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DonaldHRoberts comments on Oct 31, 2018:
Nice site. Wanna exchange blogs..
genessa replies on Oct 31, 2018:
@DonaldHRoberts ah. i don't do link exchange at this time... and i'm not even working on the site at this time, but you never know, in the future! g
TheDoubter comments on Oct 31, 2018:
i'll take a look
genessa replies on Oct 31, 2018:
@TheDoubter i think it will come up with all that background and the menus and all that but maybe if you print in black and white it'll work. or tediously copy and paste into wordpad and then print? sorry it's not printer-friendlier. g
TheDoubter comments on Oct 31, 2018:
i'll take a look
genessa replies on Oct 31, 2018:
@TheDoubter aww 'blush thanks! g
Finding The Calgary Secular Church
genessa comments on Oct 30, 2018:
why do i care about convincing other people to believe as i do? isn't that what religionists do? why would i want to be like them? and what would atheists DO at a church, anyway? sit around and not pray? rofl! i see no need whatsoever for an atheist church (and while we're at it, i'm jewish, ...
genessa replies on Oct 31, 2018:
@skinnymcfatty sorry, what faith am i dumping in? i am an atheist. (and why should i be so eager for you to talk?) what makes you think i am not familiar with, even fond of, the comedians you name? you call people cunts and THEN reread them? then you continue to make assumptions? by the way, if you want only positive comments on your posts, find a place where people don't do this little thing called thinking. no one guarantees you a positive post, especially if you call people cunts. g
TheDoubter comments on Oct 31, 2018:
i'll take a look
genessa replies on Oct 31, 2018:
@TheDoubter as a journalist and novelist too, i like to write other kinds of writing! but i did a little of this too once upon a time. g
If you support shutting down a site because it's members are allowed to promote anti-semitic views ...
genessa comments on Oct 30, 2018:
antisemitism isn't about being against judaism. it's about being against jews. being against religion is one thing. being against a group of people is another. you can't kill or maim a religion. you can argue against it, you can try to keep it out of your government, but it's not a person. a ...
genessa replies on Oct 31, 2018:
@TheMiddleWay incorrect! being jewish is NOT always about following judaism. jews are a people, too, an ethnicity. i am an atheist. i am also jewish. i do not follow judaism. nonetheless i am a jew. hitler did not hate jews for following judaism. he didn't care whether a jew was secular or even had converted to another religion. no, you cannot kill or maim a religion, LITERALLY. you can get rid of it i suppose but it can't feel pain or die and decompose. there is a difference between metaphor and literal speech. learn it. g
If you support shutting down a site because it's members are allowed to promote anti-semitic views ...
genessa comments on Oct 30, 2018:
in addition, antisemitism depends on lies. being against religion depends on logic. in what way is saying there is no god and pointing out the illogic of believing in one (or more) equivalent to saying jews own the world, jews are eating christian babies, jews have horns and a tail, jews are ...
genessa replies on Oct 31, 2018:
@TheMiddleWay in what way would you have me consider those attitudes? i addition, i am not concerned with whether those who are against the jewish people are illogical. i am concerned with their being bigots. g
DonaldHRoberts comments on Oct 31, 2018:
Nice site. Wanna exchange blogs..
genessa replies on Oct 31, 2018:
thanks! i am not sure what you mean by exchange blogs though. actually that site of mine is in sad disrepair. i have to do something about that some day. g
Fake rabbi? Is that like fake psychic?
bingst comments on Oct 30, 2018:
I read something about this earlier today. He's a Messianic Jew, and from what I gather they believe Jesus was the Messiah, and are apparently looked down upon by other Jews. That's probably the reason to refer to him as a "fake rabbi."
genessa replies on Oct 31, 2018:
@bingst lol "other" jews -- they're not looked down on by "other" jews. they're just not jews. it's not a matter of looking down on them. it's a matter of not considering them jews at all. judaism is based on a covenant with god (i am speaking from the point of view of judaism; obviously i am an atheist) that he will be the only god. (this always kind of implied to me that there were more of them!) so by definition, meaning the covenant, anyone who breaks the covenant and goes off with another god is not a jew. it's not a matter of "oh they're not as good as us REAL jews." they're just not jews! it would be like a bunch of catholics declaring that they were jews because they decided to go to church on saturdays. g
TheDoubter comments on Oct 31, 2018:
i'll take a look
genessa replies on Oct 31, 2018:
thanks :-)) enjoy! g
Sure fire intelligence is seeking out women to make false claims of sexual harrassment by robert ...
MsAl comments on Oct 31, 2018:
And they will turn around and use it to claim all women are liars,. I'm done with sex accusations in politics. I really have a very hard time dealing with it all.
genessa replies on Oct 31, 2018:
@MsAl it is depressing and disgusting. but i cannot imagine that it is productive to give up. i don't work anymore, so i am not privy to what people are or are not discussing on the work scene. i know that something has to be done and it requires women to come forward, even risking what they risk. i can perfectly well understand why someone wouldn't. however, this means it will never change. g
Fake rabbi? Is that like fake psychic?
genessa comments on Oct 31, 2018:
no. in judaism, if you're an atheist, you can still be a jew. if you don't keep kosher you're still a jew. if you take on another god, you're an apostate and no longer a jew. if you never were a jew and you are a messianist and call yourself a rabbi, good luck to you, but you are not a ...
genessa replies on Oct 31, 2018:
@Deiter i am speaking from my knowledge of judaism. i am not speaking for or against it. g
Trump says maybe U.S. will have a president for life someday | PBS NewsHour
ValJ comments on Oct 31, 2018:
He makes George W seem intelligent and articulate - something I never thought I'd say...
genessa replies on Oct 31, 2018:
amazing, isn't it? g
Sure fire intelligence is seeking out women to make false claims of sexual harrassment by robert ...
