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Forgive me if this gets a little raw.
273kelvin comments on May 12, 2019:
Relationships 101: "How can you expect your partner to fancy you if no one else does?" You are going a lot of turmoil atm. what with jobs etc. New love can give you inspiration and motivation (if any are needed). It can also put a smile on your face, which is a powerful commodity in job interviews. A positive outlook is infectious. The lady that you spoke to on the sofa proves that you are a fanciable chap. Work on that guy and use it. Take confidence in that. If nothing else? it is a good reason to attack that neglected housework. I hear a lot about the negative aspects of falling in love again from you and having recently crashed badly out of that scenario, I can say it is devastating. Would I do it again? Fuck yeah! in a New York minute! You only get one go at life, it's up to you to catch the waves and ride them the best way you can. If you wipe out? then that's all part of life and getting wet in any sense is what it's all about.
If you could only have one last sexual experience, what would it be?
273kelvin comments on May 12, 2019:
Ladies. Where are we on this new whatever it is?
273kelvin comments on May 11, 2019:
It`s not big enough for me. Although I think the waist might fit
1975 Cost of Living.........59 gallon for gas!!!!!?????
273kelvin comments on May 11, 2019:
How much is it now? Because we pay £1.24 per litre
Meet Tracey Crouch, the UK's first Minister of Loneliness, appointed by Prime Minister Theresa May ...
273kelvin comments on May 11, 2019:
The way UK politics is going. May will be her main client
Ya'll. I need a pep talk. Does anyone else find online dating demoralizing?
273kelvin comments on May 11, 2019:
It is the nature of the beast I'm afraid. I do feel for you. My problem is only that all the women are so beige. "I love my family, walking the dog and eating out" Yahn! Do you message 1st or let them come to you? If it`s the latter then try the former.
Sorry to all - had no idea Paddy Power would not be visible to some.
273kelvin comments on May 9, 2019:
You have to remember that you are trusted with a gun but not allowed to gamble online in the land of the free.
You can agree or disagree, I'm not polling.
273kelvin comments on May 9, 2019:
John and George are not the only things gone from that photo. New album sleeves have the cigarette airbrushed from Pauls' hand
You really can't argue with this one
273kelvin comments on May 7, 2019:
Difficult to do when all politicians are cunts.
Should we respect other people's beliefs?
273kelvin comments on May 7, 2019:
You can respect their rights and/or their person. As to beliefs? It is a question of tolerance. For example; you may not touch on the subject with a work colleague or family member, perhaps remove your hat (if you're a man) when visiting an old church on holiday. To my mind, I only counter-attack. If they don't push it? Then I won't. If they do? then they deserve all they get.
I live in a very Christian and republican area.
273kelvin comments on May 7, 2019:
Two Englishman at a diner in Montana and one asks the waitress "What would you recommend for my vegetarian friend?" "I would recommend that your friend leaves Montana"
Proof that Jesus lied
273kelvin comments on May 7, 2019:
I work in retail.
273kelvin comments on May 5, 2019:
You could always reply to "Have a blessed day" with "GORDON`S ALIVE" at the top of your lungs
Religious fundamentalists and many of today’s atheists share the same approach to texts.
273kelvin comments on May 5, 2019:
Old Soviet union joke from the 60s. An old guy living in a small town miles away from anywhere is told that he must now share his tiny little one bedroomed flat with a family of 3. Disgruntled at this he sees a poster saying "LENIN LIVES". So he gets on a train to Moscow and goes to the Kremlin and asks to see Lenin. The receptionist is a bit taken aback by this but thinks "You never know who these old guys know. They might be friends with some of the old guard". So she passes him on to her superior. Who in turn passes him on till he gets to a member of the Politburo. Who asks "Why do you want to see Lenin comrade?". "Well, I fought in the revolution and in the war against the Nazis. I have worked hard all my life and I think that I am entitled to live in my own little one bedroomed flat without having to share it. So I come here to see if this guy Lenin can sort it out for me" "So sorry old man but Lenin is dead and has been for quite some time now. So he cannot help you I`m afraid" "But I saw a poster from this building that said Lenin lives?" "Ah, yes he does live comrade. He lives in the spirit of sacrifice that makes the Soviet Union so great" "Oh I see. When you want him he is alive and when I want him he is dead" Religious texts are like that. When they want them to be literal they are and vice verca
I'm a middle school Science teacher.
