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Another great one from the young environmentalist;
BD66 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
Greta Thurnberg's scientific credentials: [ 0 ] Greta Thurnberg's scientific degrees: [ 0 ] Greta Thurnberg's scientific accomplishments: [ 0 ]
Only Fully Vaxxed Can Die By Assisted Suicide in Germany The German Euthanasia Association has ...
BD66 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
Politicians make completely insane rules like that all the time. When you put politicians in charge of the means of production (ie Socialism), they make equally insane decisions. That's one of the main reasons why Socialism fails every single time.
I've wondered myself
BD66 comments on Dec 5, 2021:
There's a metal song about that! Lol!!!
BD66 comments on Dec 4, 2021:
Hopefully she will spend many years in prison.
Is the omicron variant symptoms and fatalities being played down for political cause?
BD66 comments on Dec 4, 2021:
This: " if a patient had the original Covid19 strain and recovered that they are more likely to contract the omicron variant and are a great chance of death" sounds extremely unlikely to me. There's a lot of conspiracy BS going around, and this is likely an example.
The types of traitors who deserve the firing squad.
BD66 comments on Dec 3, 2021:
Where are Clinton and Biden?
Brian Tyler Cohen - Top Democrat goes megaviral, gives SPEECH OF THE YEAR []
BD66 comments on Dec 3, 2021:
NASA - There's probably not a better example of government waste and incompetence than NASA. US astronauts were walking around on the moon in 1969. Today, 52 years later, we can no longer put a man on the moon. My best friend from high school was a high-level manager at NASA: I listened to him give a talk in 2008 about NASA's plans to go back to the moon and to mars. It was roughly: 2011 We'll go back to the moon. 2016 We'll have man on Mars. Did we make it back to the Moon? Did we make it to Mars? My friend could no longer take working at NASA. He retired from NASA in 2018.
Brian Tyler Cohen - Top Democrat goes megaviral, gives SPEECH OF THE YEAR []
BD66 comments on Dec 2, 2021:
The technology and manufacturing come from the private sector. When Democrats talk about "investing' in technology and manufacturing, they mean they want the government to pick winners and losers. The US government (and most other governments) are notoriously bad at picking winners and losers, so it's pretty much just money wasted. What they can do is lower corporate taxes, so our corporations can keep more of their profits and reinvest those profits in their own companies. That's a genetic algorithm (it helps the strong US companies survive and thrive) rather than a central planning approach, which is a disaster everywhere it has been tried.
Police use Taser on girl having seizure at Kevin Gates concert
BD66 comments on Dec 2, 2021:
That’s a novel way to treat a seizure
I saw conservatives posted the lie that Biden cut oil production.
BD66 comments on Dec 1, 2021:
It's not a lie. Oil production is still below pre-covid levels: 12,966,000 barrels were pumped in November 2019 when oil was $59 per barrel 10,809,000 barrels were pumped in September 2021 when oil was $76 per barrel When the price goes from $59 per barrel to $76 per barrel, you would expect a lot more oil production to come on line and you would expect more than 12,966,000 barrels per month to be pumped in September 2021. The shortfall is entirely due to Biden Administration policies that are hostile towards oil production and oil transport in the USA.
The number of religious cuffs one has to overcome to get out of the indoctrination.
BD66 comments on Dec 1, 2021:
I'll have to say it was a whole lot easier for me. When I was 11 or 12, I was sitting in Sunday school thinking "This all bullshit".
I can't deal with how idiotic this is.
BD66 comments on Nov 30, 2021:
Because nothing will get your sanity back like talking to your imaginary friend, a 2000 year old Jew who lives in the sky.
What has murdered or genocide more people in the world for the last 100 years ?
BD66 comments on Nov 29, 2021:
It's not even close. Totalitarian Collectivist governments have killed the most. 4. 61,911,000 Murdered: The Soviet Gulag State 5. 35,236,000 Murdered: The Communist Chinese Ant Hill 6. 20,946,000 Murdered: The Nazi Genocide State 7. 10,214,000 Murdered: The Depraved Nationalist Regime 8. 5,964,000 Murdered: Japan's Savage Military 9. 2,035,000 Murdered: The Khmer Rouge Hell State 10. 1,883,000 Murdered: Turkey's Genocidal Purges 11. 1,670,000 Murdered: The Vietnamese War State 12. 1,585,000 Murdered: Poland's Ethnic Cleansing
If cats are liberal are dogs socialist?
BD66 comments on Nov 26, 2021:
Whoever would call dogs socialist should have seen my dachshund Trixie at feeding time.
