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How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?

I live in America and am surrounded by Christians.
Whenever I talk about myself to religous people, I want to say ,"I am an atheist". Do you say that? Is there a better way?

Bingogwak 6 Sep 10

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At this time, I don't say anything about my personal beliefs. However, I'm making progress. How?
I no longer tell people "I'll pray for them" especially in situations where they're asked for. Instead, I tell family and friends and even strangers I'll be thinking of them or I'm sending positive thoughts and vibes their way. If point blank asked, I say that I don't believe there's some guy in a white robe up in the sky waving a magic staff deciding one person will get cancer and another will win the lottery. We all have control of our own lives. [BTW, I'm from Georgia (USA) so my actions are considered blasphemous.]

That's what I do too. I don't say that I pray for them. Ive since heard from a Budhist that prayer is having positive intentions for someone. We could say we pray and mean that. However, they will think that we mean it in the traditional sense. So, unless we define it for them, we would be promoting their views.


Telling a Christian your an atheist tends to kill the conversation in my experience

Yes, good point. That is why I address that question as detailed above.


I usually avoid religious discussions the way I avoid discussions about Harry Potter or any other work of fiction. If, however, I am dragged into a religious discussion, I inform them that the scriptures were written by a bunch of people with no Idea of how to store grain. This allowed hallucinatory fungus (ergot) to grow and make people see a lot of strange things like talking snakes, talking bushes that burn funny, haloes around heads, and angels. This usually gets them to change the subject

Love it 🙂


The best way is what works for you. It doesn't have to be a secret, or the main topic. It depends on the environment and circumstances. If someone brings it up, or imposes their views, I may share mine. I'm not embarrassed, ashamed, or scared because believers are the majority. The deciding factors for me are whether I'm inclined at the time, and whether I believe my words will resonate.

No one of us should be embarrassed, ashamed, or scared.
Remember that We are right and they are wrong.

tonia: I agree, "no one should be....",but some are.

I am proud being a atheist .

Bingogwak: That's great


Yes Lucy, I am discovering groups like this and am so glad to have fellow non believers! I do get the fisheye at work but there is no way I could be like them or want to stoop to their blind faith. Someone said to me the other day I am so nonjudgemental and I thought to myself, that's because I'm not religious. Lol...

That's an added side effect of (good though), can't not believe the stupid things and all the actually times, and worried that consumed my life, Not sure what really happened to flip the switch in my head, but I've never been this calm and happy and content in my life. Think it was many factors hitting at the same time, I use to endure life, now I enjoy life! Even though I have limited mobility I do not let it stop me now. Take care!


You don't tell them.... Let them believe you are one of them. One more bogus belief on their plate is not going to hurt them ?

I love it !!


Ah what fun.

I will usually introduce a discussion that includes the many past (burning witches, killing gays) and current atrocities and lessons taught in the bible, (human sacrifice, the fun a killing babies, slavery OK, sell daughter as sex slave).

Eventually they will tell me they are a Christian and occasionally ask if I am Christian, At that point I can talk about how Christians are supposed to get their morality from a god that killed nearly everybody during the flood etc etc . . and how the stories of the bible paint their god as an insecure self riotous monster. This is all laid out in their holly book.

I tell them my sense of morality is much less destructive to society then those of Christians because, in addition to not accepting (faith) (belief without evidence) claims as truth, I realize there is no invisible sky daddy to forgive anything I do that is destructive so I take responsibility for my actions in our social environment.

So, No, I am not a superstitious theists as I use evidence to evaluate truth claims.


I don't go out of my way to tell people, but if the subject is broached, I just say I'm an atheist, plain and simple. I don't begrudge anyone their beliefs, so I expect the same. It is usually met with an uncomfortable silence, and then on to a different subject!


Say, "Atheist," with pride. I do. I had to tell a couple of whom I will be babysitting for, and, they asked about my, "Beliefs." I was actually told by another Mom whose son I babysit that she was told, "You know she's an Atheist." I was so disappointed. Like, I was going to apologize. No way. I told the couple that I will not be embarrassed. Or, ashamed. I couldn't be.

