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I wish more men appreciated lacy sexy lingerie. Most want to cut to the chase and get naked. Your thoughts?

EyesThatSmile 8 Aug 9
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I'm not a big fan of lacy underwear myself, I find it too confining. But I'm very fond of the partially-attired look for both of us.

Lauren Level 8 Aug 9, 2020

Yep, that's been my experience too. I just love sexy lingerie! Not for everyday wear, but for special times.

I have a small trunk full of sexy lingerie I bought, to wear with my boyfriend of 10 years. I only wore one of the outfits in all that time, and that ended up being $100+ for 10 minutes of wear.

I'd make plans to have a sexy night, decorate the room and everything, but he'd nearly always pick a fight and leave before we got to the fun.

I guess he didn't like it when I made an effort to look and feel sexy, he liked to do things on his own terms or spur of the moment. He really has no idea what he missed out on, but he missed his chance. And that's okay.

Just don't know what to do with this trunk of stuff, mostly still new with tags. I love these little things, I picked up over the years, so I don't want to get rid of them, but I doubt I'll ever entertain the idea of having a boyfriend again. I only have a few years left that they will still look good on me. But I hold on to them for some odd reason.

To underscore how little my ex-boyfriend thought of my little box of sexy lingerie and toys, he knows where I keep it and we talked about if I ever died suddenly and so my kids would have to come go through my things, he would come get the trunk and get rid of it, so my kids won't see this side of me when they go through my things. Maybe I'll give it to a girlfriend instead by then.

My ex-boyfriend and I don't see each other any more, my choice, but we are still each other's emergency contact for now, since neither of us have family on island. He's literally only allowed in my home over my dead body, and just to get this box, if I still have it.

Julie808 Level 8 Aug 10, 2020

Sometimes i dress up in things for ME definitely does add to the fun/fantasy, try it! The donning of a garment or 2 can be a real turn-on!

Perhaps you should find a back-up to make your plan more reliable? OR . . . think how happy someone else could be to find those lovely things at a resale location, just what they need now, at a good price. I've been working on de-cluttering and re-purposing, and finding that sending something off for a new life elsewhere can be both satisfying and freeing. I would now rather find new pretty things for a new relationship, should the time come 😉.


I prefer naked, but I'm patient...


I'm all for comfort, I go for simple. And It's been a while since.


yes comfort over fashion any day for me... I don't care if crop tops or mini skirts or dresses or stilettos are in fashion for my age group... none of that stuff makes me comfy so I just wear what makes me feel good, both practically and psychologically.


Not me. I would cherish it, enjoy the optics, and go very slow to build an experience because I believe sex is in the brain, not between legs alone.

A beautiful thing like that deserves time, attention, focus, gentleness and a smooth operator along with admiraion and respect for her choice and approach to intimacy. I don't undermine it at all.

St-Sinner Level 9 Aug 9, 2020

I'm amazed , we actually agree on something , although I strongly suspect my concept goes way beyond yours .

If it does, it is a good thing.


What ever makes a women feel comfortable she should wear

MightyMax Level 4 Aug 10, 2020

It frequently seems that is a chastity belt.


Presents shuld be unwrapped slowly to savor the moment.


Oh, I can tell that you are a sensual person.

Jolanta Level 9 Aug 16, 2020

Most is still not everyone.

JackPedigo Level 9 Aug 10, 2020

I too am more a fan of silky smooth, i don't like textured lace for touch, and honestly really enjoy slow teases.


Hello Marianne, I just stopped by. I had to join the group so I could reply.
Little boys are not taught about little girls. Boys are never taught to understand why girls are different than boys. Men grow up thinking only of their "instincts" not realizing that women might have a different way of thinking. Men see the objective, the process is secondary, but for women it is the process that is primary.
Men need education in the process of passion. Hope you are safe and well. GROG

GROG Level 6 Aug 10, 2020

If it is smooth silk & not frilly . . . mmmm hmmmm

FrayedBear Level 9 Aug 10, 2020

Cotton undies and tank tops.. a la Ripley (Aliens).. do it for me. Lacey lingerie looks and feels scratchy. Good for boudoir pics though. 😉

Davekp Level 8 Aug 10, 2020

@Radu TMI.. 🤪🤪🤪🤣🤣🤣


I don't care for lingerine... it is expensive, flimsy (aka rips or tears easily) and can be a pain to put on. The less lingerie a man needs me to buy, the better! if naked is their preference, let's go with that! lucky for me, exes or FWBs cut to the chase and I don't need to get fancy or complicated lingerie... tight leggings and a low cut top that flatters my curves is all I need. 😉

Lol. I didn't mean it as a he's demanding I'm complying. I meant he had a personal kink or desire for lingerie that I'd have no intention of meeting. A saying of sorts.


I just go more for comfort. At least to the best of my recollection.


I don't care for lace... it's too scratchy. Silky smooth fabrics are a different matter.

Sonja44 Level 7 Aug 15, 2020

From me, a nudist: sexy clothing is more alluring, nudism in pure practice, isn't about sex or sexuality...
(former Mormon me): Did we know that Mormonism instructs its member to wear 'sacred' underwear 24/7 except when exercising, Dr. visits? They used to instruct member do wear them during sex & maintain contact even while bathing!!! Totally Loony!

guynoir Level 6 Aug 10, 2020

A black lace teddy and thigh high stockings set my world on fire, A woman doesn't have to get naked as long as the parts that arouse her are available for stimulation. I really appreciate when a woman decides to go the extra mile to arouse me and do my very best to reciprocate.

joeandbarb Level 7 Aug 10, 2020

I like it. A ex-GF told me that when it comes to sexy underwear, it's impossible to go "too low". By that she meant there's no such thing as too sexy, too slutty, too depraved, when it comes to underwear. Gee, I sure do miss her.


Most men. That's me. Lol!

Unity Level 8 Aug 9, 2020

clothes are a waste of time. Rather spend that time doing other things. Nothing is really left to the imagination anymore 😕

MrChange Level 7 Aug 9, 2020

The clothing is for the imagination.


Yes it should be enjoyed the visuals certainly get the mind going and slowly unwrapping makes for a welcome build up and tease

RoyMillar Level 9 Aug 9, 2020

I view it like a x-mas present, beautiful wrapping. Why tear it to shreds? enjoy every minute of that wrapping.

nogod Level 7 Aug 9, 2020

It would always bug my family especially ex wife and kids that i would be the last one to open my presents while they were just about all done i just ook my time and teased them with the slow unwrapping lol


Personally I love when a woman keeps lingerie on because you still have easy access to the sexy bits

Ricksig Level 5 Sep 10, 2020

When I was younger I'd go out of my way to shop for sexy lingerie. From translucent bras to suspender-style bathing suits, from long flowing nightgowns to tiny teddies...but if a woman's not in good physical shape it's kind of embarrassing to even ask her to "participate".

I was all for it in my younger days....that interest has faded...

Robecology Level 9 Aug 10, 2020

I can appreciate that. My ex used to buy me sexy outfits and leave them in the drawer for me to find. Such a treat for both of us.

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