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We have 4 nuclear powers lined up against each other on either side of the Syrian Conflict - US and ...
mattersauce comments on May 23, 2018:
You're stating your opinion as given fact and arguing that it is not being addressed properly as factual. This is an emotional discussion that has no potentially positive outcome for you.
Freedompath replies on May 24, 2018:
@mattersauce I simply don’t care to looked as if it is ‘your way or the highway!’ So be it...
We need sensible gun laws.
Freedompath comments on May 19, 2018:
Yes! We do need fewer guns...period! When enough people value people more than guns and realize that a delusional person with no prior mental illness, can in a sudden rage, kill one or many people! When and how, do we identify people developing mental illness, before they shoot up a school, a ...
Freedompath replies on May 24, 2018:
@WillP2020 I ‘know what I am talking about,’...were you speaking for yourself? Putting other’s down is not productive and does not indicate reason and logic!
Ever notice how Christians are always crying persecution, but are the main ones damning people to ...
dare2dream comments on May 23, 2018:
Taking away their privileges feels like persecution to them.
Freedompath replies on May 23, 2018:
Or infringement on THEIR right to call other people out, where they see THEIR God’s law not followed! Like, if there were a would not need human help!
We need sensible gun laws.
Freedompath comments on May 19, 2018:
Yes! We do need fewer guns...period! When enough people value people more than guns and realize that a delusional person with no prior mental illness, can in a sudden rage, kill one or many people! When and how, do we identify people developing mental illness, before they shoot up a school, a ...
Freedompath replies on May 23, 2018:
@CrankyAntie I would feel safer...I have a high tolerance for fear, I have been raped, robbed and beaten and I feel uneasy out in the world now, because of so many people with guns. Guns are a final solution!
We have 4 nuclear powers lined up against each other on either side of the Syrian Conflict - US and ...
mattersauce comments on May 23, 2018:
You're stating your opinion as given fact and arguing that it is not being addressed properly as factual. This is an emotional discussion that has no potentially positive outcome for you.
Freedompath replies on May 23, 2018:
@mattersauce a good many people can separate fact from fiction and still have an opinion, but you seem to think otherwise. Killing people is a fact and emotional issue, and I am against shooting into a crowd of people on both accounts!
An interesting article from the Psychiatric Times, rebutting a major tenet of Stephen Pinker's book ...
Ellatynemouth comments on May 23, 2018:
Stephen Pinker is another Jordan Peterson type. It's always depressing when these two are paraded on this site as the next best thing.
Freedompath replies on May 23, 2018:
Yes, I find something crucial...lacking in their approaches! Something, that makes me feel ‘very uneasy!’ I will figure it out, in time!
Where is the warrant for the arrest of ASSAD...on his war crimes?
Silver1wun comments on May 23, 2018:
The world and more ironically, the Arab world sit on their hands while the most powerful military in the region periodically bombards unarmed men, women and children in one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Gaza is the largest open air prison/ghetto in the world. It has no army, ...
Freedompath replies on May 23, 2018:
I must get MORE news that you do? There are many sources in use...
Moved into a new house recently and it just happen to come with a hot tub
Freedompath comments on May 22, 2018:
Aren’t you a lucky dog? Have fun!
Freedompath replies on May 23, 2018:
@josh23452 thanks...but working on gardens!
Why, at 52 years old, I feel like I've never been truly loved?
Silver1wun comments on May 22, 2018:
Because by the age of 52 you probably haven't been truly loved by you? In my view, that's where it begins and so many of us are crippled in that ability so early in life that we don't even understand what a vital role it plays in attracting love from others.
Freedompath replies on May 22, 2018:
@Silver1wun well put...I had the same thought along with my post, but couldn’t put it in!
I’ve been shot in combat.
bigpawbullets comments on Apr 28, 2018:
Well, I've been shot in combat, and I must respectfully disagree with the generality of this. I'd suggest that if a teacher or school administrator is comfortable with carrying a sidearm, and is proved competent to do so, then they should be allowed to.
Freedompath replies on May 21, 2018:
@Trajan61 how are going to secure all the ‘perimeters?’ It is not just schools! Will we all be forced to stay out of the ‘public square,’ because some disgruntled person wants to express his frustration by shooting up a few people or as many as possible?
I am not a perfectly giving person, but why has this Country chosen to withdraw aid to Northwest ...
IpraiseMYSELF comments on May 21, 2018:
Let Syria give aid to themselves or let them join the U.S. and pay taxes for aid! Mexico has been plagued by the mafia forever and they are our neighbors, but we do not offer them any aid! Maybe that would solve the illegals problem on the border if we liberated Mexico from the mob.
Freedompath replies on May 21, 2018:
We are not talking about ‘the mafia’ in Syria! How do you equate people wanted to be be free, with ‘the mafia’ this is a first for me! And what country has ever paid us taxes? I am guessing you dislike certain people from your post!
Best way to combat antisemitism is by firing live rounds at unarmed kids, Israel confirms
daddy2two comments on May 15, 2018:
Even wars that are ostensibly about religion are almost always about resources.