MsAl comments on Oct 31, 2018:
And they will turn around and use it to claim all women are liars,. I'm done with sex accusations in politics. I really have a very hard time dealing with it all.
genessa replies on Oct 31, 2018:
for me it still has to be, as with just about everything in life, case by case. use common sense. listen and hear. jumping off one bandwagon to jump onto another makes no sense. i can't be distracted by all that. tweeden was lying. how do i know? because i like franken and i don't want to believe anything bad about him? no. because i can see with my eyes that his hands are not touching her breasts and she says they were. because i can see it's a staged photo on a plane with a photographer and tweeden isn't asleep and yet she says that franken sent her a copy of the picture to embarrass her (which is weird since SHE is the one who then publicized it!) because she says he insisted she rehearse a skit in order to kiss her, and the skit was ABOUT an actor who insists on a rehearsal in order to kiss the female star, and i have seen a clip from this skit in performance and i know how it ends: she refuses to kiss franken and says "i'd rather kiss HIM" and grabs a soldier from the audience and kisses him, to the soldier's shock and (maybe) delight. because the skit wasn't written for tweeden but had been performed by franken and another actress three years earlier. because fox news and tweeden have a relationship. because someone at fox predicted the scandal just before it broke. that's called paying attention and using common sense. all women are not liars; most women are not liars. tweeden is a paid liar. i also believe blasey-ford and believe that kavanaugh is a liar. why -- because i can't stand kavanaugh? no. i can go through all the reasons but they'd be even lengthier than what i just typed re tweeden. i used my eyes, ears and brain. i didn't think about the me too movement. i didn't think about all women or some women or most women or all men or some men or most men. i looked at the individuals involved and what they said and how they said it and what everyone concerned said and did. that's all i can do. and i can certainly understand being tired, and confused, and disgusted, and depressed about the whole thing. but i don't know any other way to go about life. people are persons. they're individuals. if i were on a jury i could not consider what most people would do or say. i'd have to consider the facts. so it is with everything in life. g
Trump says maybe U.S. will have a president for life someday | PBS NewsHour
GreatNani comments on Oct 31, 2018:
I just can not understand this whole thing. How the hell did we get here? I was not a Bush or Reagan fan, but this is just...indescribable.
genessa replies on Oct 31, 2018:
when i first met my guy, he said, you know, bush is not a bad person. he just has different ideas from ours about how to run the country. i said, no, sorry, he is a bad person. it's amazing how that fades in the horrible flame of the guy who's burning america as we know it to the ground. g
Fake rabbi? Is that like fake psychic?
bingst comments on Oct 30, 2018:
I read something about this earlier today. He's a Messianic Jew, and from what I gather they believe Jesus was the Messiah, and are apparently looked down upon by other Jews. That's probably the reason to refer to him as a "fake rabbi."
genessa replies on Oct 31, 2018:
sorry, but jesus is only thought to be the messiah by people who don't know what "messiah" means (which means you could WELL have read something to that effect, since lots of people think it means savior, or christ, the greek word for saviorl it is certainly not your fault if you've run across this concept). jesus is not looked down on by jews. he's irrelevant to jews. g
Fake rabbi? Is that like fake psychic?
genessa comments on Oct 31, 2018:
no. in judaism, if you're an atheist, you can still be a jew. if you don't keep kosher you're still a jew. if you take on another god, you're an apostate and no longer a jew. if you never were a jew and you are a messianist and call yourself a rabbi, good luck to you, but you are not a ...
genessa replies on Oct 31, 2018:
@Deiter rofl you do NOT get my point at ALL! i posited nothing; i explained how judaism views things. i didn't say anything about MY view, or an outside view, or anyone's view except how judaism views things. i did not argue that judaism's purpose was to serve jewishness. i said nothing like that. i don't even know what you MEAN by that. were you really reading my post or did you mix it up with someone else's? as for patronizing, oh BROTHER, look in a MIRROR. you have decided to tell me what i said. you're wrong. i didn't say it. and you obviously know nothing about judaism, talking about people being accursed. second of all i said nothing about a messiah. christ is a greek word meaning savior. it doesn't mean messiah. messiah does not imply "saving" and it also doesn't imply divinity. second of all, in judaism, taking on someone as divine is taking on another god. again, not MY posit but at least i typed it this time. i didn't even type anything like what you said was my first posit!' regardless of anyone's opinion of religion in general or a particular religion, there are definitions from with the religions. all i did was state what judaism says is or isn't a jew. everything else is as imaginary as an imaginary friend. but thanks for patronizingly telling me i was patronizing, for telling me what i said that i never said, and for being an ass in general. g
Religions vs Cult
genessa comments on Oct 30, 2018:
i am not religionist but i DO make a distinction between religion and cult. a cult has some characteristics share by some religions and not others. one of them, an important one, is the charismatic leader that convinces his (usually his) flock that everyone else in the world is sinning, lying, ...
genessa replies on Oct 30, 2018:
@WilliamFleming i know an episcopalian whose church is much less a cult than the republican party is! she is a wonderful, reasonable person and she has never mentioned god to me. lol g
Why We're Waiting Until Marriage to Kiss - YouTube
genessa comments on Oct 30, 2018:
why is this even an issue for anyone except the people involved? g
genessa replies on Oct 30, 2018:
@MusicMnstr99 i didn't say you were. your linked thingie does. my question stands. g
If you support shutting down a site because it's members are allowed to promote anti-semitic views ...
genessa comments on Oct 30, 2018:
in addition, antisemitism depends on lies. being against religion depends on logic. in what way is saying there is no god and pointing out the illogic of believing in one (or more) equivalent to saying jews own the world, jews are eating christian babies, jews have horns and a tail, jews are ...
genessa replies on Oct 30, 2018:
@JesseThompson what has your despicable rave got to do with hating jews without individually knowing them? that's antisemitism. telling lies: you saying jews DO drink christian babies' blood? or even that jews came to the middle east and murdered and stole the land of the people who lived there, which is NOT what happened? (read some HISTORY some day; you may LEARN something. wait, no you won't. you know everything already.) you are so ignorant and antisemitic that i have nothing more to say to you, or hear from you. haters: be gone! the block feature is SO useful. g
Trump Says He Will Void Birthright Citizenship Law Through Executive Order : NPR
Secretguy comments on Oct 30, 2018:
They love the constitution. Until they don't.
