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How long do most people wait before having sex? The article gives some surprising answers.


UrsiMajor 8 Dec 29
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I like to wait 15 to 20 years, just to make sure we're compatible. Well, maybe a little longer, say another five to ten years, if I want to be absolutely certain.

resserts Level 8 Dec 29, 2019

Do you have the safe sex hazmat suit at the ready always?
One never knows.

@morlll I always carry a couple of these with me. The downside is that I have to carry a gigantic wallet.

That’s hysterical


I don't think I could apply a rule to this ... every person, every meeting, every relationship, every time period in my life are unique.

Lauren Level 8 Dec 29, 2019

If I’m interested in someone sexually, I start the safer sex conversation. I am not going to pursue any type of relationship with someone who hesitates to protect my health or who can’t discuss sex comfortably.

UUNJ Level 8 Dec 30, 2019

It's remarkable and admirable that you initiate that conversation. The only times I've had a woman bring up the topic of sex is to announce that she's not interested.

Ever have someone overhear that conversation and freak out?Once had it over pizza and the younger woman across the aisle obviously went from"aww, isn't that sweet, two gray hairs having a date"to"OMG", when condoms and oral sex were being discussed.

@RonWilliam53 It wouldn’t occur to me to have the conversation where people could overhear.

@UUNJ What does the safer sex conversation include?

I will initiate that conversation when meeting a woman for the first time who might become a FWB - I have had women who were initially interested, change their minds, afraid that I was too interested in sex and it scared them.

While I understand their concern, a big part of any FWB relationship is they are going to include some intimacy, at some point. And I think its only fair to both of us to find out what our ground rules are before we get too committed. So, even if a sexual relationship might not happen for two to four dates (in some cases), it makes sense to find out how everyone feels up front; No?

Also, do most people here define safe sex as using a condom for intercourse? Or does safe sex include a person in a relatively monogamous relationship who tests for STD's before he or she sleeps with their new FWB? I understand the arguments that say testing is only good until you have sex with a new partner...but assuming that the person isn't that active sexually, and meets someone new; would testing by both partners before they become intimate suffice as safe sex for you? Again, assume both partners are not sexually active with others.

Or their own.

@dgmelp Safer sex is about being risk aware of your own and other partners’ STI status. If a potential partner has herpes, you have a right to know. If they take Valtrex, you may decide sex without a condom is OK. Or you may decide, “They aren’t on Valtrex but we’ll use an internal condom or other barrier.” (internal condom covers more skin) Most US docs don’t routinely screen for herpes because it’s so common, so you have to specifically request the test, if it’s important to you.
Also important is clarity on when a partner had their last STI test and whether you are both monogamous. If you are monogamous, be sure you agree on what that means, e.g., does oral sex with someone else’s count? Some people forget that most STIs can affect the mouth also. If you have multiple partners, barrier protection and preventive meds like PRep (hiv) are usually a good idea,
Everyone has a right to make their own decisions about the risks they are willing to take, but the system only works if everyone has all the information they need.


By myself or with a partner?

Sticks48 Level 9 Dec 29, 2019

I don't have a hard and fast rule about it. But I can say that I have never regretted waiting a little longer and have had regrets about going to fast. It is nice to know someone better then just jumping in with a stranger. But that seems to be an outdated concept.

GreatNani Level 8 Dec 29, 2019

@GreatNani I don't think it's outdated at all, although I'm honestly shocked by the people I've met who waited until marriage. Now that's an outdated concept (not to mention risky)!

@Lauren well I am glad someone else doesnt think it is odd. I would not wait until marriage either. Particularly since I am never getting married again. 🙂

@GreatNani That would be a needless sacrifice! I didn't wait for marriage either, and told my girls I expected them to "kick the tires" before committing to someone. I think intimacy is too important a part of a relationship to leave to chance.

@Lauren good advice!

I've never jumped in bed with a stranger.. With all the diseases out there, I'm not willing to risk my health like that... And most of my gfs think the same.. 😊

No "hard and fast" rule about sex? 😏 How about just a general guideline about power and speed?

Seriously, though, I don't think waiting a while before being physically intimate is so outdated. I think it has a lot to do with the people involved and what sort of personalities they have. I try to be cautious and meticulous in everything I do, and sex is no different. Some people are uncomfortable waiting very long. I think it's actually easier for women to wait without inadvertantly signaling that they're not interested; it seems men are expected to move fast and, if they fail to do so, it's seen as an indication that he's not really into her.

@resserts I agree. It is easier for a woman to wait. But men should feel free to wait if they want to and find other ways to express interest.

@GreatNani Are you married now? Never say never they say. but what do they know.

@morlll not married now. Doubt I will ever marry again. Didnt enjoy it the first time! 🙂


So basically this PhD says in conclusion, after a rather lengthy dissertation, that there is no hard and fast rule.

Genius. None of us could have figured that out. 🙂

I've gone from 1 hour to 1 month. And so? What do either say about me? They simply say two people collectively agreed to have sex when ready and willing to do so. I don't see why any more thought should be given to the matter. Sex need not be that complicated and I am disappointed by any attempt to brainwash anyone into thinking it must be.