Freedompath replies on May 21, 2018:
@daddy2two I owe you nothing and I am giving my informed opinion, which is as good as the one you offer! I have many more years observing this situation, than you, that counts for something! Furthermore, why are you so insistent that I debate you...I simply have no interest in doing so! Things presented here can be taken to heart or dropped, you seem not to understand that! I don’t need to prove anything to YOU and I am baffled as to why you seem to think I should? I don’t relate well, with people who push me up against the wall! By force... is not free thinking or exchange!
Does anyone else talk aloud to themselves?
CrazyQuilter comments on May 20, 2018: Smart people talk to themselves.
Freedompath replies on May 20, 2018:
@tymtravler me too!
Impeach-a-Palooza Upon the impeachment, indictment or otherwise the resignation of Donald J.
Charlene comments on May 20, 2018:
I've already stockpiled champagne..
Freedompath replies on May 20, 2018:
Will be coming to your place...this will be the celebration to end all celebrations, for as long as we are alive!!!
Impeach-a-Palooza Upon the impeachment, indictment or otherwise the resignation of Donald J.
Bakunin comments on May 20, 2018:
If he's impeached, he can still remain in office, as did Bill Clinton. If he's ousted it's potentially worse as then we have to deal with Pence in office, and he is legit scary in his christian worldview. Plus we would have a deposed tRump marauding around with his racist base holding him up as a ...
Freedompath replies on May 20, 2018:
It is a no win situation, until we get past the next 2/1/2yrs! But, there is still a good possibility,Pence, was in on the Russian deal! God talks to him...
Dumb & Dumber
HippieChick58 comments on May 20, 2018:
A new depiction of white trash. Sadly rich white trash, but trash nonetheless.
Freedompath replies on May 20, 2018:
Description is so ‘right on!’ Once upon a time I knew people that strove to have ‘class’...the kind of class that presented a moral and ethical high ground, even though they had little wealth! I still know a few of those people!
We need sensible gun laws.
Freedompath comments on May 19, 2018:
Yes! We do need fewer guns...period! When enough people value people more than guns and realize that a delusional person with no prior mental illness, can in a sudden rage, kill one or many people! When and how, do we identify people developing mental illness, before they shoot up a school, a ...
Freedompath replies on May 20, 2018:
@CrankyAntie we need fewer guns! Guns in the hands of disgruntled people is dangerous! I have witnessed to many people killed by guns in my own family and heard personal stories from other people! Few people live in the ‘wild Wild West,’ that need guns for protection! A lot of gun violence is perpetrated within households! Mentally ill people are hard to pin down before hand, and the law does not allow people to be detained, just because somebody thinks a person is ‘off his rocker’ and even if he were mental health treatment is not the same as fixing a broken leg!
He just tweeted that the "war" on coal is over. What a jackass...
of-the-mountain comments on May 19, 2018:
trump spews out about 50,000 coal jobs which will be less than 35,000 next year due to automation! Renewable like Wind and Solar have created over 500,000 and more Jobs to come! trump is so overtly more worried about a Chinese Cell phone manufacture saving over 75,000 Chinese jobs that he is ...
Freedompath replies on May 19, 2018:
Wouldn’t you say that he is just playing a game (unknown to others), he really cares nothing for anyone or any country!
Best way to combat antisemitism is by firing live rounds at unarmed kids, Israel confirms
daddy2two comments on May 15, 2018:
Even wars that are ostensibly about religion are almost always about resources.
Freedompath replies on May 19, 2018:
@daddy2two you are free to ask whatever question you wish, I do not seem to understand what point you are making, it is really very simply, I do not understand your communication. You will need to find someone who can grasp where you are coming from! But, I owe you nothing and you keep digging as if I do!
Best way to combat antisemitism is by firing live rounds at unarmed kids, Israel confirms
daddy2two comments on May 15, 2018:
Even wars that are ostensibly about religion are almost always about resources.
Freedompath replies on May 18, 2018:
@daddy2two I have no desire one way or the other...what a strange question?! The way you are framing the question needs personal contact! I have just spent the last month moving and this subject matter takes more time to get into with deeper thought, than I can do at this time!! But, I do know what dehumanizing is...and it can be disguised into a pretzel!
Best way to combat antisemitism is by firing live rounds at unarmed kids, Israel confirms
daddy2two comments on May 15, 2018:
Even wars that are ostensibly about religion are almost always about resources.
Freedompath replies on May 18, 2018:
@daddy2two what about the blockade by Israel and Egypt? 700,00-850,000, were forced off their land 70yrs ago and not allowed to return! We have a different opinion on what constitutes dehumanizing? People crammed into a small space is dehumanizing to me!
Best way to combat antisemitism is by firing live rounds at unarmed kids, Israel confirms
daddy2two comments on May 15, 2018:
Even wars that are ostensibly about religion are almost always about resources.
Freedompath replies on May 17, 2018:
@daddy2two the Palestinian’s social order does not compute with Israel (Jews). They are Muslim... they are not accepted as equals in any way.