273kelvin comments on May 5, 2019:
No I cannot relate. Do you hate it when they say that they dont believe in santa, the tooth fairy or easter bunny? Just because you took years of research to come to the same conclusion as them does not make you smarter. If anything it makes you dumber for wasting good drinking time. Bertrand Russel took 200 pages to explain why 1+1 does actually = 2 but I dont need to read it to know it.
Caption this!
273kelvin comments on May 5, 2019:
"Oh my god there`s a shoe sale on at the mall"
What are the movie moments that will stay with you forever?
273kelvin comments on May 5, 2019:
My great moment is in "the African queen" when Boggie has all the leaches burnt off his body then gets back into the water to pull the boat again. In my head I can hear "When a man loves a woman"
Women over 50, coloring their hair purple, how childish.
273kelvin comments on May 4, 2019:
Warning by Jenny Joseph When I am an old woman I shall wear purple With a red hat which doesn’t go, and doesn’t suit me. And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves And satin sandals, and say we’ve no money for butter. I shall sit down on the pavement when I’m tired And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells And run my stick along the public railings And make up for the sobriety of my youth. I shall go out in my slippers in the rain And pick flowers in other people’s gardens And learn to spit. You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat And eat three pounds of sausages at a go Or only bread and pickle for a week And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes. But now we must have clothes that keep us dry And pay our rent and not swear in the street And set a good example for the children. We must have friends to dinner and read the papers. But maybe I ought to practice a little now? So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.
I bet that feels good!
273kelvin comments on May 3, 2019:
Conversation on behalf of a customer irl to call center in SA. "I know what you are saying is not company policy so can I speak to your supervisor?" "She is not here at the moment" "Okay, do you have a mobile phone?" "Yes why?" "Please pick it up and phone someone. It does not matter whom, your mum or friend and when the person comes over to tell you off. Put them on this phone please"
What to say when hijacked by two born agains in public
273kelvin comments on May 3, 2019:
In situations like this which do not happen so often in the UK. I generally say something like "Please dont go there. I understand and respect you view. I would appreciate it if you would do likewise and drop the subject, so we can still converse as friends"
More Useless Dating Advice: Everyone has their own story.
273kelvin comments on May 2, 2019:
There is no such thing as a failed experiment
OMG! it's been 4 months since my wife (ex wife) decided she wanted to go it alone, my god am I ...
273kelvin comments on May 2, 2019:
Most hook up sites and a lot of dating sites have women who like phone sex. That can make DIY more entertaining. Also I have looked at your profile and it still could use improvement. Ditch all references to your ex. Stress only positive things. Also add some action, smiling pics perhaps with some friends. Youre a good looking guy and should have no problem on POF etc.
Watched "Kingsman: The Secret Service," which I had no prior burning desire to see.
273kelvin comments on May 2, 2019:
I watched with my daughter in the theatre. On of those best seen there. The church scene works a lot better when the soundtrack is booming out.
I got stuck up a tree! And I can't get down... Oh my... Can someone make a suggestion or help me?
273kelvin comments on May 2, 2019:
Play "Misty" for me.
Does anyone else find it interesting that the vast majority of recent weather related disasters ...
273kelvin comments on May 1, 2019:
Not god just poetic justice
Help I have a Date Act III: Romance is like music; too much harmony can be tiresome.
273kelvin comments on May 1, 2019:
Okay he may as he says be honouring your vulnerability. However that is your call not his. Try this as a gambit: Your place or his, dinner for two. You will have wine and have to stay the night. Say that you would like to just go to bed to cuddle. This is not as unusual as it sounds. If nothing other than making out happens at first, then wait till morning. Men cannot resist being woken up by someone playing their pink oboe.