American Thanksgiving is over and I have already heard my first in store Xmas Carols, WTF!
BD66 comments on Nov 26, 2021:
A local rock station just switched over to Christmas music for the next month. I'm sick of it already.
Right from the mouth of a jackass.
BD66 comments on Nov 26, 2021:
Perfect example of why monarchy is a disastrous form of government.
They updated the game of LIFE.
BD66 comments on Nov 26, 2021:
The result of a liberal arts education at a private university.
4 was shocking...I mourned Hodor!
BD66 comments on Nov 24, 2021:
I heard Glenn was going to get killed in the next episode, so I stopped watching Walking Dead.
What could go wrong... ?
BD66 comments on Nov 24, 2021:
Act fast! A catch like that won't last long!
Why I laugh when a Republican, a TEA Partier or a Libertarian tries to tell me they aren't a ...
BD66 comments on Nov 24, 2021:
lib·er·tar·i·an noun 1. an advocate or supporter of a political philosophy that advocates only minimal state intervention in the free market and the private lives of citizens. "no true libertarian would ever support a culture where citizens must show their papers to travel" 2. a person who advocates civil liberty. Nazi Party, byname of National SOCIALIST German Workers’ Party, German Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), political party of the mass movement known as National SOCIALISM. so·cial·ism noun 1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. 2. policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism. 3. (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism. A Libertarian is about as far as you can possibly get from a Nazi.
Where do these"experts:" come from that know so much more than actual experts?
BD66 comments on Nov 22, 2021:
There are "eperts" in theology. I'm not an "expert" in theology, but I know enough to know those people are 100% full of shit. Likewise, there are "experts" in academia, and many of them are full of shit as well. The biggest embarassment at my alma mater is Rochelle Gutiérrez who specializes in "Math is Racist"
NC Lt.
BD66 comments on Nov 22, 2021:
If you create an imaginary friend in the sky. Your imaginary friend in the sky can have whatever opinions you want him to have.
I can't believe they forgot McConnell
BD66 comments on Nov 22, 2021:
And Jerry Nadler gets women all hot and bothered? :-)
Kyle Rittenhouse shoots 3 people with an AR15 and he is acquitted on all counts.
BD66 comments on Nov 19, 2021:
Watch these three videos: This is what the jury saw.
A Wisconsin jury found Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager charged in the killing of two people during ...
BD66 comments on Nov 19, 2021:
Hopefully Rittenhouse will get rich from suing the media outlets that attempted to frame him.
Rebel HQ - Lauren Boebert Goes Mask-Off Racist []
BD66 comments on Nov 18, 2021:
I wish they could resolve their disputes like Ukrainans :-):
Rebel HQ - Lauren Boebert Goes Mask-Off Racist []
BD66 comments on Nov 18, 2021:
If Congress is going to bankrupt us, the least they can do is entertain us.
18th November 1916….
BD66 comments on Nov 18, 2021:
It's amazing the troops didn't revolt against their leaders.
US law signed by President Joe Biden will require new cars to detect drunk drivers []
BD66 comments on Nov 18, 2021:
What about impaired Presidents?
It’s Not Just White People: Democrats Are Losing Normal Voters of All Races
BD66 comments on Nov 18, 2021:
The Democrats have the best of intentions, but the things they implement become disasters.
The Earth is right.
BD66 comments on Nov 18, 2021:
The smartest species in the stupid class. :-)
Possibly a new Motto for us all or just a thought for the day.
BD66 comments on Nov 18, 2021:
Like the slogan, but why ruin it with a huge statue of Jesus?
Last spring I was very interested in NVDA .
BD66 comments on Nov 17, 2021:
My good friend has been at NVDA for about 20 years. He is now a very wealthy man.
It's so nice to have a group of folks to connect with, who have lived this as I did.
BD66 comments on Nov 16, 2021:
Socialism has its roots in Christianity: One terrible idea begets another.
Anyone else nerdy enough to get this?
BD66 comments on Nov 16, 2021:
Sulu on a Cthuluhu?
The lies! 😂😂😂😂
BD66 comments on Nov 15, 2021:
Still no Satisfaction for Mick!
David Versus Goliath (and guess who wins).
BD66 comments on Nov 15, 2021:
You have it all wrong. Climate Change should be depicted as a small overfed and sleepy rodent. Humans have been adapting to Climate Change for 2,000,000 years. We have never been more capable of making adaptations than we are today.
If Any Of You Were Ever Considering Buying A Tesla.