Have you conquered what you are afraid of ?
NothinnXpreVails comments on May 17, 2018:
The death of my son fucked me up. I don’t really care if I live or die. What’s the point? There’s no definition of ‘happiness’ that I even understand, anymore. Fear is a mechanism in place to alert an animal to get out of a situation in order to preserve life. It’s just fucking gone in ...
Freedompath replies on May 17, 2018:
I would say, you were slammed with the ‘big one,’ the loss of a child is not something I have had to face, but I am certain that it would be the ultimate ‘everything!’ I know others that have experienced that loss, they are diffferent now. Your sorrow is warranted. You must create a different place for yourself! My Best!
Have you conquered what you are afraid of ?
KevinTwining comments on May 17, 2018:
Except for insects. I like bees, ladybirds (ladybugs?), and I’m ok with small, ethereal little things that don’t have nasty habits. Everything else can do one. Especially moths. No moths, especially the big hairy ones. Nope.
Freedompath replies on May 17, 2018:
LOL...’no moths’ swat does those suckers in, if they want to kiss you!
He is a liar.
DrewShourd comments on May 17, 2018:
...and I know NO one is surprised...EVERY politician lies, especially the Prez. I am NOT sticking up for Trump, I didn't vote for him, I am slamming EVERY president. With that said, some one please tell me of one president that didn't 'lie'....I'll be waiting right here....go ahead.....
Freedompath replies on May 17, 2018:
The problem with this president is not just that he slants the truth, he lies about insenificant things...for what reason? He seems to not know what truth is, except whatever comes up in his mouth!
Shame Man Rattle my bones into shame, tell me where I am bad.
Freedompath comments on May 16, 2018:
Quiet a poem, must be left over from religious experience!
Freedompath replies on May 16, 2018:
@ejbman wow! I feel limited! Try me on another one! Abstract is not my strong suit, anyway!
There is a move towards religious fundamentalism in the world, particularly among the Abrahamic ...
NotConvinced comments on May 16, 2018:
It does not deserve respect, but the right to believe what you want, as long as it physically harms no one is important. The problem is, when I tell a Christian that I will die for their freedom to believe, only 2 out of ten will reciprocate.
Freedompath replies on May 16, 2018:
@NotConvinced of course I am justifing my position, same as you! You appear to be putting me beneath you...that certainly does not exemplify ‘selflessness!’ Your argument want hold have exposed your inner workings!
A Sane Revolution If you make a revolution, make it for fun, don't make it in ghastly ...
Freedompath comments on May 15, 2018:
Could be...done! Worth thinking about!
Freedompath replies on May 16, 2018:
@moNOtheist good thing that I did not know that history! I just committed on the written piece!
Shame Man Rattle my bones into shame, tell me where I am bad.
Freedompath comments on May 16, 2018:
Quiet a poem, must be left over from religious experience!
Freedompath replies on May 16, 2018:
@ejbman that is deeper than my little brain...can assimilate! I will trust you here...
There is a move towards religious fundamentalism in the world, particularly among the Abrahamic ...
NotConvinced comments on May 16, 2018:
It does not deserve respect, but the right to believe what you want, as long as it physically harms no one is important. The problem is, when I tell a Christian that I will die for their freedom to believe, only 2 out of ten will reciprocate.
Freedompath replies on May 16, 2018:
@NotConvinced your last paragraph is your opinion, to say that a person is ‘not truly good nor real,’ cannot be a ‘fact!’ Many circumstances play into why any person behaves in certain ways, at different times. Is there any person that is completely ‘selfless,’ all the time...’even for the right reasons?’ I think not!
There is a move towards religious fundamentalism in the world, particularly among the Abrahamic ...
NotConvinced comments on May 16, 2018:
It does not deserve respect, but the right to believe what you want, as long as it physically harms no one is important. The problem is, when I tell a Christian that I will die for their freedom to believe, only 2 out of ten will reciprocate.
Freedompath replies on May 16, 2018:
Should we offer to ‘die’ over any right or stand tall protecting human rights? I am not willing to die for anyone, even if it turns out that I lose my life standing for human’s rights?
A Sane Revolution If you make a revolution, make it for fun, don't make it in ghastly ...
Freedompath comments on May 15, 2018:
Could be...done! Worth thinking about!
Freedompath replies on May 16, 2018:
@AMNOTGOD yes, I knew he was dead, but dead people’s writing can still have food for thought!
It is very difficult to conduct an adult conversation on politics or social controversies, even on ...
Clauddvon comments on May 15, 2018:
There is no grey area with me. If you are a Trump supporter, then you are also a supporter of sexual assault and sexual deviance. Since the Bus crap that he spewed, I've been disgusted by him and anyone that associates themselves with him. If you support Trump, then you, by association and ...
Freedompath replies on May 16, 2018:
@njoy_life_2 no way was I defending trump...but, ‘there is some good in the worst of us and bad in the best of us,’ I am trying to not let my rashional disdain for trump...not do ME in!
