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Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?

This is likely contentious, but it needs to be asked. As this is a site "...promoting universal truths and peaceful life without religion" how do you feel about people of faith joining here?

I'm no shrinking violet and I don't need the sort of safe space that so many people believe they do now, but I also don't want to have to engage with people who have been inculcated into some form of unscientific, simple-minded view of the natural world.

I joined in the belief (cough) that this was an exclusive club where I could escape from these folk - but now I find they are joining - with a view to what, I don't know although my hackles are raised.

Not only is this sort of thing wasteful of resources, but if they are here to try to convert or preach at us, that's likely to result in a dissemination to all-out flame wars in a post or two.

I didn't think this was a site to convert people from one way of thinking to another (that sort of thing is nigh-on impossible by the time we're in our 20s anyway.)

I ask because I'm interested what my fellow angostic/athiests think.

I've noted that "theists" tend to butt in to these conversations with their ignorance and that's what I came here to avoid.

I'm getting too old to argue.

Draco 6 Sep 25

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583 comments (401 - 425)

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As I have said in previous posts....more or less, so long as fundamentalism, doesn't enter into it....who am I to argue?

RonB Level 5 Apr 25, 2018

I feel you...

As a former believer I can only say patience, respect and perseverence is key. They are not just here to preach, they probably have something to prove to themselves if they throw themselves into harm's way in "the lair of unbelief"...

The bible thumpers rarely hang out in the "funny cat photos" section of this app which is where you'll probably find me...


I don't care, but I don't want to hear your nonsense.


If they keep their god bothering to themselves, realize they are a guest in this space and act accordingly, then fine. If they have sincere questions I am more than happy to answer them.


I think they should be able to join but would hope they would be in the mindset of willing to listen, open to learning, debate... maybe getting them to think differently. But no trolls. No fakers. Hopefully we all are sharp enough to recognize that ina person's comments.



yep, exactly my sentiment 😀


Feed them to the lions, lol... It would depend on why an individual is here, if they are curios about what kind of people don’t believe in god, great, maybe they have cracked the door open and are starting to see logic or just exploring their doubt? But if they are here just to be spew religious poison and argue from ignorance, the lions!


Then don't argue present your point of view. I like the garden-approach to life and viewpoints that have been expressed on this site. I don't want a replicant of me to converse with. How is it a waste of resources?


no thanks this suits me just fine there is enough engagemennt with difference here to last a lifetime i don't want intolerance in the mix.

brilliant! i love your reasoning 🙂


I agree with what you say. I can’t understand why they are on here either but as long as they don’t start evangelizing I’m ok with them being on here.


I resent being labled a "Theist' simply because I entertain hope that we are not alone in the universe! Just because I'm open to the idea of an adavanced race of beings, doesn't mean I would worship them, or that they would neccesarily need to be "creators" of any sort!


I echo your sentiment, as this site should primarily be for those who are not connected to any religion. It's nice to have access to a religion-free site.


Ying and Yang without both being presented its an uneven conversation ?

i don't understand: what has the yin yang to do with believers (mainly) trolling an agnostics website? i am not here to stumble across folks trying to convert me to their imaginary friend on the basis of same-old, same-old (yawn) arguments, on the contrary: i am here for intelligent conversation.


I think this to be true but we have the will to join in with these people or not,,, Just like on a political discussion. When people are in a group there is limitless words to describe this group. If you look there is the word "Spiritual" which is a wide range of people out there. Each word is described as something pertaining to this group. You do not have to follow their questions or comments. I choose the discussions and questions I want to answer. I do not control anyone else but me..... P.S. I like to discuss things not argue. And that comes with age also.


Personally, I'm fine with anyone joining, but I'm not interested in debating religion. I'll block anyone who tries to convert me in a nanosecond.

I mainly joined to find locals with like mindsets, expecially for dating them. It has worked well, so far, I might add, so thank you, @Admin.


