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Okay this isn't anything deviant, but just about sex.
273kelvin comments on Apr 3, 2019:
May I recommend "The perfumed garden" as translated by Richard Burton. The same explorer and scholar who translated the Kama Sutra. This is from ancient Arabia and larger women were the prize to be sought back then. Consequently the techniques are very user friendly and with far less contortions.
Okay this isn't anything deviant, but just about sex.
273kelvin comments on Apr 3, 2019:
My ex-wife is a very large woman. I did not have a problem with it at the time although I asked once or twice to do something about it for health reasons only. Any mention of this however would send into tears so I stopped asking. I now hear through other sources that she has had to have one of her legs amputated because of it. I am not now a big fan of big women. Although I have a good friend who is large and if she said "Lets do it" I most certainly would. To my mind enthusiasm goes a long way. Faced with to choice (oh to have choices) of a large wanton wench and a cold quiescent stick insect? I would go for the handful every time
Good Morning All! Do you ever relax and accept the crazy that comes into your life?
273kelvin comments on Apr 3, 2019:
You dont deserve all this crap Sassy. Things can only get better from now on.
The best online profile ever "Six foot fat bird seeks an old hairy fart who remembers Wham and ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 2, 2019:
just for our US readers
Have you seen this movie? One of these days I need toπŸ‘πŸ˜
273kelvin comments on Apr 2, 2019:
A classic, I was just thinking of this the other day as a scene out anther movie reminded me of it. He only made three and this is arguably his best although "East of Eden" takes some beating.
Two eskimos were chatting. One said, “Where did your mother come from?
273kelvin comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Out of the same dusty vault "My wife has gone to the West Indies" "Jamaica" "No she just buggered off by herself"
Led Zeppelin - Fool in the Rain [] It's my holiday! Post songs about "fools".
273kelvin comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Led Zeppelin - Fool in the Rain [] It's my holiday! Post songs about "fools".
273kelvin comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Anyone favour a mirror site to this one, but just for atheists and agnostics?
273kelvin comments on Apr 1, 2019:
This is the site for agnostic and atheists. From what I understand a humanist does not believe in deities too. Any believers on either site are in the wrong place and the weight of criticism generally dispels them
I'd like to thank everyone for participating in Trivia Nite last night.
273kelvin comments on Apr 1, 2019:
I did enjoy it and sorry that a phone call interrupted my participation
Sorry, I didn't make the line-up today against Tottenham...!
273kelvin comments on Mar 31, 2019:
I have to ask Merseyman Are you from the pool too?
Help! I have a date.
273kelvin comments on Mar 30, 2019:
Hey girl, If I had a date with you? (okay knock off a handful of decades). My hands would be sweating enough to fill the grand canyon. Are you kidding me ffs, a good looking, intelligent, witty, vibrant and caring woman like you. Hes won the lottery and dont you forget it
How many of you men have measured yourself? hard and flaccid?
273kelvin comments on Mar 30, 2019:
Sitting behind a couple of nuns at a baseball game (with their habits partially blocking the view), ...
273kelvin comments on Mar 30, 2019:
I know quite a few that would have gone there.
Okay this is the first time its happened to me but not to others.
273kelvin comments on Mar 29, 2019:
the offending comment if anyone has not seen it @ProudMerrie I am not one to rain on anyones parade, hence the swipe left but the question was asked and I felt obliged to answer. Heres the thing, do you really need it? I cannot imagine a headline that runs "Meme factory burns down. Authorities on high alert Mass suicides expected". I have managed to struggle though this vale of tears for years now without seeing a "Love is....". If you have to have a motif on coloured background to tell you that youre a worthwhile, interesting person that someone should get to know? Then the chances are youre not.
Okay this is the first time its happened to me but not to others.
273kelvin comments on Mar 29, 2019:
Too many to answer here. I will be in chat if you want to talk.
I blocked someone this morning and apparently the action was mutual.