genessa replies on Oct 30, 2018:
@k80b619 amazing, that resemblance! g
Trump Says He Will Void Birthright Citizenship Law Through Executive Order : NPR
snytiger6 comments on Oct 30, 2018:
This is how Fascists work. They look to take away the rights of groups who are mot seen in a good light by many citizens. If they succeed there are than many fewer persons in a position to oppose them. The constitution can't be change without passing an amendment, but suggesting h3e can right ...
genessa replies on Oct 30, 2018:
@snytiger6 well they have to do something with their time, right? i don't know... it seems to me legitimate legislation to help the citizens of the country would work too, but they just won't try that. g
[] 20 Jewish Quotes-Do We Want This Kind of Stuff On this Sight?
genessa comments on Oct 30, 2018:
there is only one in there about god. surely that can be overlooked! there are truths in these sayings. g
genessa replies on Oct 30, 2018:
@sassygirl3869 lol everyone is unique! g
[] 20 Jewish Quotes-Do We Want This Kind of Stuff On this Sight?
genessa comments on Oct 30, 2018:
there is only one in there about god. surely that can be overlooked! there are truths in these sayings. g
genessa replies on Oct 30, 2018:
@sassygirl3869 here's more: pick the best ones and post them, instead of linking to the site! g
Trump Says He Will Void Birthright Citizenship Law Through Executive Order : NPR
snytiger6 comments on Oct 30, 2018:
This is how Fascists work. They look to take away the rights of groups who are mot seen in a good light by many citizens. If they succeed there are than many fewer persons in a position to oppose them. The constitution can't be change without passing an amendment, but suggesting h3e can right ...
genessa replies on Oct 30, 2018:
lindsay graham is working on a bill for this right now. the republican party has long since become a criminal organization. g
I saw a post, in a group to which i do not and would not belong, claiming that christine ...
Secretguy comments on Oct 30, 2018:
I hope she does make some money after all the abuse she's enduring.
genessa replies on Oct 30, 2018:
i don't see where that would be wrong, or where it would invalidate her testimony or anything else. of course the alt right would be burning her in effigy, but wait, haven't they been doing that all along? g
Trump Says He Will Void Birthright Citizenship Law Through Executive Order : NPR
Secretguy comments on Oct 30, 2018:
They love the constitution. Until they don't.
genessa replies on Oct 30, 2018:
they love selected parts. oops, part, singular. not even the whole part. the well regulated thing gets past them a bit.... g
my golde, who (i have likely mentioned) stopped eating and got very frighteningly skinny and bony, ...
Booklover comments on Oct 30, 2018:
Baby food is good as a stimulus to eat. Maybe she had a liile bit of a cold if they can't smell they won't eat
genessa replies on Oct 30, 2018:
@Booklover thanks :-)) g
my golde, who (i have likely mentioned) stopped eating and got very frighteningly skinny and bony, ...
SkagwayKim comments on Oct 30, 2018:
My vet’s office refers to Meow Mix as “kitty crack.” glad Golde is eating again!
genessa replies on Oct 30, 2018:
@SkagwayKim thanks! she is 15 and a half but she is a stubborn gal and i want more, more, more, i tell you, more years of her in my life! g
my golde, who (i have likely mentioned) stopped eating and got very frighteningly skinny and bony, ...
Booklover comments on Oct 30, 2018:
Baby food is good as a stimulus to eat. Maybe she had a liile bit of a cold if they can't smell they won't eat
genessa replies on Oct 30, 2018:
baby food is made with onion, which is toxic to cats. i've nursed cats back to health with it but they have to be at death's door for me to do it. she has been acting healthy! she just looks skeletal. but yay, she's back to meow mix! g
my golde, who (i have likely mentioned) stopped eating and got very frighteningly skinny and bony, ...
SkagwayKim comments on Oct 30, 2018:
My vet’s office refers to Meow Mix as “kitty crack.” glad Golde is eating again!
genessa replies on Oct 30, 2018:
mine just adore it! they've tried so many brands; this is their food of choice. i am still worried about her; she really looks skeletal, though she has been acting normally (well, normally for golde anyway) all along. she seems not to know anything is wrong. but to see her eating as if nothing had been going on, wow, it does my heart good! g
Wisconsin governor may seek waiver to let insurers hike premiums for pre-existing conditions - ...
DenoPenno comments on Oct 30, 2018:
If the governor of my state did this I would know that he is not a man who is for the people. He is owned in some way by the insurance companies. That could be stocks, relatives, etc. This action of his would be my clue to get that man out of office at all costs even if you have to go door to door ...
genessa replies on Oct 30, 2018:
well, the gov of wi has the best excuse in the world to do this: he's -- what's the political term for it? oh yeah, an asshole :-)) he doesn't have to profit directly from it, though certainly that could be the case. he could just be making sure he is on the "good" list with his party. g
Mickey Mouse - The Haunted House (1929) - YouTube
cava comments on Oct 30, 2018:
Great. I especially liked the raging storm and the bats. One weird thing is that Mickey answer's "Yes ma'm!" when the grim reaper commanded Mickey to play.
genessa replies on Oct 30, 2018:
i thought that was pretty funny too! g
I am sitting here in the middle of the night eating little dabs of straight wasabi.
jondspen comments on Oct 30, 2018:
Real wasabi root is like $100 a pound. That stuff served in the USA us typically horseradish with green food coloring.
genessa replies on Oct 30, 2018:
if i had $100 per pound (of ME) i would be pretty happy right now. this was just wasabi powder that i mixed with water. i don't care how pure it is. i want my sinuses back and my phlegm gone. g
Don't Be a Racist.
genessa comments on Oct 30, 2018:
racist and therefore NOT funny. g
genessa replies on Oct 30, 2018:
@sassygirl3869 but it did not poke fun at them. it just perpetuated them. his being jewish does not automatically make it funny or okay. g
Wisconsin governor may seek waiver to let insurers hike premiums for pre-existing conditions - ...