Best way to combat antisemitism is by firing live rounds at unarmed kids, Israel confirms
daddy2two comments on May 15, 2018:
Even wars that are ostensibly about religion are almost always about resources.
Freedompath replies on May 16, 2018:
@daddy2two their ideas are ‘less than’ in the eyes of Israel! Then they take the land!
Noam Chomsky spoke about climate change recently, and said climate scientists have estimated 5C by ...
Marine comments on May 14, 2018:
If you are a republican you will deny climate change even if you die but they will still try to make a buck that they will never spend
Freedompath replies on May 16, 2018:
@NotConvinced can you be so sure?
It is very difficult to conduct an adult conversation on politics or social controversies, even on ...
Clauddvon comments on May 15, 2018:
There is no grey area with me. If you are a Trump supporter, then you are also a supporter of sexual assault and sexual deviance. Since the Bus crap that he spewed, I've been disgusted by him and anyone that associates themselves with him. If you support Trump, then you, by association and ...
Freedompath replies on May 15, 2018:
I can see you are VERY serious! But, trump may have some redeeming qualities that we are not aware of...i’m Just saying!!!
Noam Chomsky spoke about climate change recently, and said climate scientists have estimated 5C by ...
Marine comments on May 14, 2018:
If you are a republican you will deny climate change even if you die but they will still try to make a buck that they will never spend
Freedompath replies on May 15, 2018:
@NotConvinced one of us does not know what condescending language is...
At what age do you start to feel "old"?
Slappy_Longarms comments on May 15, 2018:
age is just a matter of wearing it well til we're old enough to die.✊ That's when you're old.
Freedompath replies on May 15, 2018:
Perfect sum up...
Noam Chomsky spoke about climate change recently, and said climate scientists have estimated 5C by ...
Marine comments on May 14, 2018:
If you are a republican you will deny climate change even if you die but they will still try to make a buck that they will never spend
Freedompath replies on May 15, 2018:
@NotConvinced bantering is ok...but, I wonder why so much sarcasm in some of your responses? It feels more like...’one up on the others!’
Best way to combat antisemitism is by firing live rounds at unarmed kids, Israel confirms
daddy2two comments on May 15, 2018:
Even wars that are ostensibly about religion are almost always about resources.
Freedompath replies on May 15, 2018:
This area seems more so about ideology! Preserving it, at any cost to human beings!
Would it be possible for the atheists in the world to demand on mass their own country?
Yogisan comments on May 15, 2018:
Yes, we could "demand" our own country until the cows come home. Actually getting it, on the other hand would be a whole different story. Maybe if we all pitched in we could buy that Jim Jones property in Guyana.
Freedompath replies on May 15, 2018:
Bad energy...can you imagine the energy left in that place?
Would it be possible for the atheists in the world to demand on mass their own country?
NotConvinced comments on May 15, 2018:
What are your ideas? It's courteous if you ask a subjective question to offer a response to it as well.
Freedompath replies on May 15, 2018:
Just make your decision on what you would do with other’s post...and expect the same at the other’s end! Telling others what and how to do and be...usually goes over like a lead balloon!
Does anyone have a parent (mostly male) that suffers from dementia and or altzheimers and are ...
JustinPalmer comments on May 15, 2018:
My uncle has dementia and altzheimers. It's scary watching him because we are very much alike or at least we were. He had a wonderful talent at painting and woodworking, even made a living at building things for people. Now he can't read a tape measure or draw a stick figure. I can't help but to ...
Freedompath replies on May 15, 2018:
I wonder if it isn’t harder on the people who must watch a once vibrate person, not be ‘that,’ person anymore! My friend who is 93 with Alzheimer, keeps saying that she wants to live to be 100 (she has said this for the 45 yrs that I have known her). And I keep thinking about her children who must care for her! Lucky for her, they are very caring!!
Noam Chomsky spoke about climate change recently, and said climate scientists have estimated 5C by ...
NotConvinced comments on May 14, 2018:
We have air conditioning these days...The Dinosaurs couldn't manipulate their environment.
Freedompath replies on May 15, 2018:
@NotConvinced, @EdEarl I think that NotConvinced, is blowing his own horn, and cares not about others view points or facts! He has his own thing’s ok to learn the hard way...let’s see where he ends up?
Noam Chomsky spoke about climate change recently, and said climate scientists have estimated 5C by ...
NotConvinced comments on May 14, 2018:
We have air conditioning these days...The Dinosaurs couldn't manipulate their environment.
Freedompath replies on May 15, 2018:
@NotConvinced I would rather be the ‘whiner,’...than the person, that ‘does not care!’
Does anyone have a parent (mostly male) that suffers from dementia and or altzheimers and are ...
Rugglesby comments on May 14, 2018:
I certainly don't think as clearly as I did even 5 years ago, only my son notices but he lives with me. I don't think it is any more than aging and too much in my head, I did burn my brain out a couple of times over the years and each time it has lost a little ability. No dementia on either side of...