273kelvin comments on Mar 29, 2019:
I am that member. You were wrong to block me from your group. It is a forum not a fiefdom. You are not the pope and should not have the power to excommunicate me just because I do not agree with your doctrine. I was not offensive to you or any other member here. But lets just show the offensive comment and let others judge how petty minded you are. "@ProudMerrie I am not one to rain on anyones parade, hence the swipe left but the question was asked and I felt obliged to answer. Heres the thing, do you really need it? I cannot imagine a headline that runs "Meme factory burns down. Authorities on high alert Mass suicides expected". I have managed to struggle though this vale of tears for years now without seeing a "Love is....". If you have to have a motif on coloured background to tell you that youre a worthwhile, interesting person that someone should get to know? Then the chances are youre not." Oh and btw I did not block you. Maybe that was someone else that you had a hissy fit over. GROW UP!
It seems that we have a new religion lurking amongst us - memes Tho shalt be positive -so sayeth ...
273kelvin comments on Mar 29, 2019:
Just to clarify, I did not go after anyone. The lady put the case that some people need memes to help them though the day. And I said exactly what I would say to a bible person. In that you are strong enough not to need it.
Are Doctor Who and New Who the same show?
273kelvin comments on Mar 29, 2019:
No they are all part of the same continuum
Why do people respond so negatively to beautiful memes?
273kelvin comments on Mar 29, 2019:
I never comment but often swipe left. An endless stream of platitudes like "Be your true self and find someone that loves that self". Has become the wallpaper of the internet. Like plaques that say "No place like home" and you think "Yeah because thats where most abuse, murders and accidents happen". So what if my true self is disgusting? Because parts of everyone are. We all have bits of us that are gross, that pees in the bath and dont even go there when Im knocking one out. "Be a man but keep the boy alive inside you". You mean the little twat that used to torture ants? You want him? No hes the guy thats reserved for texts when we split because I did not keep enough of my "true self" hidden.
I think i blew an opportunity So after about an hour/thirty minutes of walking to run two ...
273kelvin comments on Mar 28, 2019:
That sure was a missed one. You could have said it was your birthday. Who knows she may have even given you a kiss. Go back and ask man ffs! Grow a pair, even if you dont order a burrito just a coffee.(but to my mind a little cheating on a diet is worth it in a good cause). Whats the worst that can happen? She says no. So okay you can take that off your "what if" list.
I have been enjoying the getting-to-know-you company of a few men.
273kelvin comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Firstly I disagree with the endless texting before a meet. There was a post on here or on in singles where a woman applied business models to online dating. I liked what she said in that its best to meet early. You can text forever but you dont know unless you meet. So she would arrange a series of meets on the same day. Just quick 1 or 1/2 hour meetings. That way she only had to out pick one outfit and get her hair done once. Personally I am getting a little tired of "Hi x" then "Hi x" and "how was your day" etc. Only for them to disappear till next time and repeat. You can do your research after you think it might be a goer. That said lets look at the cheating part. There is a reason that women go with cheaters. Sexual charisma, You said yourself that none of the others had that "spark". What do you think that spark is? Dont feel bad about it because its genetic. Okay lets pick two archetypal men, Charlie Watts and Errol Flynn. The former faithful to his wife for decades despite all temptations and the latter well... in like. Genetically it makes sense to settle down with a Charlie but have a cuckoo with an Errol. That way you spread the risk of passing on your genes. Yet we a rational beings and not wholly governed by biology, we should however be aware of it anyway. Women say that men think with their penis. Not strickly true but it does have voting rights. Similarly its okay to add sexual attraction into your choices. In fact it would be silly not to. If faithfulness is a strong prerequisite to any relationship then think very hard before going with this guy. You have to find out the circumstances and make big allowances for the one side of the story factor. It may be that the marriage was breaking down but it was not his 1st marriage. They were not high school sweethearts trapped in later life. Try this, when you meet bring up a story about a friend whos partner cheated. (if you havent got one, then make one up). Say how much it devastated her and that you feel so bad for her. Then shut up and listen. If he volunteers the info on his past, then thats good. If he just nods and agrees with you thats bad. If that happens then come right out and ask "have you ever strayed?" If he says "no" then ask for the bill and leave.
I posted in January about a trip I had planned for August/September, mainly to Scotland and Ireland.
273kelvin comments on Mar 27, 2019:
If you make it to Liverpool theres a bed for you
"Searching for Bobby Fischer" - 1993 Based on true story of Josh Waitzkin who is discovered to be a...
273kelvin comments on Mar 26, 2019:
I read the book and saw the film. I don`t remember it being about Fischer himself. Rather it was a different boy (much later) with a similar talent.