Thank you to everyone who supported me during my suspension.
273kelvin comments on May 1, 2019:
Personally imho I think that Mussolini is more accurate. In that fake news assertions, he did not actually make the trains run on time.
EMERGENCY!! Hey everyone, Administration has suspended Sassygirl3869 (Lisa).
273kelvin comments on Apr 30, 2019:
I have already PMed admin and I ask others to do the same
Words to live by:
273kelvin comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Make it easier would be my reply
When my ex and I were still together and fighting about religion, he said according to my atheism ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 29, 2019:
I recently watched "After life" by Ricky Gervias on Netflix and this very question was answered. "So if theres no god, whats to stop you murdering, raping and stealing as much as you want?" "I do" "What do you mean?" "I do. I murder, rape and steal as much as I want to" "But you dont" "Yes I do" "You don't murder and rape people" "Thats because I don't want to. Not because some book tells me not to and I was the type of person that wanted to murder and rape? I doubt if some book would stop me anyway"
OK... Think of the best caption for this pic...
273kelvin comments on Apr 29, 2019:
"At last somewhere to park me bike!"
Despite being atheist, im pretty sure I 100% believe in Tarot cards.
273kelvin comments on Apr 28, 2019:
I played poker with tarot cards once. I got a full house and 2 people had heart attacks
Is there anything in your life (besides religion) that you have completely changed your opinion ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 28, 2019:
Oh lots of things. Music of course, our tastes change as we age. We also tend to get conservative (with a small c) as we get older. Revolution is less appealing when you have a family to protect. I am also extremely cynical of all politicians, of any persuasion. Other subjects have led me the other way. I grew up with a typical 60s -70s blue collar way of regarding homosexuality. This has altered dramatically.
Despite being atheist, im pretty sure I 100% believe in Tarot cards.
273kelvin comments on Apr 28, 2019:
"Now let explain that some cards are symbolic and not to be taken literally" "Show me the card" "As I said many are symbolic" "JUST SHOW ME THE CARD" With trepidation the reader reveals the card and the lady sees what it is.....the gullible cow
I wonder, porn is basically fantasy of the sexual kind leading to a lot of porn parodies by ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 28, 2019:
The sex scene in "Team America" fuck yeah
i just need to vent, i have been attempting to meet people on a dating site, POF, i have a profile, ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 28, 2019:
"What star sign are you?" "Pyrex, I was a test tube baby"
I'm struggling a lot lately with a lot of things.
273kelvin comments on Apr 28, 2019:
Makes me so glad we have the NHS. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and remember we are here for you x
Hmmm...interesting observation. It made me laugh, anyway!
273kelvin comments on Apr 27, 2019:
As a fellow beardie, I call bs. It does not take patience to grow a beard, just inactivity. Gardening or making your own booze tales patience. The guy who can put up with growing a beard is less likely to want to take out the trash. Ergo he gets it in the ear from his woman.
Anybody do this kinda thing? Tell me about it...
273kelvin comments on Apr 27, 2019:
Of course I do but not too eagerly. A little bit of teasing and more attention to the areola than most guys. One of my gfs used to lactate slightly when she came big, even though it was many years since her last child. It was fun to taste
I recently went to a religious a event with a family member at Easter time.
273kelvin comments on Apr 27, 2019:
Its a blood feud thing, rather like the mafia. The betrayal by Adam, the convenant a deal made by Abraham with Issac and the sealing of the deal with the messiah. Instead of thinking "God the father" think "the Godfather"
273kelvin comments on Apr 26, 2019:
It sounds like you got struck by lightning or you think you have, there is a difference. "I had an amazing connection with a man a few months ago...emotional,and sexual." A "connection" is by nature >1, how one sided was this? If it is mutual then its true lightning and its pretty much unstoppable? but if its not then you have to ask yourself "How much can the emotional masochist in me take?". Because its just gonna be another sub/dom sob story that you know so well. You know that a FWB wont work for you right now. You know that you will want more and you know that he will be reluctant because if it was lightning then he would have felt it too! To detach oneself from the from the intricate web that sex weaves around our emotions is hard and not always possible. One way to do this is by getting better at casual sex. I dont mean just having it but practice it. Practice picking out a mate for the night, one you can walk away from easily and one you wont be inhibited or intimidated by. Until you can enjoy sex for its own sake, then you will always be at the mercy of another. I do not speak idly, for I myself have been down a very similar path. The last time I fell, it was true lightning but doomed and in the end incredibly destructive. Like the gambler who bets to lose, we know how it ends. Now I try and bet smarter, dont bet big on long odds. I does not always work but I try.
