that. No more silver spoon fed fascists in the Oval Office. I want younger, and someone who had to struggle to get there so that they may serve The People, and not serve the elite or corporations. It's past due time for a real Revolution in America. I say we start with the current Thief in Chief.

@LilithGone I revolution should be started by a protest by our belief group. I would love 2 be part of it.

@Countrycuz666 Your efforts to maintain a presence of stupidity is quite impressive. You know DT cares only about how he can "get off" and get away with it as often as he can. Maples and Melania were his mistresses first before marrying them; and the list of other affairs during and between marriages is long. And, race is not an antiquated term as you suggest as it implies a very obvious type of behavior. DT has been found guilty of "racism" when renting properties. You're attempting to obfuscate the issues. What's antiquated is your own prejudice that you attempt to veil

@Countrycuz666 While you're going sidewise on yourself, yeah, the 'Donald' was out with another woman (Celina) and cornered Melania. Point being he still cheats and could care less how it affects his family. Yay, Stormy!! He can't just get enough...

I have had few relationships outside my own race; one black, 3 asian (one for 3 years) and what does it matter??? The point was that Trump is a racist and has demonstrated that through his refusals to rent to people of color. So WTH point do you want to make here??

@Countrycuz666 omc. I lived in nyc for near 20 years. Donny tic tacs has stood in arms reach more than once in the past. I saw that whole central park five thing, and his cartoon divorce. He is a barking nitwit, and id say probably like you, or your racist uncle Larry that can't stfu about how 17% of the country is in one giant, connected (like on the phone) club are out to git im, lol.

He may have been nice to the 'homeless woman' you're referring to but records were revealed where it was encoded that literally all of his properties were not to rent to people of color. He was fined a few million...


Trajan61; As I post this 31 votes support Cheetolini. 476 DON'T! How does that work out in your percentile?

It’s obvious that there’s a bunch of idiots on this website. In my home town people were so disgusted with the democrats Trump carried 87% of the vote. If the democrats and Obama were so good how come they lost over 1,000 seats at the state and national level during the 8 years Obama was in office. @SpikeTalon, @Gater, @Captain_Feelgood

@AndyMoreau So let me get this straight, you believe a poll on a site that is for mostly one group of people (atheists) out of conceivably many different walks of life in this country, somehow states the absolute truth? How a majority truly feel on the topic? I'm from Pennsylvania, and I could tell you firsthand that many of my fellow Pennsylvanians absolutely disdained Hillary Clinton, and that is the reason why my state turned red even though historically speaking has been a blue state. That is the truth, but something you will not hear from the liberal medias. For freethinkers, there are truly alot of brainwashed folks on this site. @Trajan61

@AndyMoreau Trump didn't steal from me, but Obama sure did with all of his socialist policies, and he blatantly lied about The Affordable Care Act.

@SpikeTalon well said Spike!

@Countrycuz666 You sir are one of the wise ones! Good to have a fellow conservative here as there don’t seem to be very many of us in this particular website.

@Countrycuz666 I take it that your grandfather was uneducated?

@Trajan61 like with Hitler, trump supporters won't realize theyve been conned by that crew until stuff like Crab Season is wrecked

@rafferty You sound just like a brainwashed liberal. Trump has done more good for the country in 1 1/2 years than that idiot Obama did in 8.

@Trajan61 idk, brainwashed by who? Its weird. Trumpies seem brainwashed into mentioning this "brainwashing". A lot, lol! Like from Jade Helm operatives? That sort of thing?


TRUMP IS AN ATHEIST...he had to pretend he wasn't to win the election

Yes, so he is a liar. The picture of him holding a bible is funny.

@Countrycuz666 uh...

@Countrycuz666 ive found that "satanist" people tend to use that as an excuse to get groupnaked around each other, and its usually people that should not be naked in public. Brr. Ack. Ewww. Talk about teabaggers, lol! Barffff!

