314 19

Do you support Trump?

I completely believe that the US government needs to be completely revamped and revised before we can actually do any good for this country. But - taking that out of the equation, for now, I'd really love to hear people's (honest, respectful and mature) reasons why they do or do not support Trump. (or is unsure). Please, no disrespect or rudeness. He is our president and deserves at least the respect that position affords him (that does not mean we agree with him, but we shouldn't be slinging insults and such)

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smilnjan 6 Oct 6

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314 comments (251 - 275)

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While he is the embodiment of everything i abhor I don't believe he is all that different from the other ultra-wealthy phonies who are put into ruling positions by the true power brokers on the planet - or the Real Enemy as I iike to call them - they spout Godly intentions while screwing all of us. Just like I believe Obama was a bone to the poor and colored masses, 45 is the bone of equal value on the opposite side of the same joint!


I was truly horrified that most of my male family members not only voted for him but don't see admitted sexual assault as a reason to not vote for someone 😟


To get respect, an individual has to in some way or other earn it.

gearl Level 8 Dec 24, 2017

I don't support his character though I appreciate some of his foreign policy with Israel. The key there being some and certainly not many or all. Even as a moderate with a conservative bent towards economic issues I don't believe his policies (the wall, repealing and not replacing ACA, and the tax cuts) are likely to improve our economic issues. Unfortunately I voted for him to avoid a Clinton and I know many who did the same. Wish a third party could rise in this two party monopoly.


republican-democrat, tweedly dee-tweedly dum. They're all rich slobs who don't give a shit about any of us. Their job, once they are elected is to rake in as much corporate bribes as they possibly can and then keep on getting re-elected to keep their gravy train. However, with the election of Trump it seems as though things have taken a qualitative leap. trump/pence is a fascist regime. I really don't think we can have a wait and see attitude or rely on the same rotten-ass system that produced these fowl beings to change it for us. Things have never changed without "takin' it to the streets". I agree with all the posts that dislike/hate this miserable maggot and would certainly like to see him come to an end like Mussolini. I would add that anyone who thinks he has done good for the people in this country and the world is probably watching fox "news" too much or reading the national enquirer and it has affected their sense of decency and compassion.

Agreed but are you willing to step out, put your life on the line and give up all you have come to know as your life to make it happen? I agree - just as we did in the 60s - we have to take it to the street and be willing to act in order to bring about any real change!


The man has no concept of Truth, nor Honor, and is Seriously undermining our form of government and way of life. Our country depends on the People having trust!


I don't necessarily think that he has earned the respect that a president deserves. Making fun of the disabled really rubbed me the wrong way during the election season. Obama at least tried to be a responsible looking president and he still received racist death threats.


Trump is what he always has been-- a con artist. I'll give credit where credit is due, he is the most successful one ever. Conned enough people to get elected. He did a masterful job conning the evangelicals-- the people, not the minsters/leaders they only support him because it is in their political and financial interests to do so.

MattW Level 6 Dec 15, 2017

But he wasn’t elected by the people, he bought the electoral college for the win. 😉


I didn't think we would get worse than Obama but then America said Hold my beer...


I wanna see George W Bush get imprisoned for war crimes. And yes, Trump impeached before he nukes North Korea.



skado Level 9 Nov 26, 2017

He is just a figurehead. An actor. Something to love or loath. A talking point to distract from what is really going on in the background by the corporations. Presidents may change but the long term plans of big business don't. So far most of what he tries to get done gets blocked or tied up in court which is making him even more ineffective. None of that is coincidental. He talks and tweets a LOT but the substance is embarrassingly lacking


For me, I never thought he would be any sort of competent leader. I am not surprised at what this administration is doing. I don't support it. I also don't support this bullshit "resistance" either. But that's me.


When you apply to ANY job in the world, they value Experience more than every other accomplishment. Why should that apply to the highest political office? I felt that way when Obama ran in 2008, Obama's legislative inexperience prevented him from accomplishing a lot more when he had a Super Majority in congress for the first two years.

Legislative inexperience? President Obama is a constitutional law professor (or was before the election). It wasn't is inexperience - it was the gop congressional idiots who opposed him at every turn. Our country would be a lot better off WITHOUT the obstructionist gop ever holding an elected office again!


Trump is a inherent response to the evils of neo-liberalism.But while in himself a bad thing, does suggest the possibility of Far-Left candidates to have support in the US which can only be a good thing.