I watched the movie "Stan & Ollie" and really enjoyed it.
273kelvin comments on Apr 24, 2019:
If you can track this down then its a must see
Oh my gosh yes (sorry for the language)
273kelvin comments on Apr 24, 2019:
Most of my fiends are female. I do not find friendzone insulting. What is insulting is when the romantic or sexual side of a person is invisible to the other. Its like that part of them does not exist. Not seeing the whole person, is not looking at all. Be that just from one side or the other
Today is Shakespeare's birthday, may his works be long remembered as doing so has given him the ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 24, 2019:
Once upon a time three poets shared a house in the lake district of England, Wordsworth, Coleridge and Shelby. One day Coleridge comes in and hears what Shelby is telling the children. He says "My good fellow. What you have written there will live longer than anything that I or Wordsworth could ever write".So what was it that Shelby wrote for the children?.... "Once upon a time there were three bears....."
Why Is It Difficult to Get Christians to Care About the Earth? | Sojourners
273kelvin comments on Apr 24, 2019:
Try this tack; My ex is Jewish and always kinda said "so what" when I brought up the extinction of so many species. Then she went to see the film "Noah". As we talked I asked "Well if god wanted to save all those animals whats changed now? I mean I dont remember him saying "That was so that millennia"" Now it does not matter if you believe the great flood crap or that if they just think its symbolical. What is important that their god put elephants on a boat to keep them on our planet and soon there wont be any because of us.
Hey there, you have a very sexy cock:
273kelvin comments on Apr 22, 2019:
Ok so I new to this site.
273kelvin comments on Apr 22, 2019:
Its a broad church, if you pardon the expression. It has a dating element but its more like a party. Where the only thing in common is a disbelief in big sky. Explore some of the groups, look at the prospects in you area and...?
I've been tasked to teach Social Studies in Summer School this year.
273kelvin comments on Apr 22, 2019:
You could start with a song
Today is Saturday.
273kelvin comments on Apr 20, 2019:
What do you say to a Muslim on Christmas day? "A pint of milk and a packet of cigarette papers please" I remember when all Sundays were like this. Pubs shut till 7.00 pm. TV much the same except for religious programs. Shops shut and only the radio for entertainment. Which with the exception of "pick of the pops" was a almost as dire as the TV. People wonder why in such a now secular society as the UK is, I am so anti religion. It is the memory of all those interminable Sundays
This is the ballot I just received in the mail.
273kelvin comments on Apr 20, 2019:
Reminds me of a quite famous old english queen called Quentin Crisp author of "the naked civil servant". The inspiration for the song "An Englishman in New York"
273kelvin comments on Apr 20, 2019:
Easter is a spring festival. New beginnings are what its about.
Trying a facial mask and my face is just not shaped for the precut ones Haha I feel like Doctor Doom...
273kelvin comments on Apr 20, 2019:
Mexican wrestlers beware. No its on of the advantages of single living. One can look ridiculous without sanction
sisters of mercy visiion thing []
273kelvin comments on Apr 19, 2019:
Saw this on FB.
273kelvin comments on Apr 19, 2019:
It seems odd to post-imperial liberal ears but my ex was from Malawi and she said "You know so many Africans look back and think we were much better off under the British". Guys like this idiot bear it out.
I'm sitting at the local all service station getting an oil change and saw a little black cat out of...
