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"Physical penetration is sex, which is a very superficial thing. Psychological penetration is love, which is far more deep, far more significant, far more beautiful, far more human. The first is animal, the second is human. And then there is a third kind of penetration: when two consciousnesses meet, merge, melt into each other." ~ Osho

Hazydays 7 Sep 20
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All three penetrations.... Simultaneously.. That's the best...


Finally someone who gets this...


I love Osho but I take issue with him on this point. The greatest penetration is when physical, mental and spiritual all merge as one.

When you separate one from the other you are existing in a marginal state.

Justjhon Level 5 Sep 20, 2018


@SACatWalker Spirituality, I think, is possible for the agnostic - not connected to a deity or entity, but recognition of the transcendent, awe, and wonder. Love has a spiritual aspect, as does sex. It is that which is beyond, or in addition to, the physical/emotional bonding.


I like the sentiment, don't like the photo. It shows two people with perfect bodies perfectly entwined, suitable for a porn film or a perfume ad. Love, sex, and connection are for everyone.

bleurowz Level 8 Sep 20, 2018

@SACatWalker I suppose, for some. I never had the benefit of being beautiful when I was younger and no one's ever looked at me that way.


This assumes the three are separate. I’d argue they’re inseparable. Perhaps there are degrees, a spectrum of experience. But there’s no such thing as purely meaningless, animal sex since whilst we are animals, we are not purely so... or at least profoundly unique in the animal kingdom.

We are pure animal with more than just a hint od denial that we are.

I must agree. I find that all things are connected. We may not see it, but all of our interactions do cause a butterfly effect. To say something is meaningless seems to be a rationalization. 🙂


With rape, physical penetration is NOT a superficial thing. Girls are torn apart physically and even die after being raped.

I feel deeply offended by the first sentence. Obviously written by a man.

"Osho" was Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.

I think you are missing the point on this one.


No, I am not missing the point. His first sentence was extremely insensitive and offensive to rape victims. He should have been clear, if he was talking about adult, consensual sex.

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh was from India, in a culture that subjugates and oppresses women.

@LiterateHiker I see your point of that being offensive if it clearly stated it is about rape or non-consensual sex. However, it no more did that then clarified it was consensual as you pointed out. That leaves us with the whole of the photo and the comments to make further assumptions. I guess I assume the best intentions before the worst when reading memes on the internet.

I think the point of this post is about making love. It can be shallow and superficial or meaningful. But I do get your point about rape - which is another subject.

@Sucellus There is no shortage of dumb memes out there.


Wow. Way too many people were obviously having a bad day yesterday. By the sheer fact this was posted in the 'real intimacy' group should give you all the information you need to know about what this quote and image were trying to convey. How people took this message down the road of rape, criticized the author (and each other), had issue with the photo (amongst a plethora of other things), and other comments that had NOTHING to do with the intent of this post is simply beyond me. Just relax, take it at face value and stop nit-picking every damn thing you come across on this site. There are other groups and way more important topics out there to get 'worked up' over. Real intimacy is a beautiful thing and thats what this group is for. Keep it positive people and I hope that each day you get to experience love and intimacy on this level. Peace.

Hazydays Level 7 Sep 21, 2018

Ha - OSHO Rashnish... half good stuff and half total crazy. I've always been a Krishnamurti fan myself. K used to love fucking with that guy!

It's an interesting thought for sure. My only critique of Osho was that I'm not sure he could fully understand love with an ego like that.

Ahhh... I take it too serious. Fuck it! Let's go to Oregon, start a cult, get some Caddy's, and have an orgy!

could i be a minor guru? ... Does it really have to ne Oregon?

@PontifexMarximus right?! Why would you move out into the middle of nowhere up north? It's cold!


Sex is certainly no superficial thing. Those who treat it as such reveal the shallowness of their thought and the callousness of their feeling.

very eloquently stated!


