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Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?

This is likely contentious, but it needs to be asked. As this is a site "...promoting universal truths and peaceful life without religion" how do you feel about people of faith joining here?

I'm no shrinking violet and I don't need the sort of safe space that so many people believe they do now, but I also don't want to have to engage with people who have been inculcated into some form of unscientific, simple-minded view of the natural world.

I joined in the belief (cough) that this was an exclusive club where I could escape from these folk - but now I find they are joining - with a view to what, I don't know although my hackles are raised.

Not only is this sort of thing wasteful of resources, but if they are here to try to convert or preach at us, that's likely to result in a dissemination to all-out flame wars in a post or two.

I didn't think this was a site to convert people from one way of thinking to another (that sort of thing is nigh-on impossible by the time we're in our 20s anyway.)

I ask because I'm interested what my fellow angostic/athiests think.

I've noted that "theists" tend to butt in to these conversations with their ignorance and that's what I came here to avoid.

I'm getting too old to argue.

Draco 6 Sep 25

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583 comments (51 - 75)

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I would hope NOT, finally a place for free thinkers. This does not NEED to become a forum for debate .


Please, just don't. They already have a lot place to go. I just found this website and I never saw so many polite and coherent comments together. I'm so tired of people trying to validate their point of view with no sense explanations.


I agree. I came here to avoid the constant nagging of believers I face on other social media. I don't have a problem with arguing, but does it have to be at an agnostic site?


The issue gets brought up quite frequently, although it has been a minute since the last time.

The believers who have joined tend not to last long on the site.
The scammers get weeded out fairly quickly, and those who join just to troll,
don't last very long either.

That said, I will not support any effort to prevent believers from joining the community. They could be questioning. They could be in the beginning stages
of coming to rational and logical thought. This could be the place they need to come to in order to find out that atheists are NOT baby-eating, satan worshipers.

I've been on this site for over a year, and I have yet to engage with any believer who came to argue or convert anyone.
Even if I had, that's not reason enough to bar the inclusion of anyone.
Seriously, if we can't support our own positions, we're pretty lame.
If you don't want to argue with someone, keep scrolling. If someone contacts
you and starts shit with you, block them. It's not that hard.

If you can't bring yourself to keep on scrolling, and can't handle engaging with some of them, maybe the problem lies with you.
I don't like the whole concept of being an "exclusive club".
I think that's bullshit. Just like religion.

Censorship sucks. No matter who is doing it, or why.
Being exclusionary is basically the same as censorship.


Given that a big premise of this site seems to be dialog, if they are open to the ideas of others, if they engage in an open and respectful exchange, sure we should welcome them. As an ex-Christian (fundamentalist cult) I've had amazing conversations with genuine folks who are still in it, maybe for reasons similar to the ones that made it difficult for me to transition. There are Christians (albeit too few) who actually get Christ's teachings and are trying to change their religion rather than leave it. It's to everyones benefit to know and encourage these people. There should be a way to censure those who's only agenda is to convert. In my experience it's pretty easy to tell the difference. I'm new here so perhaps such a mechanism exists.

You talk like Pinnochio is real ...there is no such thing as a christ and the sooner we all stay on that page the sooner doctors won't be murdered for being gynecologists and liars replacing biology teachers in public schools

It's not about converting you enabler our Atheism is about compassion for living victims and preventing religious murders over 6 million per year of women dying denied life saving abortions or deadly disease preventing condoms....take your dialogue error to the World Health Organization and spew that crap there where doctors are burying more people than curing syphilis

Encouraging delusions is what you are saying drinking blood and eating skin makes you immortal making life disposable and heaven bribes acceptable hell threats the enforcement of faux ethics

"christ's teachings": LMAO!

@GreenAtheist What the fuck? You talk like all "believers" are identical and follow the same biased doctrine. Perhaps you should be a little more accepting of others like you want others to be accepting of you. I thought atheists were open minded.

@Wildflower I am married to a believer and embrace my neighbors with kindness and inside agnostic dot com many of us have been greatly harmed by religion especially inside our open falsely assume we should be open to forever burning in hell for our repudiation of faith....and you conform to the false xian definition of Atheism and Atheist ...there are zero believers out there telling the violent misogynistic genocidal truth about religious books's your mind appears to be closed to such millennia of death and injustice


I'm against it too. The religious have many forums online, in public, in their places of worship, and in government where they can speak without anyone harassing them the way they harass us. I've come to this site so I can be free of anyone trying to convert me or threatening me with hell, or just rehashing the same ol' tired arguments. I think of this as a sanctuary from that. Let us have this one place at least.

