Whether they be Witnesses, Mormons, or another proselytizing religion, how do you deal with people coming to your door to spread their religion?
I just had my first experience since getting a place of my own and had a decent conversation through the crack in my door. After I told him I was an atheist he tried to use apologetics; when I told him I was familiar with his arguments and didn't find them convincing further explaining that I take a scientific route of belief and chose not to believe until there is evidence for a god. He understood and thanked me for explaining and listening to him and he left with a handshake. I was surprised at myself for how civil I was to him but how does everyone else usually respond?
NMost people just say "I have my no own religion and im fine with it. No thanks"
You're WAY nicer than I am. I just tell them I'm too old for invisible friends.
You're WAY nicer than I am. I just tell them I'm too old for invisible friends.
I wonder if they turn away the Baptist when they knock on their door? We have a local Baptist Church that places flyers and propaganda throughout the community. The pastor sometimes goes door to door. Meh. He probably knows not to knock...
I must ask why is it necessary to come to your door in the first place? Surely if you had a tiny desire to buy an encyclopedia or seek religion, you would go to the place where a variety of the product is displayed? It can only mean that they are there to convince you of something against your will. Or to buy something you don't need, want, or afford?
I like to talk to them. The last JWs ran away. I was pleasant, but they didn't like the questions that I was asking and they quickly realized that there was no way they were going to convince me.
On my profile I checked "introvert"....maybe I need to re-evaluate my answer.
I used to live in an apartment complex and would get door knockers often I would sometimes ignore them if it was too early in the morning or I would answer take their printed materials and thank them,
I never attempted to debate any of them, They believe what they believe and most can't be swayed by logic I think door knocking is good for them, It gives them something to do that they feel is productive and keeps them out of trouble.
I just lift them up and let gravity do the rest!! ?
I love debating with them ! They don't have any solid reason for their position except that they 'believe' ! When I asked one for the evidence that would make me believe, he said I had to get it through prayer.
When I pointed out that, in that case, I'd have to believe first in order to get the evidence to make me do so, he had no answer !
Depends on how much time is available and my mood.
Some fun things might be asking them if they are Christians. Further inquiring about whether they just talk about Jesus or actually live by an follow hos recorded example can be fun.
If they calim to live by his example, that's when it's time to invite them in with a big welcoming smile. Offer them a seat while you fetch soap, a foot tub with warm water and a towel.
"My feet are pretty grubby. Who wants to be first?" ?
Depends on how much time is available and my mood.
Some fun things might be asking them if they are Christians. Further inquiring about whether they just talk about Jesus or actually live by an follow hos recorded example can be fun.
If they calim to live by his example, that's when it's time to invite them in with a big welcoming smile. Offer them a seat while you fetch soap, a foot tub with warm water and a towel.
"My feet are pretty grubby. Who wants to be first?" ?
I was an RN in Neuro Trauma ICIU for 20 years. I have seen enough of children die because they won't go against the JW shit. They would would rather have dead kid than allow any 'unclean' blood or blood products. Crazy.
@rossit0725 They 'live' in another mental world. On the blood thing and holiday(ritual behaviors) thing, I also reject, but for entirely different reasons.
Depends on how much time is available and my mood.
Some fun things might be asking them if they are Christians. Further inquiring about whether they just talk about Jesus or actually live by an follow hos recorded example can be fun.
If they calim to live by his example, that's when it's time to invite them in with a big welcoming smile. Offer them a seat while you fetch soap, a foot tub with warm water and a towel.
"My feet are pretty grubby. Who wants to be first?" ?
Those fools knock on my door I invite them for a talk about Allah, and I take down a thick book fromt the shelf and claim its the Koran. They usually run for the hills.
Until I lived in sheltered accommodation, my partner and I were living in an isolated cottage - J.W's came one day and they were really 'in need' we let them in and counselled them both for a while My partner and I are both Counsellors and they were extremely troubled, eventually it came out that a bishop had put his 'holy seed' into the mans wife and they were struggling to understand. I ma so glad that I have never ever had a religious bone in my body - let alone holy seed!
I have had many a person come to the door wanting to preach religion. What I found works so they don't come back is to know more about religion from a philosophical level. Thay leave better informed than when they arrived and as i do most of the talking lol i don't cop an ear bashing. Must admit have moved to the country they don't venture out here like the city.
Great tat. Almost all door knockers are JoHos in this country (was different in Canada). When you ask them basic questions about Genesis they often don't know the answers. When you point out the basic error of Creation where day and night are created three days before the sun and the moon, they never have an answer.
But the point of my responding is, these people never walk away better informed. They are close minded and have been brainwashed. Nothing ever gets through to them. Maybe you have had a different experience. Or maybe, you are just more articulate and convincing
I have had many a person come to the door wanting to preach religion. What I found works so they don't come back is to know more about religion from a philosophical level. Thay leave better informed than when they arrived and as i do most of the talking lol i don't cop an ear bashing. Must admit have moved to the country they don't venture out here like the city.
I had some JWs at the door a couple of weeks ago. I just said I wasn't interested as I am an atheist. They said OK and walked away. I felt a little sorry for them.
@LetzGetReal hmm, dunno why it had posted twice.
I simply would say ," no, thank you ." And gently close door.
@LetzGetReal lol, I don't think I am brave as you because I am the only atheist among my family. My mother , a pastor, warned me to never again speak of my mind since it does destroy her world.
I usually invite them in to continue the conversation over juice or tea.