I think a believer would be overwhemed with disagreement on this site. So be free to challenge their passions, what can their words hurt?. Like a TV, just ignore it, then it loses it's power or programing on you. If an asshole who wants to spread their evil around. if it's not real love or kindness it has no effect on me.


Could be a good thing if we can convert them to reason instead of superstition

except that i didn't come here for the purposes of converting anyone 😀


I'd be ok with believers joining, but only if their argumentative posts were limited to one "message board" for debate.


Hopefully they'll learn something. It is a little strange though maybe they're agno-curious and losing faith.


In order for this site to have meaningful and complete discussions, all sides should be given the opportunity to say their piece. I'm certain that very few if any folks here will be swayed by the arguments they have already heard their entire lives. Discussion is the way we all can be heard. Don't fear them, let them have their say and then respond.

no fear here, just bored to tears, dear.

Walklightly, I didn't mean to suggest that you had fear, it was just meant to be a generalism. So often barring anyone of anything is the result of fear.

most theists I have engaged are bullies who want everyone to agree with them, and then when they are confronted, then whine about how they aren't getting "respect" as their escape hatch, when they've been cornered. The problem is that one cannot hold their feet to the fire.

@velk Yes, they do tend to want a fight rather than a discussion, but not all of them are that way. Perhaps they are looking to answers from different thinkers. And most bullying is caused by fear of being wrong.

just had enough of their BS.. voting NO


A few days ago on this site I ran into a level 7 fellow who has a major problems with "science" and "atheists". I spent a great deal of time demonstrating his objection against atheists and science, if he valued truth, (demonstrable) were inferior to the non-science method (faith (belief without evidence)) based claims . One of his rebuttals (before telling me (more then once) he did not like me and to quit "harassing" him (by pointing out problems in his assertions), he included in context "We" (members of (all agnostics)) agreed with his assertions and (implied) did not include atheists or those that respect science.

As much as I wished agnostics and atheist were the same, there are some that believe in the supernatural and devalue science that consider themselves agnostic.

Do I wish people like him did not exist on this website. Yes.

I have also run into many theists that pose question such as "What happened to you to make you not believe in god?" When I explain their loaded question was dishonest and give examples of why is question is flawed as we have no evidence that a god exists, the what I can only guess was is a theist got really annoyed - - - . Do I wish his type did not exist on this website? yes.

I was also in hopes people that failed to use evidence to support claims or believed in un-testable supernatural events would not be a part of this community. Sadly this is not the case.


I vote we welcome any and all and not try to be an exclusive club. Consider, that believers that come to this site may be on the fence and need some logical, scientific dialogue instead of the constant preachy bromide that they are stuck with in their lives.

it should be easy to figure out which believer is sitting on the fence; it's what the initial profile questions are for.
the one experience i have with a believer here is rather grating, as the person keeps fading in the background once he runs out of arguments, only to crop up somewhere else & start his condescending dispute for a god again.
apart from all that i can't really be bothered with what believers need, not on this site. i came here to get away from the constant bigotry, not to have this, my refuge, poisoned by it as well.


Like Dillahunty said about their debates. I don't want just you fellow atheists to attend. I want Christians, other religious. The point is to share and bounce ideas, educate. You can't educate if they are not listening.

Problem is, many of them don't come to listen, they come to talk. And talk. And talk.


Oh, I have "lived a sheltered life" have I?

yes, @PuppeteerPhil, it is, & i'm actually cringing. this is so untypical of the usually friendly tone on this site 😕

Without going through over 300 comments, I am curious about to which comment are you replying about "lived a sheltered life"?

@LetzGetReal Thanks!! ??


I don't don't know if I qualify as a "believer" or not. I'm a free thinker and in conversation I seem to have more in common with agnosics/atheists than I do with your typical "believer".
Frankly, I don't think it's a belief in a God that makes some people intolerable. It's their belief in a religion.

religion IS belief in a superhuman power, so how can it be separated from god (=superhuman power)?