Marionville comments on Oct 30, 2018:
The judge probably has shares in the Insurance Industry!
genessa replies on Oct 30, 2018:
@Marionville i've been a cynic for ages. i don't let it bother me though :-)) but remember: you don't have to be surprised to be mad. g
my golde, who (i have likely mentioned) stopped eating and got very frighteningly skinny and bony, ...
orange_girl comments on Oct 30, 2018:
I am so glad she's eating. I had a vet student recommend cottage cheese when Bug couldn't eat. He now gets it as a snack and he loves it.
genessa replies on Oct 30, 2018:
ohh i have some of that, in a pinch! i was trying to feed her canned food and she would eat tiny amounts, but the other cats would take it from under her nose, she didn't like eating alone in the bathroom to avoid them, and she wasn't all that enthusiastic about it anyway. this mush -- only her brother tevye tries to take it, and he generally waits for her to finish, and she just LOVES it. meow mix, for whatever reason, is her favorite. i guess she prefers it crunchy if possible! g
Wisconsin governor may seek waiver to let insurers hike premiums for pre-existing conditions - ...
Marionville comments on Oct 30, 2018:
The judge probably has shares in the Insurance Industry!
genessa replies on Oct 30, 2018:
a lot of them have shares in the private prison industry so it's not a stretch. g
Even though I am Agnostic, I still feel the emotion of the Jewish community in light of this ...
Carin comments on Oct 30, 2018:
Well of course! First & foremost they are human beings. This week has been very upsetting, hasn't it? I feel more hopeless than ever.
genessa replies on Oct 30, 2018:
i know we eschew religion, but i need nonetheless to point out that the pittsburgh muslim community has raised money for the families of the victims and offered to stand guard at the synagogue during services to protect the survivors from future attacks. we may not believe what they believe -- we may even think what they believe is silly -- but we cannot in good conscience tar muslims as a terrorist religion, or muslims as terrorists. there are terrorists who use the religion as an excuse, just as today's american christians so often do, but whatever the religions' problems are, that's not one of them. i almost cried when i saw the offer of protection. they called their jewish neighbors "family." it is easy to feel hopeless; i feel it a lot. but this gives us hope. it's not huge but it's something! g
Here's another one I like to point out to theists.
genessa comments on Oct 30, 2018:
not all theists are christian lol g
genessa replies on Oct 30, 2018:
i only mention it because not having proof of jesus' existence wouldn't have ANY effect on, say, a religious jew. g
Has anyone here watched the TV show on CBS "God Friended Me"?
genessa comments on Oct 29, 2018:
i am afraid i cannot bring myself to watch stuff like what i suspect this is. the only such show i've ever been able to watch is joan of arcadia, which was clever, well written and well acted, and did not presume to tell is whether joan's incarnatons of her personal god were real to anyone but ...
genessa replies on Oct 29, 2018:
@dare2dream nope, you do NOT see. i have already said i have not seen it, because the premise does not appeal to me and i am afraid it will be like some other shows i named. so how can i "just [not] like this show"? sorry, i did not know there were right or wrong answers here. i thought you wanted honest responses. please stop trying to turn my answers into more than they are. g
Childhood photo challenge: Post a favorite childhood photo.
genessa comments on Oct 29, 2018:
well, there's my profile photo... and on my page i have other childhood photos. from among those i have to say i am very fond of the dress i am wearing in this one. i'd wear it now! by the way, your photo is very cute :-)) g
genessa replies on Oct 29, 2018:
@ProudMary 'blush
Has anyone here watched the TV show on CBS "God Friended Me"?
genessa comments on Oct 29, 2018:
i am afraid i cannot bring myself to watch stuff like what i suspect this is. the only such show i've ever been able to watch is joan of arcadia, which was clever, well written and well acted, and did not presume to tell is whether joan's incarnatons of her personal god were real to anyone but ...
genessa replies on Oct 29, 2018:
@dare2dream i did not assume it proselytizes, nor did i indicate such a thing. g
Childhood photo challenge: Post a favorite childhood photo.
genessa comments on Oct 29, 2018:
well, there's my profile photo... and on my page i have other childhood photos. from among those i have to say i am very fond of the dress i am wearing in this one. i'd wear it now! by the way, your photo is very cute :-)) g
genessa replies on Oct 29, 2018:
@ProudMary lol my dress is, anyway! g
Are You Having A Typical Monday?
genessa comments on Oct 29, 2018:
i am having exactly the monday i expected to have: i'm still sick, my leg is still injured and various other things are going wrong on schedule. g
genessa replies on Oct 29, 2018:
@twshield thanks! doc's appt tomorrow, wednesday an appointment to cancel most likely, thursday HOPEFULLY back to my usual schedule. we'll see! but at least it won't be monday anymore lol g
Recently resigned from an employer that was so bad I'm reluctant to mention them (multinational IT ...
genessa comments on Oct 29, 2018:
i have had crappy jobs and i don't even remember whether i included them in my resume when i was looking for jobs; it's been ages since i've needed a resume. i don't think there is anything wrong with leaving employers off if you can more or less legitimately account for the time gap. if it was a ...
genessa replies on Oct 29, 2018:
@Mike1947 but you can mention murdering your last boss IF you have a note from your mom :-)) g
Can an adverb modify a noun?