Freedompath replies on May 15, 2018:
Poor coping skills...on your mom’s part!
Noam Chomsky spoke about climate change recently, and said climate scientists have estimated 5C by ...
Marine comments on May 14, 2018:
If you are a republican you will deny climate change even if you die but they will still try to make a buck that they will never spend
Freedompath replies on May 15, 2018:
@NotConvinced would you mind telling me where these ‘climate controlled sunkened green houses’ are? I am interested to know how many are working now?
Noam Chomsky spoke about climate change recently, and said climate scientists have estimated 5C by ...
Marine comments on May 14, 2018:
If you are a republican you will deny climate change even if you die but they will still try to make a buck that they will never spend
Freedompath replies on May 15, 2018:
@NotConvinced you have lots yet to learn my friend...
Noam Chomsky spoke about climate change recently, and said climate scientists have estimated 5C by ...
NotConvinced comments on May 14, 2018:
We have air conditioning these days...The Dinosaurs couldn't manipulate their environment.
Freedompath replies on May 14, 2018:
@NotConvinced your black and white outlook is limiting, too!
Noam Chomsky spoke about climate change recently, and said climate scientists have estimated 5C by ...
Marine comments on May 14, 2018:
If you are a republican you will deny climate change even if you die but they will still try to make a buck that they will never spend
Freedompath replies on May 14, 2018:
@NotConvinced what about destruction of food sources? Will hot houses be enough to feed millions! And what about support for those hot houses? What about storms that destroy hot houses and people, because of increase in temperatures! What about illnesses brought on by higher heat...for certain people?
He's not who the majority of us want to be president.
patchoullijulie comments on May 13, 2018:
That's the six million dollar question. He was mentioning extending the 8 years term limit at one of his cult gatherings this week. He has mentioned this before and it makes me very uneasy.
Freedompath replies on May 13, 2018:
@mtnhome have you ever wondered what trump is like, with all the people who are propping him up...alone he can’t be all that powerful in his own mind!?
He's not who the majority of us want to be president.
TampaHeathen comments on May 13, 2018:
I favor voting the Dems into power in Congress during the midterms this year, sit back and enjoy Trump suffering through the scandals for the next two years, then vote the whole administration out in 2020. Anything that keeps Pence from becoming president.
Freedompath replies on May 13, 2018:
I vote with your plan...but, what to do with those people with their head in the sand!
He's not who the majority of us want to be president.
Mooolah comments on May 13, 2018:
He was voted in because people believed the hype & didn't bother to vote. They believed the polls & thought Hillary was a shoe in. Look what happened. He took Kenosha Wisconsin by 300 votes. I am always too afraid not to vote. Milwaukee had a very low turn out. Because people did not "like" Hillary ...
Freedompath replies on May 13, 2018:
Let’s not forget Cambridge Analytica, they really did some mind control with some people! That is hard to fight!
When you question life and all the shit thats involved with life do you reflect on past reflections...
Ride_Captain comments on May 12, 2018:
Failures are failures. Nobody gets thru life without them. You are the only one that knows what they are. You are the only one who can fix them. If all that haunts you is regret, time to move on brother.
Freedompath replies on May 13, 2018:
@Ride_Captain not always easy, but necessary!
When you question life and all the shit thats involved with life do you reflect on past reflections...
SLBushway comments on May 12, 2018:
I do it quite frequently - not so much my failures but the failures of those who allegedly had my best interests at heart in my most formative years. The fact is my failures stemmed from those failures and I'm still trying to reconcile it to this day. For example, I was raised till 8 by an abusive ...
Freedompath replies on May 13, 2018:
As a mother and with half the abuse that you experienced, your story touched me deeply. But, one thing that I learned was, there are things learned in that kind of childhood that cannot be taught and they can be put to good use! We just have to tend our scars, so that they don’t become open wounds! Your story needs to be told, you are matter what happened to you!
Herr Trump Clown Prince is proof that inbreeding in USA is rampant .
HeathenFarmer comments on May 11, 2018:
If your country provided adequate funding for education ignorance would not be the norm.
Freedompath replies on May 12, 2018:
@XxDARKNEXUSxX I wonder if mental illness, should not be taken into account with education? I believe there are a lot more mentally comprised people than low IQs. My experience.
A horrifying update from Capitol Hill: Paul Ryan announced that within DAYS, the House will pass...
DenoPenno comments on May 11, 2018:
Our Kleptocracy government is not through yet and most people continue to drink the kool aid. My insurance lady told me this morning that our area being hit with almost a 40 cent per gallon gas price increase really meant nothing. She says they raised prices because "it's summertime." That type of ...
Freedompath replies on May 12, 2018:
Yes...I hear similar stories! How to understand where these people are coming from is simply not in my ‘view finder!’ Sometimes I wonder if I am CRAZY!
Is the dark web out there monitoring all the devil worship on this site?
Texasrunner comments on May 4, 2018:
I would find it hard to believe that if the people on this site do not believe in a God, then they would believe in the devil.
