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I think a test group of 120 women is small and that hormones (or reduction of) is another culprit to the problem. Your thoughts? []

EyesThatSmile 8 Feb 1
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I took note of several comments and am saddened and dismayed.

"intimacy had become more a duty than a source of delight."
"Heterosexual women in particular shared that their partners routinely dismissed their pleasure or that they had themselves absorbed the idea that it was a lesser priority." "...the glass ceiling..."
"for many heterosexual women, the status quo has left them underwhelmed, and there is no reinforcement of pleasure one way or another. Penetrative sex results in orgasm for only a minority of women, and for some, who equate it with, say, pain, guilt or obligation, it may spark outright aversion."
"William Masters and Virginia Johnson documented women’s sexual athleticism, stating that the range and depth of their pleasure “infinitely surpasses that of man."
"...persistent sexual dissatisfaction is a sign that many women do not feel free to enjoy their sexuality, or know how to do so, and so engage in activities that are not necessarily inclusive of their pleasure."

Having had several partners I learned that each person has their own desires, strength and weaknesses. One was easily multi-orgasmic and another so inhibited she would have to be in a dark room with some clothes on. Women are not all alike and their sex drives likewise. Same goes for men. One important thing I discovered was that it is important to focus on my partner's pleasure putting my own in 2nd place. My last partner was very verbal in what stimulated her the most so communication is very important. Why must intimacy too often be associated with sex and not with expressing ones desires??? For maximum pleasure to take place there must be a mental, an emotional as well as a physical connection.

JackPedigo Level 9 Feb 1, 2020

Well said.

Yes; Well said.


I learned late in life that my sensuality/sexual arousal is my responsibility. My brain is my most active and excitable organ in my body and if I have a partner who understands that, then it's like icing on a cake. If not, I am perfectly capable of creating sexual satisfaction for myself. AND, I believe society, especially religion, denigrates women who want to or do masturbate, no matter their age or marital status. The sample is too small and did not seem to have a real focus. It was anecdotal and photographic. An analysis of journaling or diary-keeping would have been much more relevant to the subject, IMO.

Well said.


I understand what the author intends to convey, and I agree that feeling in control of your sexuality is critical, but I don't think I would even consider this a valid test group as the ages, medical conditions, and lifestyles of the women seem pretty indiscriminate. I mean, a libido that disappears overnight ("like a light switch" ) screams trauma or medical condition to me. But then, I'm one of those people who believe withholding hormone therapy is a form of subjugating female sexuality. 🙂

Lauren Level 8 Feb 1, 2020

Yes, anything that shifts suddenly should be medically assessed.


The testimony at the start refers to the FDA being asked to approve Flibanserin, a daily drug that was supposed to increase female sexual desire. It didn’t work much better than a placebo yet was screwing with brain chemistry and was a hazard if used with alcohol. Opponents argued that the “female sexual desire screener” used to diagnose levels of desire was designed according to male standards of arousal and response.

UUNJ Level 8 Feb 1, 2020

And there we go again .

@Cast1es Exactly!


I agree the sampling was too small. I also think some of the findings were probably true. If the estimate of one fourth is accurate a true sampling would have to start with self identified unsatisfied women and make sure they sampled different ages,socio-economic backgrounds etc.I bet there would be literally hundreds of reasons for the lack of satisfaction.

The men would also have lots of reasons as well. People are complicated and often greedy.

Lorajay Level 9 Feb 1, 2020

I do not think it would mater how many they talk to, it can be different for every case/woman why they are not having orgasms, there are too many factors that it can be attributed to.


120 is too small of a sample to ascertain meaningful data. A study should be no less than 1000 subjects. And that is a small sample.

Gohan Level 7 Feb 1, 2020

I hope to hold onto my high sex drive. When I hear that some women don't enjoy sex, I actually feel bad for them.

Cabsmom Level 8 Feb 1, 2020

I think you are correct in your assessment. 120 to few. Hormones a huge factor. Having a partner who instills desire is also a motivator. But that wears off sometimes.

Mooolah Level 8 Feb 1, 2020

I read of study of population density in junior year in HS...that had a profound effect on me.

The conclusions were shocking even then...and still apply - even more so - today.

Basically J.B. Calhoun proved that the more crowded it gets
-the lower our sexual libido becomes (males, females stop mating)
-the weirder our sexual libido (males "mount" males, etc)
-the more child abuse (in the rat case...child cannibalism)
-the more hoarding.
-the more cancer and stress diseases
-the shorter the lifespan.

proven. In 1962. When the world population was 3.1 billion.Now it's 7.7 billion. Increasing by 158 more births, than deaths, per minute, 227,000 more per day.