BD66 comments on Nov 15, 2021:
A man of Musk's stature and accomplishments is foolish to engage with a despicable troll like Sanders.
We always have a choice.
BD66 comments on Nov 15, 2021:
"I used to be lonely till I learned about livin' alone" -REO Speedwagon.
Oh... sorry about that.
BD66 comments on Nov 14, 2021:
That's a good time to give up Christianity.
I equate morality with religion and so I do not presume to have them as a godless one but I do have ...
BD66 comments on Nov 12, 2021:
That's a strange spokesperson for morality! :-)
Farron Balanced - Legal Experts Concerned That Merrick Garland Is Letting Trump Get Away With ...
BD66 comments on Nov 12, 2021:
He's too busy going after parents who speak up at school board meetings.
Rittenhouse is one letter away from a stinker of a name.
BD66 comments on Nov 12, 2021:
2 letters?
Ugh!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
BD66 comments on Nov 11, 2021:
I wonder if "Old Milwaukee" beer works too?
Beat-boxing Pontiff.
BD66 comments on Nov 11, 2021:
The Catholic Church has to adapt to keep up with the times.
British sense of humour for you. John Cleese writes to a 14-year-old fan.
BD66 comments on Nov 10, 2021:
I drove through John Cleese's yard.
Little Richard. - Rip It Up, from way back in 1957. []
BD66 comments on Nov 10, 2021:
And here's the Pat Boone version. The man who made his career ripping off Little Richard songs:
Found the perfect ticket to counter Republicans in 2024: Big Bird for President.
BD66 comments on Nov 9, 2021:
Both stronger candidates than Biden/Harris!
What is wrong with my fellow NYorkers?
BD66 comments on Nov 9, 2021:
Politics is like religion to most people. They prefer to live in an echo chamber that just reinforces what they have previously been brainwashed to believe.
Our bloated defense budget and lyin ted cruz
BD66 comments on Nov 9, 2021:
so·cial·ism noun a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. Most of those things have absolutely nothing to do with socialism.
[] That's it , she's all over . Rittenhouse vindicated..
BD66 comments on Nov 8, 2021:
Why was there even a trial?
BD66 comments on Nov 8, 2021:
That was my prom date back in 1983! I was 6'2" She was 5'1"
This should go on the conservative group but as I am blocked from that group it is here
BD66 comments on Nov 8, 2021:
Didn't the Socialists pretty much drive the UK into the ground in 1978 and 1979? I thought you British learned your lesson back in the 1970's?
This should go on the conservative group but as I am blocked from that group it is here
BD66 comments on Nov 8, 2021:
so·cial·ism noun a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. Giving the government control over the means of production, distribution, and exchange does nothing to insure clean water, green forests, parks, safe medicine, safe food, high performance and safe cars, quality schools, quality roads, or quality police and fire services. It usually means quite the opposite.
This should go on the conservative group but as I am blocked from that group it is here
BD66 comments on Nov 8, 2021:
Let's look at how that turned out in reality: First Clean water in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics:
Well what are you staring at? Get busy.
BD66 comments on Nov 7, 2021:
I've solved a lot of differential equations. It's not all it's cracked up to be.
Just one little word makes a difference.
BD66 comments on Nov 6, 2021:
Some of those guests must have taken too long to get aroused.
To those loud, irrational ideologues who want to force their beliefs on the rest of our people: ...
BD66 comments on Nov 5, 2021:
Here's the problem: Most kids only get two years of history in high school. You could spend the entire two years talking about good things done by white people. You could spend the entire two years talking about bad things done by white people. You could spend the entire two years talking about good things done by black people. You could spend the entire two years talking about bad things done by black people. You could spend the entire two years talking about good things done by Asian people. You could spend the entire two years talking about bad things done by Asian people. You could spend the entire two years talking about good things done by Middle Eastern people. You could spend the entire two years talking about bad things done by Middle Eastern people. You could spend the entire two years talking about good things done by Indigenous people. You could spend the entire two years talking about bad things done by Indigenous people. You have to choose what tiny portion of history that is available that you want to teach to high school students. Most people are happy with the status quo. They want high school students to learn pretty much what they learned in high school. When you alter the status quo and teach fewer good things done by white people and more bad things done by white people, many people object to they because they want future generations to feel good about what was done by their race and their culture.