MrLizard comments on Oct 28, 2018:
It's not a sentence. It has no verb. So... not sure if rules apply. Besides, I always thought adverbs only modify verbs.
genessa replies on Oct 29, 2018:
@MrLizard yes, the possessive would make it an adjective. g
Donald Trump accuses Jewish reporter of lying and tells him to 'sit down' in response to ...
sassygirl3869 comments on Oct 29, 2018:
I remember when he first said this-think it was a Chasidic reporter who asked him and I was shocked at his attitude attacking the reporter. He's a piece of shit with no moral values and an empty callous heart.
genessa replies on Oct 29, 2018:
there is one difference between trump and a piece of shit. occasionally a piece of shit is useful as fertilizer. trump is never useful. g
Can an adverb modify a noun?
Coffeo comments on Oct 29, 2018:
It would help to place the phase in some context: I attended the meeting yesterday. _Yesterday_ modifies _attended_. The meeting yesterday elected a new treasurer. _Yesterday_ modifies _elected_. Can you place the phrase in a sentence in such a way that _yesterday_ does not modify a verb?
genessa replies on Oct 29, 2018:
@Noyi they are certainly entitled to their opinions, if indeed those are their opinions and not being misinterpreted. assuming they are, they are entitled at any rate. g
Republicans suppress votes to win because voters don't like their policies
mordant comments on Oct 29, 2018:
See my post this morning about fascism. We don't want to believe it can happen in 'Murica.
genessa replies on Oct 29, 2018:
@mordant yep. and no one is learning from that, it seems. g
Can an adverb modify a noun?
MrLizard comments on Oct 28, 2018:
It's not a sentence. It has no verb. So... not sure if rules apply. Besides, I always thought adverbs only modify verbs.
genessa replies on Oct 29, 2018:
no, adverbs modify both verbs and adjectives. however, they do not modify nouns. g
Can an adverb modify a noun?
Coffeo comments on Oct 29, 2018:
It would help to place the phase in some context: I attended the meeting yesterday. _Yesterday_ modifies _attended_. The meeting yesterday elected a new treasurer. _Yesterday_ modifies _elected_. Can you place the phrase in a sentence in such a way that _yesterday_ does not modify a verb?
genessa replies on Oct 29, 2018:
@Noyi no it doesn't. the sentence is not technically correct. it should read "the international shortage of coal," not "the shortage of coal internationally," in which "internationally" modifies "is" -- which is an inaccurate way to phrase it. incorrect sentences don't count as examples of how something can be done correctly lol. g
Republicans suppress votes to win because voters don't like their policies
jerry99 comments on Oct 29, 2018:
Republicans have been a minority party for as long as I can remember. They can only win elections by gerrymandering, suppressing the vote, and using the undemocratic Senate and Electoral College. Now they’ve taken over most of the courts, so it’s not looking good for the future. I don’t know ...
genessa replies on Oct 29, 2018:
i think more people are pissed off than we know. trump's base is small -- but vocal, and insane. g
I play two online games, neither of them a facebook game.
mordant comments on Oct 29, 2018:
Every lie contains a kernel of at least half-truth, and I'm afraid that while Democrats are not walking away from liberalism in disgust, they ARE walking away from so-called centrism, which in practice is elitist and plutocratic and does not truly try to raise up the working class. It is why Clinton...
genessa replies on Oct 29, 2018:
clinton was supremely qualified and won the popular vote by almost three million. that's not a squeaker, not for her, and not for trump, whose "squeak" had other explanations. i don't think most dems are as centrist as we're made out to be. i know i'm not! there are a handful of democratic senators who are, maybe fewer than a handful, really, but the party is not as unprogressive as reputed. clinton isn't even a corporate democrat. yes she was paid to speak on wall street. no, she didn't say what they wanted to hear! haha stubborn kids. true enough. but the whole walk away movement IS fake. it's a campaign ploy from republicans, pure and simple, not matter what the internal divisions may be in the democratic party. the repugs are saying that the liberals are tired of being liberal, not that they're tired of not being liberal enough! g
Republicans suppress votes to win because voters don't like their policies
mordant comments on Oct 29, 2018:
See my post this morning about fascism. We don't want to believe it can happen in 'Murica.
genessa replies on Oct 29, 2018:
i've been saying it for a few years now. i lost a friend who said he couldn't associate with me anymore because i was trivializing the holocaust by comparing the rise of trump to the rise of hitler. i was right, and i was right early on, but i have not heard from him. g
Donald Trump accuses Jewish reporter of lying and tells him to 'sit down' in response to ...
mordant comments on Oct 29, 2018:
I heard that the Jewish community told Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he unambiguously and to their satisfaction denounces white nationalism as well as anti-semitism. Good for them.
genessa replies on Oct 29, 2018:
yep, i read that too. i also recently read that 24 percent of the jewish population voted for trump. that's higher than i would like -- zero would be nice! -- but lower by far than what i have seen presented as the national perception, which is that jews overwhelmingly voted for trump. i knew THAT couldn't be true but hadn't seen numbers before. i think people mistake the support of netanyahu, who isn't american, and who isn't supported by his own country, with the feelings of american jews in general. anyway, trump isn't likely to be welcome in pittsburgh, ever, since he cannot denounce white nationalism; his base IS white nationalism. g
Republicans suppress votes to win because voters don't like their policies
Marionville comments on Oct 29, 2018:
Shocking abuse of power but not exactly surprising, sadly.
genessa replies on Oct 29, 2018:
maybe surprising to some. not us. we pay attention. but we have to keep saying it so those who don't know can learn. g
Trump Just Called a Bomb Recipient a “Crazed & Stumbling Lunatic” – Mother Jones
Beowulfsfriend comments on Oct 28, 2018:
No surprise. Hannity called the murdered Saudi journalist a terrorist and someone no one would miss. (I wouldn't shed any tears if Sean were brutally murdered and cut up, then vanished) Our, Cheeto headed president also said he almost cancelled a speech (right after 11 died in a mass shooting by ...
genessa replies on Oct 29, 2018:
every day that cheeto is in office s a bad president day. g
SPOILERS S11 E4 - Arachnids in the UK Discussion post.