Freedompath replies on May 5, 2018:
@Charlene omg, who knew!!!
Is the dark web out there monitoring all the devil worship on this site?
Freedompath comments on May 4, 2018:
That is surely an interesting thought! Sooner or later, everything comes out into the open...
Freedompath replies on May 5, 2018:
@EdEarl what is even more important than hidden thoughts is...respect for the individual's private expressions! People are developed over time, not produced right out of the womb...fully baked!
Astonishingly healthy, amazingly fit, tremendously strong!
DenoPenno comments on May 5, 2018:
The problem here is that we put up with this bullshit and nobody bats an eye. The GOP sees nothing wrong. If it gets into other lies told and facts jacked around nobody even cares. Irate Trump supporters continue to talk Hillary and Obama if you bring up this crap and you have no idea what they are ...
Freedompath replies on May 5, 2018:
...and it HURTS!
Over 1,100 leading economists sent a letter to President Donald Trump urging the president to ...
skeptic99 comments on May 4, 2018:
It's obvious to everyone -- including liberals like Michael Moore -- that Reaganism has deindustrialized the country, wiped out the middle class and impoverished the working class. Trump is trying to reverse these Reagan policies -- which, sadly, the Democratic Party establishment has also bought ...
Freedompath replies on May 5, 2018:
Without the proper education and training...there want be people for the jobs here. On one my area the people at the low end are not good workers, there is a shortage of help. It appears that people in my area are less educated and not well balanced emotionally! This person makes a poor employee and there are lots of them!
Astonishingly healthy, amazingly fit, tremendously strong!
michaelcancook comments on May 4, 2018:
Unfortunately at the least, three more miserable years. ????
Freedompath replies on May 5, 2018:
Please...don't give him one extra day, I think it is about 3 and half years, but if justice prevails, a whole lot sooner!!!
Fucktardery at it's finest! How Repugnantcnts reproduce.
Freedompath comments on May 3, 2018:
That is horrible...I can't laugh!
Freedompath replies on May 4, 2018:
Even the people who hoped they were sane...may be falling into the darker side!!!
Does anyone have an opinion of the swinger lifestyle?
Freedompath comments on Feb 24, 2018:
Well, I am afraid I would de-friend you as well. I cannot see how the human condition is lifted up or improved in the least...with this life style. Your friends must, most llikely be people who have your same interest. If that suits all of you, then so be it. Sexual pleasure is wrapped up in so ...
Freedompath replies on May 3, 2018:
@Flettie I am sorry that you took it that way! I have limited time in my life especially in old age and I would have nothing of common interest, so I would chose to move on! I am certain there would be plenty for you to disagree with me on but,..'rancid taste of judgement' is not what I feel or think! I make judgments everyday on whether I agree or disagree on many matters! But, I do not judge your humanity one way or the is always valued.
I thought this was funny.....
Freedompath comments on Apr 28, 2018:
It seems to me that the human is taking on his demons...and mightly, I might add! The children, are asking for help from 'outside' and 'inside,' themselves!
Freedompath replies on Apr 29, 2018:
Here is what I found...about the children; one is praying before the 'cross,' (religious, something outside themselves). The other child is kneeling in the middle of the room, asking themselves (within their own nature) to win the spelling bee. On the mortal with the Elephant; the mortal has a mice biting at his heels, and the Elephant creature has a hatchet and various other things circling, which in my mind represents the demons we face and the mortal is taking this on with all his might! That is what I perceived of the pic, if it represents something that I missed, that just goes to show how one person can perceive things totally different from their appearance!
[] I hope this works.
phxbillcee comments on Apr 28, 2018:
It did, but why didn't you just save it & post directly?
Freedompath replies on Apr 28, 2018:
'Master,' I need to figure this out, too! Maybe when I get past this move in 2 more days!
Despite So Much Winning, The Right Feels Like It's Losing : NPR
iamjc comments on Apr 27, 2018:
I dunno, that seems a rather slipshod presentation by npr. I'm no right winger by any means.... The story is just badly written so I don't know what the focus is supposed to be.
Freedompath replies on Apr 27, 2018:
I was thinking something wasn't coming through to me as I was reading the was confusing to read. Glad I am not alone!
The Fox and Friends people have that stunned "deer caught in the headlights" expression on their ...
KKGator comments on Apr 27, 2018:
"I got her a beautiful card." This stupid fucking asshole is going to sink himself on so many levels. He can't help himself. I'm going to go out on a limb here, and predict that within 6 months of his leaving office (through whatever means), she's going to divorce his loser ass.
Freedompath replies on Apr 27, 2018:
@KKGator what assets...if he has any free and clear, they may all get tied up, if things fall down all around him!
Fox News call-in interview with DJT.
Freedompath comments on Apr 26, 2018:
I heard it too...MEDS want work here...trump is TOO far gone! We might as well be patient until HIS reality comes crashing down! HOW did the insane take over...tell me again?
