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Are you an open or closet agnostic/atheist, and why?

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Open, but I don't feel the need to announce it to anyone unless I am asked.


I don't do public speaking engagements regarding my atheism, nobody asked me so far, but I'll chuck in my tuppence worth in a discussion at work for instance. I'm certainly more vocal about not letting a god assumption be slipped in to a chat though.


Both. It depends on the context.

It can be dangerous for your work life.


Neither, because I'd like my lack of religious zeal to be a nothingness of no consequence to me or anybody else . I have no need to tell anybody what my opinion of a sky god is and I have no wish to hear about theirs. I wouldn't for example try to explain myself to somebody by telling them all the things I don't like we tend to make friends on positives "oh you like cheese on toast too! wow! come on! My treat!


I am as open with being an atheist as I am open with being a gay man.


Out since kindergarten. Religiosos are often aghast that they "like" me, having thought we all were hiding horns & cloven hooves. Why am I out? How is the species supposed to evolve without secular humanism? If I lost any friends because of my beliefs they were not friends. They were doctrinaire. It was I who could not take their constant evangelizing, attempting to save my wretched soul. I did not attempt to convert them. But boy oh boy the onslaught of pressure became unbearable.


Open but not obnoxiously so. I don't fear or care what others may think about it. It's my right to believe and ain't nobody's business but my own(to quote an old Howlin' Wolf tune).


Open to friends and my brother. Family and co-workers not so much. My company is full of crazy religious people, it's just easier to not talk about. Smile and nod, just smile and nod.


Open. I will openly mention that I am an atheist if I feel it flows naturally into making such a statement, and I post my atheist views on FB but I don't go out of my way to let everyone everywhere that I am an atheist. I meet a new person, they won't know I'm an atheist until something justifies my bringing it up.


I am open, I live in a small town and I do not gab about it if someone ask what is your religion I have no problem saying that I am agnostic. I have always dislike those people that go around and try to convert you to worship their demigod. Or join their faith. First thing that come in my mind when those people come around is what can I say to get them to leave quickly.


Completely open since I was around five. I see no reason to hide my beliefs from anyone. If your beliefs are strong enough and supported by reason, critical thinking, and skepticism, you should be proud and willing to be open about your beliefs.


I am very open about being an Agnostic. Some of my so called friends quit speaking to me because of it. I guess they were not that good of friends. I have had bible thumpers try to argue with me over it, but I prevail and they get mad and walk away swearing to never speak to me and I say THANK YOU!


I'm open, but generally I don't initiate any discussions about it. Among certain of my more seemingly close-minded professional contacts, I steer away from the subject as diplomatically as I can. But if I'm asked directly, I will plainly and unabashedly state that I am an atheist.


Open although the amount of bravery required to be open about it where I live is absolutely none. Much respect for those who are open in the Bible belt or even worse places where it might actually be dangerous.


Open. ECHR article 9:

"Freedom of thought, conscience and religion

  1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience
    and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or
    belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others "

Religious people use article 9, so shall I.

NB: Religion also includes the belief in the absence of god. So according to the ECHR atheism is also a religion, or to be treated as one, legally.


My kids and my close friends know. So does anybody who asks me. Otherwise, I don't feel the need to make it anyone else's concern.


I'm an anti religions philosopher. I'm very item about it.

If I can help even one person with sharing what I know, this far outweighs anyone not liking me.


Open....that is how I raised three more and made a difference


Open agnostic and too old to care what people think.


if someones asks I will say otherwise I won't say anything.


I’m open about who I am and what I believe, but I’m not the type to force my opinions on others.


OPEN! I have nothing to hide, and am very true about myself with other people..and i am a NICE, GOOD PERSON!


Because it's a no brainer. Can't smell it. Can't hear it. Can't touch it. Can't taste it. I just can't see why I should waste my time. Even if something like it actually existed, so what? I personally don't have any use for something messing up my life any more that I have already done.


Closeted. I have no interest in hurting the feelings of people who are close to me, at some level, but do not share my views. Hence, my pseudonym.


I wouldn't call myself closet agnostic since most people who know me, know I question religion. But I am careful how much I do say on this matter, as so many of my friends & colleagues would be upset. And I just don't want to go there.

ags2 Level 5 Dec 12, 2017
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