I will say this, though.
273kelvin comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Be thankful you are so kind. I killed mine last week. Not actually but on the page. As a chess player I had more than one reason for this. I wanted to get free in both my head and burn not only all bridges, scatter the ashes and burn down the architects that might draw up plans for a new one. Also she has embarked on a course that has many pitfalls. So I wrote a story where she made bad choices and died. Hopefully her anger at me will keep her safe, for I will not.
Normally, the weird dreams/nightmares don't bother me so much, but every once in a blue moon one ...
273kelvin comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Time is a healer, a platitude I know but theres a lot of truth in it. Thankfully it is something you do possess quite a bit of. Maybe your dream was a way of telling you that you`re now ready to fill that hole with more than dirt. The fact that it was him may just be a way of reconnecting you with those feelings.. Sterilisation is sometimes reversible and there are many kids out there who need homes.. Not saying thats what you want now but it is an option.
This is one of my favorite songs from Simon and Garfunkel, just listen and watch and read the ...
273kelvin comments on Mar 26, 2019:
"Hello darkness my old friend. I`ve walked into the wall again"
Britain is dying a painful death.
273kelvin comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Tommy Robinson (not his real name) is a racist cunt and deserves all he gets, end of.
Super into queening right now (thought I already posted this). Thoughts?
273kelvin comments on Mar 25, 2019:
I love it but my fav was a brief encounter with a bull dyke. Got an A+ for oral ;-)
Hmmmm.... The boys next door had a bonfire to burn old Christmas trees last night. Kind of scary! ?
273kelvin comments on Mar 25, 2019:
We used to keep our old xmas tree till summer solstice. Then we would have bbq and bonfire party. At one point the tree would be put on the fire (all quite safe), as the flames and sparks rose up into the sky, shouts of "Merry xmas" was the norm.
Divine Right: Born to Rule.
273kelvin comments on Mar 25, 2019:
It is difficult to make the case for a constitutional monarchy but I will try. There is a character in the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy who is ruler of the galaxy. Adams makes the valid point that anyone who would want the job would be totally unsuitable for it. Democracy was according to Churchill "A terrible system, its just that we have not found a better one". It has lots of faults, people are fickle, shortsighted and easily swayed. For this reason there are checks and balances built into all good democracies. So lets examine a monarchy as compared to other systems. One of the worst systems is the US style presidential one, sorry to all you yanks but it is. It has been an almost total disaster whenever it has been exported to other counties and even the US citizens feel the need to arm themselves in order to keep it in check. Not many others are any better. An old Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times". It is quite natural to want dramatic change and man the barricades when you are 18. It is not as desirable when your raising kids of you own. If you look at states that have monarchies compared to those that dont. You will see much more constitutional crisis than those that dont. Spain transcended from a fascist dictatorship to a western democracy with its help. Bulgaria even elected a monarch to help in its transition. In the UK all soldiers and servicemen swear allegiance to the crown. As do the judiciary, elected representatives and the state religious leaders. Not the constitution which is open to interpretation or the govt. which is variable and could be in dispute. Therefore no coup can occur without the armed forces either breaking their oaths or the crowns approval. It is the power that is not used that maintains the status quo. The post said this "The question is, if those born to rule don’t in most cases actually rule, but are mere figureheads, why not get rid of these divine right parasites, be they kings or queens or emperors or empresses, even sultans; parasites who serve no useful function yet lead lavish lifestyles? Egypt got rid of the pharaoh. China booted out the emperor. It’s not that hard" Holding up China and Egypt as examples for ditching monarchy just proves my point on stability and rule. Who would have wanted to live through Maos cultural revolution? Let me also deal with the no useful function part. It is hard to quantify soft power. However just this morning a news item came on that prince Charles and his wife are on a 1st official visit to Cuba. This sends a message. It says that unlike its northern neighbour, the UK is ready to do business. Unlike a political visit where questions of Cubas human rights would be raised. A trip like this just says "Hello". This is just one example of soft ...
I broke it off with my latest, with whom I had two dates.