@Countrycuz666 Anton Le Vey was as shady a bullshitter as they come,sir. Just another church with sexy "do as thou wilt" sort of rituals, very boobs focused, lol. Stuff about goats and horns, lol. Sort of telegraphing that one, Beelzebubba

@Countrycuz666 ive actively studied all sorts of subcultures, gangs, cults, intentional communities, you name it. I think i got it down pretty good. Funniest was when Sammy Davis Jr tried to pitch that "oh you Devil!" pilot, which was sort of a reverse "Its a wonderful life" where he played a demon trying to bring like Jack Klugman's soul to "hell". denotes the seriousness it deserves.

EWWWWWW....I don't want him in OUR GROUP!

Maybe though I have known plenty of people who identify as Christian, go to church etc who basically are Trump lites.


FUCK no.
Trump stands for everything I am against. Trump is unhealthy for America and a huge polluter of resources and politics.
I just hope Oprah can get the shit stains out of the curtains.

@Countrycuz666 He's exactly right about Trump as he has zero redeeming qualities, so, whatever you're smoking, put it down for awhile

I am for truth, justice and the American way!
And I DEMAND decorum and CLASS in my elected leaders, clean environment and a scandal free administration.
I demand freedom of speech and of the press.
I expect to wake up not dreading nuclear war because two madmen control buttons.
And I stand for an America that welcomes all able bodied contributors from other less fortunate countries.
And finally, I DEMAND justice for traitors, which in my day was a FIRING SQUAD.

Nah, let's just sell out to RUSSIA. Even many Republicans are calling Trump a traitor.
My dad is twirling in his grave!
He was a staunch Republican, and Trump would make him sick to his stomach.
All traitors should be shot.
Impeach Trump now! You know he's in bed with Putin!

@Countrycuz666 youd figure hed look like bill clinton a little, lol. He looks like Ronan Farrow looks like Woody Allen, lol

Trump separates kids from their parents. Our president is now famous for making children cry, among other atrocities.
He is a black eye to democracy and a blot on the highest office in the land. He and his ilk have thoroughly bastardized the Presidency and endangered the entire world.
November's coming, and so is 2020.
Trump and scumbags like you will be put back in your place where you BELONG!
Have a nice life, dirtbag!!


I seek the truth not mere sophistry, a process Trump embodies

He's a habitual liar. Wake up!

@AndyMoreau If you could look up the definition of "sophistry"...that'd be great!

@hemingwaykitten I teach it. Is it that you need a fuller definition?

@Gripster31 That's kind of you, but no, I understand it. I addressed my comment to @AndyMoreau because he obviously needs a dictionary, as well as to stop yelling at you in his ignorance. Polite of you to ask though. ?

@hemingwaykitten oh, sorry, I meant the post sincerely

@Countrycuz666 yes, a sincere thinker
I am sure you are too...

@Countrycuz666 im so psyched this site is working out for you guys! What America needs now, is love!


I find it interesting that you are so concerned about not offending the dignity of the office. No one has been more offensive to the office than Mr. Trump in so many ways. His tweets. His name calling. His ignorance of the separation of powers.

Bravo, sir! You're a gentleman and a scholar...

@Countrycuz666 Nope, that one escapes this relate to 'schwinnrider's' comment??

obama tops the list for me in his disgrace as potus

I find it extremely amusing that the people defending Trump think that attacking Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton is relevant to the discussion. Here is a hint - if you can't point to Trump's actual words and actions to defend him, you aren't making a case. If you have to attack other commenters, you only look weak.

@blueskies What do you base your opinion on?

@moNOtheist read facts much?

Agree and much more. The exaggerated version of what they called the ugly American.

@blueskies not give me a few of the facts that support your comment?


I strongly disagree that Trump deserves respect just because our outmoded Electoral College gave him the presidency. He has has debased the office, undermined our democracy, lied to us on a delay basis, defied the rule of law, attacked the free press, and undermined our most basic norms of governance. He deserves nothing but contempt.

