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How do you deal with Door-knockers?

Whether they be Witnesses, Mormons, or another proselytizing religion, how do you deal with people coming to your door to spread their religion?
I just had my first experience since getting a place of my own and had a decent conversation through the crack in my door. After I told him I was an atheist he tried to use apologetics; when I told him I was familiar with his arguments and didn't find them convincing further explaining that I take a scientific route of belief and chose not to believe until there is evidence for a god. He understood and thanked me for explaining and listening to him and he left with a handshake. I was surprised at myself for how civil I was to him but how does everyone else usually respond?

Nicsnort 6 Oct 14

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Honestly, I kill them with kindness. Seriously. It confuses them more than any insults, mockery, or slander could ever do. I tell them thanks but no thank you, politely refuse their pamphlets, and tell them to have a good day when they leave.

Maybe it's just that I get the same churches in my area but no matter what different faces show up each time, I do the same thing. Most seem shocked that a non-christian is so polite & kind, even if they try to bait me in to debating.

Admittedly I was in a bad mood once, and when they rang I told them the Muslims got to me first, called them infidels and demanded they leave... followed their "God bless you" comment up with an "Allah akbar". Yeah it was a jerky thing to do, kinda felt bad after but I had a bad day & i just let it get to me & took it out on them. /shrug


If I even do answer the door, and they come on Sunday, I ask them if they talk to their God. If they reply "Yes" then I state in a loud voice, WELL, TELL YOUR GOD I'M WATCHING FOOTBALL, and close the door. Alternately, I ask them for their address. When they recover from their shock and ask "Why", I tell them that I want to come over and talk to their kids about Satanism or Islam. They leave quickly.


Cover them with a door bra.


Simple, you don't call first I don't answer my door. Problem solved.


Owh, I thought it was going to be...'how do you deal with knock, knock jokes?' Haven't had a religious door knocker in years; I'll let you know next time it happens, it will depend on my mood 😉


Honestly, I say I'm an atheist. Usually they ask "well what happens after you die?" I say "nothing. Ya dead" 9/10 the next thing they say is "well that's depressing." And I always say "mate you have an imaginary friend who will send you to hell for cumming outside of a pussy." They always leave right then and there.


I treat them with the respect due to victims of organised religion,I was one of them once.


I tell them I'm happy in my beliefs and throw what crap they hand me in the trash.


Tell them politely, Thanks but I’m not interested, and shut the door


I'm a cashier and sometimes I'm handed literature. I tell them ill let my boyfriend read it. I'm gay and while a current beau does not exist, it shuts them up pretty quickly.


This is crude and rude, but after a lifetime of having mormon missionaries, without a collective brain in their head, knock on my door and try to waste my time, one day they showed up at my door. I told them to get off my porch before I arrested them for trespassing. They gave whiney responses but did leave, then returned several minutes later and apologized. Again, I told the to get off my porch, and they started into their spiel, " we are missionaries from the church of jesus christ of latter day saints ( a title they now use to incorporate the name of jesus to prove they are not a cult )
...I interrupted and said, "I know who you are, and since I cannot get you to leave, which one wants to come in and
suck my dick." they left, and not one has come back to my door, tho they will yell at me from the street.


Depends on what they rudely disturb.
They get anything from a laughing "I'm not religious" to "fuck off".
I'm not one to tolerate or entertain their delusions.


I always say, "Don't waste your time on me, I'm an atheist, thank God!"
That usually does it.

Athos Level 5 Apr 27, 2018

Normally I'll invite em to come in and chat..However only of they bring coffee.

Funny story though, these 3 Mormon women would make regular stops at my door(and luckily they were all really cute) anywho so after inviting them in I wanted to be a polite host so I ran through the gambit of offering them refreshments..offered em coffee,beer,soda,tea..To which understandably they said no...

So then I offered em hot cocoa...Which they accepted just fine....knowing full well it had caffeine muahahahaha!


Shut the door and lock it


....don’t answer the door. Rude, yes. But effective.

You are no obligation to answer the door unless you are expecting someone. The only time I have made an exception to that rule was the time when someone from the coroner’s office showed up, with one of my city’s finest in tow, to inform us that my SIL had passed


If I have time, I listen for a moment. Then I thank them for sharing. If they ask me if I believe in Jesus, I tell them, "Yes, historically." If they apply pressure, I nicely ask them to leave. I see no reason to be unnecessarily rude or mean.


Depends. If it's a kid, I'll hear them out and argue against their points. Maybe make them think a bit. if it's someone my age or up, I take the piss out of them, Because it's absurd to be 25+ and believe in invisible sky genies.


I try to be as civil as possible, but the ones where I live are often very stubborn or even outright rude. If I see them, I usually don't answer the door. If I have to talk to them, I try to be as polite and civil as possible in saying "no thanks" and asking them to please respect that I have my own beliefs. It's really hard, though. They are annoying and like to interrupt me and tell me they "want to see me in heaven". Just leave me alone and let me live my life in peace...


My dad told me about an Irish guy who was serving with the RAF and stationed in California for training. Guy had never encountered door to door proselytizing before and he was kinda demented with some clever humor.

So some Mormons come a'knocking and he panics slightly, because he doesn't want to talk to them. So, he grabs a diaper (his wife and the kid were out). Then he gets a heaping spoonful of chunky peanut butter and slathers it generously into the diaper.

He opens the door and looks very panicked and confused for moment as they launch into their monologue. Halfway into their greeting he presses the diaper into his face and messily eats a chunk of the peanut butter.

The door knockers are very much disturbed and beat a hasty retreat as he watches and chews noisily on the chunkiness.


We have a no soliciting no religion plaque on our door and one or two have still knocked and I point to the sign and say “I guess you can’t read, you wouldn’t be a christian/mormon if you could” then the huff and go away. If they try to put they’re propaganda in our door, we rip it up and hand it back to them.


My grandfather used to put the Mormons to work on his land. He'd talk to them about their religion for a few extra helping hands. Personally, I think that's awful, haha!

Susu Level 2 Apr 24, 2018

I either don't answer the door, or, if they become annoying, I set the German Shepherd on them.

I used to have an outstanding Doberman trained to hand signals.
They'd knock, if give him the "go ballistic" sign.
they never returned.


I guess I'm boring. If I'm busy or thinking I might be getting served with a photo radar ticket from Scottsdale or Paradise Valley, I just won't answer the door; but if I'm photo radar ticket free, I will answer and politely tell them I'm not interested and close the door. I will close the door even if they are still speaking. I closed the conversation politely. They are the rude ones of they keep talking.


Simple just tell them the pope would not be too happy

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