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How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?

I live in America and am surrounded by Christians.
Whenever I talk about myself to religous people, I want to say ,"I am an atheist". Do you say that? Is there a better way?

Bingogwak 6 Sep 10

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I'm sorry you are besieged. ....keeping xians out of your face is different from attracting other Atheists out of their closets amidst the clamor....a roll of the dice. ....there is no magic path to freedom FROM RELIGION. ... the most tacit yet symbolic invitation to other Atheists IS TO WEAR A PANSY pensee' flower or metal pin the global symbol of KNOWLEDGE not belief. American Atheist Orbit symbol is a carbon atom design with the center electron path chopped at the bottom resembling a cursive A with block letter A affixed as the nucleus. personal favorite is a no parking button red slash and circle over the gibberish sound "god"....I always say: " I am NOT religious I am a scientist I am an Atheist if asked belief questions. ...quote Mark Twain : " faith is believing what ya know ain’t so "


Sometimes it is easy to drop into conversation, sometimes not.

Sometimes I wear a T-shirt or jewelry that out me before I open my mouth.


Just say something like "I don't believe it" and let it go at that.


I don't mention it, if they mention religion I just tell them they are talking shit. I'm pretty direct, really. But it's certainly not enough for two people to not get along, certainly not in England!


I am not an atheist, I am an agnostic (or a believer in my own set of believes). I explain that to them, treat them with respect and expect the same. If they try preaching on me I start playing the game and while listening to what they have to say, start preaching my believes to them myself. Some listen, some quickly give up. (And one made three cross-gestures against me and ran away screaming something incomprehensible).


I live in the South where religious people are the norm. I generally just say I'm not religious, because "atheist" is too much of a dirty word here. In really extreme cases I can get away with "non-denominational", that's the one I have to use with my family.


I find it better to not volunteer that information about myself. I wait to be asked about it. Somehow, they appear to feel threatened in some way by someone believing something other than they do.


I tell them I no longer believe in that religious nonsense!


If asked or approached by theists I simply reply "I don't believe in fairy tales"


"Oh, I'm not religious. Pray if you like, that doesn't bother me, it's just not my way."

Sometimes they'll inquire further, and assuming they have a reasonably friendly tone then I'll say, "When I said 'not religious' that meant 'atheist.' Some people freak out at that word, so I usually say 'not religious' instead. But it's an accurate way to describe me."

If they inquire further and aren't friendly about it, I say, "It's a free country and I'll respect your beliefs if you respect mine." Then I'll change the subject.


I generally don't go out of my way to tell them I'm an atheist. If they ask a direct question about my religion, I just tell them. It is obvious to anyone that has more than a surface relationship with me.

Many people derive great comfort from religion, which is fine unless they are trying to push it on me.


"I am an atheist, it doesn't run my life and I am happy to discuss my beliefs with you"


Hhhhhh so hard to tell in Iraq

Yeah, don't put your safety at risk or anything.

@Neraven Ni!
All of my friends know that I am an atheist
Life is risk????


I don't, I just play into what ever religious expectations they have. It's easier and I come to discover that spiritual choices are personal and should be treated as such.


I rarely have to. Aside from certain family members on holidays, I don’t find myself in the company of too many religious people that I am aware of. At least not outwardly religious to the point where they want to discuss it. But secretly I do like the occasional debate only because I always come out feeling like the winner of the argument. ????

gabe Level 2 Dec 25, 2017

I'm far to honest. I just say I don't believe in crap written in works of fiction, hundreds of years ago when the average person couldn't read or write.....


I say atheist or humanist, depending on the person. Or I can say secular humanistic Jew.... just depends on the person, and how much explaining I may have to do!


I'd say 'I'm an atheist'. But nobody's asked.


I'm an escapee from the bible belt. When I go back, I describe myself as a vegetarian atheist from California. That seems to elicit the understanding that I am very groovy (in spite of atheism)


No. I generally tell them I’m agnostic, or, if they're selling their bs at my door, I tell them to go bother someone else.


I don't divulge that I'm Agnostic very often. When I do I tell people that I believe in morals and humanity but not the supernatural Jesus.
I'm super annoyed by Merry Christmas and the fallacy of a war on Christmas. I feel like responding to their "Merry Christmas" with "Happy Hannaka" or something just so these people realize that they are not the only ones who matter this time of year. Can't wait until Christmas is done with.


At least you use a small a. They like to depict "Atheist" (with a captial A) as being just another religion.

godef Level 7 Dec 22, 2017

I don't until asked. Then handle it from there I don't lie about it. But as someone who sprinted the last 35 years defending the freedom to believe what they want I ask them to extend me the same courtesy.


I live in a very rural fundamentalist Baptist area and I live alone on a farm so the one thing I do not do here is tell people my true beliefs because I can about guarantee my place will be vandalized if I do.


Laugh at them?

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