I remember once crossing a road at a busy intersection. There was a couple of dogs smack bang in the middle of the intersection. Eight cops were watching. My girlfriend said: " Looks these dogs are making love." I thought they were just having a fuck.
Another time we went to a piggery with about 20 pigpens. As we walked along these pens I realised that each was occupied one a pregnant sow who was either sleeping or slowly moving about. It was siesta time. When we reached the last pen my girlfriend said, pointing at a larger pig: "That is the husband." She just laughed when I asked her whether they had a group wedding or just a series of weddings.
I wished I could have interviewed these pigs.
I think we often engage in mental acrobacy to deny the fact that we are animals.
Perhaps we should cleanse our minds of the idea that sex is cleansed when wrapped in pink love.
Even if love is envolved sex is animalistic. Herpes probable doesn't care whether it was transmilled during a fuck or a session of passionate love making.

@SACatWalker I am sorry I offended your feelings ... DO be sad. Just enjoy life. What I hate about guys, or the species of apes that we belong to, is our hypocrisy.
Unfortunately the term love has been abused. In the lines you quoted the act of intercourse, especially penetration is denigrated by calling it superficial. This is sheer nonsense for the sake of poetry.
Talk to a Prosche driver who was willing to spend dozens of workers' salaries on a machine that wrecks the environment and tell him about the ill effects of burning fossil fuels while s/he is sitting on the expensive leather couch made from the skin of a dead animal.
Love is a fantastic drug but often, this nobel feeling, doesn't suppress the urge to engage in the superficial act of physical penetration, which is a selfish act.
Some people love guns that kill. If a person kills another person it is murder. If a person dons a uniform and kills many wearing a different uniform s/he is a hero.

Don't be sad ... just read life the way you want to read it, but be prepared that your generous sharing might hit the wrong receptors in another person.


Love is a bourgeois concept for those who can afford it.

Love has always existed. It just hasn’t always been “married” to sex or well or marriage or other institutions.

@brainyactress I agree ... but love is a feeling that does not translate into physical action. ... Love can be a very broad concept.

@SACatWalker not sure that your attempt to insult me by using a vulgarism comes form the same corner of your mind that shared the initial piece of poetry. ...

@SACatWalker it's funny that you write "you're speaking only for yourself"!


Penetration is certainly not superficial ...


What my psychology professor had said is humans do not have instincts. That everything we do is a choice decided by environmental cues, learned behavior and other peoples signals. Breathing and heartbeat are reflexed that can be controlled.

azzow2 Level 9 Sep 20, 2018

and no. We are both, but we are more animal than rational.


Can there be love without sex? Absolutely!
Can there be sex without love? Absolutely!


I feel like it's a little more complex than that.

Benthoven Level 8 Sep 20, 2018

Excellent quote! And totally correct. When the merge is compete, or nearing so, that is when I develop "faith!"

RiverRick Level 7 Sep 20, 2018

If only it didn't come from that nut job Bagwan Shi Rajneesh!! Lol

@SACatWalker I had this same thought myself actually. ?


Amen, sister. OH! I mean...well, you know... 😉

BurtsTime Level 6 Sep 20, 2018

Very nice.


Beautifully stated.

wordywalt Level 9 Sep 20, 2018

Nice photo, though.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Sep 20, 2018

That true connection....nothing can match it


I have to disagree with the first statement. I believe that penetration can and should be far more than animalistic. I do not believe that satisfactory sex occurs without more than physical penetration. There are many sad old jokes of the ilk of "all a woman has to do is open her legs and think of England", "have you not finished yet", George, the ceiling needs painting", " Did you orgasm dear? No! I could have sworn that you moved" to point up the fallacy of believing that all it is is penetrative animalism. You have obviously never orgasmed because your lover asked you to whilst you were at quietly working with no stimulus or distraction and he was miles away and not talking with you at the time. That does not fit the first statement and can only occur normally through the second and third statements.

The third situation is synergy and badly described in my profile but as you ghost me I will not hold my breath waiting for you to read it. ???????

FrayedBear Level 9 Sep 20, 2018


Electro68 Level 7 Sep 20, 2018

@SACatWalker I cannot disagree with you in that or much else Catman.

I hope you are in better spirits these days.


Wouldn't that be nice. =]

IAMGROOT Level 7 Sep 20, 2018

How do you feel about love being simply defined as a set of neurochemical transmitters firing off simply because our biology is designed to pass on our genes? I don’t think love needs to be anything so grandiose. It’s a nice to have.

Lol. We’re all just a bunch of electrical meat-bags, doing what electrical meat-bags do.

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