Calhoun’s study was interesting, but has been challenged since then for a couple of reasons. Concerning women’s libido: at the time of his study, the idea of a woman having control of her childbearing due to birth control was an idea in its infancy (so to speak). When a woman can control her reproduction, why would she be biologically inclined to lose libido? Why did they not just become sterile? He also skips over the possibility of men becoming sterile in response to population. And the idea that homosexuality is a “weird” genetic response doesn’t hold up against it existing for the entirety of multiple species.

@Lauren Finally someone who's paying attention! Yes; Calhoun's study has been modified and challenged; but the basic logic remains....and it's not just rats and humans.

What I'm suggesting is that it's not just the foods we eat, as the Time magazine article's the population density that changes our behavior.

Here's another study done in 08 to update Calhoun's study.



What's going on with any of us sexually is complicated and individual to our own circumstances. In my experience it is possible for women to find greater levels of sexual passion later in life than they ever expected or experienced earlier. So many men and women are essentially shell shocked from our childhoods and adolescences that it takes a while to heal. So while we might be physically at our sexual peak earlier in life, we are not emotionally ready till later. Menopause need not be a harbinger of decline; we over emphasise youth in our mass media culture.

Kenoaks Level 6 Feb 3, 2020

I only have anecdotal evidence ...but to me its the oolitics of it all that create most troubles...the aweful realization that the partner is enjoying it more or has had an easy time or doesnt have to bear the bulk of the responsibility for the result...or in some cases a resentment that a partner can manipulate your body and cause a loss of control. All of which i try to cicumvent by employing non sexual priming. Eye contact...suggestion...shared jokes...whispers...there are ways to enflame the senses that don't come anywhere near the sexual parts...and the biggest task is to set your partner at ease so that they relax . Then its like playing a symphony...light and shade.. soft and firm...interplay of the senses . My fav is getting them to relate sexy secrets...all of which builds intimacy and sets a solid platform to explore from.


A lot of what goes on , or doesn't , is due to what's between your ears .

Cast1es Level 9 Feb 1, 2020

I agree 120 is small. Furthermore, since we atheists and agnostics prefer higher-level evidence of most claims that happen to cross our desks, like many I'm immediately suspicious of the methodology used. The article doesn't mention anything other than personal testimony interviews, which for me invites in too much subjectivity. Maybe it's hormones, maybe it's boredom, maybe it's a bad day at the office. If it ain't scientific, I might not trust the data.

Shawno1972 Level 7 Feb 10, 2020

I suspect the results were modified by the limited questions asked . Things change when the wedding ring goes on . Suddenly , Prince Charming disappears , and the guy who's been informed he has to show her who's boss appears , has replaced the love of her life . Disappointment , anger , fear , the undoeable demands , the new work load , total lack of caring from her partner , etc . all affect how your feelings change about your partner . He no longer courts her , and yet he expects the same results as when he was being nice .

Cast1es Level 9 Feb 1, 2020

Unfortunately this issue seems to be reinforced by religion...


Whether male or female mindset and how you were brought up especially baby boomes with the Victorian age ideas are parents and grandparents had put a lot of negativity around sex ,Takes a lot to turn ones self around to be totally openminded and comfortable with your self in a sexual way an once that happens you can start to enjoy and experiment with our fear of reprisal

RoyMillar Level 9 Feb 1, 2020

The sample is much too small

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 1, 2020

seems like too few to draw conclusions


struggles like orgasm disparities,

Women I'vebeen with have several,I have one. disparity indeed!


So very , very true .

Cast1es Level 9 Feb 1, 2020

This explains a lot. If only there was research on men's sexuality. But that's probably too much of a taboo.

There is lots of research on male sexuality, but most of it focuses on erections.

@UUNJ yes, we are treated a one-dimensional creatures, and woe-be-it to those of us who question it.

@BitFlipper I wrote a sex ed curriculum for older adults that included short quotes and readings by older adults. It was a struggle to find things written by men about their experience of aging and sexuality because...there isn’t much room
for men to be vulnerable. The writing I found boiled down to: my penis doesn’t work due to prostate issues or it does work due to medication. A very few men write about Tantric sexual practices. The other stuff I found wasn’t appropriate for my curriculum for one reason or another—usually it was dry medical writing when I wanted poems and first-person pieces.

@UUNJ Out of perhaps twenty people I've talked to about tantra, exactly zero had any idea what it is. But for me, it's chiefly focusing on how to make the female's sexual experiences better and more rewarding. If there were such a thing as "tantra classes," and if women could encourage their men to attend, there might be a lot more smiling women in our culture.

@UUNJ I agree that there is precious little research on male sexuality, but I disagree with the one-dimensional conclusion that it has to do with lack of vulnerability. I think it's sad that your curriculum was produced without much contribution from men, and then that curriculum was delivered, further reinforcing the belief that men are just walking penises.


Very informative

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 1, 2020
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