@walklightly i know a lot of people who believe in a "higher power" or "higher authority" or whatever, who can't stand religions. Not everyone thinks "God" is some cloud man in the sky doling out eternal nastiness. I read a series of books some years back, called Conversations With God, it was actually a great read, and not at all representative of the God of religion. And in fact, in those books, "God" referred to religion as an insane set of rules designed to try to make sense of an insane God.
I've actually come to the conclusion that "God" is actually just "energy.

@Taijiguy, is this conversation about energy or about an imaginary friend? because, to be frank with you, i am quite interested in the topic of energy, but utterly flabbergasted, if not to say snickering hysterically, at the idea of non-recognition of the difference between sensation & belief. i do sense energy with my physical body, no doubt about it, & no belief required. in an entity called "god" on the other hand i have to believe, because it does not exist, can not be experienced on any level of my real being. now you ask me to respect a "god" that appears in a book & is actually just energy, telling the reader what an asshole another "god" is. what a pompous jerk! i rest my case.

@walklightly i don't think you read my comment carefully.
First, the comment was focused on the separation of religion from a belief in a "God". I know many people who do in fact believe in a God, (higher power) but have nothing but disdain for religion. There's plenty of them in 12 step groups around the world.
Regarding the books, the God speaking in those books, again, was critical of religion, not of the God the religions represent. (being him/her self) because those religions have distorted "God" into something it isn't.
The energy comment is my interpretation of what is really being referenced with the name "God". If you consider the main components of descriptions of what "God" is, it makes perfect sense. All places at all times, is the creator of everything, etc. I could go even deeper, but it gets a little weird when you throw in nanotechnology and quantum physics.

@Taijiguy, i did read your comment as carefully as only a non-manipulated self-thinking person can. you equate "god" with energy, which makes no sense to me at all. i have a certain power over energy, being a living, breathing being. the idea of "god" is that of a superhuman power, which makes me dependent on its whim. believing in a "god", i have created a religion; that is actually what religion means. separating the idea of "god" from religion is like denying the fact that if i recognize breathing in a being it belongs in the realm of the living. the book you keep referring to seems to be written by a confused (or sadistic) person, & as for your statement about "many people...believe in a god" & the example of the 12-step groups, well, it just shows me once more, how many truly deluded, lost souls this beautiful planet of ours carries. oh, & by all means, let's get weird. i'm all for it.

@walklightly that idea of "God" that you describe only exists because you've been told that's what he/she/it is. I'll believe you're actually a non-manipulated free thinker as soon as you let go of that concept. My theory of God makes no sense because you adhere to what you've been told God is. I don't. I believe in energy, I believe in the universe, and I believe in all the universe holds for us.
When God of the Bible was asked who he was, do you know what "he" said?
And as for the lost and deluded souls, I know and love many of them. My dad being one, who was an alcoholic for most of his life until he stepped into an aa meeting. His belief in a power greater than himself helped him get sober. You may believe that he's delusional, but those people get help from their delusions.

@Taijiguy I have zero problem with a believer who can admit that their beliefs are just unsubstantiatable personal preferences / experiences and non-binding on anyone but themselves. But in my experience, that has happened on sites open to theists, possibly two or three times in several years of participation. If you are able to agree with the above statement then you're a rarity. My guess though is that you are more like some of the more coherent "roll your own" professedly areligious types the way you say that if we just understood god correctly like you do rather than listen to all the incorrect god-information not sourced from you, that it would start making sense. There's a guy on c-d who is a retired academic with a very detailed manifesto about his very one-off god-beliefs and he'll openly tell you you're just dense if you find his beliefs make no sense. He's as derisive of fundamentalists as any atheist is, yet ... like most believers, he thinks he's found the truth and it's self-evident to anyone with an open mind. Not all liberal / atypical believers have epistemological humility or hold their faith loosely. In fact, very few actually do.

@mordant your guess would be wrong. I don't really concern myself with what others believe. I'll share my ideas, feel free to take it or leave it.: -)

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