273kelvin comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Vegetarians that do so because of "I love animals" crap are just hypocrites. If you care that much, you go vegan end of. If not then you might as well eat meat. I have no problem with veggies that say "I just dont like meat" but not the other kind.... Where do all the boy cows go to? Do they think they go to a boy cow home? No they are veal. Then what about the animals when they are done giving milk and eggs? They go to a condo in Florida to live out the rest of their days playing in the sunshine or are they burgers? Sure you can buy ethically farmed dairy products, that let the livestock live but this is expensive and I doubt he will pay that price.
NOT SARCASM, GENUINELY CURIOUS: Reading through the posts here it has been suggested by some to rate...
273kelvin comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Its hard but trial and error is a help. Firstly age, I would not expect any 30 somethings to even glance at my profile. Not that would object to them but its a waste of time to consider. Income, more of a factor for guys but not totally. If they like lots of foreign travel, eating out and being spoilt then I rule myself out. Appearance, if we were both in a bar how would I rate my chances of them catching my eye? This can vary depending on their profile. If its superficial, theyre a looker and lead with that, then no but if theyre sapiophile, creative or really compatible in other ways then I will msg. Weight, not a problem for me as Im slim but if they are looking for a muscled viking then swipe left. Personally I dont mind a few extra pounds but really big is a turn off and I suspect it is for lots of guys so if your big big then open your filters. When I look at profile pics, its the worst one that counts. We can all do the soft focus sexy pose but the candid shot is more like the real you. If a guy msgs you then you have passed his "fancy filter". If you msg him and he responds then ditto. So look at the calibre of the guys trying for you and you get your rating via market forces.
This is a great article about the do's and don'ts of dirty talk.
273kelvin comments on Mar 21, 2019:
I will be free tomorrow
I got nothing. :)
273kelvin comments on Mar 20, 2019:
"Fun with food" is quite standard
Make it a double, please!
273kelvin comments on Mar 20, 2019:
You wanna supersize that?
When you show a friend (and I use that term loosely now) a photo of your new beau and she tells you ...
273kelvin comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Just tell he`s hung like a horse and can lick his own eyebrows. That'll make her think twice
Just For Fun Which Would you Rather?
273kelvin comments on Mar 20, 2019:
C. I spend very little on groceries. I pay my bills anyway. Free gas is temping and I could visit a lot of places with that but I really could do with a holiday and $15,000 buys a lot of petrol.
My version of Field of Dreams...
273kelvin comments on Mar 20, 2019:
They will cum
What's an album you would recommend everyone listen to once in their lifetime?
273kelvin comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Stormcock - Roy Harper Paradise and lunch - Ry Cooder
I co authored 2 books on chess.
273kelvin comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Q....How many chess players does it take to change a lightbulb? A....4 One to change it and the other 3 to discuss whether he got anything out of the exchange
About last night.
273kelvin comments on Mar 17, 2019:
One of the problems with dating at our age is the expectations. We may have had long term partners and are looking to recreate that experience. Whilst that may happen it is not a given. What you have to remember is that early dating guy that you used to be. Not looking for a wife just someone to go to the prom with. Just as a circle is made up of small straight lines. A relationship is built of short term moments. You enjoyed her company. Go with that and see where it takes you.
Tapestry is one of the first albums I ever purchased. What was your first buy?
273kelvin comments on Mar 17, 2019:
I had an older brother who bought all the popular ones including "Tapestry". So I choose this. It is obscure but it does have a cult following (Inc Stephen Fry). The title track may be a little dated due to the politics referenced but so many great songs with outstanding lyrics I heartily recommend you go on youtube and check it all out or try "smash flops" the artists website. This track I discussed online just today. I always wondered what one verse was about and was told it was Incas hiding their gold from the spanish.
Update on the man who was a little "off" on the phone.
273kelvin comments on Mar 17, 2019:
A gentleman learns though time. Never to mention a ladies weight however obliquely. It is simply the elephant in the room.
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence!
273kelvin comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Its true
Happy Sunday All.
273kelvin comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Not so sunny in Liverpool. Sunday is my shopping day. Just done the reduced scramble in my local supermarket. A long wait followed by a cross between a jumble sale opening and a refugee food drop. Still I shall eat this week. Bought far too many sweet things (can one have too many?)
If you lived a good life, you get to request from Death how you die.
273kelvin comments on Mar 16, 2019:
I wanna go quietly in my sleep just like my grandfather and not screaming in terror like his passengers
Good Morning all. I am back. It was not a heart attack, just vertigo. What caused it?
