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How do you deal with Door-knockers?

Whether they be Witnesses, Mormons, or another proselytizing religion, how do you deal with people coming to your door to spread their religion?
I just had my first experience since getting a place of my own and had a decent conversation through the crack in my door. After I told him I was an atheist he tried to use apologetics; when I told him I was familiar with his arguments and didn't find them convincing further explaining that I take a scientific route of belief and chose not to believe until there is evidence for a god. He understood and thanked me for explaining and listening to him and he left with a handshake. I was surprised at myself for how civil I was to him but how does everyone else usually respond?

Nicsnort 6 Oct 14

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Well it depends on my mood that day and the way they approach me.


It basically depends, door to door sales are usually told to piss off, God squad are usually given the hosepipe treatment or told to piss off just before I photograph them and warn everyone on Facebook that the loonies are doing the rounds again, had the God squad here once with kids, and that IS child abuse.


It hasn't happened to me yet. But if they come to my place, I plan to open the door wearing nothing but my bra and undies and a satanic cross necklace. Then ask "are you the escort/prostitute I sent for?"

Then watch them scurry away. XD

I know I'm terrible. 😛

BLennon Level 3 Oct 22, 2017



I can only hope on that day I'll be walking by with my rubber goat head and robes on so I can shout back "I'm going to pick them up right now. Keep those two entertained until we get back!" lol

Forget the Satanic Cross. Bra and undies should do the trick.

many many many years ago, I had a friend chicken blood and craft feathers on his arms and face before he answered the door...he asked if they were there to deliver the sacrificial goat and that they were welcome to stay for orgy

Thanks for that laugh, I might have cracked a rib.

That is hilarious!


No no no. You should open the door naked. If you're going to make a point do it right!

My uncle saw two JWs knocking on doors on his street many years ago. A woman in her 50s and a girl of maybe 20 popped up on his porch and before they could say anything he opened his door and said, "Come in gals. The old lady is gone and we can have a good time." They took off in great haste.

@Diarmaede very cute

heh heh
This happened all the time on my mission for the LDS church.

Too funny! As are a number of the3 comments below! LMAOtoo

@tioteo haha

Bra and undies? Give them the full month! You'll be glad you did.

I actually used to open the door on Saturday mornings to find a group of Jehovah's Witnesses. Generally it was a group of women and of course I would open the door while Stark naked with warm beer in one hand and a cold Pizza in the other. I would invite them in,and of course, they would decline and avert their eyes but naturally, they did so after checking out the package.... The funniest thing to me, was that each time they would stay gone for 2 weeks or so and then they would come back with a new group of women but always there was that same matriarch that seemed to take some strange Glee in getting her flock to parade to my door. Go figure


Haha.. That's awesome. Or put red food dye on some old sweats, mess up your hair, and rip your shirt, and answer the door, "Oh good you're here. I've cleaned up most of the blood. Did you bring the bleach?"

My rates are very reasonable luv!

@ciscokidd Hilarious!!!

now i know where that door is i want to knock on!!

You need a little time to get ready, this would be great, they will pray for you for a ;long time. Wish I was this creative. Youmade me laugh, Thanks.

Faster way is just wear the cross and skip the bra and panties.

@Simply_Being that's probably as much action as they'll ever get! Hahaha!

@Nutmeg4381 Honestly.... if I'm looking for a long-term relationship it's really hard to find a decent person. If I'm looking just for some Tramp that puts out for the price of dinner and a couple of drinks, well of course I will go straight to church. Lol. This is the honest truth and I have a theory... I think those that are most repressed are those who will more quickly throw off their shackles at the slightest hint of freedom....

Hey! Where do you live?! I have a couple of “watchtower” magazines. I would love to knock on your door!! : p

I once wrapped myself in a black sheet (I was doing laundry, it was handy), greeted them in Arabic, and watched them scurry. But I didn't feel like talking that day.

I've also invited them in for tea and shown them I know their scriptures better, and in more languages, than they do. I think they find that extremely annoying.

It might chase them away or it might persuade a few of them to become atheists. It could go either way

Forget the bra and undies! Just the satanic cross

I'll be at your door shortly ... is there a good time to catch you in said attire ... as well would it be to forward of me to respond ... well yes I am!

Answering the door in your bra and panties? What's your address? Asking for a friend...

your assumption that they scurry away may be flawed...i know, in a previous lifetime I was a Mormon missionary...

Where do you live? I'll come by and try to convert you to a Boston Bruins fan.

@Simply_Being I was raised a JW they do that till you say please don’t come back then they write you don’t as a do not call .

They came to my door once, and I opened it and was nude. Lol

@ciscokidd Lmao

Could we meet soon


I'm grabbing a bible and I will be right over!

@TaraMarshall Very funny!
Research has shown Agnostics and Atheists know more about religion than fundamentalists do.

(takes up new hobby proselytizing in hopes of this situation)

that was freaking hilarious


the one and only time I had them come to my door, I was on the treadmill in the bedroom, and I could clearly see them, and they could clearly see me too, I just kept walking on the treadmill, looking at them, they finally left, pretty boring story, but I have a friend who happened to be moving some heavy furniture into his apartment, he asked them to help him carry everything up the stairs and they did, he said they were real nice guys!


Incredibly politely and graciously and swiftly. "Thank you, I'm not a believer but have a wonderful day!"