Freedompath replies on Apr 27, 2018:
@EllenDale let's face it...the MAN will never be taken seriously! Not even his supporters take him seriously...he is like a 'god head,' to them! That is not grounded in reality!
Fox News call-in interview with DJT.
Freedompath comments on Apr 26, 2018:
I heard it too...MEDS want work here...trump is TOO far gone! We might as well be patient until HIS reality comes crashing down! HOW did the insane take over...tell me again?
Freedompath replies on Apr 27, 2018:
@EllenDale LOL...
Fox News call-in interview with DJT.
phxbillcee comments on Apr 26, 2018:
He rambled, he lied, he accused, he almost cried. He is such an idiot! here's a shorter take on it that went down much easier...
Freedompath replies on Apr 27, 2018:
@phxbillcee Ha! Ha! Ha!...i'd say your taking your new fame, seriously!
Fox News call-in interview with DJT.
phxbillcee comments on Apr 26, 2018:
He rambled, he lied, he accused, he almost cried. He is such an idiot! here's a shorter take on it that went down much easier...
Freedompath replies on Apr 27, 2018:
So glad you posted that, 'cause I missed it! Lol the fast action was too-o funny!
What’s your favorite euphemism for ?
MikeFlora comments on Apr 26, 2018:
The Ridiculous Fool and his merry band of idiots. If he had shit for brains it would be a major improvement.
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
@MikeFlora me too...
A pastor told me today that he is sorry that I have not felt the love of god.
BillNyeIsMyGod comments on Feb 26, 2018:
I got kicked out of a youth group because I was gay and believed in a woman's right to choose. I was like 15 or 16 and the leader told the entire group I was a homosexual, that he didn't approve of me, and I shouldn't be there. I'm sorry for them because if they cannot accept who I am and love ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
That was so cruel...thankfully you do not belong with 'their kind,' but, how hurtful! I feel that hurt and I wasn't even there!! I can still be shocked at the total lack of respect for one human being toward another! I hope you got past that asap!
Oasis In the desert as the sun goes down we sit in silent study.
Freedompath comments on Apr 26, 2018:
That's my paradise...
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
@tnorman1236 I know it is so strange how people really do prefer one or the other! I love trees, but not hovering over me, sucking my life out! And, I don't do well in humidity and cold! I will visit anywhere, but I just remembered, I don't care for caves either!
Fox News call-in interview with DJT.
Norie comments on Apr 26, 2018:
Did he say anything they can get him for??
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
It was so confusing, it didn't make sense, one way or the other! A person would need to get his ideas order to use them against him!
Ever wonder, for no particular reason, if you will make it through the night?
bleurowz comments on Apr 26, 2018:
Nah, I just wonder if I'll sleep through the night.
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
You are so fortunate...I don't have the problem now, but could sleep better!
Fox News call-in interview with DJT.
silverotter11 comments on Apr 26, 2018:
I'm recovering from hip surgery, do not need more pain or suffering. hahahah
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
Hurry up and get know what is ahead of us!! My best!
Oasis In the desert as the sun goes down we sit in silent study.
Freedompath comments on Apr 26, 2018:
That's my paradise...
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
@tnorman1236 I will be leaving for my desert home hopefully by middle of next week! I am a desert person, first time I ever encounter it, more than 38 yrs ago!
What’s your favorite euphemism for ?
MikeFlora comments on Apr 26, 2018:
The Ridiculous Fool and his merry band of idiots. If he had shit for brains it would be a major improvement.
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
Just when you think we have run out of a unique vision of show up!!! Lol
Seemed like a good place to leave this.
Freedompath comments on Apr 26, 2018:
...average Americans making 50-75 thousand a year!!! Obscene...still obscene!
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
@KKGator what a fool...some-un-known force, seems to be trying to 'snuff out,' lower income people! Well, it isn't going to happen, as we have a right to be here...and we must never give in or give up!!! ( I want to blame it all on the GOP, but they can't be all of it!)
Freedompath comments on Apr 26, 2018:
Wow...that was almost TOO, real! So real that it hurt!
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
@RobertNappi2 yes, I know kinda first brother was in the and rescue, died at 59, diabetic, had to be brought on by agent orange! May be why it hit me 'straight on!' I wish you well...
This could be an SNL skit.
Freedompath comments on Apr 26, 2018:
Yes, I caught that this am...just when you think HE, can't get worse...HE DOES! Plus, how did 'fox and friends ' keep a straight face!
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
@shockwaverider it is going to be a SPECTACULAR TRAIN the not so near future!!
Seemed like a good place to leave this.
Freedompath comments on Apr 26, 2018:
...average Americans making 50-75 thousand a year!!! Obscene...still obscene!
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
@KKGator the main problem is...when food, housing, healthcare, transportation and utilities are aren't ask what your income is, so they can adjust it accordingly...everyone regardless of income pays the same except maybe housing, that is if you can find cheap rent!
This could be an SNL skit.
Charlene comments on Apr 26, 2018:
The man has an awesome ability to implicate himself!...lololololol
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
Well put...