I knew about Trump in the 80's when he was a brash, narcesstic real estate developer. Now he's a brash, narcesstic President way out of his league.


Okay, let's not kid ourselves, is anyone shocked by the poll results on this website in regards to this issue?

I am actually a bit surprised. Every Trump supporter I know is a devout theist. To me this makes sense as their minds have been altered to accept Faith (belief without evidence) as truth (things that are demonstrable) so it is reasonable to assume those that questioned assertions (fact checked) would see through Trump's lies and recognize him for what he is. At the time of this comment, only 94% of this group's responses reflect not supporting Trump.


While I consider the prez to be a bull in a china shop almost daily, I do believe that his business and negotiating smarts serve him well....Despite not getting major legislation passed, he has created enough enthusiasm to propel much optimism in the business world with evidence of attendant gains in the economy.. Most of all, when I think of a particularly dumb thing he has done, over and over, I think of Hillary and rerun my strong opinion in my mind and am convinced that next to Hillry, as bad as he is in some ways, he is like Abe Lincoln. That is to emphasize how BAD I believe Hillary is, rather than how good Trump is.

Kind regards,

Old Bob

Trump is a mediocre businessman at best. If it wasn't for the 22 billion he inherited from his dad, he'd be a door greeter at Wal-Mart right now.

Trump has pissed away over half of his inheritence on his "so called" business dealings. Even I could take 22 billion and turn it in to a nice profit by investing it in high yield bonds and living a comfortable but unexorbitant existence on the interest.


Your kidding right? He deserves our support? You want to know why people either support him or dont? Wow, where do i start? I'll bet your on a dozen or more dating sites. The kind of person who likes to hear her own voice when she talks...about nothing. He has multiple women come out crying sexual harrasment. Puts down our military , including vets when he didn't have the balls to serve because of bone spurs but supposedly was captain of the football team. Fraud charges filed by multiple people. Under investigation for collusion with a foreign govt. The list goes on and on. Read, and educate yourself.


I support the Congress starting Impalement proceedings, immediately!


It is not only our nation, our people, who are affected by this president. The United States holds and has held for some time a unique position of power and prestige in this world. We have lost most of that in just over two years of this man's presidency and he has been a destabilizing force around the world for many reasons, not the least of which is his ignorance of world affairs and history.

He is a base individual, an apparent coward, an obvious bully, essentially illiterate at the practical level, and apparently one who is without principle. He has so far shown me all the attributes of a wannabe dictator and a rabid cur. He appears to have little or no concern for anyone or anything that is not centered around himself. These are not the hallmarks of a statesman qualified to lead the still most powerful and influential nation in the world. Did I mention he's also given adequate evidence for drawing the conclusion that he is a bigot on top of all the rest?

I respect the office. He, on the other hand, is undeserving.


I don't understand his leadership style. It seems chaotic...


I will respect the Presidency, but I will not respect Trump.

He leaves a trail of destruction behind him in everything things he touches. It’s his not paying lawyers, short changing contractors, his bankruptcies, his payments to women he has had affairs outside his marriage, his constant lying, petty name calling, his comments on the bus, the gov. shutdown, his lack of empathy, his petty twitter wars, his dragging down of people to his level in the gutter, the felony convictions of people around him, his constant bragging, Trump University, his corruption, his xenophobia, his bigotry, taking children from their parents, and on and on and on.

He is a destructive man that deserves no respect.


I don't support him overall. He has done a couple of things I support, but I'm against most of what he's done.

What I don't support:

  • Attacking the media and calling them the enemy of the people. A phrase of dictators.
  • Increasing tariffs, which shows an ignorance of economics.
  • Constant lies.
  • Emotional decisions.
  • His pragmatism.
  • Wanting to build a wall.
  • Increasing government spending.
  • There are more reasons, which I can't think of now.

What I think he has done good:

  • Lowering corporate taxes. They should be zero
  • Eliminating some regulations, which will probably be reinstated by the next president.
  • There may be more, but I can't think of them now.

Corporations use resources that must be paid for, taxing them is the only way to make them pay their share of this. Corporations have not used the money to increase wages and hire additional people; instead their profits are soaring and they are using the money for stock buybacks, increasing their power.

Those regulations protect the air we breathe, drinking water, pesticide use (some are cancer-causing), the environment in general. These are all now in peril.

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