I need to do this. Everyone should! so they know how many of us are out there! #weareeverywhere


I think they gave up coming here ! But I used to be always polite and smiling, and told them I was glad they have found a belief system that works for them - however that it is very different than mine. End of discussion.


Depends on who it is. I actually like the mormons, I've had some some really interesting intelligent conversations with them, and always invite them in for coffee. The jehovahs witnesses on the other hand, irk me beyond patience. Those are the ones I deliberately frighten or offend in the most creative and amusing way I can think of at the moment. An ex brother in law had one that came to his door every morning at breakfast time, one day he just answered the door nude, and she never came back.


I have a small notice on my front door that reads "No soliciting". The JW's get it after the second complaint, as they communicate w/ their others. The only other bracket happened to be the Bernie Sanders folk - those people shared they felt entitled to knock because of who they represented. "We're not soliciting - we are sharing wonderful news !" I shared they should tell Jesus, and to please leave and do not return. (I wanted Bernie to be on the ballot, BTW). 😉

J3sse Level 5 Oct 21, 2017

I've told the Jehovah's Witlesses at least three times that we're all atheists. This information doesn't seem to be circulating among them very well. I do always take The Watchtower, however. It goes straight into the recycle bin, but I figure I at least was able to take a few coins out of their coffers.


witnesses, tell them no , I am atheist and eat babies but only with catsup.


Door knockers soon disappear. I spend most of my day when at home without clothes so when I answer the door in a hastily fastened dressing gown..... they just meekly accept my general unwelcoming stance.

mjpwl Level 3 Oct 20, 2017

I don’t have many as I live far out in the country, but the last time I had some Christian ladies stop by and invite me to their church, I was very polite. I told them thanks for the invite, but I’m an atheist. They looked at me like I had just said I eat babies, so I shut the door in their horrified faces and that was that.


I once made a Jehovah witness cry. It wasn't intentional, I wasn't even being mean. I was rational and never lost my temper. I think he simply believed that his arguments would be so compelling that I would change. I'd also like to believe that he found my arguments more compelling than he liked, but who knows.

If you are educated at all in apologetics arguing with a door-to-door missionary isn't difficult at all. It's actually depressingly simple. Hell, the Mormons send their kids out.


I welcome them in and talk with them as long as they can stomach it. I used to be a Mormon missionary, and so i have a bit of a soft heart for them. I try not to bash them, but I do make a point of leaving them with one or two new nuggets of information to think about. I try to also talk about other shared interests that are not rooted in foundational claims of their religion. If you find the right balance, they will come back (which might be cool, if you are interested in sharing with them a few more things). I am not into totally bashing another's religion, and trying to convince the fallacies of their faith in one visit. I take that back. I am more inclined to do so when confronted with dogmatic extremism... particularly with evangelical Christians.

My son will be serving a mission soon. Despite my disbelief, i would hope that folks would be gentle while informative and friendly to him.

Mormon missionaries, unless they are in Utah, are very much in need of dinner appointments. They have minimal reserved money to pay for their expenses. Offering them over for dinner will be an opportunity for you to shoot the shit with them, aside from their "blessing of the food" and their "spiritual message to leave with you."




I tell them no soliciting. Then, I usually have to explain that they are trying to sell me a fairy tale. If they are still talking, then I'll tell them to have a nice day while I close the door.


I'm polite. I say that my household has exactly the right number of gods required and wish them a good day.


I'm always extremely polite. I live in a small town and being rude to one's fellow citizens isn't something that goes over well here nor does it go along with what I think is proper.

On one of the hottest days of the year I stepped out of my house and there were two well dressed,middle aged, black women on my doorstep. They were Jehovah's witnesses.

I invited them to come in out of the heat and they said they weren't allowed to go into anyone's house. I offered them ice water and they politely declined.

I told them that I've studied a bit of theology and my views are complicated. They respected that and didn't bother trying to get me to buy into their ideas.

They told me that people in my neighborhood are very nice. My neighbor across the street had also invited them in and offered refreshment. I live in a redneck rural area and they were prepared to be treated badly because of their color. They were very happy be on our road which is populated by nice people.

rural redneck people don't like black people I take it. not being rude, Im in Canada, i just find that fact facinating in a "holy shit" kind of way. I like all colors btw LOL Im a pasty white shade myself


I shut them down by saying I don't believe in any gods,therefore there is nothing for us to discuss. Bye.

I once told a couple of Mormon's that I'm Jewish and the Mormon faith is extremely hostile to Jews.


I tell them "no thank you, I'm a practicing Witch and a feminist. Blessed be." And nicely shut the door.


First and for most the respect for another human being. then i tell them that if there was any god, they wouldn't be at my door to tell me about it. That i do respect their right to belief, but i do not respect their ideas...


I try to be polite, but firm. I tell them I am not a believer, and I'm not interested in discussing it. I actually had a woman ask, "Do you mind telling me what happened to you to make you not believe in God?" Believers truly are convinced that non-believers are somehow damaged.


Politely, but firmly.


I talk through the door and tell them to get off my property ASAP. or I'll call the police, and don't come back.


I like to invite them in, as they generally are nice people. I promise to read all the pamphlets and books they want to give me, if they promise to read the books I give them and we have equal time for discussion. I am just as nice to them, but don't even invite me to bible study and they never come back.

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