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What will cause the apocalypse?

IMO, humanity is in peril. If life as we know it is eliminated or nearly eliminated, which of the following do you think would be the cause?

Climate change

Nuclear war


Civil breakdown and uprising

Religious strife


rogueflyer 8 Mar 27

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I will go with climate change coupled with overpopulation because of the ripple effect it will create. There will be famine, disease, and war due to a shortage of resources.


A world shortage of coffee is my bet

I'd be the first to go in that case.

The horror!

That sounds good I think I'll make me a cup of coffee

No please! That would be hell...?


Not a fan of the word "apocalypse", too religious for my tastes, but whatever.

I'm always hoping for an asteroid, myself.
If it's not an asteroid, I'm going to go with disease.
A world-wide pandemic which wipes out nearly everyone.
Humanity will either start over, or vanish.

My vote is for "vanish".

I meant to include asteroids. Thanks for picking up on that.

Yep...humans are in general a pretty awful species.


I prefer to focus on the positive and push for progressive change. As an optimist, I have been doing this my entire adult life.

This includes gleefully giving the finger to anti-abortion protesters at Planned Parenthood as I drive by.

Since age 18, I have volunteered to help people in need.

If you are obsessed with doom and gloom, see a counselor.


Thank you! I had fun creating these signs.

The "Choose" sign was made by my artist ex-husband using watercolors, oil pastels and felt-tipped pens. I gave Terry the concept. He did a wonderful job.

You're a great optimist, a good person and look good in the photos. By the way I love the most 1 - 4 & 5


Where in Hell did that lipsticked llama come from? I didn't post that. Too funny!


Thanks. When I clicked on Edit, the llama pic didn't show.

scratches head


My thoughts, exactly. Did a hacker or angry Trumpster post the lipstick llama to mock me?


This morning, I sent this report to

I don't know how else to ask for help. I am not reporting Merseyman1. His reply is correct.

Someone added a photo of a lipsticked llama to the photos I posted in my comment. Was it a hacker? It appears a troll is mocking me.

When I click on EDIT, the lipstick llama photo does not show with my pictures. I cannot delete it. But the lipstick llama picture is still visible.

My username is LiterateHiker. The hacker is mocking me, calling me a pack animal with lipstick.

Please delete the lipstick llama picture.

Are there hackers on

Thank you.



@LiterateHiker what llama?

@LiterateHiker, @Merseyman1 how was it related to her name?


It appears a right-wing troll is calling as a stupid pack animal with lipstick.

@LiterateHiker I don't think so. And if there are, I can't do anything about the assholes. I just ignore them. There are a lot more important things to worry about.

@mooredolezal , I got confused with our friend LiterateHiker and another friend Flipantllama, so I thought maybe it was suspicious because of that. My mistake.

@Merseyman1 oh I see. Now that makes sense. You might want to tell Kathleen though since she has it in her head that they were making fun of her now.

@Merseyman1, @LiterateHiker I didn't tell you how to feel I told you how I felt. Also if you bother to read the rest of the thread the whole basis of your paranoia is a fallacy. I'm done with you on this subject.

@LiterateHiker I'll tell you whatever I want to tell you. If you don't like it don't read it or block me.

The photo of an alpaca with lipstick was removed.

I don't know who deleted it. Perhaps a administrator in response to my report. I hope so.


7 - Stupidity.

Yes, but which stupidity?

@rogueflyer It doesn't much matter in the end analysis.



Each of these items begets the others.

Prep for what eventualities you can, stay fit, and just know humanity keeps the Earth in constant. One day the turmoil will be at YOUR foorstep.


why choose? they're all dangerous, and saying THE apocalypse is suspiciously religious-sounding. we are not limited to one, and the ones that come may not be sudden.


My mistake.


