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How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?

I live in America and am surrounded by Christians.
Whenever I talk about myself to religous people, I want to say ,"I am an atheist". Do you say that? Is there a better way?

Bingogwak 6 Sep 10

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807 comments (201 - 225)

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I say religion is humankind's most destructive invention, and even if there's a god he wouldn't like religion.

Gonzo Level 2 Nov 15, 2017

The question is; How is that anyone's business except your own? I do not require or expect anyone to reveal their religion to me. If it is pertinent to the discussion, I say, " I am an atheist". I do not require approval or sanction.


Question not asked, response not given. However, if someone does ask (and that is very, very seldom) I have no qualms about giving them the right answer; not the answer they would like to hear. In the apartment next to mine, there is a group of four LDS kids on their mission. I have them over on every other Wednesday and we engage in amicable conversations of religion and leadership. Thus far, there has not been any type of disrespect from either side. My children (15 & 17) are also free-thinkers and they enjoy having the LDS kids over. As a matter of fact, my children remind me to invite them over. As with these LDS kids, I do not hide my being a free-thinker. Closets are for clothes, not for people!!!


I tell people that I certainly respect them but I personally do not follow their line of religious beliefs. That I have devoted too much of my life and time to allow myself to believe in something that has too much evidence to the contrary.
I also reiterate that religious and spiritual beliefs are extremely personal and that even their own Christian beliefs tell them that their relationship with god is between the two of them


Im a Atheist . Easyt way .


If they ask, I say don't believe in God or Jesus. If it's an issue, no worries. Move along. I dated a great girl who's whole family were very religious. Her father is a pastor. He accepted me completely, we often had long discussions about it, and he understood my point of view and never tried to convert me. He was one of those cool hippie kinda religious guys.


I'm happy to inform them I choose not to believe in any of the pantheon of invisible being = should they ask. Most people I speak to would soon understand my non-religious position.

Pedro Level 3 Oct 28, 2017

I always just say "I'm and Atheist." The reactions I get very. I always answer any questions people have. The most common of which seems to be, "Aren't you afraid to go to Hell?" To which I respond, "Why would I? I don't believe in Hell either."


I start by saying that I'm not religious and go from there. The word "atheist" is pretty useless to me, because all it says is one thing that I am not. Instead, I talk about who I am, and what I do believe in. That generally gets even strong christians to hear me. Sometimes it can be irritating, though, such as the time a woman said to me, "you're more 'christian' than most christians I know.'"

Of course she meant it as a compliment, but believing that christian=good is one of the problems with religion. They do not equate. Just ask my cousins who were molested by their father, a lutheran minister.


Generally speaking, in my country (the UK) no-one speaks about religion, unless they are evangelizing and trying to recruit for their (usually failing) church. I have lived in this small West-country market town for 30 years, and I have been approached just once by young keen and fresh-faced people about joining their church. When I showed them my ordination card for the CFSM, they were quite happy to sit down and talk about it, and would even acknowledge that there is a lot wrong with the Bible, and when I pointed out the advantages of the CFSM, one acknowledged that he'd heard of it and found it 'interesting'. When I said that of course it was a spoof church and that I was an atheist at heart, and had been for 40 years, they lost heart and went to pester someone else.

Hahaha! Good one


I usually tell them that now that I am grown up i tend not to believe fantasy stories as being real life. When they ask why I don't believe in god/jesus etc I let them know that I stopped having imaginary friends when I was 6 Y/O.
As johnnyfdny says it is difficult to to have a mature conversation with most religionists ....did I just create a word? It's true...I am a Mangod!..see out of nothing I just created something..

You didn't create it. It's been around a long time.


I just say "I don't believe in God." And then the debate starts.


I generally don't unless asked directly. If I do tell someone, I'll use something like "I'm between religions right now", and let them figure that one out for themselves.

Hahaha! "I'm between religions right now!" or "I'm just resting from religion for the moment!" Too funny!


I don't hide the fact, but I don't advertise it, either. I live in the bible belt. Self preservation.


I'll just say "I'm an atheist". If they have trouble handling that, that's their problem, not mine.


If the question arises, I just say I'm atheist.


I like to tell them point blank that I am an Atheist. My neighborhood is filled with the pious and my town is in the Bible Belt. I have made a group of really nice friends who go out of the way to greet me and then there are those who avert their eyes and or let their dog poop on my lawn. I know who my friends are in the neighborhood and we are thick as thieves. I welcome their questions. One asked me 'where do you think you go after you are dead?' and I said the worms will eat me, as I will be buried in a natural cemetery, next or on top of my dog. For a while he teased me with 'worms are going to eat you' and I laugh. We are still friends and I have never reacted negatively to his comments. Why wold I?


I usually will wait to be asked if I am religious. Then I will say no. If I want to tell someone I am not religious, I would probably say, "Personally, I don't believe in religion", and if they ask me why I will explain. It shouldn't be a problem for you to be able to express your point of view if they are allowed to express theirs.


i tell only the ones who ask me. to be a muslim and one day to say to people who know you you are an atheist its like you make a decision to die! so i chose to tell only who i am sure that they will understand and who don't judge.


I tell then I'm a True Non-believer.

Andy, that's exactly what I do also!


I say, "I am an unabashed atheist!" If christians are standing at my front door preaching I literally chase them off the property all the way to the curb and tell them to take their filth with them referring to their bibles and tracts. Two women once showed up at my door with a couple of young children in tow. I loudly accused them of child abuse, ordered them off the property an had one woman in tears on the sidewalk. I hope it was a revelation.


I think before you say anything it would be wise to carefully consider the ramifications of letting it be known. Some people have been rejected to the point that their friends quit talking to them, co workers stop talking to you, in some cases I've even heard about parents kicking teenagers out of their house.


I live in Tennessee and don't generally have many issues.

You know how you probably hate Jehova's Witnesses knocking on your door to preach the good word to you? Well religious people respond the same way to aggressive atheism. Just be chill, and don't focus on the topic too heavily.

Derek Level 2 Oct 2, 2017

I have to say I avoid the conversation when at all possible, nothing good can come from it, especially with friends. Usually, I just claim I am anti-organized religion, due to the damage it has done over the millennia to our people all over the world That usually suffices and the subject is dropped.

Dee56 Level 2 Oct 1, 2017

I don't tell anyone unless they ask, but if they ask I'll give them a straight answer.

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