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A question: if you find out, during lovemaking/foreplay that your partner has nerve endings, therefore no sensory feeling from tactile stimulation in her breasts, is it a turnoff for continuing the activity?

SiouxcitySue 8 Sep 11
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Not a turn off for me. Stimulating intellectual conversation coupled with compatibility outside of the bedroom is more important to me.

Unity Level 8 Sep 16, 2019

I haven't touched breasts for so long ..... it wouldn't turn me off. And I'd just keep looking for other places to touch her - hopefully she would make some suggestions.

BitFlipper Level 8 Sep 13, 2019

Not a turn off-there's a whole lot of body to explore and pleasure. It helps if he/she lets you know what works and what doesn't-my last lover told me she needed fairly strong pinching to get pleasure form her nipples and had to be very horny to get pleasure from her clit.OTOH her G spot was easily accessible and I discovered had a couple of other pleasure spots she never knew she had


I focus on the experience as a whole

St-Sinner Level 9 Sep 12, 2019

Not a big deal - there are other interesting areas to stimulate.

Haemish1 Level 8 Sep 12, 2019

Lack of stimulation shouldn't be a turnoff...perhaps she won't "feel" the activity, however, the act of being together in touch and attention should be a turn on mentally even if physically there is no stimulation.

warlord13 Level 6 Sep 12, 2019

This would be the kind of conversation i would assume we would have BEFORE i was half naked and nibbling on her nipples. 😈

hippydog Level 8 Sep 12, 2019

that kinda play does nothing for me... but it has never stopped my partner(s) in the past or present from playing with em 😉 I let em do their thing but they soon become aware it does not turn me on or get me off and its play for their pleasure 😉


I'm not 100% what you're asking. Is there no feeling ANYWHERE in the breast or just the more sensitive nipple area? The reason I ask is bc some women like their nipples to have a lot of attention, and some prefer the whole breast to be squeezed and push inward or upward. Regardless, it's not a turnoff and makes absolutely no difference to me since there's so much more to a woman. BUT, I'd want to know so we can talk about it and find a way around it if she's not fully enjoying herself or overly self conscious about it. Her pleasure is my #1 priority. Talking about things can make mediocre, amazing.... That's just my "not an expert" opinion.

James13 Level 4 Sep 11, 2019

Kind of unless she likes it emotionally

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 11, 2019

Having nerve endings causes no sensory feelings ? ? ?

Cast1es Level 9 Sep 11, 2019

Good question.....I always ask permission of a new lover and none have answered with no pleasure will happen there for first response would be DOES THAT MEAN don't waste my time there ? What turns me on is being desired and what turns me off is not being there at all....If we were long time lovers always honest with what we like what we don't like and this new report of no feeling in breasts I WOULD INSTANTLY BE CONCERNED MEDICALLY...not turned off in any way....asking then whatever I should do to make her feel better until a doctor is consulted


not for me...I'd hope she would tolerate my pointless activity...


It's not a turnoff as such, sensitive or not.breasts are breasts.. they have a mystique and form that cannot be ignored.. But I tend to move onto the zones that produce stronger reactions. Those areas are different for everyone.

Davekp Level 8 Sep 11, 2019

If the woman enjoys it for other reasons, great, but she doesn’t owe access to her breasts—sensitive or not—to a partner.

UUNJ Level 8 Sep 11, 2019

Having a conversation about preferences before the clothes come off can fix almost anything sexual.

MizJ Level 8 Sep 11, 2019

Not if they want me to quit. I was never a breast man anyway. I'm a leg, ass, and vagina man. Maybe the fact I was formula fed as infant accounts for my lack of fascination with breasts. Just a theory.

Sticks48 Level 9 Sep 11, 2019

Would not bother me but as long as i know a head of time,we may to be able to plan other ways for extra stimulations that she may enjoy

RoyMillar Level 9 Sep 11, 2019

Everybody is different, that by itself wouldn't be much of a problem.

Buttercup Level 8 Sep 11, 2019
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