The writers of a show like "Sex and The City" have more talent for entertainment than effective relationship advice, and that's not saying much about their skill at either.

Shawno1972 Level 7 Dec 30, 2019

I wait until I feel a bond or connection with the person and feel safe with them. In true demisexual fashion 🙂


A few weeks... Several dates.

SukiSue Level 8 Dec 29, 2019

It differs if you are already known to each other. My experience is that the older you both get, the more urgent the call of the sheets becomes ,initially.


I don't know about most people but personally I need to know someone pretty good before any sex occurs... .many dates and phone calls and observations...

I'm of the same persuasion.

Check the folds.


I love sex. But not with the wrong person. I know its unusual for a guy, but I have actually turned down opportunities for sex even though its been a very long time since that particular faucet has been flowing. I can please myself, so I wait for when it feels right. I'm looking for a really deep connection of the heart that is reflected physically. When I feel it, it will exist out of the realm of time.

Kenoaks Level 6 Dec 30, 2019

I wait until I get a clear signal that she's ready. Right now that's 17 years.

BitFlipper Level 8 Dec 29, 2019

Aha, she has grown up at last?

@FrayedBear I get the joke, but no - it's been that long since any woman has been ready.


This article confirms my hunch that there's no "right" time to begin a sexual relationship. Each person is different. Then, when you put two people together, the possibilities are unpredictable. For me, when I was much younger, getting laid was always an urgent situation. But now that I'm older, I stay a lot more centered and patient. I can wait as long as I want to.

However, when both people feel strong passion and yearning for each other, holding out for a long time can signal a deeper problem. That raises a suspicion of some kind of past trauma that might create a problematic relationship going forward. If we were hot and horny for each other but she turned me down repeatedly, I would wish her well and move on.

But even that is not a hard and fast rule. For example, my current S.O. needed to wait a long time because she was recovering from the death of her former husband. Rather than push her for sex, I tried to be kind, loving, and supportive--and a good friend. Now, I'm very glad that I was patient.

mischl Level 8 Dec 30, 2019

What's the point of lying? ASAP is my approach. No pun intended but I do not beat round the bush.

St-Sinner Level 9 Dec 30, 2019

I usually KNOW I'm interested in someone sexually by the first or second date. If things click between us... then usually by the 3rd or 4th date.

Cabsmom Level 8 Dec 29, 2019

I'd like to see statistics if age makes any difference. Are younger folks more likely to rush to physical intimacy? I'm in no hurry to take my clothes off in close proximity to another person, especially male. Time has not been kind.

Interestingly, statistics have shown that young people are having LESS sex than seniors, even though one might expect the opposite. []


It varies with the person. I have had no sex after 12 dates or sex in 35 min on the first date.... currently celibate.

Why celibate now?

@DavidRussett i don't have a partner


That is a tough question. It depends upon what you want from the partner. One night stand? Something as friends, but non monogamous. Something steady, but not fully committed. Long term to life


Varies. No two couples alike...


When all the blood in your brain rushes south, your'e ready to go

nogod Level 7 Dec 29, 2019

Just curious, how often does that happen?

@SiouxcitySue Not as often as you'd think. When l was a younger man, it was about the physical connection. As we age, our priorities change as well. We tend to look into the heart and soul. Having said that. Sometimes that blood just doesn't rush south. But when it does.........GAME ON


It's been my experience that three dates seals the deal.

mecornett Level 3 Dec 30, 2019

Part of the confusion might be that they use the term “sex” for casual sex and making love. A difference they note by saying that some people do not want attachment while others want a commitment. You can have sex as a “first date” and might if you do not need or want a committed relationship. Love takes time and effort to build. Neither approach is “wrong” per se, as long as both (all ?) partners want the same thing.

Detritus Level 7 Dec 30, 2019

Depends on chemistry and feelings for each other

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 29, 2019

With a new date? I'm old fashioned and apply the third date rule. If it has happened by then it is not going to so I don't waste my time after that. Sex is an integral and very important part of a relationship.

FrayedBear Level 9 Dec 29, 2019

I hate the 3 date rule. I have only been with one man in the last 4 years - that's pretty typical for me - but there have been a few times when the attraction (psychological and physical) was unbelievably intense. I did not sleep with these men right away simply because I didn't want them to think I normally sleep around. In the interim, I was ready to claw my eyes out waiting for the socially sanctioned time to pounce!

sophilang Level 4 Mar 8, 2020

I have dated for six months without having sex(I did end that one for a lack of intimacy). I have also had sex before any dating at all. I think one just needs to go with what is right at the time.

I am pretty sure that people are haveing sex much sooner than the have in the last 20 years.

It's been a real eye-opener for me.

@UrsiMajor Yeah I am for doing what ever is good with consent. The views of sex are loosing stigma or taboo. This could be problematic in the future with std's. Now it is a huge problem for religion. The problem is we evolved being sexal beings by necessity. Without a sex drive (that does not care about sexual orientation) we would not survive as a species. Evolution only requires us tonlove sex. As long as that is the case we will make babies as a whole.

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