I have found most theists have no idea what an atheist (one that finds insufficient evidence to support a god assertion) is. I have run into theists that think atheist believe in the devil and perform blood rituals. Seriously.

That is so embarrassing. They are too ignorant to do research.


I just say “I’m an atheist..” then wait for the shocked looks , eye rolls, lectures,and “well I’ll pray for you” to happen. As a general rule I find those reactions amusing, on occasion though, I have had folks lose their damn minds. It’s actually funny when I don’t bring it up , and the ever so annoying “well you know I’m CHRISTIAN..soooo.....” and my response? Oh, well I’m NOT. Either way , I don’t hide it , or hold back , however I don’t bring it up unless the subject of someone’s “religion “ comes up in conversation.


When asked about my religion, I smile and very calmly say, "I don't believe in it."
Then, if they persist (in horror), "You don't believe in God?!?"
"No, I don't believe in any of it."
"What? Don't you believe the Bible was written by God?"
"No, I don't believe in it."
"Well then, what DO you believe?"
"I believe I'll have another beer. What about you?"

Love it!


I just tell them that I have never seen any proof that God exists. But they can believe in what ever they want too! 🙂


I’m lucky in that I live in the UK and so ‘coming out’ as an atheist isn’t a big deal as it might be in some part of the US. However, my dad’s second wife is ‘born again’ and cannot say a sentence without mentioning Jesus. Oh, and she cheated on my dad but got away with it by saying that ‘her lord would forgive her’. I called her out on her bullshit on Facebook once and her reply was that I “wouldn’t be laughing when I was being judged after I was dead”. Horrible horrible woman.

But mostly I associate with free-thinkers, many of which are agnostics, atheists or secularists. Some nicer Christians accept it and use it as a topic for discussion and perfectly okay with it.

Which reminds me of a story of when I was flying to NYC once. I found myself sat next to what I thought was a Catholic priest. He had the burgundy cassock, skull cap, crucifix around his neck, the works. I was dreading an eight hour flight but I actually had one of the most enjoyable trips of my life. He told me that he was an Orthodox Catholic, a small sect in the Southern US that supported gay marriage, women’s rights and women bishops. They weren’t a rich dinomination but raised money for the homeless and addicts. Priests were allowed to marry and he introduced to me to his husband. And I kid you not but he was called Bill (short for Bartholomew) and his husband Ted! Such a nice guy. But when I told him straight out that I was an atheist, he shook my hand and said “That’s good, because you believe something


I don't really talk about my lack of religion unless the other person wants to talk about it. And at that point I usually say something like "yeah, that's not for me" or "I'm not into that".

smox Level 4 May 6, 2018

Well, why do you think that to say “I am an atheist” is a bad way so much that you have to find a better way. Now, most Christians I know do not start with “Hi, I’m a Christian”. If they do, then you can say “Hi, I’m an atheist”. But what most of them do is to tell you, at the end of a conversation “god bless you”. Which is their own way, depending on the response they get, of finding out who is Christian and who is not. In any case, if they tell me “god bless you” I can say “I don’t believe in god”. But the main point I want to make is: be proud to say what your beliefs are. Are you afraid you would loose their friendship? Do you need them?

Yes i need them in the special group of meeting but I m not afraid of loose them . They say they are christans proudly , so i just say i am a atheist honestly .

@Bingogwak If you lose friends over your lack of theism....they weren't really friends to lose, were they?

@LucyLoohoo I was going to say the same thing, but I don’t really know the social situation of @Bingogwak.


If we are all identifying our religious identity, I tell them whatever flavor Im feeling most like that day (atheist, agnostic, secular humanist, etc.). If that hasnt come up, I don't tell them. If they make a comment like they assume that I agree with their religious view, and I dont, I may ask questions about their assumptions or make a comment asking them to reflect on why they think that way.

People I know well on a personal level, all know I'm an atheist.


I guess it all depends on how close that person is close to you. For the most part because I'm the one who seldom if ever bring up the topic. If they are people that I am meeting for the first time and they have no effect on my life, I just say that I'm a non-believer. If they persist I just tell them ,first politely, that I am not interested in their religious belief.

If they are aggressive in persisting to tell me their belief than I feel I can go on the offensive and tell them how ridiculous their belief are and I never feel guilty because they felt their belief is more important than mine to me and that's disrespectful.

