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How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?

I live in America and am surrounded by Christians.
Whenever I talk about myself to religous people, I want to say ,"I am an atheist". Do you say that? Is there a better way?

Bingogwak 6 Sep 10

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I tell them I stopped having imaginary friends when I turned 5... .-.

Apart from Santa, who is real 😉


I don't. it would be pointless at this juncture in this country


Without hesitation.

SamL Level 7 Oct 8, 2017

I bring it up if religion comes up. As in, I'm an atheist so no, I don't want to have a discussion about your religion (mostly because they wouldn't like the conversation).

TamiB Level 3 Oct 8, 2017

I can not think of any instance in my life thus far that called for me to make such a proclamation. It is just not anybodies business, I just simply state I respect your right to believe in what you will, I just see it differently. If they want to know more, I have to look for motive. I am yet to see motive on their part that makes me want to have an open discussion.


I don't. It isn't any of their damn business. If someone talks to me about religion or asks me, I just say "I don't follow that particular path." and leave it at that. If they persist, then I just say it. I'm an Agnostic Atheist! That often ends the conversation. 🙂


I have already started talking about fairies when the conversation was getting bogged down in religion and the people were clearly preachy types that I did not give a crap about being friends with. When asked how that related to what we were discussing, I responded " we are discussing fairy tales, right?" Then walked away.


I just say I am not religious. If I need to clarify further I say that I do not follow any relgious doctrines. I do not view things like the Bible, Quran, Torah, etc as anything other than a man written book like Grimms fairytales or the like. They are some good and bad things in there. Some seems worth following and learning from. Some just seems foolish and wrong. As for the existence of a God or creator type entity, I am not sure but I am sure that so far is that I am not going to worship any of the gods from those books.

DeiP Level 5 Oct 4, 2017

Just bluntly state that you don't adhere to any religious doctrine.


i don't that can be dangerous for me ...


I went with "just be out". I didn't feel the need to sit anyone down and give or receive a lecture on the topic. I unlocked all my Facebook posts and let the chips fall where they may. I'm out as a gay atheist and they just get to deal with that. I've been told that any boyfriend I ever have won't be welcome around and I told them that when that happens I'll be disappearing. I'm no less gay with or without a boyfriend. If he's not welcome for who he is, then CLEARLY neither am I. And I don't need that shit in my life.


I just say,I believe in peaceful life, So no debate over comparative study of religions and politics.


It depends. Sometimes I just say it. Other times, people want to hear a reason and so I explain.


Just wait they will ask you about your belief soon or later


If they ask I tell them the truth.


I don't bring the subject up unless they do or straight up ask me. Although Im an atheist, I'm quick to point out that it doesnt mean Im an "anti-christ", I simply tell them that I respect everyones religious beliefs as long as they respect mine...or the lack of.


When the topic comes up I just tell them that I do not believe. When people ask for prayers(like on Facebook) I send them positive vibrations. I still support the members of my family that believe. I attended the baptism of my 16 year old grandson.

Cathy Level 2 Sep 29, 2017

Very carefully, if you want to keep their friendship. I find there's just no good way to tell some people, "I don't believe any of the claims of religion are true" without registering an insult in their minds. After all, if I think it's made up, but you think it's the truth of the universe, it doesn't take much of a spark to explode.


living in middle east learned me one important rule # i don't tell


I don't. Especially down here in Shi'ite Catholic Country (southeast Louisiana), many people think you have AIDS, Ebola or something if you're outed as "atheist."

However, I am quite vociferous about being "anti-religion." Even when I was still technically a Christian, I was VERY anti-religion, and since the 9/11 attacks, most •reasonable• folks can understand my seething disdain for that type of superstition.


Say you are an atheist but when you are asked if you believe. People will judge a lot quicker if you tell them without they asking. It's like telling people you are not a fireman or a cook when you are describing yourself. So unless you are asked if you believe in god then just tell them No. There's no need to add a label for everything we are not.


I just tell them. No reason to pretend.


If I think the situation calls for it most people I meet it doesn't need to come up. But if someone preaching at me then I tell them or if I think I truly need to be honest with this person I tell them.


Sure, if it comes up. It depends on the person.

Draco Level 6 Sep 23, 2017

I argue and debate, whenever I get caught in one, in a very pleasant and cordial manner and most of the time with comic hilarious antics . . . for me it's not really what you say but how you say it.

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