273kelvin comments on Apr 18, 2019:
"OOps" said the porcupine climbing off a hair brush
Curious about how to up your oral sex game?
273kelvin comments on Apr 18, 2019:
Nothing I did not know/done. (once got an A+ off a bull dyke). I would add to the "letting them know youre enjoying it" a good hummmm can act like a vibrator at the right time.
True friends are those rare people who come to find you in dark places and lead you back to the ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 17, 2019:
A good friend will help you move a sofa A really good friend will help you move a dead body
Good Morning All.
273kelvin comments on Apr 17, 2019:
Nice to see things moving along both literally and metaphorically
So made another little leap forward tonight in my growth post divorce.
273kelvin comments on Apr 17, 2019:
"Why is divorce so expensive?"....."Because its worth it" Douglas Adams in the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy proposed an invisibility machine. This worked on the principle of somebody elses problem (SEP). You could go anywhere and nobody would see you because no one can see SEP. Your exs difficulties are no longer yours, ergo SEP. If they think badly of you? then so what SEP. If they think youre a twat? well thats part of an exs job description SEP. You need to be less red head and more Marie Antoinette. I suggest next time just hanging up. Putting Miles Davis on the stereo and say to yourself "Let them eat cake" In time, when the dust has cleared, you may or may not have a friendly relationship with your ex. This is not compulsory, mandatory or even in some cases desirable. Until that time, distance is your best friend.
Yoooooo omg I came home yesterday afternoon and just crashed without even taking my clothes off and ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 17, 2019:
Ah now you have given me a vision to keep me awake all night xx
It's all reverse now.
273kelvin comments on Apr 16, 2019:
Not in Ireland
Not that I haven't done this myself, mind you...
273kelvin comments on Apr 16, 2019:
Most people spell school wrong. They put the o before the o and it should go after the o.
"It's the good girls who keep the diaries; the bad girls never have the time.
273kelvin comments on Apr 16, 2019:
"Girls! keep a diary because one day it might keep you" - Mae West (bad girl)
What would you say love is, what is your version?
273kelvin comments on Apr 16, 2019:
Love is a strange kind of madness. It leads us to do and accept all kinds of things we wouldn`t normally. Then get upset about things that we shouldnt. Its so full of contradictions, generous, possessive, forgiving and jealous. Give me lust, thats what I desire. Lust is honest and pure, it has no hidden agendas, it is entire unto itself. It does not seek to possess, simply use. Love seeks to conquer or submit, lust just seeks to have. Love is a war fraught with mines. Lust, a happy ending. Love is spiritual, elusive, undefinable. Lust is concrete, observable, measurable and real. Given the choice, you can always trust lust. The same cannot be said of love.
Ex-Pope Benedict XVI blames 1960s revolution for sex abuse - BBC News
273kelvin comments on Apr 15, 2019:
Question ; Whats more powerful, "sexual films, images of nudity and "the clothing of that time" leading to "mental collapse" and "violence"" or god? If the later then why the fuck didnt Mr big sky whisper "Stop it you little pervert" in their shell like?
Likes not working again.
273kelvin comments on Apr 15, 2019:
Mine is
Me: Hello Him: Well Hello Sexy.
273kelvin comments on Apr 15, 2019:
At least you have a profile for him to ignore. This is todays nonsense. Just 2 nice pics and the mandatory bits filled in. Me - Hello Joanne, you look lovely. x Her - Hi thankyou x Me - Hi and your welcome. Your profile is a little sparse so can tell me what you like to do in your spare time Joanne? x Then nothing and once again ghosted
Chat group not working- please fix Singles/Mingle/Chat -trivia Sunday night. Thanks.
273kelvin comments on Apr 15, 2019:
It wasn`t working last night or now.
I've recently given up my faith because of a few comments people gave made to me here.
