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Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?

This is likely contentious, but it needs to be asked. As this is a site "...promoting universal truths and peaceful life without religion" how do you feel about people of faith joining here?

I'm no shrinking violet and I don't need the sort of safe space that so many people believe they do now, but I also don't want to have to engage with people who have been inculcated into some form of unscientific, simple-minded view of the natural world.

I joined in the belief (cough) that this was an exclusive club where I could escape from these folk - but now I find they are joining - with a view to what, I don't know although my hackles are raised.

Not only is this sort of thing wasteful of resources, but if they are here to try to convert or preach at us, that's likely to result in a dissemination to all-out flame wars in a post or two.

I didn't think this was a site to convert people from one way of thinking to another (that sort of thing is nigh-on impossible by the time we're in our 20s anyway.)

I ask because I'm interested what my fellow angostic/athiests think.

I've noted that "theists" tend to butt in to these conversations with their ignorance and that's what I came here to avoid.

I'm getting too old to argue.

Draco 6 Sep 25

Enjoy being online again!

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577 comments (201 - 225)

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To each their own. as long as we can keep discussions and debates meaningful and respectful, I won't recoil. there was once a time when tribes followed whatever they wanted and did not try to convert anyone to their own faith. I think as agnostics or free thinkers, we can be better than the others, and try to find balance and understanding. let the religious websites be exclusive, we can be inclusive, share our knowledge and refrain from bigotry here. I do know what you mean though, I think most of us here did not join this site with the intention of being born again lol.


I've recently noticed some posts by people who don't meet the criteria of agnostic or atheists saying god loves you so much and crap like that. If that is going to be accepted on here I 'm just going to find another group. I just read some posts by rickarto. He must think he's on here to convert people or something. I enjoyed the site for the 2 weeks or so I was here but I'm just going to leave.

Did you report any of these people?

Don't leave. There are other rooms on here besides "Religion and Spirituality", such as news, music, politics. I, for one, never want to go to La la Land- and walk on "streets of purest gold"; the glare would be hard on the eyes, and the metal would be hard on the boots too. I prefer Nature and green grass.


I too have retired from the argumentative life. A good two sided sharing of the facts and a friendly we agree to disagree is fine with me. Anyone is welcome, just be civil, respectful of each other's thinking and don't take themselves to seriously. It does take all kinds to make a world with the emphasis on kind.

I don't claim to be a member of MENSA- but I won't argue with a moron either.


Everyone is entitled to their views....and as we’re all intelligent human beings....some people’s views might give one a slightly different view....I personally don’t believe in god....but I’m always interested in other people’s beliefs and y they believe....


For the record, Draco, as a Christian, I'm here to learn from you, not convert. I joined because I recently read an article about the discrimination atheists have experienced over the years, which is wrong, considering we're supposedly living in a country valuing freedom of (or from) religion. I realized after reading this article that I probably have said something to offend atheists in the past due to my own ignorance and stupidity and I want to change that. I don't think one needs to be religious to be moral, as one of the most moral people I know is an atheist friend of my husband's. I expect to be met with suspicion here, that's only normal after the crap most of you must abide. People on this board have already given me food for thought and I appreciate it. I believe its very unhealthy if we don't evaluate our beliefs regularly. I feel that if we respect each other, don't try to change each other, and try to understand different points of view without judgement (which I'm sure you've had often enough), we can learn from each other. I don't discuss a lot of my beliefs even with my Xtian friends, either. Some would even call me a heretic! (Besides, I've also been known to enjoy a sacrilegious joke every now and then with the best of them! I'm not afraid to poke fun at myself.) The truth is, believers have been lied to, conned, and brainwashed by religious leaders, even had the Bible changed, re-worded, edited to suit them to manipulate/control us more... How can there NOT be non-believers? But even so, you have a RIGHT to believe or disbelieve whatever you wish without owing anyone any explanations. However, if the administrators think I should go, I'll go graciously, without hard feelings and will still wish you all the best. As you deserve. Peace.


I got a believer asking me questions I suspect were a lead-in to talking about religion on my second post. Like, I literally said that coming out of religion felt like coming out of darkness and they wanted me to defend myself. Theor profile listed them as a believer.

Look, not only am I a new atheist so not up for debate yet, but I live in Texas. If I want to talk to a believer, I can literally go outside, talk to a random person, and find a believer in seconds. I came here to be around non-believers. I think believers here are out for conversion and that, in this environment, is predatory and disrespectful.

I'm not sure if I'm asking for a safe place or just for simple basic respect but, either way, I don't think practicing theists without doubt or skepticism belong on this website.


I joined this site so that I could have a safe space and find community with like-minded individuals. If Religious people are looking for a place to debate, then they should go someplace else. Or start a site for the purpose of Ecumenical Debate.