And sadly, the Dems are legend for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
BD66 comments on Nov 5, 2021:
Democrats never worry about the amount of spending. When Democrats get in power, the Republicans worry about spending until they get back in power. After about 4 years in power, the Republicans start spending like Democrats. The only brakes stopping this fast train to national bankruptcy are those rare instances when Democrats are in power and the Republicans can score political points by worrying about the amount of spending.
Today we’re visiting Port Isaac, Cornwall in England for a Sea Shanty from traditional group ...
BD66 comments on Nov 5, 2021:
That was a good movie.
Of course there are theists still stuck back on the earth is round argument
BD66 comments on Nov 4, 2021:
The big difference: The people who believed: 1. The earth was round. 2. Gravity was real. 3. Evolution was what caused species differentiation. Were not trying to force everyone to commit economic suicide.
Judge in the Kyle Rittenhouse murder trial used biblical "history" to explain the hearsay rule to ...
BD66 comments on Nov 4, 2021:
Agree 100%
Pretty much. Mah.Thur.Fah.Curse.
BD66 comments on Nov 4, 2021:
Democratic Party policies are a complete disaster. Look at the state by state unemployment. People have to realize that Trump/GOP voters are not voting for Trump/GOP, they are voting against Democratic Party policies. It's a choice of a lessor of 2 evils.
QAnon Supporters Stood Up By DEAD JFK Jr. - The Young Turks []
BD66 comments on Nov 3, 2021:
Most of them are Christians, so they are used to Jesus standing them up.
The Atlanta Braves just won the World Series, a few short months after they got cheated out of ...
BD66 comments on Nov 2, 2021:
The real cause for celebration: Hopefully the GOP can take back the House or the Senate before those lunatics can do any serious damage.
Toddler throwing a tantrum....
BD66 comments on Nov 2, 2021:
World's biggest spending Congress doesn't want to spend less money.
Perhaps I have not been paying close enough attention.
BD66 comments on Nov 2, 2021:
They should add a t-shirt with this logo to
Capitalism, Communism and Socialism defined by trains....
BD66 comments on Nov 1, 2021:
In 1960 jet airliners went into widespread service. At that time, you could fly from San Francisco to San Diego in 1 hour. California is proposing to spend somewhere between $80,000,000,000 and $100,000,000,000 to build a high speed rail service from San Francisco to San Diego. If they ever get the project done, it will be possible to take a train from San Diego to San Franciso in about 4 to 5 hours. So after 70 years and $100,000,000,000 you will have a choice: 1. Take an airplane from San Diego to San Francisco in 1 hour (just like you could in 1960). 2. Take the train from San Diego to San Francisco in 4 to 5 hours. That insanity could only exist in a Socialist state.
It’s time for Lindsey Graham to go. []
BD66 comments on Oct 30, 2021:
It was time for him to go many years ago.
My guess is it is only proof he can't get laid...
BD66 comments on Oct 29, 2021:
I hate it when those religious people come up with a rock solid argument!
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Calls Meta 'Cancer to Democracy'
BD66 comments on Oct 29, 2021:
Funny how everyone from AOC to Ted Cruz hates facebook.
I bet you've never heard a conservative cite this Adam Smith quote
BD66 comments on Oct 29, 2021:
The rich have been paying significantly more of their income in taxes from 1913: Until 2021:
Air travel extra accommodating.
BD66 comments on Oct 28, 2021:
You ride in the luggage compartment.
Like the workers aren't going to figure it out right?...
BD66 comments on Oct 27, 2021:
The end of the Cold War changed everything. During the Cold War, Western Capitalists only had access to a small portion of the World's labor pool. Now they have access to the entire world's labor pool. Great if you are a worker in India, Vietnam, Malaysia. It sucks if you are a worker in the USA. Being more hostile towards the capitalists will only make things worse for workers in the USA/
People in the UK and Australia would understand about the Phantom, the Bandar pygmies, the Skull ...
BD66 comments on Oct 26, 2021:
That was a nasty one. The 57/58 Hong Kong flu. My mother said she was sicker with that than she had been at any time in her life.
They have been finger pointing since as far back as I can remember.
BD66 comments on Oct 26, 2021:
It wasn't all Republicans. Remember Tipper Gore and her federal case over Prince's lyrics. :-)
Heretic /ˈherəˌtik/ noun a person believing in or practicing religious heresy Middle ...
BD66 comments on Oct 25, 2021:
My son is an Atheist. We toured the Ripley's Believe it or Not Museum in San Antonio. He saw an iron maiden and was reading the caption next to it that said "This was a common punishment for heretics". He asked me "Dad, what's a heretic?" I told him "You are a heretic". His eyes got bigger than I have ever seen them before.
