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Ideally, should religious people be:

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  • 113 votes
skado 9 Oct 15

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How about..."IGNORED" by intelligent folks and by the Gov't.


When we threaten the rights of others, we also threaten our own.

Deb57 Level 8 Oct 15, 2019

why all the hate? move on.

My sentiments exactly.


Anyone that answered anything but guaranteed equal rights is a nut job


Not wasting breath on the subject.... not at war with religion or with god(s).


Ideally, religious people wouldn't exist to worry about. But since they're people and all, their rights need to be respected. You know, like they typically don't do to others.

1of5 Level 8 Oct 15, 2019

I wouldn't stand for any policy that limits the right of religious people any more than I would stand for rights that gave religious people greater privileges. As it stands right now, religious people have a privileged status.

I think, more, white, Anglo-Celtic, Christians have privileged status.

Not many Latin Christians or muslims ‘doing it good’ I would suggest!

@Geoffrey51 don't forget straight and cisgendered... Murica is doing a heck of a lot trying to deny rights to LGBQ+ and trans people. :/ SHAME


Left alone to be who they want to be, just like us, and everyone.


If we want our own rights respected, we must be prepared to respect tbe rights of those we disagree with.


Everyone should have their rights respected. But also everyone should be required to get an education (evidence-based education explaining the fallacy of blind faith).

Like, The American Dream is an unattainable goal but if you follow the initiators of this myth you will have a happy and prosperous, American Life. cue rising sun, rainbow and Watchtower type graphics!

Perfectly stated


Equal rights? Yes. More rights? No. Given tax breaks for schools etc that promote their religion? No. Prevented from using the government to force their beliefs onto the rest of us? Non-existent-place-of-eternal-torment yes!


I am pleased to see that the majority of us believe everyone deserves the same respect we want for ourselves.

Me too!

From the comments I’ve seen on the site I don’t doubt the votes are quite serious. I’m frankly surprised there weren’t more.


It's in the constitution as is our right to disbelieve, if they are evangelical Christians who try and force things on you then tax like they are political organization

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 15, 2019

right! Spot on!


Force them to live in North Dakota. After six months of North Dakota if they still believe in God, shoot them to put us out of their misery...Too much?

but if you place them in ND, they will likely still believe in god after most any duration of time. I live in ND and there are 21 churches within 2 miles of my home. Ran some numbers a while back and figured there were enough seats in churches to accommodate most every able-body in the city. Theists are the overwhelming majority in this (what is often considered (god forsaken)/tRump supporting land.

@NoMagicCookie Then we get to shoot them. Win/Win 🙂

Raised in ND for 17 years couldn’t wait to get out and finally left in 1984 and have never looked back. Ultra ultra conservative and extremely narrow minded. I don’t miss it one second.


Answer: Ignored and left to their stupidity. That choice should be added.


Honestly - bit of a silly poll.

yes it's a sill poll but did you notice that the person conducting the poll is on Level 8? That is how you gain levels.. Polls give you many points. So silly as it is... help a chump climb up the ladder to another level... 🙂

@AmmaRE007 Oh - I voted, and have now commented twice, so doing my bit!


Poll doesn't have my exact thoughts. Equal rights to exist and live and be happy and all that jazz. With regard to their religion: Keep it private. Churches should be taxed. Pastors' incomes should be taxed. No government money to religious organizations. Absolute definitive line of the separation of church and state.

Pastors’ definitely need to be taxed. Getting paid to read from their bible and pass around the offering plate.


Weird poll. Religious people should be treated like secular people with the same rights for all people.

AND be told that they MUST obey the Laws of the Land/Country in which they either live or a visiting, etc, and NOT merely go by these ridiculous Laws of their religion/s.


None of the above. I did not vote. I was so very tempted to check "forcibly educated" but decided if they want to believe nonsense then let them do so.

They already were forcibly educated LOL

@mooredolezal Your comment helped me realized that while 'forcibly educating' sounds harsh, it is certainly no worse than what was done to them - - brainwashing them into religion. So, surely the 'state' should be entitled to at least try to undo the damage. That's what education is partly about, enlarging ones understanding of the universe.

@racocn8 yes I agree that would be harsh. Forcible education it's not good no matter which side is doing it.I would agree to have the state offer free deprogramming classes to be taken on a voluntary basis. In these classes religious arguments could be countered scientifically and psychology classes could be offered to explain how they were brainwashed into believing.


As long as they aren't hurting others , there's no crime . If their religion reqluires they stone to death someone who was forceably raped , then laws like that should be subject to local laws ( it's the rapist , not the victum , that should be prosecuted .)

Don't forget the prosperity preachers defrauding their flocks of hundreds of millions of dollars, mainly the elderly.


Quiet. They should be quiet.

Hahaha! That's what i said!


Ignored if theyre actively being religious, treated like everyone else if theyre not

Ignored, as you say.

Nice idea BUT what about the proselytizing ones on street corners, door-knocking, etc, etc, that are ever so 'in your face' and refuse to be ignored?
Should they NOT be classed as creating a Public Nuisance or Disturbing the Peace?
They HAVE the right to do their 'thing' BUT we have NO right/s to stop them, is that truly a fair deal?
After all, imho, it IS one Law for them and another for us, is it not?

@Triphid OR the ones in public transportation terminals.... when I was travelling through Buffalo there was a whole bunch of religious proselytizers... it was annoying because I HAD to take the bus.... I am so "blessed" that proselytizers are not allowed on public transit in my part of Canada 😀


You can't blame people for what they believe. When you are born you know nothing, and in growing you try to make sense of it all, all of this while your most trusted loved ones are teaching you their false realities.

gater Level 7 Oct 16, 2019

As long as they leave me alone, I extend them the same courtesy! Incidentally, Russia under Stalin (and forward), for decades attempted to forcibly stamp out religion. You might want to read up on how well that worked.....


They are mentally ill and should be treated as such. I should clarify I am speaking in regard to the fundamentalists. Those who profit from proselytizing should be prosecuted for fraud. If grandma wants to believe in God to alleviate her fear of death I have no problem with that.


Mandatory treatment for their delusional beliefs and behavior, the treatment starts by having them pass around live rattlesnakes to see if they really think their god is watching over them and offering 'divine' protection, survivors get to move on to the next level of treatment.

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