273kelvin comments on Apr 15, 2019:
I recently watched "After life" by Ricky Gervias on Netflix and this very question was answered. "So if theres no god, whats to stop you murdering, raping and stealing as much as you want?" "I do" "What do you mean?" "I do. I murder, rape and steal as much as I want to" "But you dont" "Yes I do" "You dont murder and rape people" "Thats because I dont want to. Not because some book tells me not to and I was the type of person that wanted to murder and rape? I doubt if some book would stop me anyway"
Spring is here! No matter what happens with the weather, there are robins taking a bath in the big ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 15, 2019:
Name a song that mentions a train. I'll go first. This Train is Bound For Glory - Woody Guthrie.
273kelvin comments on Apr 14, 2019:
The other way of saying "the grass is greener"
Anyone else having trouble getting into the chat room for trivia?
273kelvin comments on Apr 14, 2019:
Yes me too
Name a song that mentions a train. I'll go first. This Train is Bound For Glory - Woody Guthrie.
273kelvin comments on Apr 14, 2019:
Two from Pete Atkin and Clive James
Name a song that mentions a train. I'll go first. This Train is Bound For Glory - Woody Guthrie.
273kelvin comments on Apr 14, 2019:
Bob Dylan wins. Heres 2 whole hour radio shows with songs about trains.
Name a song that mentions a train. I'll go first. This Train is Bound For Glory - Woody Guthrie.
273kelvin comments on Apr 14, 2019:
A young Billy Strayhorn goes to see Duke Ellington. Although Billy is gay and not the kind of person Duke would normally associate with. He sees the worth of the arrangements that he shows him and says "Come and talk to me in New York". "How do I get there?" Billy asks and so Duke writes down the directions on how to get to Harlem. The result was this song.
Name a song that mentions a train. I'll go first. This Train is Bound For Glory - Woody Guthrie.
273kelvin comments on Apr 14, 2019:
Loads of US ones so Heres a brit one 5.15 the Who
I tell people "oh I'm open to the idea of a relationship I'm not closed off or letting my past ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 14, 2019:
Okay he ticks all the boxes. What you need to do is test the waters. I will let you into a secret, guys love being the shinning white knight. You need to find a metaphorical pickle jar for him to open for you. Just some task that he can perform and then you can offer to buy him a coffee, drink or diner as a thank you (depending on the size of the task). If he is interested then he will accept, If not then no embarrassment on either side.
I am so emotionally raw.
273kelvin comments on Apr 14, 2019:
Think you know me? Here is my latest song. I had a ball with of strings of lovers in plain sight, and under covers Ive had my share of passing flings but this boy really wants you and he dearly needs to put away those childhood things Im ready for, a love affair with strings you can take the heap of all my winnings drag me back to my beginnings cramp my style and clip my wings tie me up in knots take everything, that I have got then listen how this caged bird sings just wrap me, in a love affair, with strings I dont want more strings, upon my bow fiddle while Rome burns and then I`ll go I want strings that hold me tight stings that bind me, in the night twine to entwine conjoined and combined I want be be all of yours, you will be mine? I dont mind if I get upset if I go swimming then I`ll get wet I dont care how my eyes might sting yes you can you really hurt me honey rob me blind, its only money you can steal my heart and any of my things I will take those arrows and those slings Im aching for that love affair with strings I begging for... a love affair ...with strings
I know i've been gone a few days, i had an accident monday night.
273kelvin comments on Apr 13, 2019:
Oh I am sorry to hear that. Hope you mend soon xx
I know that I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but for anyone who has followed me on Facebook ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 12, 2019:
I can see the point from the other side. As in the christian right being pro-life but support the death penalty. As for your point? It does not hold water. A convicted murderer, however heinous their crime. Is a living breathing human being. Whereas a fetus is just a potential human being.
Sometimes people say "technology has made us stupid" and I disagree! Then shit like this happens:...