Thank you for speaking my language. 👍😃


Just out of curiosity , how would a religious group feel , about an atheist going into their places of worship and trying to convert them to non-believers . This site is a sanctuary , where we don't have to deal with Jehova's Wittnesses , or Hari Krichners or other religious folks intruding where they are not wanted . We are intelligent adults , who have already given a lot of thought to our beliefs , and are not interested in having your arguments on this topic . Please leave us in peace .


How do I feel? I feel tired of Trolls who come here pretending that they are religious/not religious, or something in between. Trolls that sealion our Users into wasting time with bogus questions and arguments...that is how I feel.


NO, I came to this site to get away from all the religious stuff. I don't care to listen to their reasons for believing as they do. They have plenty of places to go and share their "good news" we don't, so I vote NO.

Thank you for preserving community. ...the only believer I would let in here is one who tells the truth about the bibles quorans gitas and jw tracts. ...if they competently admit religion is wrong and like Thomas Paine only confess DEISM they have a well deserved place in the founding gawdless US CONSTITUTION. ...Paine did not worship nor tell lies for magical thinking ......speaking of our duty to use our watchmaker minds DEISTS reason for heaven on earth not after life unethical rewards nor hell threats


There are plenty of churches and places of worship for them to congregate. For us there are almost none. I vote NO.

MizJ Level 8 Oct 16, 2018

I'm in favor of letting anyone join, but I also favor booting out anyone who proselytizes.


I'll be honest. No.

Who wants to prEy over coffee ? Them idiots do...xians xmas ishtar. ..what a waste of brain cells


They have enough places to join. Let them go to church.


The only way to win is to spread the idea and invite discourse.
The "Believer" might actually have doubts and comes here to find mental food for his separation from the belief. I don't think this should be a safe space echo chamber only for the true (Non)-belivers. I think we should be inclusive - the opposite of religions or sects. If for every 20 ignorants we convert one doubter, it is worth it.

Joerg Level 3 May 22, 2018

i'm actually not interested in winning anything here; i joined the community for intelligent conversation about mutual interests, coming from gazillions of different view points. i am all for inclusive, as long as this includes respect & acceptance of personal boundaries. the few believers i have encountered to date were of the obnoxiously preaching kind, pushing their agenda regardless of the other - they didn't last long.

@walklightly Agreed - With "Winning" I mean win over someones mind, or win a discussion.

@Joerg, i think i understood you just fine. my point is that i didn't come here to "win over" anyone's mind - or a discussion. i came to learn about the fascinating kaleidoscope of human vantage points: where others are coming from, without needing to change the opinion they might have developed from that vantage point. to simplify it: the student versus the preacher.

@Joerg Why do you want to win over someone's mind. In my opinion you would be proselytizing your ideas to another person in order to convert them. I see no difference between your activist ideas compared to a proselytizing theist. Are you an Anti-theist? Do you feel compelled to attack their faith and belief?


I never joined for it to be an echo chamber for people who share the same views as me. What's the point of that? I want to leave each session on here with something to think about... it's called growth. I'm very open to talking to theists. They don't often give me food for thought, in fact they more often than not re-inforce negetive sterotypes.

One of my favorite drinking buddies is a Anglican Priest - we concentrate on the things that unite us rather than the clear water over religion. You'd be surprised at how many things we agree on.


There are plenty of other sites for debating theists (I'm active under this handle on two of them, and (the latter has a pretty active atheism & agnosticism form and a generic religion & spirituality forum, although in my view the moderation is a touch heavy-handed and intrusive).

I rather like the lack of theists (especially theist trolls) here, it's not so much a desire for a "safe space" as for exchanging ideas with like minded folks without having to be girded for battle all the time. Sparring is fun, to a point, but just having a discussion is a breath of fresh air.

It's a little like the now-defunct site my current wife and I met on, (stood for "to be determined" ). It limited membership to people over 40 (and it wasn't a dating site, either). Man, did THAT elevate the discourse, just eliminating all the youthful angst. This site feels a little bit like that to me -- it's like unbelievers are way more intellectually honest and mature and centered.