Lalo Level 5 May 6, 2018

@Countrycuz666 Trust me, ignorance is not an attractive trait to launder out in the public domain. Oh and idiocy isn't a good trait to have either. The 'electoral college' was a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. This was done because our founders were a bit in fear of democracy. So as Hamilton said, to preserve "...the sense of the people,” while at the same time ensuring that a president is chosen “by men most capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station, and acting under circumstances favorable to deliberation, and to a judicious combination of all the reasons and inducements which were proper to govern their choice.” The college is a Constitutional limitation on direct democracy and a reflection of the 'distrust' that our founders possessed, so the electors ("qualified citizens" ) were charged with making, what they believed, a more informed decision. It'd outlived its true usefulness by the time the Civil War had ended. All the electors, primarily, do today is to vote for the candidate who won the election in the state, but it gives smaller populated states far too much power to sway elections. And, also, only reflects the political values of the time, and times have absolutely changed. []

What is preferred is appropriate representation and the 'electoral college' is the antithesis of that point. So, the 'wealthy state' argument is entirely bogus, a favorite meme of conservative (can't think for themselves) pundits.

Interesting you'd come up with "Klippothic folk" as a descriptor of people you wish to condemn. It's an esoteric reference to the 'shadow' side of humanity, after 'the fall' type of scenario. However, it actually represents ALL of humanity as we're all going through the process of 'alchemy', burning our way through the 'world of shadow' in reclaiming our true selves, our Divinity, through a series of awakenings. I surmise that you haven't awakened given your tendency to disparage others; that's low brow thinking showing you still yet lack the consciousness of someone who's spiritually awakened. In other words, you may have knowledge of certain esoteric areas but clearly lack the wisdom. You are a sad person...

@Countrycuz666 You presume to know the thinking of those who disagree with you.

Who are you referring to in pointing to "your history books"? And what is the code you speak in - "dark tradition", "Klippothic", "no difference between the police mind and the military mind"?

Unlike you, most here don't read minds.

@Countrycuz666 Apparently, you're incapable of making a 'cogent' argument of reply. I made several distinctive points and you've addressed NONE of them. Typical of Trump supporters who lack critical thinking and comprehension skills. Your comment about my repeating "a thing will give truth to it" is meaningless without reference. Speak to the argument and make your case, or go back to your crayons

@Countrycuz666 Yes, you made some money in the first year or two but it's short lived. The debt will get much worse. My points on the electoral college are completely verifiable (I know you understand the meaning of that word) and the arguments are solid. If you disagree, then cite where you feel I've erred...same with my points on the 'Klippothic folk' just cite it and state WHY you disagree. Just saying someone is wrong says nothing. Maybe that's all you got...

@Countrycuz666 Begorrah! What sort of lad calls torch carryin NAZI pieces of shit on our streets, "fine people"? And yet, here you are, singing this hemmerroid's praises, but he will end up discarded like George Bush, and youll be all "errr, im an "independent"

@peaceman1948 im not following why this special interest group Satanic masonic Hellenistic Keeper of the Eternal Poobah person wants me to give a crap and put me and my family behind his crackpot nonsense about "dark overlords" and "god emperors" and instead, why i sholdnt get the neighbors together and HOUND him from polite society as a real enemy to things working right, and yknow, "good". Sure people got rights and all of that, but there are also consequences for adopting this sort of extremism, that is wildly unpopular and carries a social stigma, which is why these societies are "secret".



another clever response from the left

@gater nope. Really don’t need a clever reason to not support a president who uses children as a trading chip to bully support for his ill-conceived border wall.
It definitely doesn’t take the mental gymnastics of trying to justify being in support of a racist, misogynistic sociopath.

@A2Jennifer Wow a racist, misogynistic sociopath Do you have any proof of your allegations? Or are you repeating something you hope is true?

@gater when a man brags about grabbing women “by the pussy” = misogynist. When you refer to human beings as animals and call immigrants rapists = racist. A sociopath is someone who persistently violates the rights of others, who lies, manipulates and who lacks empathy = Trump.

@gater why is it ok to casually call her a sociopath, but not admit that Don clearly has NPD?

@A2Jennifer You forgot idiot & narcissist!

@A2Jennifer Well said. Thank you for being clear headed and eloquent. When I see comments like gater’s, my words fail me because I’m shocked by the level of cognitive dissonance required to support Trump. I’d be less shocked by someone who openly admitted to being a racist misogynist supporting Trump. But how anyone outside the David Duke crowd can rationalize this I just don’t understand. Why does any regular republican think this is going to make the US great again?