273kelvin comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Good to have you back xx
Here's an instrumental I wrote for a slideshow about Cleveland Ohio, called " North Coastin' " ...
273kelvin comments on Mar 16, 2019:
I like it., as I am listening a thought occurred to me. I wonder if you would be up for some collaboration? I have a set of possible lyrics yet to be set to music. There are not set in stone and you can move them around add/subtract a la Bernie and Elton. I can put them on here if you like or PM me.
You know, I never realized what that big glowing thing in the sky was for, but thank goodness it's ...
273kelvin comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Should that not be moonlight
?? Somebody is wearing full camouflage in this pic... Can you see her? Look very closely...
273kelvin comments on Mar 15, 2019:
My gf had a pair of red and black camouflage pants. I asked what was she camouflaged for, a volcano?
I did it.
273kelvin comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Good for you x Monsters are never quite as scary as we make them out to be. Once faced they look very small indeed.
Just got the 1st part of my story published peeps.
273kelvin comments on Mar 15, 2019:
2nd part out now on the same site
? would you put a ring on it? It's an oldie but one of my favorites.. How do you like her?
273kelvin comments on Mar 14, 2019:
And she smokes too, my kinda gal
Why would I lose almost 3000 points?
273kelvin comments on Mar 14, 2019:
It may be some form of insurance. When I reach level 8 I noticed that 3.00 points magically appeared on my profile. I can only assume that this was temporarily deducted to insure that deleted posts etc. would not bring me back down under the threshold. A large margin of error to be sure but hey its a free t-shirt and they can set the rules. Its not like youre buying it.
I want to let everyone know that Sassygirl3869 - Lisa, was hospitalized today for heart issues.
273kelvin comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Oh dear Give my best wishes
Not a bad idea, but a sad one.
273kelvin comments on Mar 13, 2019:
There is a confessions thing on drive time radio here, where people confess to doing bad things. This one went like this. My kids were messing around on the school run while I was trying to listen to my favorite DJ. I asked them to be quiet but that just made them worse. So I said that the "TM" button on the radio (which no one knows whats for) stood for "teachers monitor" led directly to the headmaster of their school and he could hear all that they said. Of course they did not believe me at 1 st but as it happens I was the IT wiz for the small PTA and was asked to put edit the school play and put it on DVD. So when the headmaster met us at the gate (it was a very small school) I said "Did you get my recording". "Yes" said the head "It was very interesting thank you". My kids looked at me astonished and I never told them the truth, even to adulthood. The school run was just too nice with the deception. Even when my son went to buy his 1st car and asked the salesman if it had TM.
Facebook is down! If I didn't know better I'd suspect the apocalypse.
273kelvin comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Ok in the UK
I’m just going out now for the evening, being taken out to a nice restaurant for dinner and ...
273kelvin comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Happy Birthday Marion, heres another birthday party
?Create a caption yourself....
273kelvin comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Wheres my phone? Im pretty sure its not on me
I guess we all know what kind of oats this group is composed of, am I right? πŸ˜‰
273kelvin comments on Mar 13, 2019:
So long as you got your oats anyway. PS I dont do instant
Good Morning all. What do you think of this tree and its message?
273kelvin comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Is it a monkey puzzle tree?
Just looking for some opinions. At what point and for what reason does Erotica become Pornography?
273kelvin comments on Mar 13, 2019:
To the photographer it depends if its in or out of focus. To the writer how many synonyms, similes or metaphors were used. Broadly speaking, one is cerebral, the other mechanical.
Hey ladies, festival season is right around the corner.
273kelvin comments on Mar 12, 2019:
I saw a home brew kit advertised once that had everything ready to go in a box. All you had to do was add water and 3 days later you had several gallons of cider. My thought was if you got to the fest on thursday, it would be ready by sunday.
Back from NH and court today.
273kelvin comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Get your lawyer to make out a bill and some estimates for what the legal charges might by if the case continues and they lose costs. As it stands every delaying action gives them free rent. Perhaps the thought of their account garnished to pay the true cost of their dicking around will wake them up.
I'm thinking about doing some roleplaying tonight with my bf Frankie.
