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One of my Evangelical classmates calls himself "a justified sinner" to excuse his homophobia, self righteousness, and treating a non believer like myself like pure crap. He has admitted that he is insensitive towards others (recently on my discussion board post) and is getting into the Human Services field. He is in it for his own gains and told me he wants to 'spread the word of god.' This career is not meant for that. Get into ministry or something.

I normally don't dislike others due to my kindness, openness, and accepting nature. But just being his classmate (used to be his friend until I found out he's a nutcase) and having to listen/read his stuff makes me angry. And that's not an emotion I have very often. I don't like feeling anger towards another person.
Why on Earth would you get into a career where being sensitive towards others is a MUST and you openly admitted you are an insensitive person? He also doesn't believe in Evolution and my counselor said she thinks he has borderline anti social personality disorder (I've talked to her about him).

It is literally cringe worthy, the stuff he says. And every time he talks, I lose a brain cell. I have no idea how I'm going to stomach being his classmate for another semester.....

vjohnson51 7 Sep 20

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"Justified sinner" sounds like the old trope "Christians aren't perfect--just forgiven." Well, how convenient is that? You can do all the same sins as a non-believer and its all okay because you are covered with the blood of Jesus.

They say that atheists get rid of god because they don't want to be held responsible for their actions when it is they who cling to Jesus so they won't be held ultimately responsible for theirs.


Challenge his assertions every time. Calmly and with clear evidence, but every time and with a smile. His head will implode.


I would go for open mockery. He will avoid you like the plague if you constantly take the piss.


This guy is a horrible piece of sh1t and a religious wack job. I don’t know if it would do you any good to discuss this with a prof or not. You could say you have concerns and are winding what to do or if anything can be done, due to his insensitive comments and that he lacks sensitivity with others that is must have for your career field.
Do as much as you can to ignore him or call out his BS in class once in a while. If he is as bad as you say he is, others will have noticed and may appreciate someone speaking up.

CS60 Level 7 Sep 20, 2019

Keep a wary eye on this one.
He fits the profile for the kind of guy who "snaps".
Keep your distance, and avoid him as much as possible.

If you see him escalating with his rhetoric, report his ass.

Or, hit him with a clown hammer!


God, heaven, hell, the devil are all man made constructs used by the men/church who invented them to control the masses. They have succeeded with this con for Centuries. It's time we help put a stop to the lies by calling them out every chance we can. I feel for you having to put up with this person while you are pursuing your education. Stay strong and come here often.


He's an asshole, pure and simple. He "thinks" he is a justified sinner, but that is just saying he KNOWS he is an asshole.. We can only hope that future employers will see his BS and he will be unemployed.


A "justified sinner," eh? Interesting. Never heard that term before. He sounds like a dick, but I am stealing that term...

@VictoriaNotes Huh. Didn't know that. Thanks!


Never heard that one before; a "justified sinner". So the "logic" behind this one is that "god" made something a sin, but if the sinner can "justify it", it's okay to perform that sin. After all, they're "forgiven" for their sins because they've accepted Christ as their savior. Another pathetic euphemism for Christians to use which allows themselves to not be "Christ-like".


The kindest thing you can do for him is to tell him that he needs to be more selfish. Now that might seem an odd thing to say but it is not. When I went to a career/ training seminar the lecturer said something very profound. "You have to play to your weaknesses as much as your strengths. For example. if you are a thief and light-fingered? Ffs do not go for a job that puts you in strangers' homes. You will get caught and lose your job or more. If you can't get up in the morning don't become a mailman etc."
Tell him that he is not only wasting other people's time but his own as well. As it is quite obvious that he will be crap at the job and make not only theirs but his life worse.

Great point!


This person is extremely un-self aware. I would simply make it clear you do not want to talk to him or hear anything he has to say.
Keep as much distance as possible while at school. I too do not like feeling dislike towards another person and the only way to deal with is by maintaining your own boundaries.


The guy's assertion is utter nonsense, self justifying evil.


He is not a "justified sinner".... He is what we call a "Dick!"

You can't explain everyone. For the ones that make your skin crawl like this fellow.... You can't always figure them out. Just stay away and watch him implode.


I met someone this year that kept saying that when he was a drug addict he was an asshole ..guess what the drugs had nothing to do with it . They will always find an excuse for their shitty behaviour


You can’t fix stupid. Willful ignorance is a form of stupidity.


Sometimes a person's beliefs and career/job don't make a lot of sense i.e. nurses or health professionals who are anti-vaccine. Unfortunately, there isn't anything you can do to sway him to change career paths or his reason for choosing that path. Whether he'll succeed or not when he gets a job is another story. People might complain; he might get fired for doing what he wants to do.
My advice would be try to to stay away from him as much as possible. If he says something that could harm others or something that is shocking then make sure to tell your teachers (using an anonymous email if necessary) or even the police.

@JesseThompson Found the anti-vaxxer!


Its easy to feel good about helping people when you look down on them

Sad, but ever so true and in my experiences ever so many Xrstians do precisely that.


What a asshole

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 20, 2019

Usually the profs. notice these characters and manage to get them into other fields.

Granted some of these folks go on to become the worst social workers EVER. (sigh).

That's when someone is well within their rights to say "NEXT PLEASE" when assigned that worker.

Eventually the employers will get the message.

We had a student in my advanced psych courses who outed herself as anorexic in a classroom full of students. That was rough too. Phew.
I'd known for a while but the prof. apparently didn't pick up on it until that spectacular moment in class when she identified with a text book case and said "Well I do that - that's normal isn't it?" (Eeep).

I'd have hated to see a sociopath do that! You can practice your non-reactive face! And maybe just get away as fast as possible.

Not your circus not your monkey. I'm certain this character has already outed himself to the profs in spectacular fashion.

There simply isn't any stipulation for getting an unsuitable student out the field. (Any field in fact). Except for discouraging them.


Justified sinner, huh? Guy sounds like a Grade A narcissist that uses religion as a shield. I'd bide my time until the class is out with him and just generally avoid him. My friend is in social services and he said that there are folks that get into that field all the time who take up the profession just to have easy targets. People like him are generally the reason why (other) people do not seek out help they need.


The way I see it you have two options.

You can play this passively, limiting interaction to only necessary instances, then taking a a spiteful pleasure in the fact that with a low EQ he is likely going to fail in human services field.

The second more active aproach is to put the idea of personal failure in his head. If he really does have a low EQ then you should try to corral him into making that discovery on his own. If you have friends, then doing something like this could be very easy, literally just starting a conversation about what everyones EQ is and he will probably go out of his way to discover his own only to discover he is below average, then make off hand remarks about how hard it is for people with low EQ and how wasting money on education is worse than not getting one at all.


Good luck. Of course he is a "justified sinner." Regardless of what he does he can be forgiven. This is the beauty of Christianity..


All I can say is stay strong and it ties into evangelicals driving away liberals from organized religion because of nut cases like him.


I will recall the dealings of people that act like they are the worlds teacher of rightousness. I have walked away and, at times, I have actually silenced them with sence. If they try to direct your head with questions, (not, of course, for the sake of learning but to straigten you out,) you might just say, "I won't be manipulated." It is unfortunate, but you will run across the likes every once in a while.

MrDMC Level 7 Sep 20, 2019

So he uses religion to justify his sociopathy. Fine. Ignore him and move on.

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