@Ian607 I don’t think they all do. I think a lot of them just want to hold onto the power.

@Ian607 I don't think they care about making America great. They care about getting there pound of flesh.


trump is the most dangerous man in the world.

He is a spoiled, entitled, opposititional-defiance-disordered, psychopathic teenager with an endless arsenal of nuclear flame throwers at his disposal.

Trump was just a disgusting show-off until he ended up in the position of the most powerful person in the world. He didn't even think he would get the job. He would not have gotten it without massive social-persuasion from the Russians, and the rabid support of the American press. Trump is a "celebrity", and they capitalized on that, to the world's utter detriment....

@Seriousreason And you are just as bad condoning it with your own name calling and childish behavior, so before you start pointing fingers, look in the mirror.

Exaggerate much?

@“ support of the American press” wow . Lost for words.

@geeky1965 why should I rise above , I’m sick of pointing out logic , reason , self control and understanding. Can’t you see how destructive and divisive this hatred for one human being is ....Derailing Democrats bid for power by calling for impeachment. Like Russian collusion, Trumps impeachment has no basis in fact.


How unAmerican it would be not to stand behind the commander and chief.

Since the rule of Bush II, the lesson is question every move of the Commander in Chief!

You know, that's exactly what the soldiers of the Wehrmacht said. Unquestioned loyalty is surely not a virtue.

@moNOtheist Yea and Atilla the Hun sailed his unstoppable army into seeming clear seas intending to attacking Japan. The Hun never made it because of a wicked storm crippled his fleet. If not for that we would all be the clan of Hun. Point being one has nothing to do with the other. If your logic would apply it should be illegal for the democratic party to exist because of President Harry S. Truman nuclear attack cause one of the worst aftermaths in all of recorded history. I defiantly do not agree with any political party. We should be way past the point of one person controlling the fate of a free world in this point in our history.

@azzow2 I don't see how those examples either prove your point (unless it was written as irony) or dispute mine. What have Little Boy and Fat Man, much less the divine winds, to do with unquestioned loyalty? Getting behind the president, no matter who he (or she) might be, just because they are the president is like "my country right or wrong" or "follow the flag", and blindly leads down some very dark pathways, as US veterans were to see in the liberation of Europe.

@moNOtheist We have a lot of military taking transports through out town. I being a veteran when I see them in passing we exchange solutions. Just about everyone comments about the leaders. What they say and not verbatim is that they feel more confident that the leadership is tougher and that we all agree that maturity is lacking with unquestionable considerations.

@azzow2 Not sure that a tough leader is what's required, or that he is one.

Trump, having depleted the State Dept. to the point of ineffectiveness, sees the use of military force as the only solution, perhaps because he's oblivious to the subtleties of diplomacy. And I have real problems with someone who evaded service in Vietnam because of supposed bone spurs (not to mention openly insulting John McCain, who suffered months of pain and misery as a prisoner-of-war) ordering young men and women to war, and into physical situations beyond his understanding or apparent concern.

@moNOtheist The disrespect of Mister McCain was very distasteful this point I agree with with you 100%. Loved when McCain and Palin were running together He knew he would not win got an awesome spot in the history books and he had a lot of fun doing it.

@azzow2 I think that he thought he had a good chance at winning, but that he now looks back at his choice for the VP slot as having been something of a misstep.

@azzow2 Japanese people took the Island of Japan from another people called the Ainu, and then started doing brush paintings about not being invaded by Huns. They did it by invading, while the Kamikaze wind was off i guess. it wasnt working for the Ainu.


So there are 32 atheists who support Trump? You realize that if he could he would probably evict you right out of the US.

@Countrycuz666 Your hubris and ignorance is almost impressive if it were not so sad for a person of your years

only if i were an illegal alien

I don't tnimk Trump is Christian. He kust jumped on tne demohraphic that would have he ro worship of him. Rallies have a cultish vibe

@gigihein Absolute cult it is. Wish they would hurry up with that koolaid.

@LilithGone yeah. Someone should

@Countrycuz666 wow you seem real focused on blame shifting to people that are not president, lol.