genessa comments on Oct 28, 2018:
watching it now. immediately recognized chris noth. what's the big deal with that, you ask? well, my eyes are very bad and the tv always seems dark to me, so it's hard to see, but something about the way he moved his head, i knew it was he. i did look it up and in doing so i found reviews. the ...
genessa replies on Oct 28, 2018:
oh just so you know, the review above-referenced is in the guardian. g
There was a post in health and happiness that inspired me to post this Atheism Has a Suicide ...
genessa comments on Oct 28, 2018:
well, sorry, but atheists are NOT notoriously nonjoiners, nor contrarians, though i may seem contrary right now for disagreeing with you. that is bunk. atheists have all different kinds of personalities, just like everyone else. i also have not seen any of the statistics you assure me so ...
genessa replies on Oct 28, 2018:
@alanalorie so observation and experience do not count, and what i say is meaningless unless unless someone else has written about it? g
Some Trump Lies
snytiger6 comments on Oct 28, 2018:
I think it is now up to over 80% of Trump says are lies... Leading up to the 2016 electing it was between 60% and 70%. His supporters really need to fact check what he says.
genessa replies on Oct 28, 2018:
they never will. they can't. they wouldn't have a clue what a fact was. g
What is going to happen after the midterm elections when the Dems take the house and senate?
brentan comments on Oct 27, 2018:
And what about the frustration of half the population if they don't? The main driving force seems to be the metoo movement but I'm not certain that is enough to win. Perhaps there is an undercurrent eager for change that is not being shown in the media but who knows! One side has to lose and how ...
genessa replies on Oct 28, 2018:
@brentan no, i am not the one carrying on, and your assessment it tantamount to projection. but i really don't know why i should continue talking to you. snerts are so unappealing. goodbye. g
What is going to happen after the midterm elections when the Dems take the house and senate?
brentan comments on Oct 27, 2018:
And what about the frustration of half the population if they don't? The main driving force seems to be the metoo movement but I'm not certain that is enough to win. Perhaps there is an undercurrent eager for change that is not being shown in the media but who knows! One side has to lose and how ...
genessa replies on Oct 28, 2018:
@brentan in addition, from your comments, i well believe you remember stuff you weren't there for, especially stuff that didn't happen. your sarcastic tone would work better if you were actually saying something true and/or useful. g
What is going to happen after the midterm elections when the Dems take the house and senate?
brentan comments on Oct 27, 2018:
And what about the frustration of half the population if they don't? The main driving force seems to be the metoo movement but I'm not certain that is enough to win. Perhaps there is an undercurrent eager for change that is not being shown in the media but who knows! One side has to lose and how ...
genessa replies on Oct 28, 2018:
@brentan okay you seem to have missed the part where hillary clinton had almost three million more votes than trump. so the people, as a whole, did NOT vote for trump. so you are trying to explain why something happened when in fact it didn't happen. g
how many can identify? i can! g
RobertNappi2 comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Been there done that!!!
genessa replies on Oct 28, 2018:
@RobertNappi2 lol they lick! g
What is going to happen after the midterm elections when the Dems take the house and senate?
brentan comments on Oct 27, 2018:
And what about the frustration of half the population if they don't? The main driving force seems to be the metoo movement but I'm not certain that is enough to win. Perhaps there is an undercurrent eager for change that is not being shown in the media but who knows! One side has to lose and how ...
genessa replies on Oct 28, 2018:
@brentan seriously? no, it sounds like incredibly hard work. as for why people voted for a change (and with an obstructive republican congress it was HARDLY paradise) they DIDN'T. almost three million more people voted for clinton than voted for trump. no wonder you can't remember. g
how many can identify? i can! g
RobertNappi2 comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Been there done that!!!
genessa replies on Oct 28, 2018:
about to do that right now lol g
I'm taking care of my 92 yr old father with prostate cancer and Alzheimer's disease.
genessa comments on Oct 28, 2018:
i am trying to take care of my guy who has alzheimer's, albeit not cancer. he is only 70 but he is getting worse. i am sick and have no help. i don't know what to do so i don't know how to advise you. i wish i knew. g
genessa replies on Oct 28, 2018:
@simplethingswins likewise! g
Never ending growth. What are your thoughts on the need for society to keep growing?
genessa comments on Oct 27, 2018:
what do you mean by society and growth? do you mean mere population? no bad idea. do you mean grow in sophistication? yes, of course. it's not happening, though. is what caused by religion? i don't see religion as related at all to this question. of course i am not clicking the links. not...
genessa replies on Oct 28, 2018:
@hippydog i can't cite. sorry. working from memory. no one in power is planning it anyway. g
I'm taking care of my 92 yr old father with prostate cancer and Alzheimer's disease.
genessa comments on Oct 28, 2018:
i am trying to take care of my guy who has alzheimer's, albeit not cancer. he is only 70 but he is getting worse. i am sick and have no help. i don't know what to do so i don't know how to advise you. i wish i knew. g
genessa replies on Oct 28, 2018:
@simplethingswins i wish you the very best of luck. g
Never ending growth. What are your thoughts on the need for society to keep growing?
genessa comments on Oct 27, 2018:
what do you mean by society and growth? do you mean mere population? no bad idea. do you mean grow in sophistication? yes, of course. it's not happening, though. is what caused by religion? i don't see religion as related at all to this question. of course i am not clicking the links. not...
genessa replies on Oct 28, 2018:
@hippydog lol actually there are plans. they may never go into effect but they exist. g
Never ending growth. What are your thoughts on the need for society to keep growing?
genessa comments on Oct 27, 2018:
what do you mean by society and growth? do you mean mere population? no bad idea. do you mean grow in sophistication? yes, of course. it's not happening, though. is what caused by religion? i don't see religion as related at all to this question. of course i am not clicking the links. not...
genessa replies on Oct 28, 2018:
@hippydog not every religion follows its bible in modern days. judaism doesn't condone stoning people to death for example. g
Never ending growth. What are your thoughts on the need for society to keep growing?