273kelvin comments on Apr 9, 2019:
When someone you've never met asks if you want to meet at the restaurant or meet somewhere else and ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 9, 2019:
A lot depends on the situation and how comfortable you feel with the guy. I had one 1st date where the lady drove 30 odd miles to my place. We went out to a musical event with the understanding that she could drink and stay at mine. No sex unless she initiated it. In fact we slept in the same bed and just cuddled. Offering a ride along is okay so long as its just an offer. In fact if you were going far to the date, say a coastal restaurant or a Broadway show? It would make a lot of sense. The problem is that you are stuck with him for the ride home. If the date does not go well there is that "No Im fine. I will call a cab". Followed by "But you`re on my way". Even if the date is so so - good, you still have that "coffee?" moment at the end. In this untrusting world its hard for a decent chap to convince a lady that his intentions are honorable (unless she requests otherwise). I try and allay any misapprehensions by inviting them to view my FB page. This goes some way to say that. a, I am who I claim to be. b, That I have several female friends who have not unfreinded me and c, A general view into what she may by buying into.
If I don't see a group now that I was a member of (something about environmental issues), does that ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 8, 2019:
You dont have to have said anything in that group. If a group moderator does not like your face or any reason, they can exclude you. It happened to me and it sucks.
Good Morning From this cute kitty and me.
273kelvin comments on Apr 8, 2019:
Play misty for me
273kelvin comments on Apr 8, 2019:
Just be grateful that we are not all like Mallards
Remember this when you went to the movies?
273kelvin comments on Apr 7, 2019:
Not too far from me is Woolton Picture house. A good old fashioned cinema. Just one screen and an intermission half way through the movie.
Maybe someone here might have a interesting insights on this thought, I have always wondered when ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 7, 2019:
"The West" as it is shown on films and TV did not last very long. I remember Alistair Cooke explaining in his series "America" about Abilene. A man called McCoy (the real one) ran a spur down from the trans continental railroad, to take cattle up the the big cities in the east. Expecting to move 2,000 head a month, within 3 months he moved 20,0000. It was just like the movies, a rip-roaring town with drovers spending their pay and getting drunk etc. Yet within 20 years it had settled down enough for a young couple to start a family and raise their son Dwight David. As for the brothels, I found "East of Eden" by Steinbeck very illuminating. They existed but become more and more discrete as a town gentrified. When the choice of school mam was as, if not more important than sheriff or mayor.
Who takes a stretch limo to Aldi's???? Lmfao
273kelvin comments on Apr 6, 2019:
20 years ago I saw a Rolls Royce go to Aldi. How do you think they stay rich?
Dexy’s Midnight Runners. - Jackie Wilson Said (1982) []
273kelvin comments on Apr 6, 2019:
A song made famous or rather infamous by their appearance on BBCs top of the pops. Where the story has it that a hapless and audibly challenged researcher mistook Jackie Wilson for the rotund professional darts player (are there any other types) Jocky Wilson. Wherein Dexys did the song in front of a life sized cardboard cutout of the man. Just researched this and it is apparently not true. The lead signer just saw the life size cardboard cutout of said Jocky Wilson and thought it would be a laugh to use it as a backdrop.
What Do You Consider Alcoholism
273kelvin comments on Apr 6, 2019:
I`m not what would call an alcoholic, more a binge drinker. I can go weeks between drinks but if I have one or two? Then the temptation to go to excess is great. For example, last night I got home from work, my body was aching from physical labour and I bought a bottle of southern comfort. This morning 3/4 of it is gone, I probably wont touch it again till a few days.
Tomorrow, I'm heading for a small festival in Pendleton, South Carolina.
273kelvin comments on Apr 6, 2019:
I watched the grand national on TV and might have someone who came over from Ireland to see it, visit and stay.
I do not grasp the significance of gender or it's defining of one's sense of self.
273kelvin comments on Apr 5, 2019:
Gender, as with race or culture only describes what we are, not who we are. It is significant but not defining. How much so depends on the individual and sometimes the group. I am a man, that is part of me, I can no less disown that as any other part of me. Men and women are different, they think and act differently. They navigate differently and solve problems differently. One gender is no superior to the other, the average IQ of both is just the same. Yet women, when given equality of opportunity will often tend to graduate towards the caring professions and social sciences. Whilst more men are to be found in stem subjects. That does not mean that there are not excellent people of both genders in these fields Its just a probability curve. If I were to stop a random persons on the street. I may find 40% of aggressive people are female. If I were to look for highly aggressive people the % will drop down to single figures. As for genitals etc. I can only speak as a man. I have never had a period and cannot conceive what its like to be a woman. I can only say this. Part of the culture of native americans is for a man to go on a spiritual quest. Woman do not do so, for it is believed that the givers of life are already there.