273kelvin comments on Mar 12, 2019:
His role is Dumb dumb but his infractions dont have to be. They can be his. Use the list of all his wrongdoings (every woman keeps one of those) and he has to defend himself like mustardlini. "Im gonna decorate the nursery room. Its gonna be great. Fantastic. it will be the best nursery room ever. Youre gonna love it". Get the idea?
An early Tuesday morning... anyone up? Anyone interested in some soft erotic play?
273kelvin comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Sorry i missed the opportunity. Ironically because I was writing a story around a chap thats very good at online eroric fantasy. Next time your at a loose end or similar. PM and we can explore
CHRIS REA "Road to Hell"...
273kelvin comments on Mar 12, 2019:
One of the most depressing albums ever and I listen to lots of L. Cohen
Madeline Peyroux - Dance Me To The End of Love [youtu.
273kelvin comments on Mar 10, 2019:
My favorite Cohen cover.(apart from the ones I do of course)
The oldest verified person ever -- Jeanne Louise Calment of France -- died in 1997 at the age of ...
273kelvin comments on Mar 10, 2019:
A light smoker till 117. She met Van Gogh
I am honest to peaches freaked out a little!
273kelvin comments on Mar 10, 2019:
Cops start to look younger and thats okay. Then doctors are younger and you learn to live with that but when judges look younger...
Deiter, your next interview ;) If you can't be hired, be memorable!
273kelvin comments on Mar 10, 2019:
Application form asked me to "Describe yourself in as few words as possible?" "Concise"
I'm looking chat with men, 30-60 yrs old.
273kelvin comments on Mar 9, 2019:
See you the chat room x
are you up yet?
273kelvin comments on Mar 9, 2019:
When I was little there was a cartoon cinema in Liverpool city center. It showed Pathe news and cartoons continuously throughout the day. If I was good then my parents would take me there after shopping in town
Please, what music do you listen to when you are thinking about love.
273kelvin comments on Mar 8, 2019:
Leonard Cohen wins hands down for me.
Whahoo! I got the shirt! Thanks @Admin
273kelvin comments on Mar 8, 2019:
Hubba hubba
Going to the movies. Does going to the movies on a date always involve the man's hands all over me?
273kelvin comments on Mar 8, 2019:
Tip, if you hold his hand you know where it is.
What is your favorite word or phrase quirk?
273kelvin comments on Mar 8, 2019:
I heard a lady poet use the word "bunt" in regards to female anatomy. (A bunt is a fish trap). So now I can say "There goes a bint with a bunt" ( "bint" is an often contemptuous word of Indian origin for a woman or girl. Part of scouse slang)
Who decides what to do?
273kelvin comments on Mar 8, 2019:
So it was not your first date, just your first "real" date. He could be testing the waters? For example if you were 100% keen "dinner at my place" 85% "dinner at your place" (you can bail and call a cab if...?). 65% "romantic restaurant" 50% an activity like a movie or art show etc.
And now Aunt Mary has decided it's time to put all her eggs in one basket.
273kelvin comments on Mar 7, 2019:
"Put all of your eggs in one basket and watch that basket very carefully" Mark Twain
This seems so common sense, but so many people refuse to see it.
273kelvin comments on Mar 6, 2019:
I read an article in a chess magazine that not only made the case for it but classified luck into 3 types.
I watched "Heaven can wait" (with Beatty) again today - what a great movie!
273kelvin comments on Mar 5, 2019:
It has a long way to go to beat "A matter of life and death" (originally "Stairway to heaven" in the US). Same subject but David Niven cheats death after bailing out of his plane without a parachute. Then complicates matters by falling in love with an American servicewoman. The superb direction by Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger and outstanding cinematography by Jack Cardiff. Mark it out as one of those films I can watch every year.
273kelvin comments on Mar 3, 2019:
I feel for you hugs xx
I'm an old guy on a bullet train to becoming my father.
273kelvin comments on Mar 2, 2019:
A little Artie Shaw is good too
Thank you to whoever turned me on to POF.
273kelvin comments on Mar 2, 2019:
If it was me then your welcome if not then give her one for me lol
273kelvin comments on Mar 2, 2019:
I have a date so .... x
Socks on or off during sex?
273kelvin comments on Mar 2, 2019:
This question should be more gender specific. I heard that women are 60% more likely to orgasm with socks on but imho 60% less likely if he has them still on.