genessa comments on Oct 27, 2018:
what do you mean by society and growth? do you mean mere population? no bad idea. do you mean grow in sophistication? yes, of course. it's not happening, though. is what caused by religion? i don't see religion as related at all to this question. of course i am not clicking the links. not...
genessa replies on Oct 28, 2018:
@hippydog i am not in favor of unrestrained capitalism so while i don't know whether it will grow, i sure hope not. g
What is going to happen after the midterm elections when the Dems take the house and senate?
brentan comments on Oct 27, 2018:
And what about the frustration of half the population if they don't? The main driving force seems to be the metoo movement but I'm not certain that is enough to win. Perhaps there is an undercurrent eager for change that is not being shown in the media but who knows! One side has to lose and how ...
genessa replies on Oct 28, 2018:
the ones who lose will suffer dreadfully because their medicare and social security will be protected, they won't lose their health insurance after all, their farms will begin to be profitable again because the tariffs will be reversed, and maybe we can even get trump and pence impeached (after january), which means we'll have a president who doesn't snuggle up to dictators and alienate our best allies. what a horrible fate. i feel so sorry for the losers. g
So you're an Atheist?
genessa comments on Oct 27, 2018:
what truth? truth isn't a universal thing. you can't find a thing called the truth, THE truth. there are truths ABOUT stuff. it's true that i have a sore throat right now. it is not true that i can fly like a bird. but one truth, like, oh that's what the universe is all about, that's what life...
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
@flower_nut thanks. yes, we have our truths, sometimes even based on facts lol, but we have personal truths that are not universal -- even something as simple as "celery tastes bad," which is true for me and not true for celery fans. some people have the personal truth that they have to go live in the woods and commune with bears. i'm a city gal, myself. g
Is man's internal struggles with good vs evil manifested externally through religion?
Bangkokbob comments on Oct 27, 2018:
Freud was full of shit, throw all his theories out and start with a new premise.
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
freud got a lot of stuff wrong but he was not full of shit. he was at best half full of shit. it's best to go through him carefully and pick what to throw out the window. baby. bathwater. bad. g
So you're an Atheist?
genessa comments on Oct 27, 2018:
what truth? truth isn't a universal thing. you can't find a thing called the truth, THE truth. there are truths ABOUT stuff. it's true that i have a sore throat right now. it is not true that i can fly like a bird. but one truth, like, oh that's what the universe is all about, that's what life...
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
@TheAstroChuck i think i'll make a brew of goldenseal and echinacea and start that up again. g
What makes/made you happy today?
genessa comments on Oct 27, 2018:
i am not happy today. i am having an asthma attack, i just got home from the e.r. 24 hours ago almost to the minute and i'll be damned if i go back again today, and it's too early to go to urgent care, which is not how i intended to spend my day either. but i was happy to watch a funny old episode...
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
@AzVixen52 thanks! g
vote Millennials Vote like your lives depended on it.
Charlene comments on Oct 27, 2018:
Oh they'll vote and vote blue..IF and only IF they have a choice in people that They actually Believe are the best for Their needs. Who can blame them, the Dems are floating who? Biden? Warren? Kerry?..Seriously? Hell I love all 3..even I wouldn't vote for them for president.
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
@Charlene that is good! i am sorry you felt you had to hold your nose, but i am glad you were wise and did so. g
Those Caravans
DUCHESSA comments on Oct 27, 2018:
Muy question is: Why they don't demand from their own Presidents the benefits and rights all human beings are entitled to...instead of trying to get their problems solved by other nations. Watch out, I know what is going on in Latin America....
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
@DUCHESSA i am not ignorant and there is no reason to get personal when discussing an issue. it's a good way to end the discussion. BYE. g
Hilarious Examples Of Cat Logic []
genessa comments on Oct 27, 2018:
we have to click through; playback is not available here. g
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
@phxbillcee yep but i have enough tabs open that i don't want to open another. g
So tell me, what does it mean to be an Existentialist?
genessa comments on Oct 27, 2018:
i just realized (which you might not realize, and thus i mention it) that this is double-posted. g
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
@Jacar i checked and did not see different forums, just double posting. now, my eyes are bad so if i misread, i apologize. g
Those Caravans
Buddha comments on Oct 27, 2018:
Ahhhh, but who gets the money...
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
probably the service providers. g
Those Caravans
DUCHESSA comments on Oct 27, 2018:
Muy question is: Why they don't demand from their own Presidents the benefits and rights all human beings are entitled to...instead of trying to get their problems solved by other nations. Watch out, I know what is going on in Latin America....
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
well that's an easy one. they don't want to be murdered! g
So you're an Atheist?
genessa comments on Oct 27, 2018:
what truth? truth isn't a universal thing. you can't find a thing called the truth, THE truth. there are truths ABOUT stuff. it's true that i have a sore throat right now. it is not true that i can fly like a bird. but one truth, like, oh that's what the universe is all about, that's what life...
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
@TheAstroChuck thanks. just got back from urgent care. doc helped my knee, and my asthma, had nothing for the throat, now sore more than three weeks. "virus," he said, sadly. just have to wait it out. more waiting. g
Does it seem like getting a one night stand would be really easy?
genessa comments on Oct 26, 2018:
um, no. no, it doesn't seem that way at all. neither is easy. g
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
@Yogisan life sounds like a pretty good option, considering the alternative :-)) g
Reports of Voter Intimidation at Polling Places in Texas — ProPublica
Beowulfsfriend comments on Oct 27, 2018:
It is one more way to hold power. The fall of our democracy. What was left.
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
i believe it is called cheating... if we want to be kind. it's actually criminal activity. g
Reports of Voter Intimidation at Polling Places in Texas — ProPublica
DUCHESSA comments on Oct 27, 2018:
I am voting in USA since 1986, I am a well known Republican in my district.... and I have never seen / faced any kind of intimidation before the elections or at the polling places.