When did I lose that 'privilege'? 😆
BD66 comments on Oct 22, 2021:
I'm that way when the news comes on.
Gave me a smile.
BD66 comments on Oct 22, 2021:
Friday was a very bad day for him though.
UPDATED: Colin Powell died today of COVID complications in the Walter Reed Hospital, he was ...
BD66 comments on Oct 18, 2021:
My thoughts exactly.
What does it mean to be Pro-choice?
BD66 comments on Oct 17, 2021:
You can be pro-choice for the first 24 weeks and pro-life for the last 16 weeks.
Nailed it though!
BD66 comments on Oct 17, 2021:
Mental illness on a national scale.
Where do you think Amway got the idea?
BD66 comments on Oct 16, 2021:
I thought that's how churches worked.
Kind of like the way the republicans keep supporting trump!
BD66 comments on Oct 16, 2021:
A better analogy would be Socialism.
Of course we can all trust the CDC. []
BD66 comments on Oct 15, 2021:
The tip of the iceberg:
Things not to say during a fight...
BD66 comments on Oct 15, 2021:
That one hits close to home.
This was in mixed TED talks, she makes a lot of sense. []
BD66 comments on Oct 14, 2021:
This is crazy and dangerous. When countries go down the path she proposes, it leads to a sovereign debt default and hyperinflation. We are already starting to see the inflation today. If we listen to lunatics like her, they will lead us over the cliff and we will experience what other countries have experienced many times: This is where that crazy woman wants to take us:
Think of a.....
BD66 comments on Oct 14, 2021:
Black Emu from Denmark.
Lets assign blame where it belongs, if they hadn't bailed him out, he would probably be in the East ...
BD66 comments on Oct 13, 2021:
I could never stand that show. My last performance review was in May 2007. It was my first performance review with my last boss. In the middle of the review, he started quoting things Donald Trump said in The Apprentice. I just thought "Son of a bitch! I'm working for someone who is looking to Donald Trump for guidance!" I quit 2 weeks later and never looked back.
Christian Mom: Credit Karma “Attempts to Normalize Sin” by Using Two Dads in Ad | Hemant Mehta |...
BD66 comments on Oct 12, 2021:
This one is hilarious:
Quotable quote.
BD66 comments on Oct 11, 2021:
That must be a very old quote. I don't believe Joe could string 3 sentences together like that any more.
Three's a charm! So let's say hello the 3 new members who joined Introverts Unite! this past week.
BD66 comments on Oct 11, 2021:
He better hope he's in a community property state.
It seems as though it was a hollow threat
BD66 comments on Oct 11, 2021:
At this pace of inflation $15/hr isn't going to seem like much soon.
The Young Turks - Man Kills Pharmacist Brother Over COVID Conspiracy []
BD66 comments on Oct 10, 2021:
That's actually Darwin at work in an indirect way.
84 percent of Trump voters are worried about discrimination against whites: poll | TheHill
BD66 comments on Oct 10, 2021:
Let's look at the data differently: 84% of Trump voters agree that discrimination against whites will increase in the USA. 38% of Biden voters agree that discrimination against whites will increase in the USA. Biden got 81,282,916 votes. Trump got 74,223,369 votes When you multiply the percentages: 62,347,630 Trump voters agree that discrimination against whites will increase in the USA. 30,887,508 Biden voters agree that discrimination against whites will increase in the USA. 93,235,138 out of 155,506,285 voters agree that discrimination against whites will increase in the USA. 60% of all voters agree that discrimination against whites will increase in the USA. When politicians run on "Equality of Outcome" instead of "Equality of Opportunity", the only way to achieve that when measured by race is to discriminate against some races and discriminate in favor of other races, so it's quite likely the 60% of all voters are correct that discrimination against whites (and Asians) will increase in the USA.
To recap on a poll a couple posts ago. Jason is a savage!
BD66 comments on Oct 10, 2021:
Beatrix Kiddo: 75 in just 2 movies.
Some parents can be so cruel when choosing names for their children.
BD66 comments on Oct 10, 2021:
Named after an airport. Went on to become President. What a coincidence!
I love etymology.
BD66 comments on Oct 9, 2021:
I'd like to hear what that guy thinks about all the memes where he is the star. :-)
More like AIDS
BD66 comments on Oct 9, 2021:
The show will begin soon. It will be interesting to see if any of the other Republican candidates can contend with Trump.
I don't know who all needs to see this, but I know there are some
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2021:
And sometimes scientists are just flat out liars:


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