As far as my family is concern they know that I'm not a believer.


Just tell them, if they judge you then they are a waste of your time anyways.


It's a matter of personal safety for me to remain "in the closet" with my lack of belief. I would lose my job, and would never be asked to play music with some of the greatest musicians around here. I have shared my lack of belief with my closest friends and members of my band. I shared it with my Mother, Brothers and sisters. That did not go well. I've been disowned. My sister said that I can't mention the name Jesus since I don't believe. On Facebook, my religion states, "not religious". If I were to go further, my life would change. Western North Carolina foothills is a place that it's best to keep your secrets.

Polly Level 4 Apr 19, 2018

Wow! I can't imagine that. It's weird seeing you having to "come out" as a non believer. There is no stigma here at all and you could never be fired for being an atheist.. (Australia)

@Shreditor1960 This country is free and a very nice place to live, but since the election of Trump and before. . . . Nationalism and religion have come out of the woodwork. I live in a part of America called the Bible belt. 10 churches are within 1 mile of me. Trump supporters everywhere. I dare not say what I believe or I will regret it. A time will come as soon as the young people are older that may change things, but it will be slow. And, you can certainly be fired here with another reason other than atheism. But the atheism will be the real reason.

@kozmic How do you embrace your oddballness. I feel like people think I'm "weird or strange". I isolate because of it. I'm trying to remember I'm unique and other's opinion do not matter but sometimes it's so hard. (To be commenting or actually posting is a major step for me.)

Polly, in your circumstances, you are bravely doing a lot. What you are able to do may make a difference for others.

@tendaheart2 I just love who I am. When people find out, they usually try to convert me. I can not be converted. I just look at them and laugh. . . . and say "Nice try". Mostly I am not invited to the "Reindeer games". It's as if my nose shines red and as I walk into the room, I am accompanied by Satan himself. LOL It's all good. I brought my kids up to either believe or not. 1 believes, 1 doesn't know what to believe, the other 2 are with me all the way. They saw what religion did to my parents. Not going to happen to me. It's just a matter of respect.


I just tell people that I am god, and when I pray, I talk to myself.


I politely say I am a nontheist, and if I have to, I walk away.


If they start talk about "god" I let them go for a while before asking them : "Which god?" They then usually say something about there being only one god. The answer that is why did their god say they can't have other gods before him. Sometime soon they change the subject or leave. Either is OK by me.

Exactly though I have found quite a few believers very interesting to talk to you if you just discuss things with them with grace and tact. Even in relation to non religious subjects.


I've had on more than one occasion people respond to me " but you seem so nice" or "seem like a good person" as if not believing makes me a bad person. I don't really care. But I do stay quiet about it at work. I don't think anyone here needs to know my politics or beliefs and I wouldn't want to my success here to be compromised because of them. It's illegal, but it happens.

I had a lady tell me "you don't look like an atheist!" Like, what does atheist look like? Lol

@Minta79 most Atheists I see for the first time look alert, undazed and interested in reality while most believers I see for the first time hang crucifixes in their cleavage or act dominant like TrumpOLINI shoving religion down people's throats....believers are capable of great violence while most Atheists seem involved in good businesses or are active problem solvers.... prEyer never solved a single problem

yes, courts and civil rights workers are slow if not refusing to protect Atheist workplace rights... I agree it is best to hide Atheism from bigots at work so that they ASSUME you are as stupid as they are


I don't unless they ask, to put me in a category when they know nothing else about me seems ridiculous ot me - lacking context . I live in Northern Ireland and am English so no one is really bothered what I am .

Whereas I assume if you are local it would be an issue.

@Palindromeman big issue hereabouts protestantism v catholicism rules. atheists and agnostics ignored.

This wasnt a joke it was real because some tourists here got a lift with a priest in his car and he asked them what religion they were and they said they were atheist and he asked them "But would you be catholic or protestant atheist?

@jacpod Oh, I believe it. I have never lived in a place where religion is even something that a person would bring up with you. But, let's face it, Northern Ireland has some form in that respect.


I simply say that I am an Atheist.

There is not better way-why should there be!

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