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How do you deal with Door-knockers?

Whether they be Witnesses, Mormons, or another proselytizing religion, how do you deal with people coming to your door to spread their religion?
I just had my first experience since getting a place of my own and had a decent conversation through the crack in my door. After I told him I was an atheist he tried to use apologetics; when I told him I was familiar with his arguments and didn't find them convincing further explaining that I take a scientific route of belief and chose not to believe until there is evidence for a god. He understood and thanked me for explaining and listening to him and he left with a handshake. I was surprised at myself for how civil I was to him but how does everyone else usually respond?

Nicsnort 6 Oct 14

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I take there paper. Tell them im sorry, im aready committed, have a nice day. Ask them if they want their papers back. Say thank you. Shut the door with a smile.
There trying to do good for people. I don't want to hurt them.


I used to open the door completely naked and that seemed to work as they never came back

Sounds dangerous lol

Is it warm where you live? If not have you heard of a Walnut Whip?


I say, I am an atheist please do not come to my home again.


I just tell them I'm atheist and that they should fuck off.


I used to refuse to open the door, but then I figured, it's MY HOUSE & THEY are intruding onto MY space, why should I hide? So now I open the door with a huge smile on my face & invite them in - and without giving them a chance to get a word in edge-wise, I start preaching my Antago-theism to them and ridiculing their beliefs as idiotic rantings of morons, etc .. until they run for the door ..! I've have several grab their crosses & hold them up in my face, as if to fend off my evil, LOL!!


Coming from a Mormon background, I try to send them away with respect. Most door-knockers do not want the respect if it comes with a NO. They will still argue with me about my personal experiences and try to mansplain why things didn't happen that did. So I don't engage, just say no and shut the door.


Start talking about aliens


I used to be the one knocking on the door. I was indoctrinated from a small child and nothing I ever heard on "visitation" from someone objecting it got through to me nor deterred me as I had been conditioned to think I was saving people by bothering them. I don't open the door unless I've ordered food or can look out and see who it is, etc.


For the most part I shoe them away.
What gets me is the high street bible thumpers. Shouting at everyone that they are wrong and bad people. Now even though I am an atheist, I do know quite a lot about the bible and religion (a bit like lord of the rings). So I pull them up on doctrine. One woman was going at like nobodies business and I quoted "let your women be silent in the temple". Not I think that of women but she should if she really believes ALL the stuff in that book.
FYI the one to kill any fundamentalist christian argument is "was the last supper before or after the Passover"? Luke and Mathew say the opposite of each other.


YEARS ago, I had a Jehovah Witness come knocking on my door with his wife and child. I politely told him I was not opening the door because there was a knock, but I was literally heading out to work. He asked if he could come back at another time so I told him my schedule and let him know what times worked for me.

I HAD to invite him back. The wooden stair case leading up to my apartment looked very scary, and felt quite unstable.So if he was willing to traverse it, I was more than willing to listen to him.

The gentleman came back. We would talk over a cup of coffee. (i think he had tea??) The more he tried to convince me that what he believed was true and real, the more questions I would ask, and the more he started to dis-believe it himself. (you could see it in his eye's, and the expression on his face.)

This went on for a few weeks with a visit once a week, until one week he didn't show... then another.

Mind you, this isn't how I always deal with 'Door Knockers'... I have also...

-Answered the door with 666 written on my forehead, holding a whole chicken, and a large kitchen knife. While I look them up and down as though I had found a more suitable sacrifice.

-Answered the door with a giant smile saying "No thank-you, I have my own religion. But you are more than willing to come in and join us. There is plenty of Kool-aid for everybody."

-Answered the door and before they could say anything I ask "Is that religious shit." And just close the door in their face.

But most times I am polite. Just tell them I am not interested. I offer them a bottle of water or can of pop if it is a hot day. If they start to get pushy, then I pull out that I can't believe in a Gaud that would allow such suffering in the world. And if he is real, he is a piece of shit.

That is how I deal with Door Knockers.


It basically depends, door to door sales are usually told to piss off, God squad are usually given the hosepipe treatment or told to piss off just before I photograph them and warn everyone on Facebook that the loonies are doing the rounds again, had the God squad here once with kids, and that IS child abuse.


I think they gave up coming here ! But I used to be always polite and smiling, and told them I was glad they have found a belief system that works for them - however that it is very different than mine. End of discussion.


witnesses, tell them no , I am atheist and eat babies but only with catsup.


I tell them no soliciting. Then, I usually have to explain that they are trying to sell me a fairy tale. If they are still talking, then I'll tell them to have a nice day while I close the door.


I shut them down by saying I don't believe in any gods,therefore there is nothing for us to discuss. Bye.

I once told a couple of Mormon's that I'm Jewish and the Mormon faith is extremely hostile to Jews.


First and for most the respect for another human being. then i tell them that if there was any god, they wouldn't be at my door to tell me about it. That i do respect their right to belief, but i do not respect their ideas...


If I have time, I sometime will invite them (it seems always more than one) in for coffee and tea and have a little discussion. If I feel like being mischievious, invite them for a gay orgy next weekend, that usually will ensure their quick exit. Hahaha!


I live on an acreage. I have 2 big German shepherds and a sign on the gate that says " Please close gate - Dogs loose in yard". Once the JW's came and were "pinned" to their car - not allowed to get back in or step away from it until I came around to the parking area. I told them they should leave and never come back. They haven't.

I surely hope your Shepherds have a regular medical check-up.

Neil Young, formerly of the folk/rock group CSN & Y have a nice song about Alberta titled "Four Strong Winds" he says "weather's good there in the fall." Must really be a photographer's paradise there right now with all the colors of autumn.

If I ever get a chance to choose my place for retirement Canada is on top of my list


I simply say in my best Ruth Gordon impersonation, we belong to The First Church of Satan..come on in...!



My Dog keeps them away from the Door, if they show the nuts to come into the yard it takes only one look at my look and they go away!


Laugh and close the door.


I rarely ever have this happen. If I happen to see them coming, I don’t answer the door. If I’m caught off guard, I usually listen for a little bit but then tell them I’m not interested.


I often don't answer. We have "live reptiles" and "snakes present" signs on property as deterrents, which seem to be working. Occasionally, I will talk with them, getting their speech over as quickly as possible, taking the pamphlets.

Zster Level 8 Oct 14, 2017

Put a sign on the door "Cold callers will be composted


Many years ago, when I was married, a young (16-17) JW showed up at our door and wanted talk about marriage. We let him in and listened his adolescent musings for a few minutes, then politely showed him out. It was then I saw the 2 adults waiting on the sidewalk. Why hadn’t they come the door with him, I wondered? Then I realized this was not an attempt at proselytizing at all. It was deliberate alienation: they knew that everyone would reject this poor boy all day long, trying talk adults about marriage, and they were there console him and be his only friends. It’s part of creating a cult mentality: the world rejects you, but we’re here for you. The young man was sincere; the adults were predators.

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