807 61

How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?

I live in America and am surrounded by Christians.
Whenever I talk about myself to religous people, I want to say ,"I am an atheist". Do you say that? Is there a better way?

Bingogwak 6 Sep 10

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Is not a problem to tell them in what you trust ,the complications start when after the question "Why you don't trust in god(the religious one),in jesus etc?"Then you start to explain what you think about their religion and they look to you as an enemy 🙂 .....Part of the show for me 🙂)))


i say i don't believe there's a god as we know ,or don't know it!

Gonzo Level 2 Nov 15, 2017

At first I try to be polite and inform them I do not share their views and do not believe in a supreme being or religion. Should they persist I tell them I have up on my imaginary friends when I was 5


I dont! I avoid them like the plague!


" More power to you. I don't personally believe in God. To each their own. " I don't think iv had anyone disagree with me when I say that.


I don't, its no one's business. On the other hand, if I am forced to reveal I usually say "I don't agree with any religious views.


They tend to figure it out just by listening and watching me.


I usually just say something deeply critical (sometimes even something derogatory) of whatever religion they adhere to & let them figure it out.


I only bring it up if they ask, simple because it seems like then that's all they focus on. Like I am ONLY my belief, not the sum of parts


Same question is mine but I think we can explore us by discussing on social site like Facebook and Twitter or any other but if the government makes a role and give certificate then it’s will be really easy


As a matter of fact, when anyone attempts to shove religion down my throat, I spit it out ASAP. End of story.


if asked, I say: I am godless; a heathen; have no belief in God's (plural), anymore than I believe in fairies, goblins and such. Have always been this way. My parents, sibs all a of bunch of heathens too. If, that goes over well. Which often does. And they ask if that means I am Atheist? I say YES, emphatically so! Of course, I am smiling and allowing the person or persons to take it all in, without having to feel defensive. If, they become defensive, I become offensive. Then might say something like: please Don't pray for me, and keep All that dumb ass dog dodo to yourself. Don't want any of it!!!

Plmc Level 1 Nov 7, 2017

I find that people get more antagonistic when I make fun of astrological idiocy then when I tell them I don't believe in god(s).


If they ask I tell them. I try not to mingle with them.


I ask them why they subscribe to a supremacist ideology that has it's roots in a middle eastern death cult, rather than tell them I'm an atheist.


Don't non of there concern


I'm an atheist from reading the Bible. The Biblical God was a mass murderer - the Flood, death of the 1st born of Egypt, the mandates to kill same sex partners and children who outrage their parents, etc, etc.


I define Atheist in my answer. " I don't have religion I only rely on science, fact and common sense"

flora Level 3 Nov 4, 2017

I say simply, "I am an atheist. However, there have been occasions when well-meaning zealots have leaned a little closer and asked,"When did you lose your faith?". It is difficult not to get into a convoluted discussion following a question like that.


I don't tell em if i'm talking straight to them. I wanna see if they catch on. It's more entertaining to see them think.


Of course! If they are going to tell me that they are religious of some kind or other, I do not hesitate to say that I am an atheist. Sometimes the discussion just stops and changes, or sometimes we have some fun discussions about why I am an atheist and why they chose the path they are on


I do not like making people uncomfortable for no good reason - as long as they do the same - i.e. as long as they respect my views. So if I encounter a proselytizing zealot I happily shoot a silver bullet of "atheism" straight into their face. Otherwise I tell people "I am not religious".


It rarely comes up. People often prattle on about their religious views, but rarely inquire about mine. My close friends and family are all well aware of my thoughts, however, and some insist on steering discussions in that direction. When the topic does come up, though, I like to call myself a "non-theist" so there isn't that knee-jerk reaction to the word "atheist" (even though it means pretty much the same thing). Some people get weird when they hear "atheist" and become irrationally angry and map their own ideas of what it means onto me, and that can be a conversation ender. I like to keep things a little less adversarial if possible, so a real discussion can take place and I can speak for my own views without being told (loudly and angrily) by someone else what I do or do not believe.


Don't just bring it up. If they try to include you or evangelize to you just be honest and polite


I won't discuss religion because I already know where they stand and where I stand and what I will hear. Same tired arguments. I am an introvert so I don't get surrounded by a whole lot of folks as a general rule, religious or otherwise. Whatever opinions my critters may hold about the universe and its origin they have seen fit to keep to themselves. If you are in a situation where religion is actually an important matter (hey, wanna go with me to Church on Sunday) then you can lay it out there and move the conversation in another direction to ward off some of the discomforts they will likely feel unless you are feeling provocative and want to 'enlighten' them. Of course, Grandma probably will suffer terribly so you may want some follow-up line to keep her from tears or disinheriting you. "I don't believe in God but I'm willing to embrace him/her/it if/when he/she/it puts in a showing". Okay, maybe not...

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