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Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?

This is likely contentious, but it needs to be asked. As this is a site "...promoting universal truths and peaceful life without religion" how do you feel about people of faith joining here?

I'm no shrinking violet and I don't need the sort of safe space that so many people believe they do now, but I also don't want to have to engage with people who have been inculcated into some form of unscientific, simple-minded view of the natural world.

I joined in the belief (cough) that this was an exclusive club where I could escape from these folk - but now I find they are joining - with a view to what, I don't know although my hackles are raised.

Not only is this sort of thing wasteful of resources, but if they are here to try to convert or preach at us, that's likely to result in a dissemination to all-out flame wars in a post or two.

I didn't think this was a site to convert people from one way of thinking to another (that sort of thing is nigh-on impossible by the time we're in our 20s anyway.)

I ask because I'm interested what my fellow angostic/athiests think.

I've noted that "theists" tend to butt in to these conversations with their ignorance and that's what I came here to avoid.

I'm getting too old to argue.

Draco 6 Sep 25

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583 comments (476 - 500)

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I don't think they should join. I live in the bible belt, I'm here to avoid that stuff. I want to meet people with similar ideas, not more of the same people I've been meeting!


I don't mind them, as an agnostic I kinda believe as much as not believe. I'm actually quite interested in their views. I've always felt there's a possibility iof something out there, some kind of divine providence or first cause so yeah try and convince me.


Hard to keep out. If they start proselytizing, curb-stomp 'em (metaphorically speaking). Don't let them drive you away; defend your space. Honestly, I didn't know that the primary reason for this site was for dating, not that it's a problem!

If I don't like the drama BS, that is what the channel changer or my feet are for. There are more worthy things to masturbate to than getting into pissing match with jesus freaks.


While I like open discussions generally, I hope they're not permitted. I am also tired of listening to their vitriol and these types of forums just give them space to vent and push their theories even harder. I would like to think of this group as a safe, comfortable space for those of us who have had to deal with religious persecution all our lives. If they are permitted to invade our space here, I will withdraw.


I just joined thinking this site would be for like minded individuals. If I see a lot of believers crowding it I guess I'll just go back to obscurity


I think that as agnostics/atheists we get plenty of believers all throughout the rest of our lives. It's nice to have a place where we can be who we are. What reason would believers have to be on a site called ? They should go talk to people at church or something.

I block them every time xmas or xian lies arise


It's not about having a safe space. This is primarily a dating site, not a debating site. When I'm looking for someone like myself that I might want to get to know a little better, it's distracting to have to filter out the creationists. Most of them aren't here to find someone, they're her to stir up trouble and possibly ruin the site for others so it becomes irrelevant. No, believers shouldn't be allowed here. You won't find me on "Christian Mingle".


No,they tend to be over bearing and have closed minds. Also it’s usually the hateful fanatics that visit these sites .They are not a good example of believers. They often make inflammatory remarks


I’m opposed as I can think of no benefit to allowing believers to join.


I don't know. Wish i had a answer for you.


Trolling. Trolling. Nothing but theist trolls. I just found this site and would abandon it very quickly if there was Christian, Muslim, theist trolls.


I don't really care as long as their arguments aren't vague. I grew up in a Pentecostal environment and it was always " Well, the bible says this" . Yes the bible that was written several thousand years ago, retranslated many times over by kings who wanted their own version, and left out books because they showed support for feminist views. To me if there was an all knowing God, he did an awful job delivering the message of salvation. Lots of versions and translations. Would a God that loved us so unconditionally, leave it so vague that wr would all burn in hell?


Not.... they can use Christian mingle or Muslim mingle or Hindi hookup out Buddha dates or zorasters xing.... the kinky exceptions van be wicca and Satanists, because they won't argue with people that aren't going to change their minds anytime soon....


Well this is a site for agnostics and atheists. A Christian has a ton of websites that they can join. I see their attempt to join a group of agnostics and atheists negatively. They either want to troll or "witness".

Avi_J Level 2 Nov 18, 2017

Its a free world and their entitled to their opinion however wrong it may


I think if religious people were allowed, it would let people join with the intent to convert us to their religion. I get enough of that from my family.


As long as they don't give foolish arguments we've heard a million times. I have offered BuyBull studies to many groups, but none of them has taken me up on my offers yet. Good sincere arguments or discussions are a plus on any thread .