Personally I would not want believers on here, it's one of the distinctives of this site that set it apart. There are relatively few knuckle-draggers among us. I'd like to keep it that way.

Another thing I'm discovering about this site is that I feel somewhat more open about discussing my life and thinking on certain topics when I know it's not going to be seized on and distorted by someone who is looking to have them some confirmation bias about some atheist stereotype. If believers think atheists are depressed, nihilistic and miserable, you don't feel like be honest about your personal pain points. Just a thought.

Just take a look at as a guest, look through the threads and you'll see lots of really brainless theists get on there, thinking they have an original argument that is going to slay us, getting shot down in flames and just not quitting. Some of them aren't even coherent, or are outright mentally ill. It's fun, in a shooting-fish-in-a-barrel sort of way, to nuke them, but it quickly wears thin. Life is about way more than anti-theism.

thank you, this is such a perfectly succinct perspective; where do i sign it? i certainly couldn't have said it better; it resonates with me 100%. just for once not having to feel tense & prepared to be chopped down by the cerebrectomised ones... what an enlivening experience!


Sadly, I've run into a few "knuckle daggers" here.


I think that as agnostics/atheists we get plenty of believers all throughout the rest of our lives. It's nice to have a place where we can be who we are. What reason would believers have to be on a site called ? They should go talk to people at church or something.

I block them every time xmas or xian lies arise


This site is called Agnostic means you believe you can't prove or unproved the existence of god(s). There are agnostic theists. If you built this site for atheists you named it wrong.

and there are three levels of agnosticism: hard, soft and apathetic.

agnostic has nothing to do with belief; it means: not knowing of a god existing. an agnostic theist would thereby be someone who, despite not knowing of an existing god, believes in him - exactly the kind of babble people attempt to escape when joining this site.


I am against it. I'm here to deal with people who don't believe in fairy tales.

You are the only alleged deity we need in here


The Community Guidelines read: "... Please note that we reserve the right to remove any post for any reason. Obviously, we want to keep the discussion as open as possible but we have limits. While we do allow members who say they're religious to join, we not allow any religious proselytisation..."

I think this is a reasonable charter which, to me, implies it hasn't needed modification since this inception.


Why would they join such a site? Could only be one reason and that's to try and save souls which would be like giving telemarketers your phone number. I joined here because I am surrounded by them taunting me in this Bible belt and I'm tired of humouring their crazy thoughts. I have been on other sites to meet singles and it takes so much time tinfoil through profiles to make sure that forgone thing I don't bother to talk to any religious women on any level of faith in god's. So this site would be pointless. I feel comfortable that I have at least one of the most important in common things with each other and that is That we think with logic and not just what the Bible says.

perfectly phrased. thank you.


Hell no. They have so much of the world. They should keep out.

I totally agree ! what the hell! have they run out of fresh places to annoy people?


Would you go on a vegan forum to talk about eating meat? Maybe you would. I know vegans who go on meat-eating forums to rant at the meat-eaters. ?

I do, too--and they're ALWAYS removed by either site management or members blocking them with GUSTO!

It’s why we have our own groups within the site.


The site is specific about its audience. Freethinkers, agnostics, atheists etc. Belivers have their own sites and piss off there. I don’t mind those who have a sense of spirituality, but those who follow organized religion and interject themselves into our community really aren’t welcome, IMO. I have come here to escape stupidity and conflict. They should stick to Facebook.

Livia Level 6 Aug 12, 2018

I don't mind personally. I even find the staunch extremist atheists on this site a bit annoying. Militant believers on any side if the spectrum make my brain hurt. I came to this site to feel more freedom and to be able to talk to others openly. And if a theist wants to join and discuss things openly without being hateful, preachy and indignant... I say cool. It would be nice if all were welcome to join but with the respect for differences being the preference rather then attacking. I do not want to convert everyone to be exactly like me and I do not want others to actively try to convert me to be like them. I want to have open discussions with others without being targeted in some way.

Is this an anti theist site or a site for seeking something different.

DeiP Level 5 July 23, 2018

That is exactly why I joined too. I want to meet more people who I can speak freely too. I do not want to convert anyone just spread some knowledge and also read about other people knowledge. just from personal experience and knowledge that we have. I love reading what people have learned and experience.

I concur completely with your statement of staunch atheist on this site being annoying. Extremists of any group are annoying. And sadly, they are usually the ones that are the loudest.

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