He is a person of zero integrity and cares about no one except himself. Maybe worse than that is the fact that he is an imbecile, having only childlike thoughts. He poses a great danger to our our world today.

@Countrycuz666 Whataboutery, last refuge of the scoundrel.

@Countrycuz666 Hllary is always the go to for Trumpsters when they have nothing truly intelligent to add. Our country has lost all credibility, allies, and the forecast for jobs is in the shitter, thanks to a 7X failed mafia style businessman who hijacked the White House, and an impotent Congress ready to retire with the spoils they stole from the American People. Anyone who defends that Russian agent and his eastern block family is a traitor. Period.

@Countrycuz666 The NRA wouldve crapped themselves like Ted Nugent if Hillary got elected. The red people have proplems dealing with her out of control ladypowers, and were all afeared, talking about "a coronation" trembling in fear that she would assassinate them like she did allegedly with lee foster, or invade iraq, or mistreat them like thier friends osama bin laden (who george bush let escape) or Momar Quaddafi (who they call an innocent Sovereign) lol.

Hillary sure wouldnt be getting humped by Putin like Trump is, lol. Speak, puppet, speak! Hahaha!

@Countrycuz666 yes, now you can be a part of history where they had nazis marching, kids in cages, and the economy tanks, the country is a laughingstock. No, really man, id figure wed expand healthcare, get everyone to put em on the ground in Syria and back the fuck off, reign wall street in effectively. you redhat dummies made up all the rest of this shit about guns and Sharia law and brains being harvested by the pap smear people. Its kind of what religious crackpots such as yourself do. Endtimer nihilist cultists with empty lives are predictable in their behaviors.

"Please tell us all of all the wonderful attributes of Hillary Clinton.
Go right ahead."

how much does being your remedial social studies tutor pay, mr.redhat? 0 trump dollars?


I came here to meet others who live a reality-based life. Judging by the results of the poll I came to the right place. Trump is a big man-baby who has harmed our reputation around the world.

@Countrycuz666 No....actually, the rest of the world needn't care what our view of them might be. We are not in charge...we're just betraying our friends, our commitments and our dedication to principles.

@Countrycuz666 only those that want to suck off what this country can give them so they play the pity me and suck up to us

I love Trump

@Countrycuz666 uh oh, nutty Exceptionalism. Super white people. Here we go with this bullshit.

@Countrycuz666 nonsense. You just believe in some super white guy fantasy, yet most of the people in the world are named "Chang". Kind of the way it is. "Mediocrity" at what? More trump nonsense about everyone needing to be a reality star egomaniac.


Yes I do support The President. Never in my life have I seen the liberal media endlessly attack a sitting president, nor the defeated party whine so much after an election. It seems every other month Hillary has yet another excuse for why she lost. Poor baby, get over it, people didn't like you.
Yes, Trump is obnoxious and many other things, but his is a presidency of NOT politics as usual. It was his intent from the beginning to shake up the system and it is working. Under Obama my investments lost a lot, now under Trump I am getting great returns. Industry in my area is going great, companies are hiring and the economy is strong, couldn't say that under Obama.

You are a complete idiot...I was going to discus things with you, but there's no point.

You are one of the few sensible ones on the main part of this website and may want to join us in the conservative atheist group on here if you haven’t already.

@Trajan61 Thank you, I was not aware there was a conservative group. In fact I rarely come on the site anymore because I am sick of all the liberal Dems on here bitching about everything.

@16classic You will find the conservative atheist group to be a lot different than the main group. There’s a lot of good sensible people there.

Gosh, 16classic, au contraire...Trump's presidency is absolutely politics as usual as the oligarchy gets more of the country's wealth from the middle and poor classes; in other words, YOU! Both Obama and Trump have little affect on the markets re your investments; you get an F for economic understanding....good grief

@16classic If you are interested- "Conservative Atheists"

@16classic The libtards here on the main part of this website can definitely have that effect. I’ll be looking for you on the conservative atheist group.

@Lop-Eared-Mule Any one that does not think like you is a moron .Thank for the typical moronic liberal response

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