I'd like to know how other agnostics feel about my participation on this site. I think I believe a bit at times but I do not "know". Another user posted about the difference between believing 2+2=4 and believing that Jesus turned water into wine. I resonate with that.


If they annoy you, call them out for what they are: trolls.


I find myself sympathizing with your desire not to have to engage with clumsy attempts to lure you back to the ranks of the believers, but I'm not comfortable either with the notion of this as an "exclusive club". If a mainstream believer of any denomination wishes to engage in a respectful dialogue with me, I'd like to think I would be open to it. While people are often praised for having "the courage of their convictions", it can also be a useful exercise to challenge one's own convictions on occasion, and hearing the argument from "the other side" can do that. Some comments or arguments from particularly unsophisticated believers are obviously not going to be worth responding to, and that is the tactic that should be employed in response. There is no need to sink to the level of name-calling or "flame-out wars", as you said.


Why not? They may discover they have the wrong idea about Atheism.


Great way to turn the site toxic.

If you want to engage with believers there are plenty of other sites you can do that on.


The simple answer is "Nope." The long answer is too long to write here. Just enough to say that believers who join agnostic/atheist groups just want to convert the non-believers.


I feel that this isn't a place that is created to function as a debate center, or a recruitment center. What other reason would a "true believer" have to join an "agnostic" group?

In other words, no, no, and hell no.

I find I can agree with anyone about 95 present of things we discuss upon. That 5 percent of disagreements is a bitch. When the Religious come you, like this site. You have a big advantage to educate them of your way of thinking. If you don't like bebates, just say no, if you don't want to.

Above, I mean, don't like debates

I agree with CatByrd 100%

But I am a "true believer"- I believe in reality- so obviously that negates religion! LOL

@Diogenes, i, on the other hand, do not have to believe in reality (or anything else, for that matter); i experience it sensually every single moment of this life. i feel for you.

@walklightly You "don't have to believe in reality"- and I "feel" for you!

I agree. Why would they want to be here. Unless to troll, or possibly they believe but are still conflicted in some way. Doesn’t agnostic actually mean that you aren’t sure? Atheism is more adamant that there is no god.

It seems like I may have written about this before, but I see no problem with refuting and putting up a good argument for our non-belief. Something I do find strange is that part of the profile choices are "open to meeting men/women". That seems to make this website a dating or place to hook up site. When anyone mentions something "dating" related, there is plenty of replies. I'd much rather read a thoughtful debate that defends atheism.

@SACatWalker Who's Hell, Which Hell, Where the hell is that Hell?

@SACatWalker ROTF!

Ah but, the good thing that comes from exposure to people who have opposing opinions/beliefs to your own, is that it provides an opportunity for growth and a re-examination of your own belief system, and knowing why you believe what you do.

No agnostic means you believe in some of the history or stories being told by the bible but certainly not blinded by the light.

What did you mean by "hell"?

The term "agnostic" absolutely does not mean you necessarily believe in some of the history or stories in the bible. I've literally never heard it used that way, until now. In general use, it does usually refer to someone who isn't sure whether or not a god exists, whereas "atheist" tends to be used to refer to someone who is more sure of themselves. Those are bad definitions though, I think.

I strongly prefer the following definitions: (A)gnostic -- with/out knowledge (of god/s). A(theist) -- with/out (belief in) god/s. They're not mutually exclusive. Personally, I'd call myself an agnostic atheist most of the time; I don't hold a belief in god/s, but I'm not sure that none exist. A gnostic atheist would claim to know that no gods exist. An agnostic theist would claim a belief in god/s, but not knowledge, and a gnostic theist would claim to know that god/s exist. Yes, I think I've got that right.

@Graeme the definition of an agnostic, according to the dictionary, is "a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God."


Well if they are joining to argue and start shit it just shows they have no life and is very aggravating however I encourage the ones who have questions and are curious as to how we've come to our current conclusions on the lack of a god

I find it interesting that you say "conclusions on the lack of a god". I am agnostic; and by agnostic I mean that I still believe and pray at times but I do not "know" that there is a God or many gods. I do not know there is a god like I know 2+2=4. I'm wondering if you or others would find that the word "atheist" would be more likely fitting to someone who has "concluded" that there is no god and that an "agnostic" would be more likely to not claim to know one way or the other.

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