Why are sex movies so taboo but horror movies so accepted?
273kelvin comments on Apr 4, 2019:
In one worn "porn". The bean counters in Hollywood figure that why should someone pay to see simulated sex on screen when they can get the real thing for free at the click of a mouse. Consequently mainstream films have tried to shock us with violence rather than sex. Even older films get airbrushed. A few years ago I watched "The postman always rings twice" on TV and the sex scene was cut out. It ruined the whole movie. Not just because of titillation sake but it is a pivotal point in the relationship between the two antagonists
The best revenge is no revenge.
273kelvin comments on Apr 4, 2019:
Revenge if metered out? Should be both cold and positive. If you come upon your cheating ex? Then it is always best to be on the arm of someone way out of their league. A case in point: A few years ago I was friends with Peter. He visited regularly and we wrote some songs together. After a particularly good one we wrote, he suggested (ne insisted) that we go into town a perform it at an open mic. Reluctantly I agreed off to the bar we went. When it came to our turn on stage I spent a minute or two introducing the song. Only to have Peter launch into a mediocre cover of the Beatles "I saw her standing there" instead. (I say mediocre but thats being kind). Furious at his behaviour I pulled him up about it but he just laughed it off. After a year or so and several more similar twisted acts, I disowned him. He did try to reconcile but I had discovered that reconciliation was just another opportunity for Peter to stick the knife in again. So I told him to "Do one" Fast forward to xmas and our local pub is packed. Its open mic night, Peter had done his spot to polite - middling applause and now it was my turn. I won the crowd over with "Fairy-tale in NY" and they were up for more. What else could I do? I got the beat going and started to sing "Well she was just 17...You know what I mean...". Helped by a great lead guitarist, a bongo player and at least 2 ladies on tambourine, we raised the roof. It had everything that his version lacked, beat, energy and drive. Everyone was dancing and singing. With the exception of Peter who was bright red and livid. ha ha
A coffee coaster a coworker gave me for my birthday. Too funny
273kelvin comments on Apr 4, 2019:
Ah the one eyed trouser snake
273kelvin comments on Apr 4, 2019:
I always knew that I was different. I used to put it down to having an usual name but a few years back my older brother said "Kelvin you were different before you even knew what your name was". It made me introverted and shy. I tried to compensate by pretending to be someone else. It worked to a degree but it was not really me at all. Now I can look back and say without conceit that by just being me I am the group that others want to join. It was not easy, it took lots of small victories but "build it and they will come". So long as its for you that you build, not for them. I still get the odd twang of that feeling. For example I am reluctant to hoover my flat because when its all tidy etc. It looks like I am waiting for guests. A few bits on the floor and I feels like they have just left.
Okay .
273kelvin comments on Apr 4, 2019:
I dont recall if saw this post of previous of mine. I never met the lady but I did correspond with her online. Like yourself she had struggled with body issues. It was not easy and it took a lot of time but eventually she learned to embrace her self and basically say "wtf I am what I am and you can take me or not". We are all messed up to a greater or lesser degree. Because of what society imposes on us, women are more body conscious than men. I suppose its a question of learning to say "Fuck off" enough until you can just say "Fuck?"
Tennis anyone?
273kelvin comments on Apr 4, 2019:
How do you use the word 'belief'?
273kelvin comments on Apr 3, 2019:
"Knock knock" "Hello, whos there?" "Hello, we are Jehovahs burglars and we are being persecuted by the state for our beliefs" "What are your beliefs" "We believe that you have valuables in your house"
Time for your captions!! Bring them on!!
273kelvin comments on Apr 3, 2019:
Think I may have lost something. You want to help me find it?


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