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
@DUCHESSA i imagine yonkers is a bit different from anywhere in texas or georgia. g
vote Millennials Vote like your lives depended on it.
Charlene comments on Oct 27, 2018:
Oh they'll vote and vote blue..IF and only IF they have a choice in people that They actually Believe are the best for Their needs. Who can blame them, the Dems are floating who? Biden? Warren? Kerry?..Seriously? Hell I love all 3..even I wouldn't vote for them for president.
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
@Charlene schumer isn't bad. pelosi is great. and clinton wasn't forced down our throats. i voted for her because i like her... a LOT. you want someone else? vote in the primaries, or run for office. but the truth is, not voting dem means electing republicans, or at least installing them (we ELECTED clinton). g
vote Millennials Vote like your lives depended on it.
genessa comments on Oct 27, 2018:
i hate this. there is no gerontocracy. that's ageism. the idiots in congress are not evil because they're old (there are good old and young ones in there too, and evil old and young ones). they're evil because they're evil. i'm 66 and a half and have never voted republican in my life. yes ...
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
@KateZilla this is true, but ryan is young and he is one of the biggest assholes of them all, and he has the power in the house. the senate is ruled by old men, emphasis on MEN. g
Reports of Voter Intimidation at Polling Places in Texas — ProPublica
DUCHESSA comments on Oct 27, 2018:
I am voting in USA since 1986, I am a well known Republican in my district.... and I have never seen / faced any kind of intimidation before the elections or at the polling places.
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
i am glad. no one should experience that. however, other people ARE experiencing it right now, as they have in the past as well, but more intensely now, it seems. g
The Case for Dark Matter in the Universe
oliver-o-neill comments on Sep 5, 2018:
Come up with your own theories. Science has been P hacked to death and the journal system is a joke. Bring back classical mechanics that actually knew what it was doing. not this hippy bad math quantum physics and relativity.
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
@oliver-o-neill you have obviously never seen guys and dolls. you may end up with cider in your ear, making bets like that! g
i can't remember whether i have already posted this picture of golde but it's the right month to ...
Hathacat comments on Oct 27, 2018:
That is beyond wonderful!
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
she is such a good girl! g
I saw a post on Facebook asking why vaccinated children would be in danger from unvaccinated ...
OpposingOpposum comments on Oct 26, 2018:
Ok guys. For a bunch that prides themselves on being smart and reasonable, y'all are coming off as a bunch of screaming hysterics. To answer whoever said I was browbeating people, please go back and read the post again. I was refuting a very specific idea that unvaccinated children pose a risk to ...
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
i think you mean that you were refuting the idea that unvaccinated kids do NOT pose a risk to vaccinated kids. now, ag dot com has been known to eat my words too lol. anyway you mean that they DO pose a risk and you're refuting the claim that they do not. right? i'll comment more directly but just wanted to make sure no one mistook your meaning here, because you're right! g
vote Millennials Vote like your lives depended on it.
genessa comments on Oct 27, 2018:
i hate this. there is no gerontocracy. that's ageism. the idiots in congress are not evil because they're old (there are good old and young ones in there too, and evil old and young ones). they're evil because they're evil. i'm 66 and a half and have never voted republican in my life. yes ...
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
@Dave75 i don't blame them at all for wanting change. (i sure want change!) they could vote, you know.... and they could run for office, and then they'd have more choices, agewise and otherwise. being ageist themselves is not the way to combat ageism against them. it's not old vs. young. it's good vs. bad. i want mitch mcconnell out of office, preferably doing hard labor. i don't feel that way because he's old. he was surely an asshole when he was young too. people don't become assholes on a certain birthday!. g
vote Millennials Vote like your lives depended on it.
Charlene comments on Oct 27, 2018:
Oh they'll vote and vote blue..IF and only IF they have a choice in people that They actually Believe are the best for Their needs. Who can blame them, the Dems are floating who? Biden? Warren? Kerry?..Seriously? Hell I love all 3..even I wouldn't vote for them for president.
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
oh, did you forget november? no one you mentioned is running right now. if we don't flip congress and the red states blue, there won't BE a 2020 to speak of. g
Who's a person who inspires you?
Trajan61 comments on Oct 27, 2018:
After 8 years of that idiot Obama Trump gives me hope.
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
hope for what? an all-white america? dream on. g
I believe in nature, be it in the woods or on the water in my kayak.
genessa comments on Oct 25, 2018:
are there people who don't believe in nature? i can see nature too. i can also see buildings. i believe in buildings. and music. and cats. i don't understand why you declare that you believe in nature. i think you mean you enjoy nature, right? g
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
@PrinsWilliam yes, i got that. my comment stands. g
i can't remember whether i have already posted this picture of golde but it's the right month to ...
Hathacat comments on Oct 21, 2018:
Doesn't look too pissed! Cute photo!
genessa replies on Oct 27, 2018:
@Hathacat thanks! i actually have come up with what seems to be a good solution for the immediate emergency, which is to stop her from pulling a karen carpenter on me. i put the meow mix in the blender and turned it into powder. then i moistened it until it had the texture of canned cat food. she can't eat much at a time but she LOVES it and is going for ir quite eagerly! if i stand and watch her while she eats i can keep the dog and other cats away. i just feed her several times a day. tonight, breakthrough: she was waiting for me in the kitchen! g
Does it seem like getting a one night stand would be really easy?
genessa comments on Oct 26, 2018:
um, no. no, it doesn't seem that way at all. neither is easy. g
genessa replies on Oct 26, 2018:
@Yogisan i got that. just because my experience was different from yours (thanks for stating the obvious) and i expressed it as so, that doesn't mean i didn't understand what you meant. i got it. why does everyone who either disagrees with something or has a different take on something think that because i am not in agreement or have a different take of my own, i didn't GET it, or missed a POINT. i wasn't expressing what was easier and harder for YOU. you already did that. oddly enough, i was expressing what was easier and harder for ME. g


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