This could be an SNL skit.
phxbillcee comments on Apr 26, 2018:
Damn! He's even more unhinged than I thought! I think the pressure is getting to him. In his 'business' he was always able to bail out. He can't do that now, & it's freaking him!
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
When will that stress on his 'line,' sink what I am wondering? There are people in mental hospitals at this moment, with better mental capacities!
TheAlcoholic, RhymingSlime In response to a cheesy joke and still sleepy a little rhyming slime: ...
Freedompath comments on Apr 26, 2018:
That is a duzzie, I would say...the end of the road!
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
@FrayedBear now who needs antibodies that bad, yuck!?
Seemed like a good place to leave this.
Qualia comments on Apr 26, 2018:
When will these old white patriarchal zombie fux die already??? F!!!
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
My thoughts too...they seem to live forever! I am not against living, but...
Seemed like a good place to leave this.
Freedompath comments on Apr 26, 2018:
...average Americans making 50-75 thousand a year!!! Obscene...still obscene!
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
@of-the-mountain I know...I was even going to the higher end!! Most teachers don't make this much!
Ever wonder, for no particular reason, if you will make it through the night?
CallMeDave comments on Apr 26, 2018:
Oh yeah. Those are the times of which one does not speaketh though.
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
Thank heavens you weren't giving advice when I was screaming out in psychic anguish! Lol It is fine now, but once-upon-a-time!
Ever wonder, for no particular reason, if you will make it through the night?
Ostopal comments on Apr 26, 2018:
Some days I hope I don't wake up......
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
Only when it is you need to leave! Everybody has a purpose, until then! Please claim yours!
Ever wonder, for no particular reason, if you will make it through the night?
BucketlistBob comments on Apr 26, 2018:
No... ive always wanted to be killed quickly if in an accident. Everybody wins whether they think so or not. Wife gets a check and all the stuff. I get to move on and see if theres a higher plane of existence. I dont have to suffer and others dont have to take care of me. Its a win win ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
I see your point...but, just think about 'leaving,' when it is your time...that is enough!
A friend told me yesterday that he thought Trump was inspiring and worthy of respect.
d_day comments on Apr 26, 2018:
I still remember losing several friends leading up to the election. One I remember vividly. I had said something denigrating about Cheeto Pendejo. She replied by telling me he's leading in all the polls. I replied, "it's easy to be ringleader when you're surrounded by clowns." That was the end of ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
It gets real tiring, trying to grasp where they are coming from! A safe distance must be kept, even when trying to remain friends!
TheAlcoholic, RhymingSlime In response to a cheesy joke and still sleepy a little rhyming slime: ...
Freedompath comments on Apr 26, 2018:
That is a duzzie, I would say...the end of the road!
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
@FrayedBear on second thought, I wonder if indeed he would build up antibodies, doing this? Never have heard of research, though!
TheAlcoholic, RhymingSlime In response to a cheesy joke and still sleepy a little rhyming slime: ...
Freedompath comments on Apr 26, 2018:
That is a duzzie, I would say...the end of the road!
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
@FrayedBear ...that brings to mind that I have heard that so long ago! Lol. People are strange...some of my habits may be reported as such in the future!! Lol
How hard was it on you to lose your childhood pet
Robotbuilder comments on Apr 9, 2018:
I had a tabby cat I had named Tigger. She was 20 years old, and up to the last month of her life, she was alert, playful and healthy. She started slowing down. She stopped going outside. And for some reason, when she washed herself the hair on her back would matt up. She got weaker and weaker....
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
It has been my experience that cats only live around 20s. I have watched many a friend's cat die and it was not an easy thing! Grieving is a kind of work, but we must do it and are always better for having gone through it!
More lies, anyone?
Coldo comments on Apr 25, 2018:
And He Dresses Well
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
There must have been something behind the reason for those hats...and white? It struck me as 'off' somehow!
Any Robert Jordan Fans ? The Wheel of Time ? Possibly the best fictional series ever ?
Freedompath comments on Apr 25, 2018:
Sorry, I am a non-fiction person (a realist), but I see that you are new and I wanted to say welcome and how I would love your dogs!
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2018:
@EvoQ I could so relate to what you home was nice and paid for and yet it too, was a prison! I have not one close friend here! They are all else where! I wish you luck and keep in touch, you would be welcome to my desert home! I feel free at last...that is if I can get out of this condo, by Monday! I had to give my dog up when I became disabled 10 yrs ago, but as soon as I get back to Deming, I intend to get myself another rescue!
Looks like MACRON, is on the opposite side of trump!! We really aren't alone, after all!
dkp93 comments on Apr 25, 2018:
So is Macron playing Trump the way Trump played his supporters? The touchy feely bromance between them is nauseating to watch!
Freedompath replies on Apr 25, 2018:
It for sure seems contradictory in actions, but his speech to Congress was all against trump!
Too funny... ://[]
Emme comments on Apr 25, 2018:
Have a point for effort. I can't get it to play on my phone.?
Freedompath replies on Apr 25, 2018:
Me, either


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