Update: one week .
273kelvin comments on Mar 2, 2019:
I tried the FB one and its not worth it. Its too thin on members. Pof can be good but 15 msgs is not enough. Also it can be a question of timing. The "online now" is a big draw. If your Johnny on the spot then your much more likely to get a response. So stay on it as long as you can and vary your times. You have to keep checking your inbox as they time you out every 20 mins or so. Basic rule of thumb: 100 msgs = 10 replies = 1 date
Anyone else put "must be 420 friendly " in their dating profile?
273kelvin comments on Mar 2, 2019:
I have noticed that not many people do. Fish has a question "Do you use drugs?" to which you can answer "No, Socially or Often". When I put that in as a filter, I only get 12 or so in my area. Yet if you chat most will admit to using pot. There must still be a stigma around this subject. Either that or the blanket term "drugs" is too all encompassing
Leonard Cohen - Famous Blue Raincoat []
273kelvin comments on Mar 1, 2019:
"Going clear" is a Scientology term.
best sequel ever imo, empire strikes back was better.
273kelvin comments on Mar 1, 2019:
Its hard for a sequel to surpass the original. My two are "Short circuit 2" and "Rambo". The 1st because they really went for the funny more than the original and the 2nd because of Jack Cardiffs superb cinematography
30th anniversary pretty in pink try a little tenderness [youtu.
273kelvin comments on Mar 1, 2019:
If we were closer then I would xx
If Betty White were to join the spice girls- would she be old spice?
273kelvin comments on Mar 1, 2019:
They are all a bit old now. Scary is now "contains mild peril spice"
I logged into Tinder this morning, no issue.
273kelvin comments on Feb 28, 2019:
I had POF catfish my account in me. I couldn't change it back so I opened a new one. Just needed a new email account
And I thought we were friends!
273kelvin comments on Feb 28, 2019:
Never forget when my gf desperate for a pee sat on my lap when I was having a crap. Now THATS intimate.
Got stood up again for the second time in four months, each time a different woman from a site that ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 28, 2019:
It is the industrial standard to confirm. Given that you have been stood up before (admittedly by someone else) then I would think you would want to make sure and dot i s cross t s before the next one. She could have confirmed before assuming a "no show" and would have done so if she was keen.
I'm staging a protest on The Senate Chat Room tomorrow at 6:30 pm EST in favor of Free Speech and ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 26, 2019:
I will try and be there. If only to endeavour to inject a little sanity into the occasion.
I posted about a guy I met for coffee a week ago tonight who wasn’t feeling it after meeting.
273kelvin comments on Feb 26, 2019:
Oh come on! Maybe the guy was just trying to be nice? Ever thought of that? I am still friends with one lady I met online without chemistry and if I continue to be the gent that I am there maybe more of them.
Why do so many men include picture of themselves with small children on their dating profiles?
273kelvin comments on Feb 26, 2019:
Women do the same. I have seen loads of pics with grandchildren in them. When a woman does it I suppose they are saying "My family is a big part of my life". When a guy does it he is saying the same plus "See I am a nice genuine guy". We now live in a terrible age where this kind of thing is suspect.
I'm not a big proponent of marriage.
273kelvin comments on Feb 26, 2019:
Two gamblers at a poker table and one says "Im leaving. This game is rigged". The other says "I know its crooked but its the only game in town". They say that love makes fools of us all. In some cases it turns us into congenital idiots. Even the most severely mentally disabled child will learn not to put their hand in the fire twice. Yet time and time again women and men will return to the scene of the crime, only for the same outcome to occur but worse. To blame the victim is easy. "Just get out" you say. In many cases thats like telling a junkie to "just say no". You can certainly blame the abuser but I have known people go from one abuser to another and when they end up with a good person, drive that person to lose their temper and strike out. There must be something about them that craves that kind of behaviour, why else would these things happen repeatedly? I am reminded of a case a long while back before the law and attitudes had changed. Jane Doe lived a few doors down and every month he would kick off. Shouts and abuse, things being thrown around. It always ended up with her being hit and calling the cops. One night a sergeant of long standing turned to her and said "Jane there isnt a law in the land that I can use to stop you from being a stupid cunt".


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