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How do you deal with Door-knockers?

Whether they be Witnesses, Mormons, or another proselytizing religion, how do you deal with people coming to your door to spread their religion?
I just had my first experience since getting a place of my own and had a decent conversation through the crack in my door. After I told him I was an atheist he tried to use apologetics; when I told him I was familiar with his arguments and didn't find them convincing further explaining that I take a scientific route of belief and chose not to believe until there is evidence for a god. He understood and thanked me for explaining and listening to him and he left with a handshake. I was surprised at myself for how civil I was to him but how does everyone else usually respond?

Nicsnort 6 Oct 14

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Generally I respond pretty civil. They open up with their marketing pitch, I decline and say not only do I, and forever will, not believe in religion but I'm actively against it. Generally they try to get me with "religious alternative facts" as to why there's evidence, but it's never peer reviewed so I tell them that. Anecdote is not evidence, never will be. That usually ends up the exchange with them asking if they can leave reading material with me, and sometimes I'll accept if they say they'll never come back.


Kindness, always kindness. I have had similar encounters with LDS and others. they are always surprised at how happy I am. I usually give them a tour of my home show them how wonderful my life is without god and then explain the burdens that religion puts on one's ability to think for themselves. I turned my garage into an art studio complete with a kick wheel (real, not electric), sink, drawing table (handmade by me), canvas holder (built by me), new sliding glass doors for extra light, and I repaved the floor for level. I show them this and my backyard, complete with backyard chickens, garden and two sheds that I built. I then explain to them that before I stopped believing in god I was always waiting, waiting for someone else to do the work. I was always told to "Cast your cares on God for he cares for you" and other nonsense. This type of "hopes and prayers" thinking prevented me from taking matters into my own hands. Christianity, especially evangelical Pentecostal non-denominational Christians are extremely oppressive. I explain that if I were to let god back into my life that I would again lose my ability to think for myself and I don't want to experience that type of hell ever again. anyway, kill em with kindness.


I like to have them in and talk some sense into them when I have the time.
I can't say I have had much success in that, but I do know now that they have a "No Fly" list, If you have them in and work on them instead of the other way, No one will come to see you again for ages.


I don't take them on - I just sit and listen and let them do their spiel my granny taught me a long time ago that whilst they are staying with you they are leaving someone else alone. Mind , I have never had a heavy preacher at my door they seem mostly weak people who have been caught in someones net to carry the word .


If I am bored, I invite them for a theological discussion.

Had one JW pair leave on the verge of tears stating "I hope that you are not right or we have been wasting our lives"

Generally I just hold up a palm with the full force of my personality behind the arm and they flee.

The thing I try to remember is that, in attempting to recruit me, their organisation is actually reinforcing their faith rather than really trying to gain recruits.


I wish many were open to conversation or debate, but largely it just devolves into slogans. To make matters worse I almost always have something I’d rather be doing. If I were just sitting there bored and I got that knock then I might try and discuss. Sometimes I’ll forward them to my YouTube video. I should probably have a link on business card ready to go. Lol


I ask them in for sex. It stops the whole visit dead in its tracks. You generally never see the same religious hawkers again.


I feel sorry for the LDS and Witness people they MAKE their kids do that shit. I tell them I am saved but my neighbors aren't.

I feel really bad for the teens who are made to do this. I tell them what I wish someone had told me at that age. “It’s ok not to believe. There are people here for you if you decide to change your mind.”


I Just smile and say Thank you, but I'm not into this sort of thing, Must go now, have a good day. If they continue, I say please respect my words, I have to go now, and I shut the door. After that I say, I'll be calling the police if you don't leave.


If the believer does not leave after I explain my position, I will tell him I am a practicing nudist and start to take off my clothes. So far I have not had to do this; other friends say this is a successful tactic.


Sorry...your question made me think of this funny meme


I had JWs knocking at my door the day I got my A level results. I'd got in to the university I wanted to go to and the's miserable bastards were asking me if I was happy with the way the world was. I had a bottle of chilled vodka in my hand and also pointed out that I'd given blood the day before


I talk to them for as long as they want. I consider it a civic duty. I reckon they are working on the clock, rather than piece work. So if they spend half an hour with me, they have less time to bother my neighbors. Also, it helps them too because they save on shoe leather.


I tell them I'm a which I am but just a cultural one...


Baby oil and a dirty magazine.


At least in my neighborhood, they respond pretty well to "no thanks, good luck".


I lived in a bible belt Christian neighborhood. My ex was Jewish and I converted to Judaism when i married. When religious came thru..I rold them we were Jewish...which was the


Wrong door. Good luck.

JayJ Level 1 Dec 24, 2017

I had JW's knock on my door one Sunday morning about a month ago. I told them I was an atheist and the dude immediately started bringing up evolution. (JW's are creationists) I told him that atheism and evolution are two separate topics. We had a cordial conversation. I told them about my daughter, Autumn, who was born with a rare and severe congenital heart defect. I told them that had she been born into their religion, she'd already be dead. She's had 10 open heart surgeries and has been put on a bypass machine every time. They eventually left and one of the guys asked if he could pray for my daughter. I told him sure! I don't care if you waste your time.


Well I have to share this joke first...Why are Jehovah's Witnesses all flat chested? You make a pushing out motion with your hand/arm as you say "Get off my porch" These days, because of my peep hole, I don't answer the door anymore. I've had the religion conversation for 40 years. It's a waste of time.

lerlo Level 8 Dec 23, 2017

I have told well dressed, happy looking JW's who drove up to SOD OFF! And, I have let Mormon missionaries in for coffee (which they enjoyed) and danish cause they were rainy cold and miserable.


Tell then to piss off


If I have time, am not averse to having folks in for a chat, sharing tea/cocoa... Otherwise my standard response is that "My sis and I believe in something else". I haven't had occasion to state "what" that something else is... Coupe deville, flying spag. monstah, what have you... knockers have universally signed off with "have a nice day" or such.


Tell them you've been excommunicated from "the church".

Many of the door-knockers won't be allowed to talk to you...

[Additional win, they may report back to the mothership and the # of incidents will decrease]


It amazes me that old ladies come to my door here where I live in south beach, FL. But they do. Half the time I am only half dressed when they knock so can't really let them in. But I always feel so sad for them so I always take their pamphlet and wish them a good day. It makes them feel so happy. So why not? Sometimes reading the pamphlet is quite fun -- entertaining! When I lived I lived in New Mexico, they always came in pairs. I was always impressed they found my house on a dirt road in the middle of the desert. How? The young one was always a bit nervous and in training. It was so cute! How could I not take their pamphlet?

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