If you mean wiping out all of humanity?
Nothing. We are amazing critters. In the geological blink of an eye, we have expanded and diversified into every possible ecosystem. We are immensely adaptable evolutionary badarses.
We make cockroaches look like wimps.
There are tribes in the Star Mountains of Papua New Guinea that are physically, ecologically and climactically isolated from the rest of the world, and would neither know not care if the rest of us disappear up our own arseholes, so a massive global ecological crash wouldn't get all of us.
Looking at the last mass extinction, the species that survived were medium to small sized adaptable omnivorous generalists, a category which we slot into very nicely. So even if it's us vs. an asteroid the size of Mount Everest, my money is on us.
The only caveat to this is if some madman creates and releases a biotoxin that will wipe out everything with a spine.
As for wiping out our current civilisation and causing a global population crash?
All of the above.
Climate change causing mass starvation and migration. This leads to civil breakdown, and a rise in fundamentalism along national and religious lines. It also allows epidemics to flourish with the breakdown of medical and sanitary infrastructure. The end game is nuclear war unleashed by the desperate dictators in charge of the three nuclear superpowers.
But that's just one opinion

Very well put. Climate change is likely to have a serious impact unless we can keep global warming down to under 2C. Instead of the 1 million economic migrants we have currently there are likely to be 100 million in 50 years time.
I can see civil unrest becoming widespread as an already diminishing middle class disappears altogether and the wealthy elite try to hang on to their wealth and privelage.

We may be heading for an Orwellian dystopian world but definitely not an apocalypse. Leave that in the bible where it belongs.


I don't know about the 'apocalypse' term but for the end of us, I vote all of the above brought on largely by population overrun coupled with human shortsighted selfishness and stupidity.

Overpopulation, good point.


An invasion of aliens from a hidden moon of Jupiter disguised as llamas with lipstick.

Drama llamas ending life as we know it..seems plausible


Zombies. duh.


I don’t think humans or life will be in peril until the sun turns into a red giant.

You are quite optimistic!

@JCII Perhaps. I don’t think we could eliminate all life if we tried and I think humans are a lot more adaptable and capable of survival than most would think.

You did say ‘nearly eliminated’ though, so I can get on board with that.


Self driving cars. Oh and the singularity.

JCII Level 5 Mar 27, 2019

I always want to be able to unplug if necessary.

@rogueflyer AI will know this.


Christian impatience


I don't think there will be one directly, but I do think that climate change will change our lives, and the lives of our progeny, forever. It's already affecting millions of people - the flooding in the midwest, fires in California, erosion and water damage on the coastal regions...


Honestly, I think it'll be disease and massive drops in male fertility. Its already happening.


Too many people.


Maybe disease, maybe brought on by pollution and climate change.


Climate change will bring on the rest.

I agree. Once the food system goes to hell (wide spread hunger), the masses will not be content to starve. Unfortunately, the poor masses will only have access to other's who are equally poor and will begin to attack each other.

A bleak prospect.


Climate change. Also the USA's Fake President.


The number one thing that will cause the apocalypse is continued belief in it. This idea came from a biblical book.


Religious nutcases that believe in the idea of an apocalypse will be the cause of it.


It may happen, it may not happen, if it does it will most likely be all of the above working together, plus some others like resource exhaustion, grid breakdown etc. Few things in history occur for single simple reasons, historians have found forty plus reasons why the Roman Empire ended, most of which could never have been foreseen and all of which contributed.

But if you want to know the future then you can try a fortune teller, or a futurologist, neither work but they are your best shot. When at college forty years ago we went to a lecture given by a government advisor, very senior, who job was to predict future trends for the government, we were told that it was very special that he agreed to talk to us. Over the years I remember how many of the things he said came true; exactly none. History is chaotic and all attempts are doomed to fail.


Looking to the past as an example (don't ask for specifics I'm crap at backing up my opinions with facts) I'd guess whichever of the above happened on a big enough scale, the others would follow.

Salo Level 7 Mar 27, 2019

Apocalypse is a word from a fairy tale, but if you mean the end of mankind, I don't even think about it, whatever it is, it will come and I'm ready to go back to the soil and matter.


WHICH apocalypse? The Rapture? The breakdown of Society as per Survivalists? The re-election of Cheeto? Women forced to wear burkas while of course barefoot & pregnant? The rising sea levels?
You need to be more specific!

Don't know which apocalypse. Just wondering what everyone else thought.

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