Just as they would not tolerate us intruding into "their space" I would not tolerate them coming here looking for a fight.


I come here because it is safe from religious harrassment. That makes this site precious and unique. From other agnostic site experience, I know that many religious folks tend to come to nonbeliever sites for unkind reasons. To open THIS site up will make it like every other mixed site on the internet. I honestly would grieve that loss.

If you want to engage believers, PLEASE go to one of the MANY mixed sites out there to do so. This site is the only place some of us can be ourselves, given where we live.

Zster Level 8 Jan 13, 2018

We are Agnostics and Atheists, Humanists and non believers of all types. But that is like saying we are all Astrologists and want to discuss this with astronomists. We are just not on the same page...not of like basic beliefs. I don't think we have much of a basis for intelligent discussion - science vs magic? facts vs fairy tales? Round world vs flat world! I have tried to get some of my educated but religious friends to discuss this with me. They love me, but veer away from this as if I had bubonic plague. Just not interested. I think it would be a nonachieving argument instead of a real exchange of information and ideas...As the gal on some site I ran across says, "I ain't doin that."

PEGUS Level 5 Jan 13, 2018

I'm here because its hard to find non-believers in my area.


I don't think this is the site for them. They have so many other sites they can go to. This is not a debating site for believers. Well not from what the admin has expressed other than we need to be respectful of all views. I honestly think there could be maybe one category for believers and if non theists want to go there, they can. I think believers should be limited on here for what they can and can't do. This is a good site and we want to keep that way.


I SERIOUSLY don't want believers here although they may lie and slip through the cracks, simply because I'm sick and tired of debating with them. They'll do ANYTHING to drag us back to Jesus. I guess they get points for that from their churches like we get points from the community. I simply vote NO. There are precious few places atheists can get together peacefully. Let's keep this one 'sacrosanct.'


I don't think they'll be joining for the conversation. It's more likely they'll be coming so that they can convert us. Personally I have better ways to spend my time.

Rest assured, it won't be me.


Why can't we have our free space for us to just be? They have their own sites fair is fair!


We need our own place.


I don't think the faithful should be admitted. If they still consider themselves so, then chances are they just want to spread what they believe and convert people, just as they've been programmed to.

However, there should be a "questioning" or "investigating" option for those who are dipping their toes in the water to see if it's safe.
Some people are only "religious" because of peer pressure and the expectations of their community.

But definitely don't admit the faithful. Their tiny egos will not be able to endure here.


I believe in the primacy of free speech and that includes the right of a believer to enter a domain populated by non-believers and advance, in a respectful manner, an argument. If we insulate ourselves, as believers do, we become hypocrites.


Why would a believer join a group dedicated to a philosophy diametrically opposed to their views? Are they here as trolls? Nope, I would not welcome Christians or whatever to a place I feel comfortable being in. Go to your church or something.


Religion in the way I learned it (fundamentalism) wrecked my life and mental health. I know this sounds religious but de-converting "saved" me. If I could slowly wean away at a fundamentalist and make them more "liberal" or help another de-convert it would be a moral action to me. This is to be balanced with the frustration that I may experience throughout the process.

I've de-converted (face-to-face) a few Catholics that are much healthier after being un-saved from the darkness of superstitious dogma (fear of burning in hell forever). Usually this takes dozens of hours over months to set them free. I have doubts this online form is going to free many theists. But if that is the outcome for some, I (reluctantly) agree it may be wroth the bother.


Yeah, I’m not big in letting religious people as well. I joined the group to meet people that are of similar thinking. That being said, I think we already have a enough diversity with the different types of people here: atheists, freethinkers, agnostics, etc..


If a religious person joins and is respectful to others here then I'm okay with it. I would enjoy discussing religion with a religious person as long as they are rational and polite about it. Anyone who comes here trying to start trouble or spread religion should be banned.

Also, there's absolutely nothing that a religious person could say to sway me to their religion. Nothing short of empirical evidence could do that and no one has submitted any real evidence of the existence of any gods.


I would like to think that a believer who joins such a platform's days of believing are numbered 😀


anyone should be allowed to join. believers don't like to listen to us, as they are not 100% sure of their beliefs. i am not scared of their fantasies. if they can take the reactions of people that live in reality, let them try to convert us. sounds like fun!

turf Level 5 Dec 23, 2017

No harm at all in dealing with a well intentioned intellect. A proselytizer, however, is a different matter. I say let them in, with the proviso that they are fair game.


I'm with you I get enough harassment at home and work from these people. Being here has been therapeutic for me as I don't always feel hunted by a bunch of pack animals that refuse to believe they're animals, giving them licence to act like one without feeling remorse.

That's so awful. One of the things this site has shown me is what an awful time you atheists have in the US. Not quite as bad as in the countries where you can get killed for being one, but still pretty bad! Come over here to England! We have a much easier time of it.

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